994 resultados para 670500 Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products
A flow-injection (FI) spectrophotometric procedure is proposed for tetracycline (TC) and doxycycline (DXC) determination in pharmaceuticals. The method is based on the reaction of oxidation of these drugs by chloramine-T in alkaline medium producing red color products (λmax = 535 and 525 nm). Beer´s law is obeyed in the concentration range from 6.62 x 10-5 to 7.72 x 10-4 mol L-1 and 5.37 x 10-5 to 7.16 x 10-4 mol L-1 for TC and DXC, respectively. The analytical frequency was 50 h"1 and 45 h-1 for TC and DXC, respectively. The results obtained by the proposed method were in good agreement with those obtained by the official method at 95% confidence level.
The present work describes a novel stability-indicating reversed-phase ultra performance liquid chromatography method for the separation and quantification of rosuvastatin (RSV) and its related impurities in the pharmaceutical dosage forms under forced degradation conditions. An unknown degradation impurity detected in the acid degradation was identified by using quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The chromatographic separation was carried out on C-18 column (100 x 2.1 mm, 1.7 μm) using isocratic elution with methanol and 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid (50:50). The total run time was 12 min within which RSV as well as all related impurities and degradation products were separated. The developed method was validated for RSV and related impurities in pharmaceutical dosage forms.
This work proposes a sequential injection analysis (SIA) system for the spectrophotometric determination of norfloxacin (NOR) and ciprofloxacin (CIP) in pharmaceutical formulations. The methodology was based on the reaction of these drugs with p-(dimethylamino)cinnamaldehyde in micellar medium, producing orange colored products (λmax = 495 nm). Beer´s law was obeyed in the concentration range from 2.75x10-5 to 3.44x10-4 mol L-1 and 3.26x10-5 to 3.54x10-4 mol L-1 for NOR and CIP, respectively and sampling rate was 25 h-1. Commercial samples were analyzed and results obtained through the proposed method were in good agreement with those obtained using the reference procedure for a 95% confidence level.
The pharmaceutical use of galactomannans from different sources, commercial and noncommercial, has been extensively studied over the past decade. Galactomannans show potential in the global trend towards the use of more plant-based products for ecological motives, and their production and application do not cause pollution or disturb the ecosystem. There is a variety of galactomannan sources and various pharmaceutical forms of application, such as tablets or capsules, hydrogels and films. Besides the simple use as inert excipient this polysaccharides play role in the modification of drug release, especially in colonic environmental, as a matrix or coating material.
A simple, RP-HPLC method was established for determining moxifloxacin and ketorolac in pharmaceutical formulations. Moxifloxacin, ketorolac and their degradation products were separated using C8 column with methanol and phosphate buffer pH 3.0 (55:45 v/v) as the mobile phase. Detection was performed at 243 nm using a diode array detector. The method was validated using ICH guidelines and was linear in the range 20-140 µg mL-1 for both analytes. Good separation of both the analytes and their degradation products was achieved using this method. The developed method can be applied successfully for the determination of moxifloxacin and ketorolac.
This work focused on the development and validation of an RP-HPLC-UV method for quantification of beta-lactam antibiotics in three pharmaceutical samples. Active principles analyzed were amoxicillin and ampicillin, in 3 veterinary drugs. Mobile phase comprised 5 mmol L-1 phosphoric acid solution at pH 2.00, acetonitrile with gradient elution mode and detection wavelength at 220 nm. The method was validated according to the Brazilian National Health Surveillance regulation, where linear range and linearity, selectivity, precision, accuracy and ruggedness were evaluated. Inter day precision and accuracy for pharmaceutical samples 1, 2 and 3 were: 1.43 and 1.43%; 4.71 and 3.74%; 2.72 and 1.72%, respectively, while regression coefficients for analytical curves exceeded 0.99. The method had acceptable merit figure values, indicating reliable quantification. Analyzed samples had active principle concentrations varying from -12 to +21% compared to manufacturer label claims, rendering the medicine unsafe for administration to animals.
A simple, rapid, accurate and inexpensive spectrophotometric method for the determination of tetracycline and doxycycline has been developed. The method is based on the reaction between these drugs and chloramine-T in alkaline medium producing red color products with absorbance maximum at the Λ = 535 and 525 nm for the tetracycline and doxycycline, respectively. The best conditions for the reactions have been found using multivariate method. Beer´s law is obeyed in a concentration ranges 1.03 x 10-5 to 3.61 x 10-4 mol L-1 and 1.75 x 10-5 to 3.48 x 10-4 mol L-1 for the tetracycline and doxycycline, respectively. The quantification limits were 5.63 x 10-6 mol L-1 and 7.12 x 10-7 mol L-1 for the tetracycline and doxycycline, respectively. The proposed method was successfully applied to the determination of these drugs in pharmaceutical formulations and the results obtained were in good agreement with those obtained by the comparative method at the 95% confidence level.
Companies are increasingly under pressure to be more efficient both in terms of costs and overall performance and thus, they seek new ways to develop their products and innovate. For pharmaceutical industry it can take several decades to launch a new drug to the markets. Since pharmaceutical industry is one of the most research-intensive industries, is outsourcing one way to enhance the R&D processes of such companies. It is said that outsourcing to offshore locations is vastly more challenging and complicated than any other exporting activity or inter-company relationship that has evoked a lot of discussion. By outsourcing strategically, companies must also thoroughly focus on transaction costs and core competences. Today, the suppliers are looked for beyond national boundaries and furthermore, the location of the outsourcing activity must also be thoroughly considered. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to analyze what is known of strategic outsourcing of pharmaceutical R&D to India. In order to meet the purpose of the study, this study tries to answer three sub-questions set to it: first, what is strategic outsourcing, second, why pharmaceutical companies utilize strategic outsourcing of R&D and last, why pharmaceutical companies select India as the location for outsourcing their R&D. The study is a qualitative study. The purpose of the study was approached by a literature review with systematic elements and sub-questions were analyzed through different relevant theories, such as theory of transaction costs, core competences and location advantages. Applicable academic journal articles were comprehensively included in the study. The data was collected from electronic journal article databases using key words and almost only peer-reviewed, as new as possible articles were included. Also both the reference list of the included articles and article recommendations from professionals generated more articles for inclusion. The data was analyzed through thematization that resulted in themes that illuminate the purpose of the study and sub-questions. As an outcome of the analysis, each of the theory chapters in the study represents one sub-question. The literature used in this study revealed that strategic outsourcing of R&D is increasingly used in pharmaceutical industry and the major motives to practice it has to do with lowering costs, accessing skilled labor, resources and knowledge and enhancing their quality while speeding up the introduction of new drugs. Mainly for the above-mentioned motives India is frequently chosen as the target location for pharma outsourcers. Still, the literature is somewhat incomplete in this complex phenomenon and more research is needed.
Abstract: The field of nanotechnology involves an array of different areas of expertize with the application of innovative products in Medicine, Engineering, and to a less extent to Veterinary Medicine. In our opinion, more research is needed, in special to Animal Parasitology, to develop state of the art products to solve old problems. Livestock, pets and wildlife may benefit from products in nanoscale, such as vaccines, target recombinant proteins, or new drug candidates. Thus, we want to give some food for thought to drive scientific programs into nanotechnology, creating a safer environment to animals and humans
Yrityksen selviytyminen ja menestyminen ovat riippuvaisia sen kyvystä innovoida, luoda tietoa ja hyödyntää tietämystä ja keksintöjä (Dunk ja Kilgore 2001). Yrityksen menestyminen erityisesti korkean teknologian alalla on siten suoraan riippuvainen sen T&T:stä, johon tehdyt investoinnit tuovat merkittäviä taloudellisia etuja yritykselle uusien tuotteiden, palveluiden ja prosessien muodossa (McEvily ja Chakravarthy 1999). Teknologinen etumatka ja sen tuotteistaminen innovatiivisiksi tarjoamiksi mahdollistaa monopolististen etujen saavuttamisen yrityksen kansainvälisessä kilpailussa (Lall 1977). Tämä kaltainen kilpailuetu voidaan saavuttaa yrityksen kyvyllä yhdistää maantieteellisesti hajautettu T&T:nsä tehokkaaksi verkostoksi (Porter 1986). Boehen (2008) mukaan T&T:n globalisoitumista voidaan johtaa eri hallintömuodoilla: T&T:n kansainvälistymisellä, T&T:n ulkomaille sijoittamisella ja T&T ulkomaille ulkoistamisella. T&T:n globalisoituminen on osa 2000-luvun taloudellista muutosta, ja sille on esitetty useita vaikuttavia tekijöitä, kuten kustannuserot, työvoimaresurssit, erityisosaamiskeskukset, paikallinen teknologia osaaminen ja kohdemarkkinoiden potentiaali (bardhan 2006; Norwood, ym. 2006; von Zedtwitz ja Gassmann 2002). Tutkimuksen on osoitettu eroavan tuotekehityksestä ja eri tekijöiden on osoitettu vaikuttavan niihin (von Zedtwitz ja Gassmann 2002; Leifer ja Triscari 1987). Samoin T&T on osoitettu olevan jatkumo perustavanlaatuisesta soveltavaan ja lääkekehityksen muodostavan vastaavan T&T jatkumon (Lall 1980; Iansiti 1993), jonka yksittäiset osat vaikuttavat sen hallintomuotoon. Tutkimus esittää eri tekijöitä voivan hyödyntää hallintomuodosta riippuen. Tätä tutkimusta varten tutkija haastatteli lääketeollisuuden johtajia Kiinassa vahvistaakseen tai hylätäkseen eri tekijöitä ja niiden suhdetta lääketeollisen T&T:n hallintomuotoihin. Markkinoiden todettiin olevan ensisijainen tekijä mutta myös kustannuserojen, insentiivien, työvoimaresurssien ja erityisosaamiskeskusten merkitys T&T:n globalisoitumiseen vaikuttavina tekijöinä vahvistettiin yhdessä perusvaatimusten ja riskitekijöiden kanssa. Tutkimuksessa vahvistetaan myös lääketeollisen T&T-jatkumon vaikutus ja esitetään viitekehys hallintomuodoille.
Firm's survival and success, which are dependent on its ability to innovate, to create knowledge and to capitalize on inventions and know-how, is in essence directly linked to its R&D process (Dunk and Kilgore 2001). Especially in technology driven industries, such as the pharmaceuticals, there are significant positive returns to R&D investments through introduction of new or improved products and services (McEvily and Chakravarthy 1999). Technological lead and its transformation to innovative products as fruits of corporate R&D can be seen as monopolistic advantage that helps enterprises to compete in today’s market (Lall 1977). This competitive advantage can be derived from corporation's ability to integrate its activities across geographic locations (Porter 1986). According to Boehe (2008) globalization of R&D can executed with different governance forms: R&D internationalization, R&D offshoring or R&D offshore outsourcing. Globalization of R&D is intervened with the changes in global economy of the 21st century. Some studies argue for its influencing factors to be access to vast skilled labor pools and centers of excellence (Bardhan 2006). Other studies indicate the R&D cost differentials between countries to be the major expected benefit (Norwood et al. 2006). Von Zedtwitz and Gassmann (2002) presented benefits as divided to accessing markets and customers or to accessing local science and technology. This study proposes that based on governance form distinct factor derived benefits can be capitalized. To corroborate or refute factors and their relations on R&D globalization governance forms, an empirical study based on expert interviews of pharmaceutical directors was conducted in the People's Republic of China. The market was found to be the major influencing factor. Local requirements and adaptation were corroborated as factors connected with markets. Furthermore, influencing factors, such as labour, centers of excellence, cost, financial incentives were corroborated together with conditional and risk factors. Furthermore this research argues that the globalization of pharmaceutical R&D is dependent on the financial, scientific and operational requirements of the drug discovery stage. And thus establishes the influence of drug discovery's stages continuum on pharmaceutical R&D globalization. Finally, a R&D globalization governance form decision framework is proposed based on the frameworks presented in literature and author's corroborated empirical findings.
Recent developments in the fields of veterinary epidemiology and economics are critically reviewed and assessed. The impacts of recent technological developments in diagnosis, genetic characterisation, data processing and statistical analysis are evaluated. It is concluded that the acquisition and availability of data remains the principal constraint to the application of available techniques in veterinary epidemiology and economics, especially at population level. As more commercial producers use computerised management systems, the availability of data for analysis within herds is improving. However, consistency of recording and diagnosis remains problematic. Recent trends to the development of national livestock databases intended to provide reassurance to consumers of the safety and traceability of livestock products are potentially valuable sources of data that could lead to much more effective application of veterinary epidemiology and economics. These opportunities will be greatly enhanced if data from different sources, such as movement recording, official animal health programmes, quality assurance schemes, production recording and breed societies can be integrated. However, in order to realise such integrated databases, it will be necessary to provide absolute control of user access to guarantee data security and confidentiality. The potential applications of integrated livestock databases in analysis, modelling, decision-support, and providing management information for veterinary services and livestock producers are discussed. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A technique for subtyping Camplobacter jejuni isolates has been developed by using the restriction fragment length polymorphism (Rnp) of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of the fluA and flaB genes. The technique was validated by using strains representing 28 serotypes of C jejuni and it may also be applied to C coli. From these strains 12 distinct RFLP profiles were observed but there was no direct relationship between the RFLP profile and the serotype. One hundred and thirty-five campylobacter isolates from 15 geographically distinct broiler flocks were investigated. All the isolates could be subtyped by using the RFLP method. Isolates from most of the flocks had a single RFLP profile despite data indicating that several serotypes were involved. Although it is possible that further restriction analysis may have demonstrated profile variations in these strains, it is more likely that antigenic variation can occur within genotypically related campylobacters. As a result, serotyping may give conflicting information for veterinary epidemiological purposes. This RFLP typing scheme appears to provide a suitable tool for the investigation of the sources and routes of transmission of campylobacters in chickens.
Medicinal plant materials are not usually analysed for condensed tannins (CT). Thirty commercially available European medicinal plants and herbal products were screened for CT and fourteen CT samples were analysed in detail. This is also the first comprehensive CT analysis of pine buds, walnut leaves, heather flowers and great water dock roots. Acetone/water extracts contained between 3.2 and 25.9 g CT/100 g of extract, had CT with mean degrees of polymerisation of 2.9 to 13.3, procyanidin/prodelphinidin ratios of 1.6/98.4 to 100/0 and cis/trans flavan-3-ol ratios of 17.7/82.3 to 97.3/2.7. The majority of samples contained procyanidins, four contained A-type linkages (blackthorn flowers, heather flowers, bilberry leaves and cowberry leaves) and one sample also had galloylated procyanidins (great water dock roots).
Bacterial resistance to antibiotics poses a serious health threat. Since research into new antibiotics is not progressing at the same rate as the development of bacterial resistance, widespread calls for alternatives to antibiotics have been made. Phage therapy is an ideal alternative candidate to be investigated. However the success of phage therapy may be hampered by a lack of investment support from large pharmaceutical companies, due to their narrow spectrum of activity in antibiotics, very large costs associated with clinical trials of the variety of phages needed, and regulatory requirements remaining unclear. Intellectual property is difficult to secure for therapeutic phage products for a variety of reasons, and patenting procedures vary widely between the US and the EU. Consequently, companies are more likely to invest in phage products for decontamination or veterinary use, rather than clinical use in humans. Some still raise questions as to the safety of phage therapy overall, suggesting the possibility of cytotoxicity and immunogenicity, depending on the phage preparation and route. On the other hand, with patients dying because of infections untreatable with conventional antibiotics, the question arises as to whether it is ethical not to pursue phage therapy more diligently. A paradigm shift about how phage therapy is perceived is required, as well as more rigorous proof of efficacy in the form of clinical trials of existing medicinal phage products. Phage therapy potential may be fulfilled in the meantime by allowing individual preparations to be used on a named-patient basis, with extensive monitoring and multidisciplinary team input. The National Health Service and academia have a role in carrying out clinical phage research, which would be beneficial to public health, but not necessarily financially rewarding.