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Luonnon monimuotoisuuden ja kosteikkojen (LUMO) yleissuunnittelu on maa- ja metsätalousministeriön rahoittama valtakunnallinen hankekokonaisuus, jonka tarkoituksena on parantaa maaseutuympäristöjen vesistönsuojelua sekä auttaa arvostamaan, säilyttämään ja palauttamaan luonnon monimuotoisuuden ja maiseman kannalta tärkeitä kohteita. Simon kunta valikoitui suunnittelualueeksi, koska kylissä on useita aktiivitiloja sekä halu hoitaa kaunista kulttuuri- ja kylämaisemaa. Simojoki on myös kuuluisa tulvaniityistään. Lisäksi alueella on jo ennestään lukuisia maatalouden ympäristötuen erityistukisopimuksia. Tässä suunnitelmassa kartoitetut kohteet vaihtelevat maatalousalueiden kosteikoista jokien ja ojien suistojen reheviin tulvaniittyihin vanhoihin hakamaihin ja metsälaitumiin. Vesistönsuojelun näkökulmasta pelloilta tapahtuvaa huuhtoumaa voidaan merkittävästi pienentää hoitamalla nykyiselläänkin varsin leveitä reunavyöhykkeitä sekä vanhoja säännöstelyn myötä vettyneitä tulvapeltoja ja -niittyjä, joiden kautta vedet valuvat Simojokeen ja Perämereen. Luonnon monimuotoisuuden kannalta merkittävimmän kokonaisuuden muodostavat Simojoen ja Viantiejoen suistoalueiden tulvaniityt. Hoidetut tulvaniityt pidättävät osaltaan yläpuolisilta valuma-alueilta tulevaa ravinnekuormaa. Maatalousalueille perustettavilla kosteikoilla voidaan merkittävästi pienentää pelloilta valuvaa ravinnekuormaa. Suunnitelmaan valittiin 47 kohdealuetta, joista suurin osa on muodostettu yhdistämällä useampia erillisiä tai luontotyypiltään erilaisia kohteita. Kohteiden yhteenlaskettu pinta-ala on 158 hehtaaria. Pinta-alat vaihtelevat pienikokoisista ketolaikuista useiden hehtaarien tulvaniittyihin. Perinnebiotooppien yhteispinta-ala on 131 hehtaaria. Valtaosa perinnebiotoopeista sijoittuu saarien ja rantojen tulvavyöhykkeelle, missä kevättulvat ovat ylläpitäneet niittykasvillisuutta perinteisen maankäytön loppumisen jälkeenkin. Kosteikkojen rooli on nykyisellä tukikaudella korostunut, toivottavasti kylistä löytyisi intoa lähteä toteuttamaan kosteikkoja suunnitelmassa ehdotettuihin paikkoihin. Suunnitelma tehtiin yhteistyössä kyläyhdistysten, maanviljelijöiden ja asukkaiden kanssa. Pensoittuneiden jokivarsien ja kylien viljelysmaisemien avaamiseksi tarvitaan nyt aktiivisia hoitotoimia. Simossa on erinomaisia maisemanhoitajia ylämaankarja-, nauta-, hevos- ja lammastiloilla. Tässä yleissuunnitelmassa esitetyille kohteille voidaan hakea perinnebiotooppien hoitoon sekä luonnon ja maiseman monimuotoisuuden edistämiseen tarkoitettuja maatalouden ympäristötuen erityistukimuotoja. Tulvaherkille tai kalteville vesistöön rajautuville peltoalueille voi hakea suojavyöhykkeiden perustamiseen ja hoitoon tarkoitettua erityistukea tai hoitaa jo olemassa olevia reunavyöhykkeitä. Suunnitelmassa ehdotettujen kosteikkojen perustamiseen voi hakea ei-tuotannollista investointitukea.
OBJETIVO: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de germes e do perfil de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos a partir de uroculturas de pacientes gestantes atendidas em um hospital materno-infantil em Porto Alegre, Brasil. MÉTODOS : Foi realizado estudo transversal, retrospectivo e descritivo, no Hospital Fêmina, referência para atendimento às mulheres durante o pré-natal, parto e puerpério na cidade de Porto Alegre, Brasil. A partir de 1.558 uroculturas positivas, foram avaliados 482 resultados microbiológicos comunitários com perfil de sensibilidade antimicrobiana de uroculturas de gestantes em todas as idades gestacionais, atendidas no período de janeiro de 2007 a julho de 2013. RESULTADOS : O padrão de sensibilidade apresentado nesta pesquisa mostra que a escolha para o tratamento de infecção urinária durante a gravidez deve ser nitrofurantoína (para infecções não complicadas) ou cefalosporinas de segunda geração, como cefuroxima (para infecções não complicadas e complicadas), evitando o uso de ampicilina, cefalosporinas de primeira geração e sulfametoxazol/trimetoprim. CONCLUSÃO : O tratamento empírico de infecção urinária na gravidez deve ser iniciado de acordo com os padrões de suscetibilidade descritos na literatura, e revisto após os resultados de cultura de urina.
1818/11/17 (Numéro 482).
Previous research on productivity is often associated with manufacturing or uses manufacturing definitions of productivity. Marketing research on services has not been satisfied with the manufacturing definitions. No universal definition for service productivity exists. The lack of a universal definition highlights the complexity entailed in the concept of productivity. The objective of this study was to investigate service productivity in situations, where traditional ways are in some cases even not possible or are not enough. In one definition of the productivity of service organisations there is the efficiency of the organisation on the input side and on the output side the customers’ perceived quality or value-in-use. To learn about value-in-use, many methods have been developed. A common practice is to make customer opinion surveys in the form of customer questionnaires and interviews. However, customers cannot always be asked directly, for example, because of impaired cognitive abilities. Such cases include the elderly and children. Furthermore, customer opinion surveys are time consuming. In addition, customers do not always know what kind of services they would benefit from. For the empirical part of the study, a business area was identified where traditional ways of measuring value-in-use are difficult or in some cases even not possible. This business area is safety telephone services. These services are most often used by the elderly. The way to define value-in-use here was to assess how well the services offered met customer expectations. Comparing the services customers asked for and the services provided to them indicated whether customer expectations were met. This study showed that customers had their ideas concerning the contents of the services but many times the services provided did not meet these expectations. Organisational efficiency aspirations can decrease customers’ value-in-use. This study found a solution, in which increasing organisational efficiency would go hand-in-hand with increasing customers’ value-in-use; the result being that the organisations’ needs and the service users’ expectations were in line. Value creation for customers produced organisational efficiency and thus increased productivity. In this study, customer expectations were observed by means of wellness technology. With the help of modern technology, customer expectations can be followed quickly and easily and customers can co-create with the organisation. This type of an approach could be useful even in the development of other services for other ages and in different contexts. If a service organisation decreases the number of personnel and, at the same time, tries to offer services to the same or a larger clientele, customers easily notice the change, which is often negative. To avoid harmful decrease in value-in-use, limitations to the aspiration of efficiency should be implemented – one of such is that the organisation is required to meet certain quality standards defined by experts. The aim is to secure that, as a result of efficiency aspirations in the organisation, the quality of the service offerings does not diminish below mutually agreed standards. Traditionally, when productivity in services has been estimated, organisational efficiency has not been combined with both customer expectations and an expert assessment of quality. This study contributes with novel thinking entitled ‘Relationship Management of the Elderly’. This study handles productivity, expert defined quality and value-in-use in an organisational context, which is practically untouched in previous research studies.
In 1859, Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution by natural selection, the process occurring based on fitness benefits and fitness costs at the individual level. Traditionally, evolution has been investigated by biologists, but it has induced mathematical approaches, too. For example, adaptive dynamics has proven to be a very applicable framework to the purpose. Its core concept is the invasion fitness, the sign of which tells whether a mutant phenotype can invade the prevalent phenotype. In this thesis, four real-world applications on evolutionary questions are provided. Inspiration for the first two studies arose from a cold-adapted species, American pika. First, it is studied how the global climate change may affect the evolution of dispersal and viability of pika metapopulations. Based on the results gained here, it is shown that the evolution of dispersal can result in extinction and indeed, evolution of dispersalshould be incorporated into the viability analysis of species living in fragmented habitats. The second study is focused on the evolution of densitydependent dispersal in metapopulations with small habitat patches. It resulted a very surprising unintuitive evolutionary phenomenon, how a non-monotone density-dependent dispersal may evolve. Cooperation is surprisingly common in many levels of life, despite of its obvious vulnerability to selfish cheating. This motivated two applications. First, it is shown that density-dependent cooperative investment can evolve to have a qualitatively different, monotone or non-monotone, form depending on modelling details. The last study investigates the evolution of investing into two public-goods resources. The results suggest one general path by which labour division can arise via evolutionary branching. In addition to applications, two novel methodological derivations of fitness measures in structured metapopulations are given.
Para controlar a proliferação de Egeria densa e reduzir os prejuízos que vêm causando na geração de energia em Paulo Afonso, é necessário conhecer sua capacidade de regeneração. Para isso, foram marcados quadrados de 4 m², em diferentes épocas do ano e em três profundidades (0-2, 2-6 e 6-9 m), e retiradas as biomassas de E. densa iniciais e três meses depois. Na profundidade de 0-2 m, as retiradas de plantas foram repetidas por cinco vezes, em quatro dos mesmos quadrados. Nesta profundidade, as massas regeneradas (518 g m-2) foram semelhantes às iniciais (482 g m-2), independentemente da época do ano (estação seca, geral: 506 g m-2; chuvosa: 513 g m-2) e da repetição da retirada. Na de 2-6 m, as massas regeneradas foram apenas 66% das iniciais (150 e 229 g m-2) e na de 6-9 m, apenas 21% (11,6 e 54,9 g m-2). A rápida recolonização e o grande crescimento de E. densa tornam muito difícil erradicá-la dos reservatórios do São Francisco. Sugere-se que seja explorado esse grande potencial de produção de biomassa.
The effect of dose and volume of a perimuscular injection of Bothrops jararacussu venom on myonecrosis of skeletal muscle was studied in mice. An increase of the venom dose (0.25 to 2.0 µg/g) at a given volume (50 µl) resulted in an increase in plasma creatine kinase (CK) levels 2 h after injection. Plasma CK activity increased from the basal level of 129.27 ± 11.83 (N = 20) to 2392.80 ± 709.43 IU/l (N = 4) for the 1.0 µg/g dose. Histological analysis of extensor digitorum longus muscle 4 h after injection showed lesion of peripheral muscle fibers, disorganization of the bundles or the complete degeneration of muscle fibers. These lesions were more extensive when higher doses were injected. Furthermore, an increase in volume (12.5 to 100 µl) by dilution of a given dose (0.5 µg/g) also increased plasma CK levels from 482.31 ± 122.79 to 919.07 ± 133.33 IU/l (N = 4), respectively. These results indicate that care should be taken to standardize volumes and sites of venom injections.
Genetic studies have suggested that polymorphisms of genes coding for apolipoproteins are significant determinants of serum lipoprotein and lipid levels in adults. However, only a few studies have investigated the association of these polymorphisms in children. Therefore, in the present investigation we studied the distribution of APOA1 -75 G>A, +83 C>T, APOC3 -482 C>T, -455 T>C and 3238 C>G, and APOA4 Q360H and T347S polymorphisms and their influence on plasma lipoprotein levels in children from a Brazilian northeastern admixed population. The seven polymorphic sites were genotyped in 414 children aged 5 to 15 years (mean 8.9 ± 2.9). The genotypes of the seven polymorphic sites were assessed by PCR-RFLP methods. The frequencies of the less common alleles were, in general, intermediate among parental populations, as expected. Strong linkage disequilibrium was detected between polymorphisms at the APOA1, APOC3 and APOA4 loci in this admixed population sample. Overall the genotype effects seen in adults were weaker or absent in children. The APOC3/-455 and APOA4 T347S variants showed significant effects on HDL cholesterol in girls (P = 0.033 and P = 0.016, respectively). Significantly higher plasma total (P = 0.003) and LDL cholesterol (P = 0.004) levels were observed in boys who were carriers of the 3238G allele at the APOC3/3238 C>G site. These results disclosed an overall absence of associations between these polymorphisms and lipids in children. This finding is not unexpected because expression of the effect of these polymorphisms might depend on the interaction with environmental variables both internal and external to the individual.