995 resultados para 708


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The Schizophrenia Psychiatric Genome-Wide Association Study Consortium (PGC) highlighted 81 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with moderate evidence for association to schizophrenia. After follow-up in independent samples, seven loci attained genome-wide significance (GWS), but multi-locus tests suggested some SNPs that did not do so represented true associations. We tested 78 of the 81 SNPs in 2640 individuals with a clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia attending a clozapine clinic (CLOZUK), 2504 cases with a research diagnosis of bipolar disorder, and 2878 controls. In CLOZUK, we obtained significant replication to the PGC-associated allele for no fewer than 37 (47%) of the SNPs, including many prior GWS major histocompatibility complex (MHC) SNPs as well as 3/6 non-MHC SNPs for which we had data that were reported as GWS by the PGC. After combining the new schizophrenia data with those of the PGC, variants at three loci (ITIH3/4, CACNA1C and SDCCAG8) that had not previously been GWS in schizophrenia attained that level of support. In bipolar disorder, we also obtained significant evidence for association for 21% of the alleles that had been associated with schizophrenia in the PGC. Our study independently confirms association to three loci previously reported to be GWS in schizophrenia, and identifies the first GWS evidence in schizophrenia for a further three loci. Given the number of independent replications and the power of our sample, we estimate 98% (confidence interval (CI) 78-100%) of the original set of 78 SNPs represent true associations. We also provide strong evidence for overlap in genetic risk between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.


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PURPOSE: The prognostic value of sex for esophageal cancer survival is currently unclear, and growing data suggest that hormonal influences may account for incidence disparities between men and women. Therefore, moving from the hypothesis that hormones could affect the prognosis of patients with esophageal cancer, we investigated the primary hypothesis that sex is associated with survival and the secondary hypotheses that the relationship between sex and survival depends, at least in part, on age, histology, and race/ethnicity.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: By using the SEER databases from 1973 to 2007, we identified 13,603 patients (34%) with metastatic esophageal cancer (MEC) and 26,848 patients (66%) with locoregional esophageal cancer (LEC). Cox proportional hazards model for competing risks were used for analyses.

RESULTS: In the multivariate analysis, women had longer esophageal cancer-specific survival (ECSS) than men in both MEC (hazard ratio [HR], 0.949; 95% CI, 0.905 to 0.995; P = .029) and LEC (HR, 0.920; 95% CI, 0.886 to 0.955; P < .001) cohorts. When age and histology were accounted for, there was no difference for ECSS between men and women with adenocarcinoma. In contrast, women younger than age 55 years (HR, 0.896; 95% CI, 0.792 to 1.014; P = .081) and those age 55 years or older (HR, 0.905; 95% CI, 0.862 to 0.950; P < .001) with squamous cell LEC had longer ECSS than men. In the squamous cell MEC cohort, only women younger than age 55 years had longer ECSS (HR, 0.823; 95% CI, 0.708 to 0.957; P = .011) than men.

CONCLUSION: Sex is an independent prognostic factor for patients with LEC or MEC. As secondary hypotheses, in comparison with men, women age 55 years or older with squamous cell LEC and women younger than age 55 years with squamous cell MEC have a significantly better outcome. These last two findings need further validation.


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This chapter covers the indications, contraindications, techniques, outcomes, and complications of LPI. Its role is well defined in most of the areas, but no conclusion can be drawn at present regarding prophylactic use for glaucoma suspects. More studies are needed to define its safety and efficacy. Overall, LPI is a relatively safe procedure and the majority of complications can be avoided if it is performed properly.


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BACKGROUND: Prostate cancer is a heterogeneous disease, but current treatments are not based on molecular stratification. We hypothesized that metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancers with DNA-repair defects would respond to poly(adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibition with olaparib.

METHODS: We conducted a phase 2 trial in which patients with metastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer were treated with olaparib tablets at a dose of 400 mg twice a day. The primary end point was the response rate, defined either as an objective response according to Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors, version 1.1, or as a reduction of at least 50% in the prostate-specific antigen level or a confirmed reduction in the circulating tumor-cell count from 5 or more cells per 7.5 ml of blood to less than 5 cells per 7.5 ml. Targeted next-generation sequencing, exome and transcriptome analysis, and digital polymerase-chain-reaction testing were performed on samples from mandated tumor biopsies.

RESULTS: Overall, 50 patients were enrolled; all had received prior treatment with docetaxel, 49 (98%) had received abiraterone or enzalutamide, and 29 (58%) had received cabazitaxel. Sixteen of 49 patients who could be evaluated had a response (33%; 95% confidence interval, 20 to 48), with 12 patients receiving the study treatment for more than 6 months. Next-generation sequencing identified homozygous deletions, deleterious mutations, or both in DNA-repair genes--including BRCA1/2, ATM, Fanconi's anemia genes, and CHEK2--in 16 of 49 patients who could be evaluated (33%). Of these 16 patients, 14 (88%) had a response to olaparib, including all 7 patients with BRCA2 loss (4 with biallelic somatic loss, and 3 with germline mutations) and 4 of 5 with ATM aberrations. The specificity of the biomarker suite was 94%. Anemia (in 10 of the 50 patients [20%]) and fatigue (in 6 [12%]) were the most common grade 3 or 4 adverse events, findings that are consistent with previous studies of olaparib.

CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with the PARP inhibitor olaparib in patients whose prostate cancers were no longer responding to standard treatments and who had defects in DNA-repair genes led to a high response rate. (Funded by Cancer Research UK and others; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01682772; Cancer Research UK number, CRUK/11/029.).


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Individuals who began taking low-dose aspirin before they were diagnosed with colorectal cancer were reported to have longer survival times than patients who did not take this drug. We investigated survival times of patients who begin taking low-dose aspirin after a diagnosis of colorectal cancer in a large population-based cohort study.

METHODS: We performed a nested case-control analysis using a cohort of 4794 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer from 1998 through 2007, identified from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink and confirmed by cancer registries. There were 1559 colorectal cancer-specific deaths, recorded by the Office of National Statistics; these were each matched with up to 5 risk-set controls. Conditional logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), based on practitioner-recorded aspirin usage.

RESULTS: Overall, low-dose aspirin use after a diagnosis of colorectal cancer was not associated with colorectal cancer-specific mortality (adjusted OR = 1.06; 95% CI: 0.92-1.24) or all-cause mortality (adjusted OR = 1.06; 95% CI: 0.94-1.19). A dose-response association was not apparent; for example, low-dose aspirin use for more than 1 year after diagnosis was not associated with colorectal cancer-specific mortality (adjusted OR = 0.98; 95% CI: 0.82-1.19). There was also no association between low-dose aspirin usage and colon cancer-specific mortality (adjusted OR = 1.02; 95% CI: 0.83-1.25) or rectal cancer-specific mortality (adjusted OR = 1.10; 95% CI: 0.88-1.38).

CONCLUSIONS: In a large population-based cohort, low-dose aspirin usage after diagnosis of colorectal cancer did not increase survival time.


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O benzeno foi o primeiro poluente atmosférico carcinogénico a ser regulamentado a nível europeu. Vários trabalhos têm sido publicados demonstrando a relação deste poluente com diversos tipos de neoplasias nomeadamente decorrentes de exposições a nível ocupacional. Porém, o estudo deste poluente para concentrações atmosféricas em ambientes exteriores ainda é pouco conhecido e está em clara evolução. Neste sentido, este trabalho pretende ser um contributo para o conhecimento da relação entre o benzeno atmosférico e a incidência de patologias que afectam os tecidos linfáticos e órgãos hematopoiéticos nomeadamente linfomas de Hodgkin, linfomas de não-Hodgkin e leucemias na população residente na Área Metropolitana do Porto. Dado a quase ausência de dados de monitorização das concentrações de benzeno atmosférico actualmente em Portugal, estas foram estimadas com base na definição de uma relação entre o benzeno e o monóxido de carbono. O conhecimento das concentrações em todo o domínio de estudo baseou-se na análise dos dados da Rede Automática de Monitorização da Qualidade do Ar porém, de modo a aumentar o detalhe espacial e temporal recorreu-se à modelação atmosférica aplicando o modelo TAPM. Para perceber a evolução temporal das concentrações, a modelação foi efectuada para os anos de 1991, 2001 e 2006 com base no ano meteorológico de 2006 e emissões para os respectivos anos ao nível da freguesia. O modelo foi previamente validado de acordo com uma metodologia proposta para este tipo de modelos. Contudo, mais do que perceber qual a variação da qualidade do ar a nível exterior, é importante conhecer o impacte de fontes interiores e o seu efeito na população. Assim, desenvolveu-se um modelo de exposição e dose que permitem conhecer os valores médios populacionais. A modelação da exposição populacional é efectuada com base nos perfis de actividade-tempo, nos movimentos pendulares inter-concelhos e nas concentrações de benzeno em ambientes exteriores e interiores. Na modelação da dose é ainda possível variações por sexo e idade. Por outro lado, para o estudo das patologias em análise efectuou-se uma análise epidemiológica espacial nomeadamente no que respeita à elaboração de mapas de incidência padronizados pela idade, e estudo da associação com a exposição ao benzeno atmosférico. Os resultados indicam associação entre o benzeno e as doenças em estudo. Esta evidência é mais notória quando a análise é realizada junto às principais fontes de emissão deste poluente, vias de tráfego e postos de abastecimento de combustível. Porém, a ausência de informação limita o estudo não permitindo o controlo de potenciais variáveis de confundimento como a exposição ao fumo do tabaco. A metodologia permite efectuar uma gestão integrada da qualidade do ar exterior e interior, funcionando como uma ferramenta do apoio à decisão para elaboração de planos de prevenção de longo prazo de potenciais efeitos na saúde das populações nomeadamente para outro tipo de patologias.


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Esta dissertação de mestrado, apresenta a elaboração de um projeto de design industrial em aquariofilia - Aquaoli. Pretende-se criar uma nova tipologia de aquários inovadora e distinta, projetando o produto com o intuito deste cumprir com todos os parâmetros exigidos pelo mercado e produção do mesmo. Definiu-se a criança entre os 7 e os 11 anos como público-alvo deste projeto. Assim, pretende-se um resultando promissor para a empresa AQUATLANTIS apostar e lucrar com o seu desenvolvimento. Para que este projeto obtivesse bons resultados, foi realizada uma pesquisa aprofundada, desde a aquariofilia (a sua história, biologia e mercado), do aquariófilo atual (psicologia do consumidor e as suas responsabilidades), até ao estado da arte (da AQUATLANTIS e dos produtos existentes no mercado). Este projeto foi desenvolvido em várias vertentes de design, procurando ser o mais completo possível. Isso foi viável com o desenvolvimento do produto e de todos os seus componentes em três dimensões, o desenvolvimento de maquetes e de protótipos do produto, o desenvolvimento do packaging e campanha promocional, a definição de preço custo e métodos de produção dos objetos, entre outros parâmetros. Obteve-se um projeto de design industrial bastante completo e com potencial para ser implementado no mercado, cativando a atenção do público-alvo e obtendo vendas elevadas. O aquário apresenta-se distinto dos existentes, principalmente no facto de ser modular, muito interativo, pedagógico e incorporar uma estrutura invulgar e particularmente cativante para as crianças. Este produto subdivide-se em dois conjuntos vendidos separadamente (Aquarium Pack e Kit-1 Pack), apresentando assim uma estratégia de marketing que pretende que a criança que o adquira pela primeira vez, venha a desejar adquirir mais produtos desta gama, procurando aumentar a sua estante e/ou o número de aquários e animais que incorpora na mesma.


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Introdução e Objectivo: A presença de anticorpos antifosfolípidos (AAF) está associada a perdas embrionárias e fetais e a outras complicações obstétricas como pré-eclâmpsia, restrição de crescimento intra-uterino e parto pré-termo. Os doentes com lúpus eritematoso sistémico (LES) com frequência possuem AAF e síndroma antifosfolípidica (SAAF) secundária. O objectivo deste estudo é avaliar comparativamente o prognóstico da gravidez em mulheres com LES na presença e na ausência de AAF. Material e Métodos:Avaliação retrospectiva de 136 gestações em mulheres com diagnóstico prévio de LES cujo seguimento foi realizado na nossa instituição entre 1993 e 2007. As grávidas com e sem AAF foram consideradas separadamente. Dados relativos a idade materna, história obstétrica passada, actividade do LES no início da gravidez, existência de nefropatia, evolução da gravidez actual, idade gestacional no parto, tipo de parto, peso do recém-nascido e a existência de complicações hipertensivas na gravidez foram analisados. Resultados: 28% (38) das grávidas com LES apresentavam AAF. Deste grupo, 28,9% tinham história de perdas fetais do segundo e/ou terceiro trimestre, em oposição a 6,12% nas doentes sem AAF(p<0,05). A avaliação da actual gravidez demonstrou uma taxa de insucesso na gravidez significativamente mais elevada na população com AAF(8,1% versus 2,1%, p<0,05). Não se verificaram diferenças significativas no peso médio do recém-nascido e na taxa de restrição intra-uterina em função da presença de AAF. A idade gestacional media no parto foi de 36,9 semanas em ambos os grupos com uma taxa idêntica de parto pré-termo. O parto ocorreu por cesariana em 47% das doentes com AAF e em 44,1% das doentes sem AAF. Conclusões:Os antecedentes obstétricos de perda fetal do 2º e 3º trimestre e a probabilidade de aborto espontâneo são mais frequentes em grávidas com LES e AAF. Nos restantes parâmetros analisados não se verificaram diferenças significativas em função da presença de AAF.


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To compare in the Swiss population the results of several scores estimating the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This was a single-center, cross-sectional study conducted between 2003 and 2006 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Overall, 3,251 women and 2,937 men, aged 35-75 years, were assessed, of which 5,760 (93%) were free from diabetes and included in the current study. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes was assessed using seven different risk scores, including clinical data with or without biological data. Participants were considered to be eligible for primary prevention according to the thresholds provided for each score. The results were then extrapolated to the Swiss population of the same sex and age. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes increased with age in all scores. The prevalence of participants at high risk ranged between 1.6 and 24.9% in men and between 1.1 and 15.7% in women. Extrapolated to the Swiss population of similar age, the overall number of participants at risk, and thus susceptible to intervention, ranged between 46,708 and 636,841. In addition, scores that included the same clinical variables led to a significantly different prevalence of participants at risk (4.2% [95% CI 3.4-5.0] vs. 12.8% [11.5-14.1] in men and 2.9% [2.4-3.6] vs. 6.0% [5.2-6.9] in women). CONCLUSIONS; The prevalence of participants at risk for developing type 2 diabetes varies considerably according to the scoring system used. To adequately prevent type 2 diabetes, risk-scoring systems must be validated for each population considered.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess whether problematic internet use is associated with somatic complaints and whether this association remains when checking for internet activity among a random sample of adolescents living in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey of 3,067 8th graders (50.3% females) divided into average (n = 2,708) and problematic (n = 359) Internet users and compared for somatic complaints (backache, overweight, headaches, musculoskeletal pain, sleep problems and sight problems) controlling for sociodemographic and internet-related variables. Logistic regressions were performed for each complaint and for all of them simultaneously controlling variables significant at the bivariate level. RESULTS: At the multivariate level, when taken separately, problematic internet users were more likely to have a chronic condition (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] with 95% CI: 1.58 [1.11:2.23]) and to report back pain (aOR: 1.46 [1.04:2.05]), overweight (aOR: 1.74 [1.03:2.93]), musculoskeletal pain (aOR: 1.36 [1.00:1.84]) and sleep problems (aOR: 2.16 [1.62:2.88]). When considered in the full model, only sleep problems remained significant (aOR: 2.03 [1.50:2.74]). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that problematic internet users report health problems more frequently, with lack of sleep being the most strongly associated and seeming to act as mediator regarding the other ones. Clinicians should remember to screen for excessive internet use their patients complaining of sleep-related problems, back or musculoskeletal pain or overweight. Clinicians should advise parents to limit the amount of time their adolescent children can spend online for leisure activities. Furthermore, limiting the number of devices used to connect to the internet could help warrant enough sleeping time.