983 resultados para 403
Surface texture influences friction during sliding contact conditions. In the present investigation, the effect of surface texture and roughness of softer and harder counter materials on friction during sliding was analyzed using an inclined scratch testing system. In the experiments, two test configurations, namely (a) steel balls against aluminum alloy flats of different surface textures and (b) aluminum alloy pins against steel flats of different surface textures, are utilized. The surface textures were classified into unidirectionally ground, 8-ground, and randomly polished. For a given texture, the roughness of the flat surfaces was varied using grinding or polishing methods. Optical profilometer and scanning electron microscope were used to characterize the contact surfaces before and after the experiments. Experimental results showed that the surface textures of both harder and softer materials are important in controlling the frictional behavior. The softer material surface textures showed larger variations in friction between ground and polished surfaces. However, the harder material surface textures demonstrated a better control over friction among the ground surfaces. Although the effect of roughness on friction was less significant when compared to textures, the harder material roughness showed better correlations when compared to the softer material roughness.
The transformation of flowing liquids into rigid glasses is thought to involve increasingly cooperative relaxation dynamics as the temperature approaches that of the glass transition. However, the precise nature of this motion is unclear, and a complete understanding of vitrification thus remains elusive. Of the numerous theoretical perspectives(1-4) devised to explain the process, random first-order theory (RFOT; refs 2,5) is a well-developed thermodynamic approach, which predicts a change in the shape of relaxing regions as the temperature is lowered. However, the existence of an underlying `ideal' glass transition predicted by RFOT remains debatable, largely because the key microscopic predictions concerning the growth of amorphous order and the nature of dynamic correlations lack experimental verification. Here, using holographic optical tweezers, we freeze a wall of particles in a two-dimensional colloidal glass-forming liquid and provide direct evidence for growing amorphous order in the form of a static point-to-set length. We uncover the non-monotonic dependence of dynamic correlations on area fraction and show that this non-monotonicity follows directly from the change in morphology and internal structure of cooperatively rearranging regions(6,7). Our findings support RFOT and thereby constitute a crucial step in distinguishing between competing theories of glass formation.
Abrin obtained from the plant Abrus precatorius inhibits protein synthesis and also triggers apoptosis in cells. Previous studies from our laboratory suggested a link between these two events. Using an active site mutant of abrin A-chain which exhibits 225-fold lower protein synthesis inhibitory activity than the wild-type abrin A-chain, we demonstrate in this study that inhibition of protein synthesis induced by abrin is the major factor triggering unfolded protein response leading to apoptosis. Since abrin A-chain requires the B-chain for internalization into cells, the wild-type and mutant recombinant abrin A-chains were conjugated to native ricin B-chain to generate hybrid toxins, and the toxic effects of the two conjugates were compared. The rate of inhibition of protein synthesis mediated by the mutant ricin B-rABRA (R167L) conjugate was slower than that of the wild-type ricin B-rABRA conjugate as expected. The mutant conjugate activated p38MAPK and caspase-3 similar to its wild-type counterpart although at later time points. Overall, these results confirm that inhibition of protein synthesis is the major event contributing to abrin-mediated apoptosis.
This paper presents the stability analysis of functionally graded plate integrated with piezoelectric actuator and sensor at the top and bottom face, subjected to electrical and mechanical loading. The finite element formulation is based on first order and higher order shear deformation theory, degenerated shell element, von-Karman hypothesis and piezoelectric effect. The equation for static analysis is derived by using the minimum energy principle and solutions for critical buckling load is obtained by solving eigenvalue problem. The material properties of the functionally graded plate are assumed to be graded along the thickness direction according to simple power law function. Two types of boundary conditions are used, such as SSSS (simply supported) and CSCS (simply supported along two opposite side perpendicular to the direction of compression and clamped along the other two sides). Sensor voltage is calculated using present analysis for various power law indices and FG (functionally graded) material gradations. The stability analysis of piezoelectric FG plate is carried out to present the effects of power law index, material variations, applied mechanical pressure and piezo effect on buckling and stability characteristics of FG plate.
It is known that the press formability and the elongation of laser textured sheet are improved, and the service life of textured roll is longer than that of the un-textured roll due to hardening of the treated surface. One of the goals to develop high repetitive rate YAG laser-induced discharge texturing (LIDT) is to get deeper hardening zone. By observing and measuring cross-section of LIDT spots in different discharge conditions, it is found that the single-crater, which is formed by the discharge conditions of anode, which is covered by an oil film and with rectangular current waveform, has the most depth of heat affected zone (HAZ) comparing with other crater shapes when discharge energy is the same. The depth of HAZ is mainly depends on pulse duration when the discharge spot is single-crater. The results are analyzed.
While the world is focused on controlling the spread of diseases such as HIV and malaria in the developing world, another approaching epidemic has been largely overlooked. The World Heath Organization predicts that there will be 16 million new cancer cases per year in 2020 and 70% of these will be in the developing world. Many of these cancers are preventable, or treatable when detected early enough. Establishing effective, affordable and workable cancer control plans in African countries is one step in the right direction toward limiting this epidemic.
El presente estudio se realizó en la granja cunícula de la Facultad de Ciencia Animal de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, ubicada en el Km. 12 1/2 de la carretera Norte, Managua, Nicaragua. El cual abarca una fase retrospectiva y una prospectiva, realizándose con ayuda de los registros productivos y reproductivos de cada animal. El objetivo del estudio fue establecer retrospectivamente las tasas de mortalidad del período de enero de 1994 a diciembre de 1998, e implementar un plan sanitario en forma prospectiva con el fin de disminuir la mortalidad encontrada en los años anteriores. Las fases del estudio realizado se enfocaron en el análisis de la mortalidad de los animales, teniendo como variables las diferentes categorías, raza, destino, mes y año. En la fase retrospectiva, la mortalidad de las hembras por raza dio como resultado, un porcentaje de muertos mayor en la raza Neozelandés Blanca con 27 hembras muertas representando el 48.2 % de la mortalidad entre 8 diferentes razas, presentándose las muertes en su mayoría en los meses de época seca, así como también 403 gazapos muertos lo que representa un porcentaje de 58 %. En la fase prospectiva, el total de conejos estudiados fue de 112, de los cuales se obtuvo un total de 4 hembras muertas para un porcentaje de 14.28% en lo que respecta a su categoría. El porcentaje de mortalidad de los gazapos al nacimiento fue de 25.8% dándose el número mayor de muertos en la época seca. En la categoría de engorde fue un total de 11 conejos muertos lo que representa el 13.9% de mortalidad en esa categoría. Los resultados demuestran que la implementación de un plan sanitario es indispensable para una alta producción de conejos, ya que sin este el índice de mortalidad e incidencia de enfermedades se aumentan, igualmente el factor económico haciendo gastos innecesarios en medicamentos para curar las enfermedades.
A Semi-Empirical Equation of Penetration Depth on Concrete Target Impacted by Ogive-Nose Projectiles
In this paper, the penetration process of ogive-nose projectiles into the semi-infinite concrete target is investigated by the dimensional analysis method and FEM simulation. With the dimensional analysis, main non-dimensional parameters which control the penetration depth are obtained with some reasonable hypothesis. Then, a new semi-empirical equation is present based on the original work of Forrestal et al., has only two non-dimensional combined variables with definite physical meanings. To verify this equation, prediction results are compared with experiments in a wide variation region of velocity. Then, a commercial FEM code, LS-DYNA, is used to simulate the complex penetration process, that also show the novel semi-empirical equation is reasonable for determining the penetration depth in a concrete target.
Este estudio identifica los principales factores que inciden en la determinación de la CCT de los senderos El Cráter, El Puma y El Cafetal de la Reserva Natural Volcán Mombacho. La Capacidad de carga turística se consideró tal y como propone Cifuentes en su metodología, en tres niveles: Capacidad de Carga Física (CCF), Capacidad de Carga Real (CCR) y Capacidad de Carga Efectiva (CCE) (Cifuentes, M. 1999). Se estimó la Capacidad de Manejo (CM) de la RNVM, en 74.24%, obteniendo en el sendero El Cráter una CCE de 442 visitas/día, en el sendero El Puma de 93 visitas/día, y en el sendero El Cafetal de 753 visitas/día. Si se lograse un incremento de la CM en un 80%; el sendero El Cráter in crementaría su CCE a 476 visitas/día; el sendero El Puma a 101 visitas/día; y el sendero El Cafetal a 811 visitas/día. Este escenario está calculado para visitantes con propósitos eco turísticos. Debido a que las visitas de estudiantes de colegio, muestran un comportamiento diferente, se realizó el cálculo considerando dichos elementos en los factores de corrección para los Sendero El Cráter y El Cafetal (El Puma no es frecuentado por estudiantes de colegio). La CCE para estudiantes en el sendero El Cráter fue de 236 visitas/día, con una CM del 74.24%, y para un escenario del 80% de CM se calcula en 255 visitas/día; para el sendero El Cafetal se calculó en 403 visitas/día a un 74.24% de CM y 434 visitas/día a una CM del 80%. Las visitas máximas reportadas para el año 2003 fueron en los meses de Enero y Junio, con 298 y 305 visitas/día; en el año 2002 se reportan los meses de Marzo y Mayo con 366 y 298 visitas/día; la visitación al Sendero El Cráter no excede aún la CCE calculada, no así si los visitantes fueran estudian tes de colegio. Si la tendencia de la visitación continua incrementándose con los años, se requerirá que la administración de la RNVM restringa el número de visitas en los períodos picos de las mismas.