610 resultados para ANESTROUS MARES


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El simbolismo que cumple la naturaleza dentro de la lírica popular española es muy estudiado por críticos como Margit Frenk, quien analiza el significado lexicalizado del viento, las flores, el prado, los animales en los poemas populares. Estos no solo se presentan en los poemas líricos del siglo XV al XVII, recopilados por M. Frenk en su libro Nuevo corpus de la antigua lírica popular hispánica siglos XV al XVII, sino que además se trasladan en el tiempo y el espacio llegando a la Argentina y perduran todavía en los siglos XX y XXI. Siendo estos recopilados en distintas ediciones, trabajaremos con el Romancero tradicional argentino de Gloria Chicote como representante de los poemas populares más conocidos encontrados en Argentina que incluye poemas tales como La dama y el pastor, Don Gato, Las señas del esposo, entre otros. En este marco se propone interpretar el significado del agua (ríos, mares, lluvias, fuentes) y la tierra (prados, valles, montañas) empleados como símbolos en un conjunto de poemas populares- tradicionales que aparecen y se resignifican, en algunos casos, desde la antigua lírica popular española hasta las coplas y romances argentinos modernos


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La fonte et l’effondrement du pergélisol riche en glace dans la région subarctique du Québec ont donné lieu à la formation de petits lacs (mares de thermokarst) qui émettent des gaz à effet de serre dans l’atmosphère tels que du dioxyde de carbone et du méthane. Pourtant, la composition de la communauté microbienne qui est à la base des processus biogéochimiques dans les mares de fonte a été très peu étudiée, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la diversité et l’activité des micro-organismes impliqués dans le cycle du méthane. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc d’étudier la diversité phylogénétique et fonctionnelle des micro-organismes dans les mares de fonte subarctiques en lien avec les caractéristiques de l’environnement et les émissions de méthane. Pour ce faire, une dizaine de mares ont été échantillonnées dans quatre vallées situées à travers un gradient de fonte du pergélisol, et disposant de différentes propriétés physico-chimiques. Selon les vallées, les mares peuvent être issues de la fonte de palses (buttes de tourbe, à dominance organique) ou de lithalses (buttes de sol à dominance minérale) ce qui influence la nature du carbone organique disponible pour la reminéralisation microbienne. Durant l’été, les mares étaient fortement stratifiées; il y avait un fort gradient physico-chimique au sein de la colonne d’eau, avec une couche d’eau supérieure oxique et une couche d’eau profonde pauvre en oxygène ou anoxique. Pour identifier les facteurs qui influencent les communautés microbiennes, des techniques de séquençage à haut débit ont été utilisées ciblant les transcrits des gènes de l’ARNr 16S et des gènes impliqués dans le cycle du méthane : mcrA pour la méthanogenèse et pmoA pour la méthanotrophie. Pour évaluer l’activité des micro-organismes, la concentration des transcrits des gènes fonctionnels a aussi été mesurée avec des PCR quantitatives (qPCR). Les résultats montrent une forte dominance de micro-organismes impliqués dans le cycle du méthane, c’est-à-dire des archées méthanogènes et des bactéries méthanotrophes. L’analyse du gène pmoA indique que les bactéries méthanotrophes n’étaient pas seulement actives à la surface, mais aussi dans le fond de la mare où les concentrations en oxygène étaient minimales; ce qui est inattendu compte tenu de leur besoin en oxygène pour consommer le méthane. En général, la composition des communautés microbiennes était principalement influencée par l’origine de la mare (palse ou lithalse), et moins par le gradient de dégradation du pergélisol. Des variables environnementales clefs comme le pH, le phosphore et le carbone organique dissous, contribuent à la distinction des communautés microbiennes entre les mares issues de palses ou de lithalses. Avec l’intensification des effets du réchauffement climatique, ces communautés microbiennes vont faire face à des changements de conditions qui risquent de modifier leur composition taxonomique, et leurs réponses aux changements seront probablement différentes selon le type de mares. De plus, dans le futur les conditions d’oxygénation au sein des mares seront soumises à des modifications majeures associées avec un changement dans la durée des périodes de fonte de glace et de stratification. Ce type de changement aura un impact sur l’équilibre entre la méthanogenèse et la méthanotrophie, et affectera ainsi les taux d’émissions de méthane. Cependant, les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse indiquent que les archées méthanogènes et les bactéries méthanotrophes peuvent développer des stratégies pour survivre et rester actives au-delà des limites de leurs conditions d’oxygène habituelles.


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Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo


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El presente trabajo aborda el recorrido del agua como imagen poética en sus dos principales manifestaciones —aguas dulces y saladas— en las "Flores de poetas ilustres de España" (1605), antología lírica ordenada por el antequerano Pedro Espinosa paradigmática del manierismo literario español. Desde la cita erudita hasta el símbolo, pasando por el particular tratamiento de la tópica clásica y petrarquista que le sirve de sustancia en un contexto contrarreformista, así como por la característica personificación de ríos y mares que distingue a la obra, se hace patente el protagonismo otorgado a este elemento tanto en la selección de textos como en su disposición y en la particular elocución de la retórica del movimiento. Como sucede con los juegos de agua del jardín manierista, integrando el agua de modo sustancial en su estética intelectualizante y preciosista y en sus diseños geométricos, el libro ofrece la oportunidad como ninguna otra de nuestra literatura áurea de apreciar la innovadora significación y versatilidad de este elemento como motivo poético.


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El simbolismo que cumple la naturaleza dentro de la lírica popular española es muy estudiado por críticos como Margit Frenk, quien analiza el significado lexicalizado del viento, las flores, el prado, los animales en los poemas populares. Estos no solo se presentan en los poemas líricos del siglo XV al XVII, recopilados por M. Frenk en su libro Nuevo corpus de la antigua lírica popular hispánica siglos XV al XVII, sino que además se trasladan en el tiempo y el espacio llegando a la Argentina y perduran todavía en los siglos XX y XXI. Siendo estos recopilados en distintas ediciones, trabajaremos con el Romancero tradicional argentino de Gloria Chicote como representante de los poemas populares más conocidos encontrados en Argentina que incluye poemas tales como La dama y el pastor, Don Gato, Las señas del esposo, entre otros. En este marco se propone interpretar el significado del agua (ríos, mares, lluvias, fuentes) y la tierra (prados, valles, montañas) empleados como símbolos en un conjunto de poemas populares- tradicionales que aparecen y se resignifican, en algunos casos, desde la antigua lírica popular española hasta las coplas y romances argentinos modernos


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El simbolismo que cumple la naturaleza dentro de la lírica popular española es muy estudiado por críticos como Margit Frenk, quien analiza el significado lexicalizado del viento, las flores, el prado, los animales en los poemas populares. Estos no solo se presentan en los poemas líricos del siglo XV al XVII, recopilados por M. Frenk en su libro Nuevo corpus de la antigua lírica popular hispánica siglos XV al XVII, sino que además se trasladan en el tiempo y el espacio llegando a la Argentina y perduran todavía en los siglos XX y XXI. Siendo estos recopilados en distintas ediciones, trabajaremos con el Romancero tradicional argentino de Gloria Chicote como representante de los poemas populares más conocidos encontrados en Argentina que incluye poemas tales como La dama y el pastor, Don Gato, Las señas del esposo, entre otros. En este marco se propone interpretar el significado del agua (ríos, mares, lluvias, fuentes) y la tierra (prados, valles, montañas) empleados como símbolos en un conjunto de poemas populares- tradicionales que aparecen y se resignifican, en algunos casos, desde la antigua lírica popular española hasta las coplas y romances argentinos modernos


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The molecular profiling system was developed using directed terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (dT-RFLP) to characterize soil nematode assemblages by relative abundance of feeding guilds and validation by comparison to traditional morphological method. The good performance of these molecular tools applied to soil nematodes assemblages create an opportunity to develop a novel approach for rapid assessment of the biodiversity changes of benthic nematodes assemblages of marine and estuarine sediments. The main aim of this research is to combine morphological and molecular analysis of estuarine nematodes assemblages, to establish a tool for fast assessment of the biodiversity changes within habitat recovery of Zostera noltii seagrass beds; and validate the dT-RFLP as a high-throughput tool to assess the system recovery. It was also proposed to develop a database of sequences related to individuals identified at species level to develop a new taxonomic reference system. A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the estuarine nematodes has being performed. After morphological identification, barcoding of 18S rDNA are being determined for each nematode species and the results have shown a good degree of concordance between traditional morphology-based identification and DNA sequences. The digest strategy developed for soil nematodes is not suitable for marine nematodes. Then five samples were cloned and sequenced and the sequence data was used to design a new dT-RFLP strategy to adapt this tool to marine assemblages. Several solutions were presented by DRAT and tested empirically to select the solution that cuts most efficiently, separating the different clusters. The results of quantitative PCR showed differences in nematode density between two sampling stations according the abundance of the nematode density obtained by the traditional methods. These results suggest that qPCR could be a robust tool for enumeration of nematode abundance, saving time.


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The Clarence-Moreton Basin (CMB) covers approximately 26000 km2 and is the only sub-basin of the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) in which there is flow to both the south-west and the east, although flow to the south-west is predominant. In many parts of the basin, including catchments of the Bremer, Logan and upper Condamine Rivers in southeast Queensland, the Walloon Coal Measures are under exploration for Coal Seam Gas (CSG). In order to assess spatial variations in groundwater flow and hydrochemistry at a basin-wide scale, a 3D hydrogeological model of the Queensland section of the CMB has been developed using GoCAD modelling software. Prior to any large-scale CSG extraction, it is essential to understand the existing hydrochemical character of the different aquifers and to establish any potential linkage. To effectively use the large amount of water chemistry data existing for assessment of hydrochemical evolution within the different lithostratigraphic units, multivariate statistical techniques were employed.


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AIMS: To investigate the prevalence, histopathological and histomorphometric presentation of chronic laminitis in a population of Kaimanawa feral horses. METHODS: Following the capture and euthanasia of feral horses from the Kaimanawa Ranges of New Zealand, the left forefoot of 28 stallions and 28 mares aged between 6 and 12 years were removed and processed for histology. Sections of lamellar samples from each horse were examined using light microscopy. The presence of laminitis was assessed and the histopathological lesions were described. Horses were grouped by histological diagnosis into laminitic and non-laminitic groups and histomorphometric analysis was conducted and compared between groups. The parameters examined were total length of primary epidermal lamellae (PEL), keratinised length of PEL, and the length of secondary epidermal lamellae (SEL) at the abaxial end and axial end of each PEL. RESULTS: Of the horses examined, 25 (45%) were diagnosed with chronic laminitis. The most prevalent histopathological features were the presence of excessive cap horn, and multi-branched and attenuated SEL. Histomorphometric assessment of the lamellar architecture revealed no difference in morphometric measurements between the normal and laminitic groups for any parameter measured (p>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The current study found a high prevalence of laminitis in feral Kaimanawa horses. The reason for this in the Kaimanawa population is not known. Histomorphometric analysis may not be a good indicator of chronic laminitis in feral horses. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: It is an important finding that the feral horse lifestyle in the environment of the Kaimanawa Ranges in New Zealand offers no protection against foot disease. The finding suggests that horses are vulnerable to laminitis whether in domestic care or in a feral habitat.


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Objective: To investigate the density of the primary epidermal lamellae (PEL) around the solar circumference of the forefeet of near-term fetal feral and nonferal (ie, domesticated) horses. Sample: Left forefeet from near-term Australian feral (n = 14) and domesticated (4) horse fetuses. Procedures: Near-term feral horse fetuses were obtained from culled mares within 10 minutes of death; fetuses that had died in utero 2 weeks prior to anticipated birth date and were delivered from live Thoroughbred mares were also obtained. Following disarticulation at the carpus, the left forefoot of each fetus was frozen during dissection and data collection. In a standard section of each hoof, the stratum internum PEL density was calculated at the midline center (12 o'clock) and the medial and lateral break-over points (11 and 1 o'clock), toe quarters (10 and 2 o'clock), and quarters (4 and 6 o'clock). Values for matching lateral and medial zones were averaged and expressed as 1 density. Density differences at the 4 locations between the feral and domesticated horse feet were assessed by use of imaging software analysis. Results: In fetal domesticated horse feet, PEL density did not differ among the 4 locations. In fetal feral horse feet, PEL density differed significantly among locations, with a pattern of gradual reduction from the dorsal to the palmar aspect of the foot. The PEL density distribution differed significantly between fetal domesticated and feral horse feet. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Results indicated that PEL density distribution differs between fetal feral and domesticated horse feet, suggestive of an adaptation of feral horses to environment challenges.


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Several tests have been devised in an attempt to detect behaviour modification due to training, supplements or diet in horses. These tests rely on subjective observations in combination with physiological measures, such as heart rate (HR) and plasma cortisol concentrations, but these measures do not definitively identify behavioural changes. The aim of the present studies was to develop an objective and relevant measure of horse reactivity. In Study 1, HR responses to auditory stimuli, delivered over 6 days, designed to safely startle six geldings confined to individual stalls was studied to determine if peak HR, unconfounded by physical exertion, was a reliable measure of reactivity. Both mean (±SEM) resting HR (39.5 ± 1.9 bpm) and peak HR (82 ± 5.5 bpm) in response to being startled in all horses were found to be consistent over the 6 days. In Study 2, HR, plasma cortisol concentrations and speed of departure from an enclosure (reaction speed (RS)) in response to a single stimulus of six mares were measured when presented daily over 6 days. Peak HR response (133 ± 4 bpm) was consistent over days for all horses, but RS increased (3.02 ± 0.72 m/s on Day 1 increasing to 4.45 ± 0.53 m/s on Day 6; P = 0.005). There was no effect on plasma cortisol, so this variable was not studied further. In Study 3, using the six geldings from Study 1, the RS test was refined and a different startle stimulus was used each day. Again, there was no change in peak HR (97.2 ± 5.8 bpm) or RS (2.9 ± 0.2 m/s on Day 1 versus 3.0 ± 0.7 m/s on Day 6) over time. In the final study, mild sedation using acepromazine maleate (0.04 mg/kg BW i.v.) decreased peak HR in response to a startle stimulus when the horses (n = 8) were confined to a stall (P = 0.006), but not in an outdoor environment when the RS test was performed. However, RS was reduced by the mild sedation (P = 0.02). In conclusion, RS may be used as a practical and objective test to measure both reactivity and changes in reactivity in horses.


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Bestiality was in the 18th century a more difficult problem in terms of criminal policy in Sweden and Finland than in any other Christian country in any other period. In the legal history of deviant sexuality, the phenomenon was uniquely widespread by international comparison. The number of court cases per capita in Finland was even higher than in Sweden. The authorities classified bestiality among the most serious crimes and a deadly sin. The Court of Appeal in Turku opted for an independent line and was clearly more lenient than Swedish courts of justice. Death sentences on grounds of bestiality ended in the 1730s, decades earlier than in Sweden. The sources for the present dissertation include judgment books and Court of Appeal decisions in 253 cases, which show that the persecution of those engaging in bestial acts in 18th century Finland was not organised by the centralised power of Stockholm. There is little evidence of local campaigns that would have been led by authorities. The church in its orthodoxy was losing ground and the clergy governed their parishes with more pragmatism than the Old Testament sanctioned. When exposing bestiality, the legal system was compelled to rely on the initiative of the public. In cases of illicit intercourse or adultery the authorities were even more dependent on the activeness of the local community. Bestiality left no tangible evidence, illegitimate children, to betray the crime to the clergy or secular authorities. The moral views of the church and the local community were not on a collision course. It was a common view that bestiality was a heinous act. Yet nowhere near all crimes came to the authorities' knowledge. Because of the heavy burden of proof, the legal position of the informer was difficult. Passiveness in reporting the crime was partly because most Finns felt it was not their place to intervene in their neighbours' private lives, as long as that privacy posed no serious threat to the neighbourhood. Hidden crime was at least as common as crime more easily exposed and proven. A typical Finnish perpetrator of bestiality was a young unmarried man with no criminal background or mental illness. The suspects were not members of ethnic minorities or marginal social groups. In trials, farmhands were more likely to be sentenced than their masters, but a more salient common denominator than social and economical status was the suspects' young age. For most of the defendants bestiality was a deep-rooted habit, which had been adopted in early youth. This form of subculture spread among the youth, and the most susceptible to experiment with the act were shepherds. The difference between man and animal was not clear-cut or self-evident. The difficulty in drawing the line is evident both in legal sources and Finnish folklore. The law that required that the animal partners be slaughtered led to the killing of thousands of cows and mares, and thereby to substantial material losses to their owners. Regarding bestiality as a crime against property motivated people to report it. The belief that the act would produce human-animal mongrels or that it would poison the milk and the meat horrified the public more than the teachings of the church ever could. Among the most significant aspects in the problems regarding the animals is how profoundly different the worldview of 18th century people was from that of today.


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A dense population of Pimelea trichostachya plants (Family Thymelaeaceae) in pasture poisoned a horse herd in southern inland Queensland in October-November 2005. Plant density was 2 to 45 g wet weight/m2 (mean 16 g/m2) from 5 to 69 plants/m2 (mean 38 plants/m2) representing 3 to 20% (mean 9%) of the volume of pasture on offer. Ten of 35 mares, fillies and geldings were affected. Clinical signs were loss of body weight, profound lethargy, serous nasal discharge, severe watery diarrhoea and subcutaneous oedema of the intermandibular space, chest and ventral midline. Pathological findings were anaemia, leucocytopenia, hypoproteinaemia, dilatation of the right ventricle of the heart, dilated hepatic portal veins and periportal hepatic sinusoids (peliosis hepatis), alimentary mucosal hyperaemia and oedema of mesenteric lymph nodes. Cattle grazing the same pasture were affected by Pimelea poisoning simultaneously. Removal of the horses to Pimelea-free pasture initiated recovery. The one other incident of this syndrome, previously only recognised in cattle in Australia, occurred in horses, in South Australia in 2002, with access to a dense Pimelea simplex population.