399 resultados para ASM


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This research deals with processes leading to local strengthening effects in hot-rolled dual-phase (DP) steels. For this purpose, a method was investigated to achieve local strengthening, namely, local laser heat treatment (LHT). DP sheet steels were globally and homogenously deformed with different degrees of prestrains by cold rolling and subsequently locally heat treated by laser. Following this treatment with selected parameters, the microstructure of the surface and cross section of the heat-treated area as well as the mechanical properties were evaluated by light optical microscopy (LOM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), as well as transmission electron microscopy (TEM), hardness measurement, and tensile testing. It can be stated that with partial heat treatment, local high strengthening can be produced. At lower heat treating temperatures, this effect could be attributed to bake hardening (BH). Increasing the prestrain as well as temperature results in improving the local properties. With increased heat treating temperature, the initial microstructure near the surface is affected. Partial strengthening of DP steels by laser can open up new fields of application for locally using the strengthening effect to only influence relevant areas of interest, thus providing the potential for saving energy and designed the component's behavior.


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A preliminary study showed that the inhibitor lanthanum 4-hydroxy cinnamate ((La4OHcin)3) at a concentration of 400 ppm prevented the hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of SAE 4340 steel tensile specimens when tested under slow strain rate conditions in a 0.01M NaCl. In the presence of the inhibitor, a complex film formed on the surface of specimens during the slow strain rate test (SSRT), and no corrosion pits were detected. Electrochemical polarization studies indicated that the La(4OHcin)3 acted as an anodic inhibitor in the NaCl solution. This article also discusses the mechanism of HE inhibition by La(4OHcin)3.


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COS-7 cells transfected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) proviral DNA produce virus in which three tRNA species are most abundant in the viral tRNA population. These tRNAs have been identified through RNA sequencing techniques as tRNA(3Lys) the primer tRNA in HIV-1, and members of the tRNA(1,2Lys) isoacceptor family. These RNAs represent 60% of the low-molecular-weight RNA isolated from virus particles, while they represent only 6% of the low-molecular-weight RNA isolated from the COS cell cytoplasm. Thus, tRNA(Lys) is selectively incorporated into HIV-1 particles. We have measured the ratio of tRNA(3Lys) molecules to copies of genomic RNA in viral RNA samples and have calculated that HIV-1 contains approximately eight molecules of tRNA(3Lys) per two copies of genomic RNA. We have also obtained evidence that the Pr160gag-pol precursor is involved in primer tRNA(3Lys) incorporation into virus. First, selective tRNA(Lys) incorporation and wild-type amounts of tRNA(3Lys) were maintained in a protease-negative virus unable to process Pr55gag and Pr160gag-pol precursors, indicating that precursor processing was not required for primer tRNA incorporation. Second, viral particles containing only unprocessed Pr55gag protein did not selectively incorporate tRNA(Lys), while virions containing both unprocessed Pr55gag and Pr160gag-pol proteins demonstrated select tRNA(3Lys) packaging. Third, studies with a proviral mutant containing a deletion of most of the reverse transcriptase sequences and approximately one-third of the integrase sequence in the Pr160gag-pol precursor resulted in the loss of selective tRNA incorporation and an eightfold decrease in the amount of tRNA(3Lys) per two copies of genomic RNA. We have also confirmed herein finding of a previous study which indicated that the primer binding site is not required for the selective incorporation of tRNA(Lys).


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We have identified the tRNAs which are incorporated into both wild-type human immunodeficiency virus type 1 strain IIIB (HIV-1IIIB) produced in COS-7 cells transfected with HIV-1 proviral DNA and mutant, noninfectious HIV-1Lai particles produced in a genetically engineered Vero cell line. The mutant proviral DNA contains nucleotides 678 to 8944; i.e., both long terminal repeats and the primer binding site are absent. As analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, both mutant and wild-type HIV-1 contain four major-abundance tRNA species, which include tRNA(1,2Lys), tRNA(3Lys) (the putative primer for HIV-1 reverse transcriptase) and tRNA(Ile). Identification was accomplished by comparing the electrophoretic mobilities and RNase T1 digests with those of tRNA(3Lys) and tRNA(1,2Lys) purified from human placenta and comparing the partial nucleotide sequence at the 3' end of each viral tRNA species with published tRNA sequences. Thus, the absence of the primer binding site in the mutant virus does not affect tRNA(Lys) incorporation into HIV-1. However, only the wild-type virus contains tRNA(3Lys) tightly associated with the viral RNA genome. The identification of the tightly associated tRNA as tRNA(3Lys) is based upon an electrophoretic mobility identical to that of tRNA(3Lys) and the ability of this RNA to hybridize with a tRNA(3Lys)-specific DNA probe. In addition to the four wild-type tRNA species, the mutant HIV-1-like particle contains two tRNA(His) species and three tRNA-sized species that we have been unable to identify. Their absence in wild-type virus makes it unlikely that they are required for viral infectivity.


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The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 genomic RNA primer-binding site (PBS) sequence comprises 18 nucleotides which are complementary to those at the 3' end of the replication initiation primer tRNA(3Lys). To investigate the role of the PBS in viral replication, we either deleted the original wild-type PBS (complementary to tRNA(3Lys) or replaced it with DNA sequences complementary to either tRNA(1,2Lys) or tRNA(Phe). Transfection of COS cells with such molecular constructs yielded similar levels of viral progeny that were indistinguishable with regard to viral proteins and tRNA content. Virus particles derived from PBS-deleted molecular clones were noninfectious for MT-4, Jurkat, and CEM-T4 cells. However, infectious viruses were derived from constructs in which the PBS had been altered to sequences complementary to either tRNA(1,2Lys) or tRNA(Phe), although mutated forms showed significant lags in replication efficiency in comparison with wild types. Molecular analysis of reverse-transcribed DNA in cells infected by the mutated viruses indicated that both tRNA(1,2Lys) and tRNA(Phe) could function as primers for reverse transcription during the early stages of infection. Sequencing of full-length proviral DNA, obtained 6 days after infection, revealed the mutated PBS, indicating that a complete cycle of reverse transcription had occurred. During subsequent rounds of infection, reversion of the mutated PBS to wild-type sequences was observed, accompanied by increased production of viral gene products. Reversion to wild-type PBS sequences was confirmed both by specific PCR analysis, using distinct primer pairs, and by direct sequencing of amplified segments. We also performed endogenous in vitro reverse transcription experiments in which synthesis of minus-strand strong-stop viral DNA was primed from a synthetic RNA template containing a PBS complementary to various tRNA isoacceptors. These results showed that tRNA(3Lys) was a much more efficient primer of such reactions than either tRNA(1,2Lys) or tRNA(Phe).


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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) particles produced in COS-7 cells transfected with HIV type 1 (HIV-1) proviral DNA contain 8 molecules of tRNA(3Lys) per 2 molecules of genomic RNA and 12 molecules of tRNA1,2Lys per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. When COS-7 cells are transfected with a plasmid containing both HIV-1 proviral DNA and a human tRNA3Lys gene, there is a large increase in the amount of cytoplasmic tRNA3Lys per microgram of total cellular RNA, and the tRNA3Lys content in the virus increases from 8 to 17 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. However, the total number of tRNALys molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA remains constant at 20; i.e., the viral tRNA1,2Lys content decreases from 12 to 3 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. All detectable tRNA3Lys is aminoacylated in the cytoplasm of infected cells and deacylated in the virus. When COS-7 cells are transfected with a plasmid containing both HIV-1 proviral DNA and a mutant amber suppressor tRNA3Lys gene (in which the anticodon is changed from TTT to CTA), there is also a large increase in the relative concentration of cytoplasmic tRNA3Lys, and the tRNA3Lys content in the virus increases from 8 to 15 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA, with a decrease in viral tRNA1,2Lys from 12 to 5 molecules per 2 molecules of genomic RNA. Thus, the total number of molecules of tRNALys in the virion remains at 20. The alteration of the anticodon has little effect on the viral packaging of this mutant tRNA in spite of the fact that it no longer contains the modified base mcm 5s2U at position 34, and its ability to be aminoacylated is significantly impaired compared with that of wild-type tRNA3Lys. Viral particles which have incorporated either excess wild-type tRNA3Lys or mutant suppressor tRNA3Lys show no differences in viral infectivity compared with wild-type HIV-1.


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tRNA(3Lys) is a primer for reverse transcription in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), and the anticodon of tRNA(3Lys) has been implicated in playing a role in both its placement onto the HIV-1 genome and its interaction with HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT). In this work, the anticodon in a tRNA(3Lys) gene was changed from UUU to CUA (tRNA(3Lys)Su+) or, in addition, G-73 was altered to A (tRNA(3Lys)Su+G73A). COS-7 cells were transfected with either wild-type or mutant tRNA(3Lys) genes, and both the wild-type and mutant tRNA(3Lys) produced were purified by using immobilized tRNA-specific hybridization probes. Each mutant tRNA(3Lys) was tested for its ability to prime reverse transcription in vitro, either alone or in competition with wild-type tRNA(3Lys). Short RT extensions of wild-type and mutant tRNALys could be distinguished from each other by their different mobilities in one-dimensional single-stranded conformation polymorphism polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These reverse transcription products show that heat-annealed tRNA(3Lys)Su+ has the same ability as heat-annealed wild-type tRNA(3Lys) to prime RT and competes equally well with wild-type tRNA(3Lys) for priming RT. tRNA(3Lys)Su+G73A has 60% of the wild-type ability to prime RT but competes poorly with wild-type tRNA(3Lys) for priming RT. However, the priming abilities of wild-type and mutant tRNA(3) are quite different when in vivo-placed tRNA is examined. HIV-1 produced in COS cells transfected with a plasmid containing both the HIV-1 proviral DNA and DNA coding for tRNA(3Lys)Su+ contains both endogenous, cellular wild-type tRNA(3Lys) and mutant tRNA(3Lys). When total viral RNA is used as the source of primer tRNA placed onto the genomic RNA in vivo, only wild-type tRNA(3Lys) is used as a primer. If the total viral RNA is first heated and exposed to hybridizing conditions, then both the wild-type and mutant tRNA(3Lys) act as primers for RT. These results indicate that the tRNA(3Lys)Su+ packaged into the virions is unable to act as a primer for RT, and a model is proposed to explain the disparate results between heat-annealed and in vivo-placed primer tRNA.


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A stem-loop termed the kissing-loop hairpin is one of the most highly conserved structures within the leader of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and chimpanzee immunodeficiency virus genomic RNA. Because it plays a key role in the in vitro dimerization of short HIV-1 RNA transcripts (M. Laughrea and L. Jette, Biochemistry 35:1589-1598, 1996, and references therein; M. Laughrea and L. Jette, Biochemistry 35:9366-9374, 1996, and references therein) and because dimeric RNAs may be preferably encapsidated into the HIV-1 virus, alterations of the kissing-loop hairpin might affect the in vivo dimerization and encapsidation processes. Accordingly, substitution and deletion mutations were introduced into the kissing-loop hairpin of an infectious HIV-1 molecular clone in order to produce viruses by transfection methods. The infectivity of the resulting viruses was decreased by at least 99%, the amount of genomic RNA packaged per virus was decreased by 50 to 75%, and the proportion of dimeric genomic RNA was reduced from >80 to 40 to 50%, but the dissociation temperature of the genomic RNA was unchanged. There is evidence suggesting that the deletion mutations moderately inhibited CAp24 production but had no significant effect on RNA splicing. These results are consistent with the kissing-loop model of HIV-1 RNA dimerization. In fact, because intracellular viral RNAs are probably more concentrated in transfected cells than in cells infected by one virus and because the dimerization and encapsidation processes are concentration dependent, it is likely that much larger dimerization and encapsidation defects would have been manifested within cells infected by no more than one virus.


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This paper investigates how unchecked manipulations could cause frequent trade-induced manipulations and weak-form market inefficiency in South Asian stock markets [Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE)]. Specifically, the paper analyses the price–volume relationship as one of the many cases of market inefficiency. By employing various econometric tests, this paper first provides conclusive evidence of market inefficiency in these markets. It then extracts evidence of manipulation periods from legal cases and analyses price–volume relationship during these periods. The paper finds that there exists market-wide trading-induced manipulations, where excessive buying and selling causes prices to inflate artificially before crashing down. The paper concludes that South-Asian markets are inefficient in the weak-form.


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The effects of annealing on the microstructure, texture, tensile properties, and R value evolution of an IF steel sheet after room-temperature symmetric and asymmetric rolling were examined. Simulations were carried out to obtain R values from the experimental textures using the viscoplastic self-consistent polycrystal plasticity model. The investigation revealed the variations in the textures due to annealing and symmetric/asymmetric rolling and showed that the R values correlate strongly with the evolution of the texture. An optimum heat treatment for the balance of strength, ductility, and deep drawability was found to be at 873 K (600 _C) for 30 minutes.