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Review of 'The Alchemist', Queensland Theatre Company, published in The Australian, 2 March 2009.


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Paul Makeham’s work in AusStage Phase 3 has centred on regional mapping of live performance activity. A pilot mapping project was developed to identify regional clusters of performance as well as key regional organisations. In designing this pilot project, reference was made to two other ARC-funded projects. The first of these was Talking Theatre, an audience development research initiative for Queensland and the Northern Territory supported by an ARC Projects-Linkage grant. Talking Theatre was funded between 2004 and 2006 as a Linkage between the ARC, NARPACA (the Northern Australian Regional Performing Arts Centres Association), Arts Queensland, Arts Northern Territory, and QUT. The second project was the Creative Digital Industries National Mapping Project, operating through QUT’s Centre for Excellence in the Creative Industries (CCi). The NMP is designed to develop and publish a range of accurate and timely measures of the Creative Digital Industries in Australia.


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Drama staff from QUT Creative Industries were commissioned by the Dept of Education, Training and the Arts (DETA) to devise a tailor made and highly targeted staff development program for TAFE Queensland Institute Directors and senior managers. The program was designed to assist these senior staff to address a range of change and governance issues in the context of TAFE Queensland’s transition to statutory authority status. In responding to this brief, the QUT team utilised an original applied performance technique known as a ‘Prophetical’ to research, devise and present an interactive case study to TAFE Institute Directors and senior managers. This particular Prophetical portrayed a senior staff team at the fictitious Massey Institute of TAFE, confronted by an escalating series of crises as they try to manage the transition to the fundamentally different business model of a statutory authority.


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In 2003, Bill Dunstone, John McCallum and Paul Makeham began a collaboration with researchers at the Centre for the Management of Arid Environments (CMAE) in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. CMAE researchers are keen to develop 'people-oriented' strategies for implementing agricultural extension initiatives in their region. Traditional hierarchies of knowledge-transfer have impeded the 'connectedness' between community and researchers that gives meaning and relevance to useful practice (Ison and Russell, 2000). Our aim is to establish a partnership between the Live Events Research Network (LERN) and CMAE, investigating ways to link creative, performance-based research and practice with the scientific methodologies associated with natural resources management. This accords with recent work undertaken by Deborah Mills and Paul Brown, showing how community cultural development strategies enhance the implementation of policy concerned with community wellbeing. Mills and Brown 'adopted a concept of wellbeing which builds on a social and environmental view of health', and considered such themes as ecological sustainability, rural economic revitalisation, community strengthening, health and wellbeing (Mills, 2003). We propose that rangeland communities can creatively manage some of the challenges confronting them through performance-based projects which: - activate the stories through which a community enacts its sense of place; - facilitate live events in which the community enacts ownership of its culture and identity; - directly involve the community in the formulation of research issues


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In 1999 I convened Industrial Relations, the annual ADSA Conference hosted by QUT in Brisbane. This event was promoted as ‘a conference exploring the links between theatre scholarship and professional theatre practice’. As well as academics, there was to be substantial representation by ‘industry professionals’, although interest from the latter category turned out to be modest. One day of the conference was designated a special ‘Links with Industry’ day, during which the Association launched its now defunct ADSAIL (ADSA Industry Links) initiative. Keynote speaker Wesley Enoch commented on ‘the very strong resistance in “the industry” to acknowledging any role of academics’. ‘What is the practical role of having them?’ he asked the ‘them’ gathered before him. In a letter declining our invitation to speak (he later changed his mind), David Williamson remarked that he always felt ‘uneasy at such conferences’: My view of my work is that I’ve successfully filled theatres for 30 years now, something dramatists are supposed to do. I suppose there’s part of me that hopes this will be celebrated. It often is, but rarely in academic drama departments …. Perhaps in fifty years time someone in academe will realise that I wasn’t just reinforcing the attitudes of the Anglo Celtic ruling class. Several years on it seems timely to revisit Industrial Relations; to look again at the extent to which problems of intercultural communication between industry and academy are being addressed. And what are the implications of this for the ADSA History project, which seeks to investigate ADSA’s contribution to the development of theatre / performance studies in Australasia? What are the ‘external’ impacts of ADSA’s ongoing conference enterprise, and how might these be measured? Reflections from delegates on these and other questions will be warmly encouraged.


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These papers were presented at “Industrial Relations”, the Australasian Drama Studies Association conference hosted by Theatre & Teaching Studies in the Academy of the Arts, Queensland University of Technology, from the 5th to the 9th of July, 1999. Conference delegates included scholars and artists from across the tertiary education and professional theatre sectors, including, of course, many individuals who work across and between both those worlds. More than a hundred delegates from Australia, New Zealand, England, Belgium and Canada attended the week’s events, which included: • Over sixty conference papers covering a variety of topics from project reports to academy/industry partnerships, theatre history, audience reception studies, health & safety, cultural policy, performance theory, theatre technology and more; • Performances ranging from drama to dance, music and cabaret; • Workshops, panel discussions, forums and interviews; • Keynote addresses from Wesley Enoch, Josette Feral and Keith Johnstone; and • A special “Links with Industry” day, which included the launch of ADSA’s “Links with Industry” brochure, an interview between Mark Radvan and David Williamson, and a panel session featuring Jules Holledge, Zane Trow, Katharine Brisbane, John Kotzas, Gay McAuley and David Watt.


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This interview (translated and published in Portuguese) was commissioned and conducted by the editors of the Brazilian Guide to Cultural Production 2010-2011 (Edicoes SESC SP, 2010). It covers a range of topics including definitions of the Creative Industries; the value of innovation and creativity in business and education; QUT's Creative Industries Faculty; and the relationship between creative industries and the arts.


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A promenade performance. This research produced a unique combination of performance using electronically augmented costuming, site-specific discrete electronic lighting and video projection and sustained mountainside/top choreography. The work was examined and expanded in two subsequent peer reviewed papers which scoped out the emerging field of ‘Grounded Media’. Curator and writer Kevin Murray further accorded and enhanced these ideas in subsequent critical writing and the work was also featured in a two page major profile in RealtimeThe work was commissioned by the long established Floating Land Festival and involved extensive on-site work as well as a residency, production and artist talk series at the Noosa Art Gallery. A documentary film of the work was subsequently presented in the three-month exhibition ‘Lines of Sight’ for the Nishi Ogi Machi Media Festival, Nishiogikubo Station Platform 1, Tokyo, Japan, curated by Youkobo Art Space.


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This poem anticipates the feelings generated by age and lingering illness – a sense of mental as well as physical wasting, and a gradual detachment from the world, becoming almost insubstantial. It is an attempt at empathy with my father during the months leading up to his death from pancreatic cancer, during which his physical changes were paralleled by the relinquishment of his plans, intentions and hopes.


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Poet's statement: My father died of pancreatic cancer a few years ago, and since then other family members and friends have developed cancer. Some have recovered, perhaps temporarily, while for others the prospect is one of inevitable decline, raising questions about when the point is reached where death is preferable to life. This poem expresses the ambiguity of visceral urges which could be towards either continued life or a relieving death.


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This article explores the aesthetic implications of eco- structuralism. Eco-structuralism is a method of music composition that utilises the sonic features of natural sounds as structural elements in new compositions. This paper places eco-structuralism within an aesthetic and analytical framework. It explores views of aesthetics and nature and discusses how eco-structuralism is positioned in relation to these ideas and considers some aesthetic opportunities of the eco-structuralist process.


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This paper attempts to address some fundamental issues faced by new and emerging researchers in the discipline of Fashion design. A culture of patchwork research methodology appears to have become the norm in an attempt to ‘fit’ fashion design research into an academic paradigm for the examination of readers from more traditional research fields such as Arts, Humanities, Science and Philosophy. Two key questions are discussed here; is it appropriate for fashion researchers to adopt and adapt existing research methodologies to find a scholarly, academic voice? Secondly; do these methodologies enable fashion design research to be effectively disseminated to professionals and fellow researchers within the discipline of fashion design?