992 resultados para Adam, Adolphe (1803-1856) -- Biographies
Autobiography, national identity, immigration, Polish-German shared history, anomic interaction
Observações de laboratório sobre o pilideo Pomacea haustrum (Reeve, 1856) competidor-predador de planorbineos hospedeiros intermediários da esquistossomose mansoni mostraram que: Machos e fêmeas atingem maturidade sexual após um ano de idade, copulando preferencialmente pela manhã e ovipondo à noite. O tempo gasto nestes atos é variável; no caso da oviposição ele depende do número de ovos a serem postos. Os ovos são arredondados, com diâmetro médio de 3mm e coloração rósea que vai se alterando à medida que os embriões se desenvolvem. Com um período de incubaçãod e 15 a 23 dias, condicionado pela temperatura ambiente, eles resistem até 5 a 6 dias imersos em água sem danos aos embriões; independem de luz para eclodir. Os exemplares recém-eclodido têm, em média, 2,4 por 1,7mm de altura e diâmetro, respectivamente. Criados em isolamento crescem e sobrevivem mais que quando criados em grupo. Resistem pelo menos 90 dias fora d'água, mantendo-se neste período dentro das conchas, com o opérculo hermeticamente fechado, em anidrobiose. Nesta fase, podem morrer por ataque de larvas de dípteros.
Algumas observações de campo sobre o pilídeo Pomacea haustrum (Reeve, 1856), predador-competidor de planorbíneos hospedeiros intermediários da esquistossomose mansoni mostraram que: Cópula e oviposição são realizadas, preferencialmente, à noite e de madrugada. As desovas - cujas dimensões e formas dependem do número de ovos e tipos dos suportes - sao ovipostas, na maioria das vezes, de 6 a 10 cm acima do nível da água eclodindo após 9 a 30 dias de incubação; o número médio de ovos por desova foi de 236. A alimentação habitual deste molusco consiste de algas confervóides, além de vegetais aquáticos natantes e submersos; entretanto, e comum a utilização de outros materiais como alimento.Tem como habitat a zona marginal mais rasa das coleções hídricas onde e encontrado, predominando, aparentemente, nos ambientes lênticos. A distribuição espacial esta condicionada por determinadas características dos biótopos. Algumas aves aquáticas - anatídeos, ralídeos, etc.- revelaram-se importantes inimigos naturais, atacando além das desovas exemplares jovens e adultos; em determinadas condições podem constituir fator impeditivo da implantação e colonização de novos biótopos.
From September, 1980 to August, 1981 forty specimens of Haemulon sciurus from "Praia da Ribeira, Ilha do Governador", Rio de Janeiro State, were examined for parasites. In this paper, parcial results concerning only the collected trematodes are reported: Diplomonorchis leiostomi Hopkins, 1941 (first record in Brazil and in a new host); Lasiotocus beauforti (Hopkins, 1941) Thomas, 1959 (new host record); Genolopa ampullacea Linton, 1910; Parahemiurus merus (Linton, 1910) Yamaguti, 1938 (new host record): Aponurus pyriformis (Linton, 1910) Overstreet, 1973 and Diplangus paxillus Linton, 1910. Figures, measurements and comments of each species are given.
This paper discusses the development of Marx’s thought over a period of something like fifteen months, between the spring of 1843 and the autumn of 1844. The focus of the paper is Marx’s first encounter with classical political economy as he found it in the Wealth of Nations. The outcome of this encounter was presented by Marx in his Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. It is argued here that in the classical theory, with which he had hitherto been largely unfamiliar, Marx found all the elements he needed to synthesise the philosophical standpoint he had developed in the preceding months with political economy. The Manuscripts represent the first crucial stage in the development of this synthesis. This first encounter of Marx with classical political economy, and his first steps in the development of his synthesis, have received hardly any attention in the literature. The present paper seeks to fill this gap.
This paper discusses the development of Marx’s thought over a period of something like fifteen months, between the spring of 1843 and the autumn of 1844. The focus of the paper is Marx’s first encounter with classical political economy as he found it in the Wealth of Nations. The outcome of this encounter was presented by Marx in his Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. It is argued here that in the classical theory, with which he had hitherto been largely unfamiliar, Marx found all the elements he needed to synthesise the philosophical standpoint he had developed in the preceding months with political economy. The Manuscripts represent the first crucial stage in the development of this synthesis. This first encounter of Marx with classical political economy, and his first steps in the development of his synthesis, have received hardly any attention in the literature. The present paper seeks to fill this gap.
This paper supercedes an earlier attempt I made to pin down the meaning and significance of Adam Smith’s theory of productive and unproductive labour. (Strathclyde Discussion Papers in Economics, No.08-05) My conclusion then was that while Smith’s understanding of what was needed to achieve economic growth was sound, his discussion was marred by apparently conflicting definitions of productive labour. That (essentially conventional) interpretation does not, I now believe, do justice to Smith. Revision is therefore called for: hence the present paper.