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The bark of Styrax camporum Pohl (Styracaceae) differs anatomically in the root and stem. Roots have layered secondary phloem; short sieve tubes with simple, transverse or more or less inclined sieve plates; fibres in tangential bands; astrosclereids; wide rays, and a poorly developed periderm. Stems have non-layered secondary phloem; longer sieve tubes with compound, scalariform, inclined sieve plates; sclerified cells and brachyselereids; a developed periderm, and a non-persistent rhytidome. Prismatic crystals, starch grains, phenolic compounds and lipidic contents were observed in root and stem bark cells. The differences between the secondary phloem of root and stem are discussed.
The genus Styrax L. (Styracaceae) has a wide distribution in Brazil, occurring in diverse ecosystems. To get a better insight into the ecological adaptations of wood structure, we studied two species, S. camporum and S.ferrugineus from the cerrado, and three species, S. latifolium, S. martii and S. leprosus from the Atlantic forest. For each species, the wood of root and stem was analyzed separately and observations included qualitative as well as quantitative wood characteristics. The results show that there were significant anatomical differences between the forest and cerrado species as well as between the root and stem wood within single species. Quantitatively, the most informative features in the root wood that separated the forest from the cerrado, species were diameter, length and number of vessels, length of fibres, and width and frequency of rays. In the stem wood, length and frequency of vessels, length of fibres, and width and frequency of rays were the most informative features. In contrast to the forest species, which had larger vessel diameters in their stem wood, the cerrado species had larger vessel diameters in their root wood. The calculated vulnerability index indicates that all Sryrax species have adaptations to mesic conditions. The cerrado species had the smallest index values, which could be related to the seasonally dry condition of this environment.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The origin and structure are described of the secondary protective tissue in the stem of Erythorxylum tortuosum Mart., a fire tolerant shrubby species common in Brazilian cerrado. The highly tortuous stems are covered with thick bark which is more developed at the base of the stem. After fire in the cerrado, rhytidome fragments of the burned stem flake off, revealing newly formed cork. The first periderm appears near of the terminal buds and is iniated by periclinal divisions in subepidermal cells giving rise to radial rows of cells. The first phellogen is discernible only after the differentiation of the several radial rows of cork cells. Other phellogens have their origin in successively deeper layers of the cortex. The sucessive periderms are discontinuous around the circumference. The collapsed cells with phenolic substances and the accumulated dead cells cause the formation of discontinuous blackish lines, which delimit the sucessive periderms in the rhytidome. The rhytidome contains large quantities of sclereids developed from cell wall thickening of cortex cells. The occurrence of periderm, in the young parts of the stem and of rhytidome in the older parts represents pyrophytic characteristics and may explain, in part, the fire tolerance of this species.
Increased expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP1) is associated with poor prognosis in cancers. Several single nucleotide polymorphisms (-1607GG > G, -839G > A, -755G > T, -519A > G, -422T > A, -340C > T, and 320C > T) in the MMP1 gene promoter have recently been identified. In this study, we assessed the functional effects of these polymorphisms on MMP1 gene promoter activity in cell lines of melanoma (A2058 and A375), breast cancer (MCF7 and MDA-MB-231), lung cancer (A549 and H69), and colorectal cancer (HT-29, SW-620) by comparing the promoter strengths of 10 most common haplotypes deriving from these polymorphisms. In A2058 cells, the GG-G-G-A-T-T-T and GG-G-G-A-C-T haplotypes had 2-fold higher promoter activity than the GG-G-T-A-T-T-C, GG-G-G-A-A-T-T, GG-G-G-A-T-T-C, and GG-G-G-A-A-C-T haplotypes, which in turn, had 3-fold higher promoter activity than the G-G-T-A-A-C-T, G-A-T-G-T-T-T, G-A-T-G-A-C-T, and G-A-T-G-A-T-G haplotypes. In A375 and MDA-MB-231 cells, high expression haplotypes include not only the -1607GG-bearing haplotypes but also the G-A-T-G-A-T-T haplotype containing the -1607G allele. A similar trend was detected in A549 cells. In addition, in A549 cells, the GG-G-G-A-T-T-T haplotype had > 2-fold higher promoter activity than several other 1607GG-bearing haplotypes. In MCF7 cells, the GG-G-G-A-T-T-T and G-G-T-A-A-C-T haplotypes had 1.5- to 4-fold higher promoter activity than the other haplotypes. These results suggest that the polymorphisms exert haplotype effects on the transcriptional regulation of the MMP1 gene in cancer cells, and indicate a need to examine haplotypes rather than any single polymorphism in genetic epidemiologic studies of the MMP1 gene in cancers.
This work presents experimental information relevant to the combustion of biomass in a bubbling fluidized bed. The biomass distribution in a fluidized bed was studied through tests performed in a cold bed, while the volatiles released in the biomass pyrolysis, the burning rate of the resulting charcoal, and the combustion control regime, were studied through tests performed in a high temperature bed.Visual examination of photographs taken from a transparent walls bed, with a rectangular cross-section, showed that the large fuel particles, typical of biomass processing, were distributed in the bubbles, in the splash zone, and in the emulsion phase. The occurrence of biomass in the emulsion phase was favored by burning biomass particles of greater density and smaller size-expetimentally determined in each case. Decreasing the fuel particle size improved the biomass distribution inside the bed. The same was accomplished by increasing the superficial gas velocity as high as possible, compatibly with the acceptable elutriation.Burning tests showed that the biomass fuels have the advantage of reaching the diffusional regime at temperatures that can be lower than 1000 K, which ensures that the biomass fuels burn in a stable regime. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Al2O3 and Al2-x Cr (x) O-3 (x = 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04) powders have been synthesized by the polymeric precursors method. A study of the structural evolution of crystalline phases corresponding to the obtained powders was accomplished through X-Ray Diffraction and UV-vis spectroscopy (reflectance spectra and CIEL* a*b* color data). The obtained results allow to identify the gamma-Al2O3 to alpha-Al2O3 phase transition. The single-phase alpha-Al2O3 powder was obtained after heat treatment at 1050 degrees C for 2 h. The results show that the green to red color transition and ruby luminescence lines observed for the powders of Al2-x Cr (x) O-3 are related to the gamma to alpha-Al2O3 phase transition and the temperature and time range for such transition depends on the chromium content.
Pure-and lanthanun doped Bi4Ti3O12 thin films were deposited on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate using a polymeric precursor solution. Annealing in static air and oxygen atmosphere was performed at 700 degrees C for 2 h. The obtained films were characterized by X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. The dielectric constant and dissipation factor were measured in the frequency region from 1 kHz to 1 MHz. Electrical characterization of the films pointed to ferroelectricity via hysteresis loop. Films annealed in static air possess a dielectric constant higher than films annealed in oxygen atmosphere due to differences in the grain size, crystallinity and structural defects. A regularly shaped hystereses loop is observed after annealing in static air. The obtained results suggest that the annealing in oxygen atmosphere can increase the trapped charge and the relaxation phenomenon. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
Mature leaves of eight species of Xyris were prepared by standard methods for electron transmission microscopy. Wartlike intercellular pectic protuberances were observed on the surface of inner periclinal walls of epidermal cells in Xyris obcordata, Xyris hymenachne, and Xyris pterygoblephara. In the latter, the protuberances also occur on the surface of parenchymatic mesophyll cells; they frequently project into intercellular spaces and may connect opposing cells. For the genus Xyris, the intercellular pectic protuberances may be considered taxonomically significant at the species level.
Styrax camporum Pohl is a shrub common in the cerrado vegetation of south-eastern Brazil. Root and stem wood in Styrax camporum differ quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative differences follow normal expectations: roots have wider and longer vessel elements, a lower vessel frequency, a lower ray frequency, and wider rays. Qualitative features of the roots are: simple perforation plates, vestured pits, and septate libriform fibres; qualitative features of the stems are: multiple perforation plates, non-vestured pits, and non-septate fibre-tracheids. Based on generally accepted evolutionary trends, root wood of Styrax camporum has more specialized features than stem wood. Additional comparative studies of stem and root anatomy are needed to determine if such differences between root and stem anatomy are widespread, and consistent with the lines of specialization observed in monocotyledons.
Long-term treatment with clomipramine (CMI), a tricyclic antidepressant, induces food craving and body weight gain in patients. The present study investigated the effects of chronic treatment with CMI on total food intake, macronutrient selection, and body weight gain in rats. Male Wistar rats were maintained on a dietary self-selection regime with separate sources of protein, fat and carbohydrate. Animals received i.p. injections of CMI (0, 3, 10, 30 mg/kg) during 27 consecutive days. Food consumption and body weight were recorded daily and results were calculated as average of three consecutive days, namely during pre-treatment (3 d before pharmacological treatment), treatment (7th-9th; l6th-l8th and 25th-27th days), and post-treatment (28th-33rd days). Results showed that CMI (30 mg/kg) significantly decreased energy intake during all treatment period, an effect that was related to a decrease in both carbohydrate-rich diet intake and body weight gain. At dose of 3 mg/kg CMI increased the total energy intake in the 16th-18th days, suggesting an apparent biphasic effect of chronic treatment with CMI on caloric intake. Chronic administration with CMI (27 d) did not alter protein-rich or fat-rich diet consumption. The main result of this study indicated that chronic treatment with CMI decreases rather than increase food consumption and body weight gain in rats exposed to a macronutrient self-selection procedure.
Background: We describe an experimental model for transanal endorectal pull-through surgery using the method of de]a Torre and Ortega that can be used for training purposes in experimental laboratories.Methods: Ten rabbits were submitted to the transanal endorectal pull-through technique of de la Torre and Ortega. Animals were randomly selected in the Botucatu School of Medicine experimental laboratory. Animals weighted between 2800 and 4400 g. Colons were not prepared, and antibiotic therapy was not used; dipyrone(1) was administered postoperatively for analgesic purposes. We standardized resected segment size, recorded surgical time, and observed Survival and possible complications for 1 month.Results: All animals survived the initial follow-up period without infection. Bowel movements returned quickly, and all animals were evacuating regularly within the first 24 hours. Mean surgical time was 48.6 minutes.Conclusions: the experimental model proposed in this study is very useful for training and improving surgical techniques using the method of de la Torre and Ortega. The rabbit is an excellent animal for this surgery because of its size and postoperative resistance. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper proposes a methodology to incorporate voltage/reactive representation to Short Term Generation Scheduling (STGS) models, which is based on active/reactive decoupling characteristics of power systems. In such approach STGS is decoupled in both Active (AGS) and Reactive (RGS) Generation Scheduling models. AGS model establishes an initial active generation scheduling through a traditional dispatch model. The scheduling proposed by AGS model is evaluated from the voltage/reactive points of view, through the proposed RGS model. RGS is formulated as a sequence of T nonlinear OPF problems, solved separately but taking into account load tracking between consecutive time intervals. This approach considerably reduces computational effort to perform the reactive analysis of the RGS problem as a whole. When necessary, RGS model is capable to propose active generation redispatches, such that critical reactive problems (in which all reactive variables have been insufficient to control the reactive problems) can be overcome. The formulation and solution methodology proposed are evaluated in the IEEE30 system in two case studies. These studies show that the methodology is robust enough to incorporate reactive aspects to STGS problem.
This study focuses on the seasonal presence of acicular crystals in the cambial zone of Citharexylum myrianthum Chain. (Verbenaceae). Specimens collected in different months from 1996 to 2000 were examined for the abundance of acicular crystals in the cambium. This information was correlated with the phenology of the species and the climate of the region. Acicular calcium oxalate crystals were found in cambial fusiform and ray cell initials, as well as in their daughter cells. An abundance of crystals was observed during periods of water deficit and leaf fall (July). Fewer crystals were found in the beginning of the wet season and bud swelling (September). When trees were flowering and the soil was wet (November and December), acicular crystals were rarely observed. During this period, acicular crystals were found in differentiating phloem and xylem parenchyma cells, in fully differentiated phloem cells, but not in fully differentiated xylem cells.