Soil-dwelling Streptomyces bacteria are known for their ability to produce biologically active compounds such as antimicrobial, immunosuppressant, antifungal and anticancer drugs. S. nogalater is the producer of nogalamycin, a potential anticancer drug exhibiting high cytotoxicity and activity against human topoisomerases I and II. Nogalamycin is an anthracycline polyketide comprising a four-ring aromatic backbone,a neutral deoxy sugar at C7, and an amino sugar attached via an O–C bond at C1 and a C–C bond between C2 and C5´´. This kind of attachment of the amino sugar is unusual thus making the structure of the compound highly interesting. The sugar is also associated with the biological activity of nogalamycin, as it facilitates binding to DNA. Furthermore, the sugar moieties of anthracyclines are often crucial for their biological activity. Together the interesting attachment of the amino sugar and the general reliance of polyketides on the sugar moieties for bioactivity have made the study of the biosynthesis of nogalamycin attractive. The sugar moieties are typically attached by glycosyltransferases, which use two substrates: the donor and the acceptor. The literature review of the thesis is focused on the glycosylation of polyketides and the possibilities to alter their glycosylation patterns. My own thesis work revolves around the biosynthesis of nogalamycin. We have elucidated the individual steps that lead to its rather unique structure. We reconstructed the whole biosynthetic pathway in the heterologous host S. albus using a cosmid and a plasmid. In the process, we were able to isolate new compounds when the cosmid, which contains the majority of the nogalamycin gene cluster, was expressed alone in the heterologous host. The new compounds included true intermediates of the pathway as well as metabolites, which were most likely altered by the endogenous enzymes of the host. The biological activity of the most interesting new products was tested against human topoisomerases I and II, and they were found to exhibit such activities. The heterologous expression system facilitated the generation of mutants with inactivated biosynthetic genes. In that process, we were able to identify the functions of the glycosyltransferases SnogE and SnogD, solve the structure of SnogD, discover a novel C1-hydroxylase system comprising SnoaW and SnoaL2, and establish that the two homologous non-heme α-ketoglutarate and Fe2+ dependent enzymes SnoK and SnoN catalyze atypical reactions on the pathway. We demonstrated that SnoK was responsible for the formation of the additional C–C bond, whereas SnoN is an epimerase. A combination of in vivo and in vitro techniques was utilized to unravel the details of these enzymes. Protein crystallography gave us an important means to understand the mechanisms. Furthermore, the solved structures serve as platforms for future rational design of the enzymes.
Les actinomycètes filamenteux du sol appartenant au genre Frankia peuvent vivre librement en tant que saprophytes, ou encore s'associer aux racines de plantes pour former une symbiose. Malgré leur importance écologique et l'intérêt biologique qu'ils suscitent, plusieurs aspects de la biologie des Frankiaceae demeurent mal compris. Ceci est dû, entre autres, à leur faible taux de génération et à la difficulté de maintenir des cultures en croissance active, mais surtout, à l’absence d’outils génétiques fonctionnels et efficaces pour les étudier. En raison de l’importance environnementale de Frankia, la mise au point d’un système de modification génétique chez cette actinobactérie est devenue essentielle pour procéder à l’analyse fonctionnelle des gènes d’intérêt et étudier plus efficacement la physiologie et les interactions de ce symbiote actinorhizien avec ses plantes hôtes. Parmi les différentes méthodes de modification génétique, la conjugaison bactérienne semble un moyen efficace pour permettre l’échange de matériel génétique chez plusieurs actinomycètes. Ainsi, la souche Escherichia coli ET12567, fréquemment utilisée lors des conjugaisons intergénériques avec diverses actinobactéries, dont Streptomyces, Amycolatopsis, Kitasatospora et Micromonospora, semble une bonne candidate pour servir de bactérie donneuse lors des conjugaisons intergénériques. Comme l'utilisation d'une souche donneuse auxotrophe permet de faciliter l'étape de contre-sélection, la mutation dapA, codant pour la synthèse de l'acide diaminopimélique (DAP), sera introduite chez E. coli ET12567/pUZ8002. Étant donné que le DAP est un constituant essentiel de la paroi de peptidoglycane et un précurseur de la lysine, cette souche sera totalement dépendante de l'ajout de DAP exogène dans le milieu de culture. Ainsi, la contre-sélection se fera simplement en cessant l'ajout de DAP, rendant cette étape non seulement plus facile et efficace, mais aussi permettant d'éviter l'utilisation d'antibiotique. La croissance des exconjugants peut ainsi se faire dans des conditions optimales, ce qui est particulièrement intéressant pour les actinomycètes présentant une croissance lente comme c'est le cas pour Frankia. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l'utilisation de l'acide nalidixique est moins efficace que la déplétion en DAP pour contre-sélectionner la souche donneuse après conjugaison. L'utilisation d'un mutant ΔdapA comme alternative à l'utilisation d'antibiotique rend la conjugaison bactérienne accessible à un plus large spectre de microorganismes potentiellement sensibles à l'acide nalidixique. Il est clair que les stratégies de clonage qui seront développées auront un impact significatif sur la recherche fondamentale et appliquée chez les actinomycètes, permettant des analyses fonctionnelles des gènes d’intérêts, que ce soit par interruption ou remplacement de gènes ou encore par complémentation génique.
The effect of different fungicide programs on grey mould (caused by Botrytis cinerea) and stem-end rot (caused by Gnomoniopsis fructicola) affecting strawberry plants (Fragaria ×ananassa cv. Festival) was studied in subtropical Australia over three years. The treatments involved a range of different synthetic multi- and single-site fungicides with different modes of action, a plant-defence promoter, plant extracts (lupin and rhubarb), organic acids, fatty acids, a salt, two strains of Bacillus subtilis, and single strains of B. amyloliquefaciens, Streptomyces lydicus and Trichoderma harzianum. Standard programs based on captan and thiram alternated, and applied with iprodione, fenhexamid, cyprodinil + fludioxonil, and penthiopyrad resulted in 3–4 % of unmarketable fruit compared with 25–38 % in the water-treated controls. There was no difference in the level of disease suppression when five or thirteen applications of single-site fungicides were rotated with the two multi-site fungicides. The incidence of unmarketable fruit was similar to the standard programs using isopyrazam (in 1 year out of 2), or penthiopyrad, fluazinam, chlorothalonil or thiram alone (in 1 year out of 1). The other fungicide programs were generally less effective. There were strong relationships between marketable yield and the incidence of unmarketable fruit over the three years (R2s = 0.82–0.93). A strategy based on thiram and captan applied alternately, with reduced applications of single-site fungicides is recommended and should reduce the chance of resistance to single-site fungicides becoming widespread in populations of the grey mould fungus. Although the program based on thiram alone had a similar incidence of unmarketable fruit as the standard program, repeated weekly applications of thiram are not recommended as they may cause unacceptable residues in the fruit. There were issues with some of the other fungicides due to phytotoxicity, residues, or difficulties with registering new fungicides that are in the same chemical group as currently registered products.
Desertomycin A is an aminopolyol polyketide containing a macrolactone ring. We have proposed that desertomycin A and similar compounds (marginolactones) are formed by polyketide synthases primed not with gamma-aminobutanoyl-CoA but with 4-guanidinylbutanoyl-CoA, to avoid facile cyclization of the starter unit. This hypothesis requires that there be a final-stage de-amidination of the corresponding guanidino-substituted natural product, but no enzyme for such a process has been described. We have now identified candidate amidinohydrolase genes within the desertomycin and primycin clusters. Deletion of the putative desertomycin amidinohydrolase gene dstH in Streptomyces macronensis led to the accumulation of desertomycin B, the guanidino form of the antibiotic. Also, purified DstH efficiently catalyzed the in vitro conversion of desertomycin B into the A form. Hence this amidinohydrolase furnishes the missing link in this proposed naturally evolved example of protective-group chemistry.
Rhodococcus fascians é uma actinomiceta fitopatogénica que induz uma doença, conhecida como irritação frondosa, caracterizada pela indução de múltiplos rebentos, numa vasta gama de plantas herbáceas dicotiledóneas. O principal factor de patogenicidade da bactéria é a produção de uma mistura de 6 citoquininas codificadas pelos genes do operão fas que está localizado num plasmídeo linear associado à virulência, pFiD188. Este trabalho teve como objectivo a análise de dois novos loci deste plasmídeo associados à virulência: GT1 que codifica uma glicosiltransferase e os genes mtr1 e mtr2, grandemente homólogos, que codificam metiltransferases dependentes de SAM. Trabalhos prévios com 21D5, mutante na glicosiltransferase, mostraram que possui uma morfologia de colónia modificada e forma agregados em culturas líquidas. Neste trabalho demonstrou-se que essas características não afectam o crescimento em meio de cultura rico, mas levam à incapacidade de proliferação em condições de privação de nutrientes, tendo um impacto forte na competência epifítica. Este impacto foi demostrado pela atenuação severa da virulência em 21D5, que foi acompanhada de uma expressão alterada dos genes fas e att, essenciais para a virulência, e consequente redução da capacidade de invasão dos tecidos da planta e de produção dos factores de virulência. Demonstrou-se também que a expressão de GT1 é induzida por compostos que são acumulados em plantas nas fases iniciais da infecção, colocando a função de GT1 no começo da interacção. Tal como R. fascians, Streptomyces turgidiscabies possui um operão fas e dois genes mtr associados. R. fascians mutantes nestes genes mtr’s perderam a capacidade de provocar sintomas, mas produziram 2MeS-citoquininas, implicando que outras citoquininas metiladas são cruciais para a indução da doença. De modo a identificar os produtos de reacção das MTRs procedeu-se à análise do perfil de citoquininas de R. fascians em condições que induzem a expressão dos genes do operão fas e de S. turgidiscabies alimentados com SAM e adenina marcadas com 14C em TLC. No entanto, não foi possível a identificação de compostos dependentes de fas ou mtr nos sobrenadantes. Pela determinação do perfil de expressão dos genes mtr in vitro e in planta tornou-se claro que a regulação destes genes é muito complexa, sendo a sua expressão limitada a células de R. fascians que colonizam o hospedeiro. Para possibilitar a identificação dos produtos de recção de MTR, desenvolveu-se um protocolo que permite a expressão in planta em condições in vitro, o que permitirá a repetição dos ensaios de marcação com 14C.
Muitos métodos rápidos e eficientes de seleção de agentes de biocontrole de fitopatógenos tem sido utilizados, visando reduzir tempo e custo dispendido em testes de campo. Neste trabalho realizou-se uma seleção de isolados endofíticos com potencial de uso no biocontrole de fitopatógenos em testes de antagonismo in vitro. De um total de 95 isolados de bactérias endofíticas do milho, seis foram selecionados quanto à inibição a Pythium aphanidermatum. A essa seleção, foram incluídos um isolado de Bacillus subtilis 0G, Bacillus lentimorbus e Streptomyces sp., para verificação de antagonismo a Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium moniliforme, Sclerotium rolfsii e Exserohilum turcicum. Verificou-se que os endofíticos B. subtilis 0G, B. lentimorbus e Streptomyces sp., apresentaram ação antagônica superior aos demais, com taxas de inibição entre 32,0% e 53,8%. Dentre os endofíticos do milho, Bacillus agaradhaerens foi o que mais se destacou, com taxas de inibição variando entre 43,7% e 52,3% e indicando uma inespecificidade de ação. Este estudo, embora preliminar, permite vislumbrar a utilização desses endofíticos na supressão de doenças em diferentes sistemas patógeno-hospedeiro em testes subseqüentes, sob condições de casa-de-vegetação e a campo.
In prokaryotic organisms, lower eukaryotes and plants, some important biological reactions are catalyzed by nickel-dependent enzymes, making this metal ion essential microelement for their life. On the other hand, excessive concentration of nickel into the cell, or prolonged exposure to nickel compounds, has toxic effects in living organisms. In addition, nickel has been classified by IARC as Group I human carcinogen, because of the correlation between its inhalation and increased incidence of nasal and lung cancers. The aim of this work was to investigate the nickel impact on human health, considering both its direct role on human cells and its indirect effect as essential element for human important bacteria. In humans, nickel induces N-myc downstream regulated gene 1 (NDRG1) expression, recently proposed as new target in cancer therapy. CD, light scattering and ITC were applied on the recombinant full-length protein and its C-terminal intrinsically disordered domain, for studying the NDRG1 structural and functional properties. In particular, the fold and dynamics of the C-terminal region were examined by NMR spectroscopy and site-directed spin labeling coupled to EPR, showing the features of an intrinsically disordered region. In nickel-dependent bacteria, nickel metabolism is strictly regulated, through the activity of different transcription factors. In Streptomyces griseus the expression of two superoxide dismutases (SODs) is antagonistically regulated by nickel thanks to the transcriptional complex SgSrnR/SgSrnQ. The SgSrnR protein was heterologously expressed and its activity as possible nickel sensor studied. DNaseI footprinting and β-galactosidase gene reporter assays revealed that SgSrnR functions as transcriptional activator, prompting the hypothesis of a new model to describe the activity of this complex. In addition, ITC, NMR and X-ray crystallography demonstrated that SgSrnR presents the fold typical of ArsR/SmtB transcription factors and low metal binding affinity, non compatible with a role as a nickel-sensor, function probably played by its partner SgSrnQ.