330 resultados para Acetylcholinesterase (AChE)


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The volatile oil composition and anti-acetyl cholinesterase activity were analyzed in two specimens of Marlierea racemosa growing in different areas of the Atlantic Rain Forest (Cananeia and Caraguatatuba, SP, Brazil). Component identifications were performed by GUMS and their acetyl cholinesterase inhibitory activity was measured through colorimetric analysis. The major constituent in both specimens was spathulenol (25.1 % in Cananeia and 31.9% in Caraguatatuba). However, the first one also presented monoterpenes (41.2%), while in the Carguatatuba plants, this class was not detected. The oils from the plants collected in Cananeia were able to inhibit the acetyl cholinesterase activity by LIP to 75%, but for oils from the other locality the maximal inhibition achieved was 35%. These results suggested that the monoterpenes are more effective in the inhibition of acetyl cholinesterase activity than sesquiterpenes as these compounds are present in higher amounts in the M. racemosa plants collected in Cananeia.


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A deficiência de guanidino acetato metiltransferase (GAMT) é um erro inato do metabolismo da creatina caracterizado por hipotonia muscular, movimentos extrapiramidais involuntários e epilepsia. A doença é bioquimicamente caracterizada por acúmulo de guanidino acetato e deficiência de creatina e fosfocreatina nos tecidos dos pacientes afetados. Os mecanismos de disfunção neurológica que ocorrem nessa doença ainda são desconhecidos. A Na+,K+-ATPase desempenha um papel fundamental no sistema nervoso central (SNC), sendo responsável pela manutenção dos gradientes iônicos e pela propagação do impulso nervoso, consumindo cerca de 50% do ATP formado no cérebro. A acetilcolinesterase (AChE) é uma importante enzima regulatória que controla a transmissão de impulsos nervosos através de sinapses colinérgicas pela hidrólise da acetilcolina, e apresenta um papel fundamental na cognição. Com o propósito de ampliar o conhecimento sobre os mecanismos fisiopatológicos da deficiência de GAMT, esse trabalho teve como objetivo investigar o efeito do guanidino acetato, o principal metabólito acumulado na deficiência de GAMT, sobre as atividades das enzimas Na+,K+-ATPase, Mg2+-ATPase e AChE em estriado de ratos. A cinética de inibição da Na+,K+-ATPase causada pelo guanidino acetato também foi estudada. Além disso, investigamos o efeito in vitro do guanidino acetato sobre as atividades da Na+,K+-ATPase, Mg2+-ATPase e da AChE de hipocampo de ratos. Nossos resultados mostraram que o guanidino acetato não altera as atividades da AChE e Mg2+-ATPase. No entanto, a atividade da Na+,K+-ATPase foi inibida por esse composto guanidínico (CG), e a análise cinética mostrou uma inibição do tipo acompetitiva. Também foi demonstrada uma interação entre o guanidino acetato e o ácido arginínico, sugerindo um sítio comum de ligação entre esses dois compostos na Na+,K+-ATPase. Os resultados mostraram que, o guanidino acetato inibiu a atividade da Na+,K+-ATPase in vitro mas não alterou as atividades da Mg2+-ATPase e da AChE. Considerando que o guanidino acetato e outros compostos guanidínicos (CG) induzem a formação de espécies reativas de oxigênio e que a Na+,K+-ATPase e a AChE são inibidas por radicais livres, estudamos o efeito da pré-incubação de homogeneizado de hipocampo de ratos na presença de guanidino acetato sobre a atividade dessas enzimas. Além disso, o efeito da pré-incubação de homogeneizado de ratos com guanidino acetato foi investigado na presença e ausência de antioxidantes, tais como glutationa (GSH), trolox, taurina e L-NAME. A pré-incubação de homogeneizado de hipocampos na presença de guanidino acetato inibiu a atividade da Na+,K+-ATPase, mas não alterou a atividade da Mg2+-ATPase. No entanto, L-NAME e taurina foram capazes de prevenir tal efeito. Dessa forma, propõem-se que a inibição da atividade da Na+,K+-ATPase pelo guanidino acetato seja um dos mecanismos envolvidos na disfunção neuronal observada em pacientes com deficiência de GAMT.


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O uso de moluscos gastrópodes para estudos neurobiológicos é vantajoso porque seu sistema nervoso e comportamentos são intermediários em complexidade quando comparados a outros animais. Os padrões de atividade derivados do sistema nervoso central (SNC) são modulados por informações periféricas provenientes de vários quimio e mecanorreceptores, os quais desempenham funções importantes na manutenção da homeostase interna. Assim, juntos, elementos centrais e periféricos permitem ao animal modular seu comportamento respiratório de acordo com suas demandas metabólicas. O objetivo deste trabalho originou-se da necessidade da compreensão da atividade respiratória do caracol pulmonado terrestre Megalobulimus abbreviatus, da identificação dos neurônios do sistema nervoso central envolvidos no seu controle, bem como da organização da inervação de uma estrutura-chave envolvida no comportamento respiratório deste animal, o pneumóstoma. Realizou-se a identificação dos neurônios do SNC que controlam o pneumóstoma através de marcação retrógrada pelo nervo parietal posterior direito com cloreto de cobalto e biocitina; a descrição da morfologia e da histologia da região do pneumóstoma, assim como a análise da presença de monoaminas (método do ácido glioxílico), atividade acetilcolinesterásica (AChE, técnica de Karnovsky & Roots) e de imunorreatividade a FMRF-amida (imunoistoquímica) nesta região. Também foi realizada a investigação sobre uma provável relação entre o sistema dopaminérgico, serotoninérgico e peptidérgico (FMRF-amida) com os neurônios identificados por marcação retrógrada nos gânglios nervosos centrais, através da comparação entre os neurônios retrogradamente marcados com neurônios imunorreativos à tirosina hidroxilase (TH), serotonina (5-HT) e FMRF-amida. Neurônios retrogradamente marcados foram encontrados nos gânglios pedais, pleural direito, parietal direito e visceral. Encontrou-se na superfície do tegumento do pneumóstoma um epitélio constituído de uma única camada de células cilíndricas, com microvilosidades ou cílios como terminação apical, envolvido por uma camada muscular bem desenvolvida. Foi possível verificar que a organização da inervação na região do pneumóstoma está constituída de uma rede neural para suprir a camada muscular e ramos neurais mais finos que estão mais densamente distribuídos em um plexo na camada epitelial e subepitelial adjacente, onde corpos celulares neuronais foram identificados (catecolaminérgicos ou com atividade AChE). A análise do padrão de inervação do pneumóstoma, juntamente com os dados da comparação entre neurônios retrogradamente marcados e imunorreativos no SNC, permitiu concluir-se que o neuropeptídeo FMRF-amida parece ter uma grande importância na regulação motora da região do pneumóstoma, assim como a 5-HT, que provavelmente possui uma função motora ou modulatória nesta região, enquanto que a participação da dopamina no controle respiratório deve ser principalmente sensorial, responsável pelas informações provindas do tegumento do pneumóstoma.


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In a previous study, we showed that purified commercial esterase activity can be detected in a chemiluminescent assay based on the hydrolysis of 2-methyl-1-propenylbenzoate (MPB) to 2-methyl-1-propenol, which is subsequently oxidized by the horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-H2O2 system. The purpose of this study was to verify the applicability of this assay to human serum. The existence of an esterase activity capable of hydrolysing MPB is indicated by the fact that the MPB-scruin-HRP-H2O2 System consumes oxygen and emits light. Both signals were abolished by prior serum heat inactivation and were preserved when serum was stored at less than or equal to4 degreesC. Addition of aliesterase inhibitors, such as fluoride ion and trichlorfon or the cholinesterase inhibitor eserine, totally prevents light emission. The butyrylcholinesterase-specific substrate benzoylcholine causes a delay in both O-2 uptake and light emission, while the specific acetylcholinesterase substrate, acetyl-beta -methylcholine, had practically no effect. Purified butyrylcholinesterase, but not acetylcholinesterase, triggered light emission. The finding that butyryleholinesterase is responsible for the hydrolysis of MPB in serum should serve as the basis for the development of a specific chemiluminescent assay for this enzyme. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk factors to the functional edentulism in adults aged 35 a 44 years old of Natal-RN, 278 adults took part in the study. They were all selected from a previous dental loss prevalence study thus being complemented by an active research. The study was a case-control based and data collection was made though a survey as well as with a clinical examination. The cases were identified through individuals with 20 or more teeth. Age and gender were used as variables of pairing off. The data was analyzed through chi-square, significant level of 95% to the checking of its force associations. The independent variables were grouped in three levels. The first one, more macro, is related to the region where the individual lives, which was also related to the second level, the family-based one, linked with a third level, at this low socio-economical level, where the domiciliary density was favorable, living in capital cities, regions with prime sanitary condicitions, with predominant possibility of accessing the public dental service, but in despite of this, only looking for this service when tooth ache is felt, where preferentially an aid dressing treatment is executed in detriment of preventive procedures. From all the samples, less than 25% of the individuals make use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages for quite a number of years. There was an association of functional edentulism with all the studied variables in a regional method. In the family-based with Critério Brasil (OR=4,45) and monthly wages (OR=9,62) and to an to an individual level, the associations took place with the current use of kind of attendance (OR=1,78), looks for dressing treatment (OR=2,51), does not look for preventive treatment (OR=3,31), pain as the main cause of demand (OR=1,92), previous treatment as the demanding reason for dental service (OR+0,28), interval of the last visit to the dental service (OR=1,35) and when advise was received (OR=1,66). It was noticed from the results that the functional edentulism is much more expressive in those families which live in environments with precarious social economical sanitary conditions. Such conditions seem to have a direct influence upon the family social economical conditions which are also shown in detriment to functional edentulism. In the same way, the collection of variants influence the social economical conditions of the individual, as well as the kind of dental service searched by them, the reason of the search and the interval of the last visit to the dental service were strong determiners to the functional edentulism. Beyond that, individual habits like the use of tobacco and its frequency on its previous use influenced in a significant way the existence of functional edentulism in the studied population


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For a complete comprehension of the effect of tooth loss is necessary to listen to the patients that have it. This study, of qualitative approach, investigate, in the dental history of users of SUS, listening to his/her experiences with the services of dental care, the reason that lead his/her to dental lost and the repercussion of this in his/her life. The collect of data was made by narrative interview, obeying to a pre-defined schema. The subjects interviewed were six (three of urban zone and three of rural zone), all of them were users of Family Health Units. The criterions of inclusion were the followings: the presence of tooth lost (total lost in both dental arch or in one of them, or partial lost in at least six elements in one of the arches); age between 25 and 59; male or female; to live in municipal district of São Tomé/RN or Natal/RN. Based on previous interviews was elaborated the odontological history of each patient. Such narratives, systemized in odontological history, were analyzed taking as base the studies of Souza71 and the proposal of Schutze, suggested for Jovchelovitch, Bauer34. The results show that toothache was the main reason for the search of odontological care. The patients confront the ache with home-made medicaments, allopathic ones, and searching for dental care. The searching for exodontics was stimulated for geographic access difficulties or for repressed demand, which as a result produced the aggravation of the lesions and the discredit in restoration s treatment. The self-care practice of tooth-brush with juá or toothpaste and the controlled ingestion of sugar was not sufficient to avoid dental lost. Guilty sentiments were identified in relation with lack of care with teeth. The acceptance of dental lost as a natural factor is an important motivation in lack of pain and in the belief that it was a simple part of life in old age. Life with dental prosthesis makes clear the difference between which was natural and which was unnatural, and difficulties with the prosthesis appeared. The limitation of the prosthesis in its functional aspect can be compensated by esthetic restitution, making possible smiling expression. Starting with this study and considering the high number of dental lost, mainly in low-rent population, which live with toothless limitations or bad-quality prosthesis which do not rehabilitate adequately, we suggested the realization of qualitative researches which include, also, another actors in heath care services such as professionals and administrators


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This study aims to compare a psychological evaluation test to classical psychoanalysis in infertile women. Two hundred women were submitted to the Psychological Evaluation Test (PET). The sum of the scores for the responses ranged from 15 to 60 points, with scores 30 points being defined as 'psycho-emotional maladjustment' (cut-off point: median + 25%). For comparison, the patients were simultaneously submitted to a psychological examination by a psychologist, who was unaware of the PET results. of the 200 patients, 66 (33%) presented a test with greater than or equal to30 points ('psycho-emotional maladjustment') and 134 (67%) a test with <30 points (normal). Upon psychological examination, 105 (52.5%) presented an abnormal evaluation and 95 (47.5%) a normal evaluation. For the PET, statistical analysis showed 82% efficiency, 62% sensitivity, 98% positive predictive value, 99% specificity, 70% negative predictive value, likelihood ratio for a positive test result 62, and likelihood ratio for negative test result 0.38. The PET proved to be a useful clinical instrument, being of help in the selection of patients with psychological needs induced by infertility.


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Pesticidas podem causar mutações gênicas e aberrações cromossômicas em indivíduos expostos. Investigamos 24 trabalhadores expostos a pesticidas, nos quais foram executados exames clínicos e testes citogenéticos e toxicológicos. Dez indivíduos não expostos foram usados como controles. Dosagem toxicológica de cobre, zinco e manganês (metais encontrados em alguns pesticidas), dosagem de enzimas hepáticas (GOT, GPT, AP) e atividade de acetilcolinesterase foram executadas em 16 trabalhadores e oito controles. Nos trabalhadores expostos, os sintomas clínicos mais pertinentes foram digestão pobre, com sensação de plenitude após alimentação, olhos irritados, enxaqueca e fasciculações. O grupo exposto mostrou dosagem de manganês e atividade de acetilcolinesterase significativamente mais baixas, e nível significativamente mais alto de fosfatase alcalina. Estudos citogenéticos mostraram freqüências de aberrações cromossômicas significativamente mais altas no grupo exposto quando comparado ao grupo de controle. Embora usassem vestuário protetor contra névoa de pesticidas, o qual incluía calças de borracha, botas, luvas, máscara e chapéu, os resultados clínicos revelaram que os trabalhadores foram contaminados. Concluímos que estudos citogenéticos, toxicológicos, juntamente com exames clínicos, são importantes no controle da saúde do trabalhador, mesmo em condições de proteção.


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Four population samples of Haematobia irritans (horn flies), collected from farms and subjected, or not, to insecticide control, were: analysed as to esterase bands by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Eight esterase bands were detected in this species, a low number when compared with flies of other genera. The reduced number of esterase variants of H. irritans is attributed to their parasitic behaviour and blood-dependence for food. Unlike other fly species whose esterase bands exhibit affinity to both alpha- and beta-naphthyl acetates, the esterases in H. irritans seem to be of a single kind, all preferentially hydrolysing a-naphthyl. The four populations were very similar as to esterase bands. In relation to the frequencies of patterns resulting from combining bands, Nova Alianca and Birigui were more alike than the other two populations. Inhibitors were used in an attempt to classify five of the esterase bands. The results indicate one acetylcholinesterase, two acetylesterases and two carboxylesterases.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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LASSBio-767 [(-)-3-O-acetyl-spectaline] and LASSBio-822 [(-)-3-O-tert-Boc-spectaline] were recently described as cholinesterase inhibitors derived from the natural piperidine alkaloid (-)-spectaline, obtained from the flowers of Senna spectabilis (Fabaccae). We investigated their mechanism of inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and their efficacy in reversing scopolamine-induced amnesia. Competition assays with the substrate acetylthiocholine showed a concentration-dependent reduction in rat brain cholinesterase V-max without changes in apparent K-m. The kinetic data for LASSBio-767 and LASSBio-822 were best fit by a model of simple linear noncompetitive inhibition with K-i of 6.1 mu M and 7.5 mu M, respectively. A dilution assay showed a fast and complete reversal of inhibition, independent of incubation time. Simulated docking of the compounds into the catalytic gorge of Torpedo acetylcholinesterase showed interactions with the peripheral anionic site, but not with the catalytic triad. Anti-amnestic effects in mice were assessed in a step-down passive avoidance test and in the Morris water maze 30 min after injection of scopolamine (1 mg/kg i.p.). Saline, LASSBio-767, or LASSBio-822 was administered 15 min before scopolamine. Both compounds reversed the scopolamine-induced reduction in step-down latency at 0.1 mg/kg i.p. LASSBio-767 reversed scopolamine-induced changes in water maze escape latency at 1 mg/kg i.p. or p.o., while its cholinergic side effects were absent or mild up to 30 mg/kg i.p. (LD50 above 100 mg/kg i.p.). Thus, the (-)-spectaline derivatives are potent cholinergic agents in vivo, with a unique profile combining noncompetitive cholinesterase inhibition and CNS selectivity, with few peripheral side effects. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)