262 resultados para AEROMONAS-HYDROPHILA
采用PCR扩增的方法对9株鱼源嗜水气单胞菌AEROM ONAS HYDROPHILA中的气溶素基因(AERA)、溶血素基因(HLYA)和丝氨酸蛋白酶基因(AHPA)进行了扩增。结果表明,6/9的A.HYDROPHILA中存在AERA基因,8/9的A.HYDROPHILA中存在HLYA基因,而在7/9的A.HYDROPHILA中检测到AHPA基因。通过比较基因检测的结果与嗜水气单胞菌对鲫鱼的致病性,发现AHPA阴性菌株是无毒株,强毒株都呈AERA+HLYA+AHPA+基因型。AERA+HLYA+AHPA+基
采用琼脂扩散法和稀释法研究 2 6株嗜水气单胞菌对 2 1种抗菌药物的敏感性 ,分析了其耐药状况。结果表明 :从不同地区分离收集到的 2 6株嗜水气单胞菌 (Aeromonashydrophila)对青霉素类和头孢菌素类药物全部具耐药性 ,对万古霉素多数不敏感。 2 1种药物中最敏感的是氟哌酸、氯霉素、呋喃唑酮 ,总体耐药率分别为 7.7%、7.7%和 11.5%。氨基糖甙类药物和四环素类药物的耐药频率介于其间。对磺胺药的耐药菌比例也很高 ,高达 73.1%的 A.hydrophila对磺胺及复方磺胺其有
<正> (2)病原体:根据蔡完其等(1995)的研究,上海病鳖的病原菌是嗜水气单胞菌、普通变形菌(Proteus vulgaris)。然而齐彩霞等(1995)在湖北省分离、鉴定的病原菌是气单胞菌(Aeromonas sp.)、产碱菌(Alcaligemes sp.)。因此穿孔病是多种病原菌的鳖病。(3)危害与流行情况:从稚鳖到亲鳖都会患病,
于1990—1991年的5—10月间,从湖北、湖南、河南和广东4省的9种淡水养殖鱼类的发病鱼睥、肝、肾中分离的93株细菌为材料,经100多个表型特征和细菌DNA中G+Cmol%遗传型特性测定等研究结果,可归属为产气单胞菌属中的运动性嗜中温产气单胞菌和弧菌属中的河弧菌。按照国际细菌命名法规优先律应为点状产气单胞菌[Aeromonas punctata(Zimmermann)nom.rev];而河弧菌与以前所描述的生物变种Ⅰ、Ⅱ型不同:在43℃能生长;发酵水杨苷产酸;利用D-葡糖酸钙、腐胺;不能利用戊二酸,D
1990年3~10月,作者对湖北、湖南,河南三省部分地区的28个养殖场进行了鲢鳙鱼流行病学调查和致病菌的初步研究。结果显示:在调查范围内发病率达60%以上;受感染的除鲢、鳙外,还有鲫、鳊(鲂)、鲤、草鱼以及其它野杂鱼、河蚌;分离到138株细菌,经鉴定可归为三类,早期(3~4月)出现的鲁克氏耶尔森菌(Yersinia ruckeri)、中后期(5月下旬以后)出现的产气单胞菌(Aeromonas sp.)及弧菌(Vibrio sp.)。结合水质环境条件分析,致病细菌是继发侵入者,原发病因除水体的理化因子外,不
鳗鲡烂尾病是鳗鲡养殖中的一种常见病,主要流行于夏季。在日本报道了由枉状屈桡杆菌引起的鳗鲡烂尾病。本文记述了用TYE培养基从广东潮安养鳗场病鳗中分离到的另外一种引起烂尾病的病原菌,并研究了该病原菌的致病作用,生物学和生理生化特性,鉴定为点状产气单胞杆菌(Aeromonas punctata)。该菌对青霉素、新生素、磺胺噻唑不敏感,而对呋唑唑酮、土霉素、氯霉素、合霉素和金霉素等敏感。
本项研究工作表明,塔式生物滤池在处理模拟洗涤剂工业废水时,能够适应和克服一般好氧生化法所不能解决的泡沫问题,并对废水中的LAS和COD具有一定的去除效果。根据实验结果,初步认为塔滤可应用于洗涤剂工业废水的生化处理,并向洗涤剂行业首次推荐这种废水生物学净化方法。从塔滤的生物膜中分离出了优势菌,经鉴定为一种气单胞菌(Aeromonas sp.D-4)。
本文通过对患肠炎病的二龄草鱼病鱼和正常草鱼的肠道及血液中的产气单胞菌(Aeromonas)的数量和毒力的比较,病鱼肠道、血液和其他内脏中的产气单胞菌所出现比率的调查,不同水温对该菌致病力的影响和用菌体提取液接种鱼体,以及用鲎试剂(鲎变形细胞溶解物Tachypleus Amebocyte Lysatc “TAL”)对病鱼和正常鱼体内的内毒素进行测定等一系列的试验和观察,从而推断出二龄草鱼细菌性肠炎病的发病机理。
Aeromonas sp.D-4不能以LAS作为唯一碳源,它对LAS的利用是通过共代谢来完成的。LAS对D-4具有毒害作用,而且,起始LAS浓度越高,毒害作用越大。LAS的最大去除率与起始LAS浓度呈负相关。当起始LAS在40—120mg/L之间时,去除率较高;如果起始LAS在40mg/L左右,则去除率可达80%以上。研究还表明,Aeromonas sp.D-4纯培养对LAS的去除率(最大值84.97%)大于混合菌(最大值78.57%)。耗氧呼吸测定证实了Aeromonas sp.D-4对于LAS的共代谢
<正> 斑点气单胞菌(Aeromonas punctata)是危害草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus Cuv. et val.)的主要病原菌之一同时也危害鲢、鳙等多种鱼类。但作为一种病原菌对鱼类的毒力有多大,乞今还没有可靠的报道。
尼罗罗非鱼的细菌性腐皮病是一种比较严重的疾病,感染率可达80%以上。本文对尼罗罗非鱼腐皮病的致病细菌的分离及毒力试验结果作了报道,并对这种细菌的形态、培养特性、生理生化等性状作了较详细的描述,确定其病原为Ⅰ型嗜水产气单孢菌嗜水亚种(Aeromonashydrophila subsp.hydrophila biotype Ⅰ.)
<正> 当前淡水珍珠生产大多是采用三角帆蚌育珠。作为育珠生产用的三角帆蚌,在生产过程中常大批死亡,造成重大经济损失,为广大蚌珠生产者及有关科研人员所关注。作者曾在1982年报道了三角帆蚌细菌性疾病的研究,认为点状产气单胞菌的一新亚种—帆蚌点状产气单胞菌(Aeromonas punctata
The gene of piscidin, an antimicrobial peptide, has been cloned from the mandarin fish, Siniperca chuatsi. From the first transcription initiation site, the mandarin fish piscidin gene extends 1693 nucleotides to the end of the 3' untranslated region and contains four exons and three introns. A predicted 79-residue prepropeptide consists of three domains: a signal peptide (22 aa), a mature peptide (22 aa) and a C-terminal prodomain (35 aa). The shortage of XQQ motif in the prodomain of mandarin fish piscidin and the similar gene structure between moronecidins (piscidins) and pleurocidins may indicate that they are derived from the same ancestor gene. We thus suggest that piscidin should be used as a terminology for these antimicrobial peptides in the future. The mandarin fish piscidin mRNA was abundant in intestine, spleen, pronephros and kidney analysed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. After stimulation with lipopoly saccharides (LPS), a marked increase in transcripts was observed in most tissues, indicating that piscidin is not only a constitutively expressed molecule, but also has an increased response to bacterial infection. The synthetic, amidated mandarin fish piscidin exhibited different antimicrobial activity against different fish bacterial pathogens, especially against species of Aeromonas, which may to certain extent reflect the pathogenicity of these bacteria.
After grass carps Ctenopharyngodon idellus were injected with cortisol, with (CBC) and without (C) a cocoa butter carrier, the effects of both slowly and rapidly acting exogenous cortisol oil their non-specific immune functions were investigated. On the one hand, after injection with CBC, the cortisol concentration and lysozyme activity in fish serum were enhanced and were sustained at high levels for a long period (30 days). The killing activity in the serum declined with time, and phagocytosis of head kidney macrophages diminished significantly (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). The leukocrit values in the high dose group (31-8 mg cortisol fish(-1)) increased over time, however, with the maximum average being 5.6% at day 30. The spleen mass index in the high dose group was 0.93 x 10(-3) after 30 days, notably lower (P < 0.05) than that in the control group. In addition, a decrease in resistance to Aeronionas hydrophilo infection in cortisol-treated fish was shown, with the final cumulative mortalities being 54.5 and 66.7% in the low and high dose groups, respectively. On the other hand, there was a decrease in both serum cortisol concentration and lysozyme activity of the experimental fish within 2 weeks after injection with C, where plasma bactericidal activities in the high dose group (31-8 mg cortisol fish(-1)) were remarkably lower (P < 0.01) than those in the control group at each sampling, but were increased slightly over time. The results of which were different from those in the CBC trial. Phagocytic activity of head kidney macrophages and spleen mass index decreased significantly (P < 0.05), while there were increases in leukocrit value and cumulative mortality due to A. hydrophila. The results of which were similar to those in the CBC trial. This study indicated that the injection of cortisol depressed the non-specific immune functions of the grass carp and increased its susceptibility to disease. (c) 2005 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
We report the cloning of a novel antimicrobial peptide gene, termed rtCATH_1, found in the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. The predicted 216-residue rtCATH_1 prepropeptide consists of three domains: a 22-residue signal peptide, a 128-residue cathelin-like region containing two identifiable cathelicidin family signatures, and a predicted 66-residue C-terminal cationic antimicrobial peptide. This predicted mature peptide was unique in possessing features of different known (mammalian) cathelicidin subgroups, such as the cysteine-bridged family and the specific amino-acid-rich family. The rtCATH_1 gene comprises four exons, as seen in all known mammalian cathelicidin genes, and several transcription factor binding sites known to be of relevance to host defenses were identified in the 5' flanking region. By Northern blot analysis, the expression of rtCATH_1 was detected in gill, head kidney, and spleen of bacterially challenged fish. Primary cultures of head kidney leukocytes from rainbow trout stimulated with lipopolysaccharide or poly(I (.) C) also expressed riCATH_1. A 36-residue peptide corresponding to the core part of the fish cathelicidin was chemically synthesized and shown to exhibit potent antimicrobial activity and a low hemolytic effect. Thus, rtCATH_1 represents a novel antimicrobial peptide gene belonging to the cathelicidin family and may play an important role in the innate immunity of rainbow trout.