983 resultados para 329.23
Participants were exposed to concepts and information about EAFM using a structured, participatory method of delivery. The learning strategy involved pre- and post-course assessment as well as 4-6 month follow up at outcome level to assess improves EAFM practices. The report outlines methodology details of content and the daily feedback process.
Objectives of the workshop included: presentation of research to stakeholders; briefing of stakeholders on project objectives, contents and activities; to get stakeholder perceptions and suggestions.
On page OP 175, U. Steiner and co-workers destabilise polymer trilayer films using an electric field to generate separated micrometre-sized core-shell pillars, which are further modified by selective polymer dissolution to yield polymer core columns surrounded by a rim and micro-volcano rim structures. When coated with gold and decorated with Raman active probes, all three structure types give rise to substantial enhancement in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Since this SERS enhancement arises from each of the isolated structures in the array, these surface patterns are an ideal platform for multiplexed SERS detection.
传统的观念认为 ,单性动物由于失去了重组机会 ,必然难以适应变化的环境 ,终将绝灭。但是已被发现的近 5 0种单性脊椎动物不仅没有因失去基因的重组和交换而绝灭 ,反而表现出强大的生命力。其有害突变积累和较长的生物演化历程之间的矛盾和在缺乏遗传重组情况下的进化机制是特别引人关注的重大生物学问题。简要论述了单性动物独特的基因组结构、存在历史及其进化途径 (突变、三倍化、异精雌核发育生殖方式和异精效应及生殖方式多样化 )。
Beating patterns in longitudinal resistance caused by the symmetric and antisymmetric states were observed in a heavily doped InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well by using variable temperature Hall measurement. The energy gap of symmetric and antisymmetric states is estimated to be 4meV from the analysis of beating node positions. In addition, the temperature dependences of the subband electron mobility and concentration were also studied from the mobility spectrum and multicarrier fitting procedure.
通过测定纳米硅薄膜的透射谱,建立计算模型计算得出薄膜样品的折射率、厚度、吸收系数和光能隙.计算结果表明这种半导体材料在620 nm波长附近的折射率约为3.4,计算得到的厚度与用台阶仪测量的结果吻合很好.在620 nm波长附近的吸收系数介于吸收系数较小的晶体硅与吸收系数较大的非晶硅之间,光能隙约为1.6 eV,两者都随晶态含量增大而呈减小趋势.