488 resultados para ATOPIC-DERMATITIS


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Objective To determine whether Treponema-associated papillomatous digital dermatitis (PDD) occurs in Australian dairy cattle. Design Mail-out questionnaire and histological and bacteriological examination of biopsy tissue from suspect PDD lesions. Procedure The questionnaire was mailed to 375 veterinarians to evaluate their knowledge of PDD, determine if they had observed the disease in Australian dairy cattle, and to request biopsy material from suspicious cases. Biopsies were examined for histological and bacteriological evidence of PDD, including for the presence of spirochaetes. Results Eighty-eight replies to the questionnaire were received (23.5%). Of 52 respondents who were aware of PDD as a possible cause of lameness, 26 reported observing the condition in Australian cattle. Of 32 respondents who were unaware of the condition, 6 reported observing lesions that might have been PDD. The majority of reports of PDD-like lesions came from the southern Australian states, the condition occurring during periods of high rainfall and proving responsive to topical or parenteral application of antimicrobials. Biopsies from five erosive lesions showed histological similarity to PDD whereas biopsies from five proliferative lesions were consistent with chronic inflammation, fibroma or cutaneous papilloma. The presence of spirochaetes was not demonstrated in any of the lesions by histological or bacteriological methods. Conclusion Anecdotal reports and analysis of biopsy material confirm that a condition similar to PDD does occur sporadically in dairy cattle in southern Australia. However, this condition has so far not been shown to be associated with the presence of spirochaetes in the lesions.


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Objectives: To identify and demonstrate necrotizing dermatitis in infancy; an uncommon, puzzling syndrome, in which anecdotal reporting and personal experience indicates that one third of cases may require skin grafting. Much informed discussion about the pathogenesis of this distressing syndrome centres on the role of spider envenomation; and in particular on the speculative role of the Australian White-tailed spider, Lampona cylindrata. Methods: We present here six cases of necrotizing dermatitis treated surgically at the Royal Children's Hospital and Mater Children's Hospital in Brisbane over the period from 1991 to 1999. Clinical history, surgical details and pathological investigations were reviewed in each case. Microbiological investigation of necrotic ulcers included standard aerobic and anaerobic culture. Result: Nocardia and Staphylococcus were cultured in two cases, but no positive bites were witnessed and no spiders were identified by either the children or their parents. All cases were treated with silver sulphadiazine creme. Two of the infants required general anaesthesia, excision debridement and split skin grafting. The White-tailed spider, Lampona cylindrata, does not occur in Queensland, but Lampona murina does; neither species has necrotizing components in its venom. Circumstantial evidence is consistent with this syndrome being due to invertebrate envenomation, possibly following arachnid bites. Conclusion: In our experience there is insufficient evidence to impute a specific genus as the cause, at this stage of scientific knowledge. If the offending creature is a spider, we calculate that the syndrome of necrotizing dermatitis occurs in less than 1 in 5000 spider bites.


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The isolation of spirochetes from severe ovine foot disease has been reported recently by our research group. In this study we describe the preliminary classification of this spirochete based on nucleotide sequence analysis of the PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene. Phylogenetic analysis of this sequence in comparison with other previously reported 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the spirochete belonged to the treponemal phylotype Treponema vincentii which has been associated with bovine digital dermatitis and human periodontal disease. Further work is required to define the common virulence determinants of these closely related treponemes in the aetiology of these tissue destructive diseases.


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The 16S rRNA genes from spirochaetes associated with digital dermatitis of British cattle were amplified by polymerase chain reaction from digital dermatitis lesion biopsies using one universal and one treponeme-specific primer. Two treponemal sequences were identified both of which shared a high degree of homology with the oral pathogen Treponema denticola (98%). Two further 16S rRNA gene sequences were obtained and shared similarity to Bacteroides levii (99%) and Mycoplasma hyopharyngis (98%). Polymerase chain reaction with T. denticola-specific primers amplified a potential virulence gene from digital dermatitis lesions which shared a high degree of homology to the 46-kDa haemolysin gene of T. denticola. The significance of the presence of organisms in digital dermatitis lesions of the bovine foot which are closely related to oral pathogens is discussed.


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Contact dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin condition characterized by erythematous and pruritic skin lesions that occur after contact with a foreign substance. There are two forms of contact dermatitis: irritant and allergic. Irritant contact dermatitis is caused by the non–immune-modulated irritation of the skin by a substance, leading to skin changes. Allergic contact dermatitis is a delayed hypersensitivity reaction in which a foreign substance comes into contact with the skin; skin changes occur after reexposure to the substance. A medical condition referred to as “shoe dermatitis” is a form of contact dermatitis caused by the contact of the foot with parts of the shoe due to these materials. Shoe dermatitis is a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge and is a common type of contact dermatitis. It is imperative the foot and ankle physician become familiar with recognizing signs and symptoms of shoe dermatitis so that their patients can be accurately diagnosis and appropriately treated to avoid secondary infections and disability. This review will first present causative factors for the etiology of shoe contact dermatitis supported by clinical-based evidence as found in the medical literature. Secondly, a description of the signs and symptoms of shoe contact dermatitis will be presented in a narrative fashion. Finally, both treatment options and preventative measures to avoid shoe.


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RESUMEN: La Dermatitis Herpetiforme (DH) es una enfermedad ampollar autoinmune (EAI) que corresponde a la manifestación cutánea de la Enfermedad Celíaca (EC), más precisamente de la intolerancia al gluten. Clínicamente se manifiesta como una erupción papulo-vesicular pruriginosa, topografiada fundamentalmente en superficies de extensión de extremidades. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante el estudio histopatológico de piel lesional e inmunofluorescencia directa (IFD) de piel perilesional, la cual muestra hallazgos característicos. En su patogenia intervienen factores genéticos, inmunológicos, y ambientales. El tratamiento de elección es la dieta libre de gluten (DLG) y la Dapsona. Se ha reportado una asociación cercana al 15% entre la afectación cutánea e intestinal, no existe hasta el momento ningún estudio prospectivo que muestre la frecuencia real de EC en pacientes con DH


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En ocasiones, los brotes de dermatitis atópica pueden ser graves y de difícil control, resistentes a los tratamientos habituales. En estos casos podemos recurrir al empleo de curas húmedas, un procedimiento con buenos resultados y escasos efectos secundarios. Presentamos una serie de casos de cinco pacientes con brotes moderados-graves resistentes al tratamiento convencional, tratados mediante curas húmedas con betametasona o propionato de fluticasona diluidos al 10% en la crema hidratante durante un intervalo de tiempo de entre 4-6 días. Se obtuvo la resolución completa del brote en cuatro casos, continuándose en el caso restante las curas de forma domiciliaria durante 2-3 días más, con posterior resolución completa. Ningún paciente presentó efectos adversos.


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Atopic eczema affects many adults and up to 20% of children,1 with health costs comparable to diabetes2 and asthma.3 One community survey of 1760 young children in the United Kingdom found that 84% had mild eczema, 14% moderate, and 2% severe eczema.4 Topical corticosteroids are a mainstay of treatment for inflammatory episodes.5 Most long established topical corticosteroids such as betamethasone valerate or hydrocortisone are applied at least twice daily, but three newer preparations (mometasone, fluticasone, and methylprednisolone) have been developed for once daily application. Here, I propose that established preparations need be applied only once daily.


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Introducción: Las dermatosis profesionales tienen una alta incidencia, lo que conlleva considerables consecuencias médicas y laborales. Objetivos: Describir las características de la población afectada por dermatitis de contacto alérgica de origen laboral y los alérgenos responsables. Material y Métodos: Durante cinco años se incluyó a todos los pacientes diagnosticados de Dermatitis de Contacto Alérgica en una consulta de Dermatología en un hospital de referencia, con positividad a al menos un alérgeno presente en su puesto de trabajo. Resultados: En sector de cosmética el 93,7% fue causada por acrilatos, en peluquería un 72,7% fue causada por PPDA, en alimentación un 63,3% de los alérgenos fueron productos alimentarios, en construcción el 60% fueron causadas por cemento y en industria PPDA causó un 30%. Las manos fueron la principal área corporal afectada en todos los grupos laborales. Conclusión: parece recomendable mejorar la coordinación entre los facultativos de Medicina del Trabajo y de atención primaria con los facultativos dermatólogos, estableciéndose protocolos de actuación conjuntos que permitan disponer de un diagnóstico definitivo en el menor tiempo posible.


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In cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE), the pathogenetic role of cytotoxic granules has been demonstrated in the subacute and discoid subtypes, which show interface dermatitis, but little is known about tumid (T)CLE, which does not show this interface dermatitis, and evolves with minimal epidermal changes. We studied cytotoxic T lymphocytes and cytotoxic granules in discoid (n = 21), subacute (n = 17), and tumid (n = 21) CLE samples. Skin sections were immunohistochemically stained for CD8, CD56, perforin, granzyme A, granzyme B, and granulysin. Inflammatory cells containing the four subtypes of cytotoxic granules were found in all the three CLE forms; however, only the TCLE group showed a positive correlation between the density of CD8+ cells and each subtype of cytotoxic granule-positive cells. In addition, only the TCLE group showed synergy between the densities of cells containing cytotoxic granule subtypes. Cytotoxic granules are important in the pathomechanism of TCLE. They may perform functions other than apoptosis, including maintenance of inflammation and dermal mucinous deposits in TCLE.