998 resultados para 61.198
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In the 90s, the Brazilian Secretariat of the Special Education Department has expanded the democratization of education and pupils’ access to schooling, by redefi ning the operation of special education services. With this inclusion policy, the education system has been restructured. An important action, conducted during the period de 2005 to 2010, was to propose, deploy and implement Multifunctional Resources Rooms (Sala de recursos multifuncionais, or SRM), from two different types (type I and II). The challenge was to promote educational inclusion, in a program entitled Inclusive Education: the right to diversity. In a seek for new identity of teacher training and professional practice in special education, the great educational innovation is to better articulate the work of “ordinary“ and specialized teachers, via the SRM, and to develop collective and participatory actions between common spaces and support spaces. In this context, the school and the family represent an important source of partnership.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis which requires prolonged treatment. It is highest prevalence in Latin America, with different endemic areas in Brazil. In this study the aim was to characterize clients suffering from mucocutaneous paracoccidioidomycosis by analysis of histopathological examinations of 61 adult patients diagnosed with mucocutaneous paracoccidioidomycosis treated at the Dental School of Araçatuba, from January 1989 to December 2004. It was observed that the disease occurred in 91.81% (56) men and 8.19% (5) women, more prevalent (78.68%) in whites, aged 40 to 59 years (62.9%) and the profession linked to agriculture in 17 patients (27.86%). All patients had oral manifestations, in multiple sites, but it was most prevalent in the oral mucosa (31.42%) and alveolar ridge (17.14%). The dentist as an integral member of the health services, must know the clinical manifestations of paracoccidioidomycosis to achieve early diagnosis and thereby to improve the quality of life of patients.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Boletim elaborado pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP
Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP
The Mr. USA Pageant Records consists of letters, news releases, newspaper clippings, memorabilia, and photographs relating to the operation of the pageant and the publicity generated from the pageant. The Mr. USA Pageant was held on May 13, 1977 in Charleston, SC as a spoof of traditional beauty pageants and was sponsored by the National Organization of Women (NOW).
Kate Evans Cathcart Lindsey (1898-1975) was a Winthrop graduate (Class of 1919) and a former president of the Greenville, SC Chapter of the Winthrop Alumni Association. The Kate Evans Cathcart Lindsey Papers consist of a scrapbook and a diary relating to Mrs. Lindsey’s college days at Winthrop, as well as, correspondence and newspaper clippings pertaining to her role as the Greenville Alumni Association President. Correspondents include James P. Kinard and Shelton Phelps. The collection is a great source for information concerning student life at Winthrop (1915-1919) and of collegiate life during World War I.
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der Haftungsproblematik des vorläufigen Insolvenzverwalters, dem das Insolvenzgericht bereits im Eröffnungsverfahren die Verwaltungs- und Verfügungsbefugnis über das schuldnerische Vermögen übertragen hat. Nach § 55 Abs. 2 InsO haben Verbindlichkeiten, die der vorläufige Insolvenzverwalter begründet hat, im eröffneten Verfahren den Rang von Masseverbindlichkeiten. Gleiches gilt im Fall der Inanspruchnahme von Gegenleistungen aus bereits bestehenden Dauerschuldverhältnissen. Für die von ihm dergestalt begründeten Masseverbindlichkeiten haftet der vorläufige Insolvenzverwalter im Fall eines späteren Forderungsausfalls gegenüber den Gläubigern persönlich, sofern er nicht den Entlastungsbeweis führen kann, dass bei Eingehung der Verbindlichkeit der spätere Ausfall nicht absehbar war (§§ 21, 61 InsO). Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Herausarbeitung der Haftungsvoraussetzungen des § 61 InsO, der an ein pflichtwidriges Verhalten des (vorläufigen) Insolvenzverwalters anknüpft. Der vorläufige Verwalter hat, um einer Haftung nach §§ 21, 61 InsO zu entgehen, vor Eingehung neuer Masseverbindlichkeiten die zukünftige Massedeckung zu prüfen. Hierbei müssen die zukünftigen Einnahmen und Ausgaben im Wege einer Finanzplanung erfasst und bewertet werden. Die Herausarbeitung dieser in Literatur und Praxis bislang stiefmütterlich behandelten Problematik ist Kernthema der Dissertation.