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Alinite cements have been synthesized using mining and steel plant wastes and pulverized fuel ash (fly ash) as raw materials and a clinkering temperature of 1150°C. The cements possess hydration characteristics comparable to those of portland cements. X-ray diffraction studies on these samples confirm the presence of alinite as the predominant phase. MAS 29Si NMR spectra have been used to distinguish alinite and alite cements. While both show resonances characteristic of Q° type silicate species, the portland cements exhibit three distinct peaks corresponding to three inequivalent SiO4 units present, while alinite shows a single sharp peak corresponding to the unique Si position.


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A 35Cl NQR study of 2-chloro-3-pyridinol showed the presence of four NQR signals at 77 K. One of the lines showed a positive temperature coefficient of the NQR frequency. 1H NMR studies showed the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding, and the anomalous NQR temperature dependence has been explained in terms of Bayer and hydrogen bond effects. The room temperature x-ray structure and the low-temperature NQR data suggest the presence of a phase transition.


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Electron and x-ray diffraction experiments on the metlt-spun Al100−x Fe x (x=14, 18, 25) alloys are carried out. It is observed that all the melt-spun alloys possessing the quasi-crystalline phases have icosahedral point-group symmetry.


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We show that the large anomalous Hall constants of mixed-valence and Kondo-lattice systems can be understood in terms of a simple resonant-level Fermi-liquid model. Splitting of a narrow, orbitally unquenched, spin-orbit split, f resonance in a magnetic field leads to strong skew scattering of band electrons. We interpret both the anomalous signs and the strong temperature dependence of Hall mobilities in CeCu2Si2, SmB6, and CePd3 in terms of this theory.


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Crystal and molecular structure of a compound 4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-heptylbiphenyl carboxylate (7CBB), which exhibit both monolayer smectic A and nematic phases, have been determined by direct methods using single crystal X-ray diffraction data. The structure is monoclinic with the space group P21/c and Z = 4. The unit cell parameters are a = 16.9550(5) Aring, b = 5.5912(18) Aring, c = 27.5390(9) Aring, agr = 90.000°, β = 93.986(6)°, and γ = 90.000°. Packing of the molecules is found to be precursor to SmC phase, although SmA1 phase is observed on melting. Several strong van der Waals interactions are observed in the core part of the neighboring molecular pairs. Crystal to mesophase transition is probably of reconstitutive nature. Geometry, packing, and nature of crystal-mesophase transition are compared to those in 6CBB.


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The Fraunhoffer diffraction analysis of cloud-covered satellite imagery has shown that the diffraction pattern follows approximately cosine squared distribution. The overshooting tops of clouds and the shadows cast by them contribute much to the diffraction of light, particularly in the high-frequency range. Indeed, cloud-covered imagery can be distinguished from cloud-free imagery on the basis of rate of decay of the diffracted light power in the high-frequency band.


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We discuss the consistency, unitarity and Lorentz invariance of an anomalous U(1) gauge theory in four dimensions. Our analysis is based on an effective low-energy action valid in the chiral symmetry broken phase. The allegedly bad properties of anomalous theories (except non-renormalizability) are examined. It is shown that, in the low-energy context, the theory can be consistently and unitarily quantised, and is formally Lorentz covariant.


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Anomalous photoinduced transformations in amorphous Ge-based chalcogenide thin films are established as being due to photochemical modification of the surfaces, by photoemission studies. Mass measurements indicate that the giant thickness reduction on irradiation is predominantly due to the loss of material as a result of photogenerated volatile high vapor pressure oxide fractions on the surface. This extrinsic contribution contradicts the models of the phenomenon proposed so far, which are based purely on intrinsic structural transformations.


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Phase separation resulting in a single-crystal-single-crystal transition accompanied by a polycrystalline phase following the dehydration of hydrated bimetallic sulfates [Na2Mn1.167(SO4)(2)S0.33O1.167 center dot 2H(2)O and K4Cd3-(SO4)(5)center dot 3H(2)O] has been investigated by in situ variable-temperature single-crystal X-ray diffraction. With two examples, we illustrate the possibility of generating structural frameworks following dehydration in bimetallic sulfates, which refer to the possible precursor phases at that temperature leading to the mineral formation. The room-temperature structure of Na2Mn1.167(SO4)(2)S0.33O1.167 center dot 2H(2)O is trigonal, space group R (3) over bar. On heating the crystal in situ on the diffractometer, the diffraction images display spherical spots and concentric rings suggesting phase separation, with the spherical spots getting indexed in a monoclinic space group, C2/c. The structure determination based on this data suggests the formation of Na2Mn(SO4)(2). However, the diffraction images from concentric rings could not be indexed. In the second example, the room-temperature structure is determined to be K4Cd3(SO4)(5)center dot 3H(2)O, crystallizing in a monoclinic space group, P2(1)/n. On heating the crystal in situ, the diffraction images collected also have both spherical spots and diffuse rings. The spherical spots could be indexed to a cubic crystal system, space group P2(1)3, and the structure is K4Cd3(SO4)(3). The possible mechanism for the phase transition in the dehydration regime resulting in this remarkable single-crystal to single-crystal transition with the appearance of a surrogate polycrystalline phase is proposed.


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Neutron diffraction techniques have been employed to investigate the structure of PbO-PbCl2 glasses as a function of composition in the nominal range PbO.PbCl2 to 9PbO.PbCl2. It is concluded that, whereas the first Pb-O distance is well defined, the distribution of Pb-Cl distances is much broader, in agreement with a previous EXAFS study.


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A-DNA pattern, obtained using a flat plat camera, was indexed by Fuller Image on the basis of a c-face centred monoclinic cell with A = 22.24 Å, B = 40.62 Å, C = 28.15 Å and β = 97.0°. A precession photograph of A-DNA which gives an undistorted picture of the lattice, showed that the unit cell parameters as given by Fuller Image were not quite correct. The precession photograph showed a strong meridional reflection (R = 0.00 Å−1) on the 11th layer line. But the occurrence of the meridional reflection on the 11th layer line could not be explained on the basis of the cell parameters given by Fuller Image ; using those cell parameters the reflection which comes closest to the meridian on 11th layer line is at R = 0.025 Å−1. However, a simple interchange of a and b values accounted for the meridional reflection on 11th layer line. The corrected cell parameter refined against 28 strong spots are A = 40.75 Å, B = 22.07 Å, C = 28.16 Å and β = 97.5°. In the new unit cell of A-DNA, the packing arrangement of the two molecules is different from that in the old one. Nonetheless, our earlier contention is again reaffirmed that both right and left-handed A-DNA are stereochemically allowed and consistent with the observed fibre pattern.


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Using mitochondrial DNA for species identification and population studies assumes that the genome is maternally inherited, circular, located in the cytoplasm and lacks recombination. This study explores the mitochondrial genomes of three anomalous mackerel. Complete mitochondrial genome sequencing plus nuclear microsatellite genotyping of these fish identified them as Scomberomorus munroi (spotted mackerel). Unlike normal S. munroi, these three fish also contained different linear, mitochondrial genomes of Scomberomorus semifasciatus (grey mackerel). The results are best explained by hybridisation, paternal leakage and mitochondrial DNA linearization. This unusual observation may provide an explanation for mtDNA outliers in animal population studies. © 2013.


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Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography covers theoretical and fundamental aspects of the structure of matter. The journal is the prime forum for research in diffraction physics and the theory of crystallographic structure determination by diffraction methods using X-rays, neutrons and electrons. The structures include periodic and aperiodic crystals, and non-periodic disordered materials, and the corresponding Bragg, satellite and diffuse scattering, thermal motion and symmetry aspects. Spatial resolutions range from the subatomic domain in charge-density studies to nanodimensional imperfections such as dislocations and twin walls. The chemistry encompasses metals, alloys, and inorganic, organic and biological materials. Structure prediction and properties such as the theory of phase transformations are also covered.


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The possible nonplanar distortions of the amide group in formamide, acetamide, N-methylacetamide, and N-ethylacetamide have been examined using CNDO/2 and INDO methods. The predictions from these methods are compared with the results obtained from X-ray and neutron diffraction studies on crystals of small open peptides, cyclic peptides, and amides. It is shown that the INDO results are in good agreement with observations, and that the dihedral angles N and defining the nonplanarity of the amide unit are correlated approximately by the relation N = -2, while C is small and uncorrelated with . The present study indicates that the nonplanar distortions at the nitrogen atom of the peptide unit may have to be taken into consideration, in addition to the variation in the dihedral angles (,), in working out polypeptide and protein structures.