965 resultados para 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate


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Undersökningens syfte är att analysera, beskriva och få kunskap om hur ett undersökande arbetssätt i naturvetenskap i årskurs 2-3 kan bidra till elevers lärande samt hur lärares arbetssätt kan bidra till att elevers undersökande arbetssätt knyts till undervisningens övergripande syfte. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i elevers och lärares arbete med skolutvecklingsprojektet Naturvetenskap och Teknik för Alla (NTA) inom temat jord. Undersökningen är en kvalitativ studie där metoderna är intervju och observation. Intervjuerna antecknades och spelades in, medan observationerna endast antecknades. Resultatet bygger på samtalen under intervjuer samt det elever och lärare gör och samtalar om på lektionerna. Materialet renskrevs och bearbetades och utvalda delar från ljudupptagningarna transkriberades. Resultatet visar att lärarnas övergripande syfte med undervisningen i undersökningen är att lära eleverna ”Se hela förlopp” och ”Ställa hypoteser och undersöka”. Lärarna använder sig i undervisningen av de närliggande syftena ”Plantera ärtor i rör”, ”Gissa vad de tror kommer att hända i rören”, ”Repetera och dokumentera planteringen av ärtorna i olika jordarter”, ”Sköta om komposten”, ”Att repetera vad de gjort tidigare”, ”Gissa i vilken jordart som det växt bäst” och ”Diskutera och dokumentera resultatet” för att uppnå de övergripande syftena. Undersökningen visar också på samspelet mellan de närliggande och övergripande syftena. Lärarnas sätt att arbeta för att uppnå dessa syften är att ställa öppna frågor, ge exempel, förklara, jämföra, föra diskussionen framåt och repetera. Ett undersökande arbetssätt, där NTA står i fokus, bidrar till elevers lärande och uppfyller väl de övergripande syften lärarna har med undervisningen, men också syftet med undervisningen enligt Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2011, Lgr 11.


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Dynamic system test methods for heating systems were developed and applied by the institutes SERC and SP from Sweden, INES from France and SPF from Switzerland already before the MacSheep project started. These test methods followed the same principle: a complete heating system – including heat generators, storage, control etc., is installed on the test rig; the test rig software and hardware simulates and emulates the heat load for space heating and domestic hot water of a single family house, while the unit under test has to act autonomously to cover the heat demand during a representative test cycle. Within the work package 2 of the MacSheep project these similar – but different – test methods were harmonized and improved. The work undertaken includes:  • Harmonization of the physical boundaries of the unit under test. • Harmonization of the boundary conditions of climate and load. • Definition of an approach to reach identical space heat load in combination with an autonomous control of the space heat distribution by the unit under test. • Derivation and validation of new six day and a twelve day test profiles for direct extrapolation of test results.   The new harmonized test method combines the advantages of the different methods that existed before the MacSheep project. The new method is a benchmark test, which means that the load for space heating and domestic hot water preparation will be identical for all tested systems, and that the result is representative for the performance of the system over a whole year. Thus, no modelling and simulation of the tested system is needed in order to obtain the benchmark results for a yearly cycle. The method is thus also applicable to products for which simulation models are not available yet. Some of the advantages of the new whole system test method and performance rating compared to the testing and energy rating of single components are:  • Interaction between the different components of a heating system, e.g. storage, solar collector circuit, heat pump, control, etc. are included and evaluated in this test. • Dynamic effects are included and influence the result just as they influence the annual performance in the field. • Heat losses are influencing the results in a more realistic way, since they are evaluated under "real installed" and representative part-load conditions rather than under single component steady state conditions.   The described method is also suited for the development process of new systems, where it replaces time-consuming and costly field testing with the advantage of a higher accuracy of the measured data (compared to the typically used measurement equipment in field tests) and identical, thus comparable boundary conditions. Thus, the method can be used for system optimization in the test bench under realistic operative conditions, i.e. under relevant operating environment in the lab.   This report describes the physical boundaries of the tested systems, as well as the test procedures and the requirements for both the unit under test and the test facility. The new six day and twelve day test profiles are also described as are the validation results.


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Sustentabilidade empresarial: do capital somente à Bolsa de Valores - Luiz Maia - Instituto BM&FBOVESPA - Mario Monzoni - GVces / FGV-EAESP


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Mesa redonda - Cenário de investimento em negócios verdes - André Vitti - Axial Gestão, Fabio Bellotti - São Paulo Anjos, Juliano Graff- Master Minds, Oren Pinsky - Grupo Stratus, Renato Marques - Finep - Mediadora: Elisabeth Lerner - Tripod Investments


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Secas extremas, inundações, furacões, pessoas que perderam suas casas, suas plantações, seus animais, sua fé. Essa é a realidade enfrentada por brasileiros em diversas regiões do País. A causa? As mudanças do clima. Apesar de muita gente ainda achar que aquecimento global é coisa de cinema ou que só acontecerá daqui a muitas gerações, o documentário do Greenpeace "Mudanças do Clima, Mudanças de Vidas" mostra que tudo isso já é, infelizmente, uma realidade. Confira ao lado o filme e clique no menu acima para adquirir a sua cópia


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Protesto realizado em 9/12, dia em que foi cancelada plenária que discutiria vinculação legal do acordo global. Manifestantes pediram teto de 1.5 graus para aumento de temperatura e posições ousadas e contundentes dos países em desenvolvimento


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A plataforma brasileira Empresas pelo Clima recebeu no dia 4 de maio Paul Hardisty, Diretor global da divisão EcoNomics & Sustainability da Worley Parsons, para uma apresentação sobre cases de sucesso em que a gestão de emissão de gases de efeito estufa foi aplicada como medida de adaptação às mudanças climáticas globais


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Em palestra realizada no dia 04 de julho, o professor Wilson Nobre (membro fundador e pesquisador do Fórum de Inovação da FGV-EAESP), falou sobre Inovação na Cadeia de Valor


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Esta é uma das seis partes da videoaula que integra o conteúdo do especial P22_ON sobre precificação de carbono. Nesta série, a pesquisadora do GVces Inaiê Takaes Santos faz um exercício teórico no qual analisa o custo-benefício da tributação e do sistema de comércio de emissões


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Laçamento da cartilha desenvolvimento de políticas públicas de fomento ao empreendedorismo em estados e municípios e políticas públicas de fomento ao empreendedorismo e às micro e pequenas empresas do projeto de pesquisa empowering brazilian states to Improve business environment, financiado pela Embaixada Britânica por meio do Prosperity Fund e elaborada por pesquisadores da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, do Centro de Estudos em Administração Pública e Governo (CEAPG) e do Centro de Empreendedorismo e Novos Negócios (CENN)


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A new vanadium (IV) complex with the monoanion of 2,3-dihydroxypyridine (H(2)dhp), or 3-hydroxy-2(1H)-pyridone, was synthesized, characterized by physicochemical techniques and tested biologically. The EPR data for the [VO(Hdhp)(2)] complex in DMF are: g(x) = 1.9768, g(y) = 1.9768 and g(z) = 1.9390; A values (10(-4) cm(-1)): A(x), 59.4; A(y//), 59.4; A(z), 171.0. The vV=O band in the IR spectrum of the complex is at 986 cm(-1). The complex is paramagnetic, with mu(eff) = 1.65 BM (d(1), spin-only) at 25 degrees C. The irreversible oxidation process [V(V)/V(IV)] of the [VO(Hdhp)(2)] complex, as revealed in a cyclic voltammogram, occurs at 876 mV. The calculated molecular structure of [VO(Hdhp)(2)] shows the vanadium(IV) center in a distorted square pyramidal environment, with the oxo ligand in the apical position and the oxygen donor atoms of the Hdhp ligands in the basal positions. The ability of [VO(Hdhp)(2)] to mimic insulin, and its toxicity to hepato-biliary functions, were investigated in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and it was concluded that the length of treatment and the amount of [VO(Hdhp)(2)] administered were effective in reducing experimental diabetes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present work reports the effects caused by barium on phase formation, morphology and sintering of lead magnesium niobate-lead titanate (PMN-50PT). Ab initio study of 0.5PbMg(1/3)Nb(2/3)O(3)-0.5Ba(x)Pb((1-x))TiO(3) ceramic powders, with x = 0, 0.20, and 0.40 was proposed, considering that the partial substitution of lead by barium can reestablish the equilibrium of monoclinic-tetragonal phases in the system. It was verified that even for 40 mol% of barium, it was possible to obtain pyrochlore-free PMN-PT powders. The increase of the lattice parameters of PMN-PT doped-powders confirmed dopant incorporation into the perovskite phase. The presence of barium improved the reactivity of the powders, with an average particle size of 120 nm for 40 mol% of barium against 167 mn for the pure sample. Although high barium content (40 mol%) was deleterious for a dense ceramic, contents up to 20 mol% allowed 95% density when sintered at 1100 degrees C for 4 h. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) catalyzes the phosphorolysis of the N-ribosidic bonds of purine nucleosides and deoxynucleosides. In human, PNP is the only route for degradation of deoxyguanosine and genetic deficiency of this enzyme leads to profound T-cell mediated immunosuppression. PNP is therefore a target for inhibitor development aiming at T-cell immune response modulation and its low resolution structure has been used for drug design. Here we report the structure of human PNP solved to 2.3 Angstrom resolution using synchrotron radiation and cryocrystallographic techniques. This structure allowed a more precise analysis of the active site, generating a more reliable model for substrate binding. The higher resolution data allowed the identification of water molecules in the active site, which suggests binding partners for potential ligands. Furthermore, the present structure may be used in the new structure-based design of PNP inhibitors. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.