914 resultados para 110106 Medical Biochemistry: Proteins and Peptides (incl. Medical Proteomics)


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Twenty six Murrah female river buffaloes, between 45 and 70 d post-partum, empty, multiparae, with an average live weight of 675 ± 56 kg, and average body condition of 3.5 points, in a 1 to 5 scale, were used to determine the concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, total protein and insulin-like growth factor type I(IGF-I) in the follicular fluid. The fluid was collected from dominant follicles, with diameters between 8 and 12 mm, by in vivo follicular aspiration. The oestrous cycle stage was not taken into account. The wave of follicular development was synchronized six days prior to the collection. Biochemical analyses of glucose and cholesterol were performed by the enzymatic colorimetric method with the utilization of commercial kits of Glicose (GOD-PAP) and Cholesterol (CHOD-PAP) (Kovalent), respectively. For the determination of total protein, the commercial kit total Protein (Kovalent), method Biuret, was employed. Readings were carried out through absorption spectrophotometry with visible light. Through the radioimmunoanalysis (RIA) technique the concentration of IGF-I was obtained using commercial kits of IRMA IGF-I (IMMUNOTECH). Descriptive statistics was used, by applying the PROC MEANS procedure of the SAS (2009) statistical package. Glucose concentrations (4.0 ± 0.75 mmol/L) and IGF-I (340 ± 129.83 ng/mL) showed higher values in female river buffaloes and dairy cows regarding those reported in other studies. However, cholesterol levels (0.51 ± 0.12 mmol/L) and total proteins (58.4 ± 4.43 g/L) were lower. Results indicate that there is a relationship between the concentration of biochemical indicators, the nutritional aspects, the diameter of the aspired follicles and the productive period.


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This study evaluated the activity of the enzyme polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and the content of soluble protein present in lisianthus bud flowers, flowers and leaves in room temperature (24±2°C) and pre-exposure cold chamber at 9±2°C for 24 h, in order to examine a possible correlation between these parameters and postharvest longevity of lisianthus flowers. After treatments, flowers were kept in pots with water, stored at room temperature and evaluated every three days until the end of their decorative life for biochemical analyzes. During the experimental period the enzymatic activity increased with the aging of the material, directly related to the high concentration of phenolics that were accumulated in injured tissue, providing browning, while soluble protein content slightly decreased. Thus, PPO enzyme activity can be applied for plant senescence evaluation, acting as a biochemical marker for product visual quality.


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[EN] Iron is essential for oxygen transport because it is incorporated in the heme of the oxygen-binding proteins hemoglobin and myoglobin. An interaction between iron homeostasis and oxygen regulation is further suggested during hypoxia, in which hemoglobin and myoglobin syntheses have been reported to increase. This study gives new insights into the changes in iron content and iron-oxygen interactions during enhanced erythropoiesis by simultaneously analyzing blood and muscle samples in humans exposed to 7 to 9 days of high altitude hypoxia (HA). HA up-regulates iron acquisition by erythroid cells, mobilizes body iron, and increases hemoglobin concentration. However, contrary to our hypothesis that muscle iron proteins and myoglobin would also be up-regulated during HA, this study shows that HA lowers myoglobin expression by 35% and down-regulates iron-related proteins in skeletal muscle, as evidenced by decreases in L-ferritin (43%), transferrin receptor (TfR; 50%), and total iron content (37%). This parallel decrease in L-ferritin and TfR in HA occurs independently of increased hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) mRNA levels and unchanged binding activity of iron regulatory proteins, but concurrently with increased ferroportin mRNA levels, suggesting enhanced iron export. Thus, in HA, the elevated iron requirement associated with enhanced erythropoiesis presumably elicits iron mobilization and myoglobin down-modulation, suggesting an altered muscle oxygen homeostasis.


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Aufbau einer kontinuierlichen, mehrdimensionalen Hochleistungs-flüssigchromatographie-Anlage für die Trennung von Proteinen und Peptiden mit integrierter größenselektiver ProbenfraktionierungEs wurde eine mehrdimensionale HPLC-Trennmethode für Proteine und Peptide mit einem Molekulargewicht von <15 kDa entwickelt.Im ersten Schritt werden die Zielanalyte von höhermolekularen sowie nicht ionischen Bestandteilen mit Hilfe von 'Restricted Access Materialien' (RAM) mit Ionenaustauscher-Funktionalität getrennt. Anschließend werden die Proteine auf einer analytischen Ionenaustauscher-Säule sowie auf Reversed-Phase-Säulen getrennt. Zur Vermeidung von Probenverlusten wurde ein kontinuierlich arbeitendes, voll automatisiertes System auf Basis unterschiedlicher Trenngeschwindigkeiten und vier parallelen RP-Säulen aufgebaut.Es werden jeweils zwei RP-Säulen gleichzeitig, jedoch mit zeitlich versetztem Beginn eluiert, um durch flache Gradienten ausreichende Trennleistungen zu erhalten. Während die dritte Säule regeneriert wird, erfolgt das Beladen der vierte Säule durch Anreicherung der Proteine und Peptide am Säulenkopf. Während der Gesamtanalysenzeit von 96 Minuten werden in Intervallen von 4 Minuten Fraktionen aus der 1. Dimension auf die RP-Säulen überführt und innerhalb von 8 Minuten getrennt, wobei 24 RP-Chromatogramme resultieren.Als Testsubstanzen wurden u.a. Standardproteine, Proteine und Peptide aus humanem Hämofiltrat sowie aus Lungenfibroblast-Zellkulturüberständen eingesetzt. Weiterhin wurden Fraktionen gesammelt und mittels MALDI-TOF Massenspektrometrie untersucht. Bei einer Injektion wurden in den 24 RP-Chromatogrammen mehr als 1000 Peaks aufgelöst. Der theoretische Wert der Peakkapazität liegt bei ungefähr 3000.


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Many age-related neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and polyglutamine disorders, including Huntington’s disease, are associated with the aberrant formation of protein aggregates. These protein aggregates and/or their precursors are believed to be causally linked to the pathogenesis of such protein conformation disorders, also referred to as proteinopathies. The accumulation of protein aggregates, frequently under conditions of an age-related increase in oxidative stress, implies the failure of protein quality control and the resulting proteome instability as an upstream event of proteinopathies. As aging is a main risk factor of many proteinopathies, potential alterations of protein quality control pathways that accompany the biological aging process could be a crucial factor for the onset of these disorders.rnrnThe focus of this dissertation lies on age-related alterations of protein quality control mechanisms that are regulated by the co-chaperones of the BAG (Bcl-2-associated athanogene) family. BAG proteins are thought to promote nucleotide exchange on Hsc/Hsp70 and to couple the release of chaperone-bound substrates to distinct down-stream cellular processes. The present study demonstrates that BAG1 and BAG3 are reciprocally regulated during aging leading to an increased BAG3 to BAG1 ratio in cellular models of replicative senescence as well as in neurons of the aging rodent brain. Furthermore, BAG1 and BAG3 were identified as key regulators of protein degradation pathways. BAG1 was found to be essential for effective degradation of polyubiquitinated proteins by the ubiquitin/proteasome system, possibly by promoting Hsc/Hsp70 substrate transfer to the 26S proteasome. In contrast, BAG3 was identified to stimulate the turnover of polyubiquitinated proteins by macroautophagy, a catabolic process mediated by lysosomal hydrolases. BAG3-regulated protein degradation was found to depend on the function of the ubiquitin-receptor protein SQSTM1 which is known to sequester polyubiquitinated proteins for macroautophagic degradation. It could be further demonstrated that SQSTM1 expression is tightly coupled to BAG3 expression and that BAG3 can physically interact with SQSTM1. Moreover, immunofluorescence-based microscopic analyses revealed that BAG3 co-localizes with SQSTM1 in protein sequestration structures suggesting a direct role of BAG3 in substrate delivery to SQSTM1 for macroautophagic degradation. Consistent with these findings, the age-related switch from BAG1 to BAG3 was found to determine that aged cells use the macroautophagic system more intensely for the turnover of polyubiquitinated proteins, in particular of insoluble, aggregated quality control substrates. Finally, in vivo expression analysis of macroautophagy markers in young and old mice as well as analysis of the lysosomal enzymatic activity strongly indicated that the macroautophagy pathway is also recruited in the nervous system during the organismal aging process.rnrnTogether these findings suggest that protein turnover by macroautophagy is gaining importance during the aging process as insoluble quality control substrates are increasingly produced that cannot be degraded by the proteasomal system. For this reason, a switch from the proteasome regulator BAG1 to the macroautophagy stimulator BAG3 occurs during cell aging. Hence, it can be concluded that the BAG3-mediated recruitment of the macroauto-phagy pathway is an important adaptation of the protein quality control system to maintain protein homeostasis in the presence of an enhanced pro-oxidant and aggregation-prone milieu characteristic of aging. Future studies will explore whether an impairment of this adaptation process may contribute to age-related proteinopathies.


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Die Zinkendopeptidasen Meprin α und β sind Schlüsselkomponenten in patho(physiologischen) Prozessen wie Entzündung, Kollagenassemblierung und Angiogenese. Nach ihrer Entdeckung in murinen Bürstensaummembranen und humanen Darmepithelien, wurden weitere Expressionsorte identifiziert, z.B. Leukozyten, Krebszellen und die humane Haut. Tiermodelle, Zellkulturen und biochemische Analysen weisen auf Funktionen der Meprine in der Epithelialdifferenzierung, Zellmigration, Matrixmodellierung, Angiogenese, Bindegewebsausbildung und immunologische Prozesse hin. Dennoch sind ihre physiologischen Substrate weitgehend noch unbekannt. Massenspektrometrisch basierte Proteomics-Analysen enthüllten eine einzigartige Spaltspezifität für saure Aminosäurereste in der P1´ Position und identifizierten neue biologische Substratkandidaten. Unter den 269 extrazellulären Proteinen, die in einem Substratscreen identifiziert wurden, stellten sich das amyloid precursor protein (APP) and ADAM10 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease 10) als sehr vielversprechende Kandidaten heraus. Mehrere Schnittstellen innerhalb des APP Proteins, hervorgerufen durch verschiedenen Proteasen, haben unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen zur Folge. Die β-Sekretase BACE (β-site APP cleaving enzyme) prozessiert APP an einer Schnittstelle, welche als initialer Schritt in der Entwicklung der Alzheimer Erkrankung gilt. Toxische Aβ (Amyloid β)-Peptide werden in den extrazellulären Raum freigesetzt und aggregieren dort zu senilen Plaques. Membran verankertes Meprin β hat eine β-Sekretase Aktivität, die in einem Zellkultur-basierten System bestätigt werden konnte. Die proteolytische Effizienz von Meprin β wurde in FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer)-Analysen bestimmt und war um den Faktor 104 höher als die von BACE1. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass Meprin β die ersten zwei Aminosäuren prozessiert und somit aminoterminal einen Glutamatrest freisetzt, welcher nachfolgend durch die Glutaminylzyklase in ein Pyroglutamat zykliert werden kann. Trunkierte Aβ-Peptide werden nur in Alzheimer Patienten generiert. Aufgrund einer erhöhten Hydrophobie weisen diese Peptide eine höhere Tendenz zur Aggregation auf und somit eine erhöhte Toxizität. Bis heute wurde keine Protease identifiziert, welche diese Schnittstelle prozessiert. Die Bildung der Meprin vermittelten N-terminalen APP Fragmenten wurde in vitro und in vivo detektiert. Diese N-APP Peptide hatten keine cytotoxischen Auswirkungen auf murine und humane Gehirnzellen, obwohl zuvor N-APP als Ligand für den death receptor (DR) 6 identifiziert wurde, der für axonale Degenerationsprozesse verantwortlich ist. rnIm nicht-amyloidogenen Weg prozessiert ADAM10 APP und entlässt die Ektodomäne von der Zellmembran. Wir konnten das ADAM10 Propeptid als Substrat von Meprin β identifizieren und in FRET Analysen, in vitro und in vivo zeigen, dass die Meprin vermittelte Prozessierung zu einer erhöhten ADAM10 Aktivität führt. Darüber hinaus wurde ADAM10 als Sheddase für Meprin β identifiziert. Shedding konnte durch Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) oder durch das Ionophor A23187 hervorgerufen werden, sowie durch ADAM10 Inhibitoren blockiert werden. rnDiese Arbeit konnte somit ein komplexes proteolytisches Netwerk innerhalb der Neurophysiologie aufdecken, welches für die Entwicklung der Alzheimer Demenz wichtig sein kann.rn


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Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are a family of plant toxic enzymes that permanently damage ribosomes and possibly other cellular substrates, thus causing cell death involving different and still not completely understood pathways. The high cytotoxic activity showed by many RIPs makes them ideal candidates for the production of immunotoxins (ITs), chimeric proteins designed for the selective elimination of unwanted or malignant cells. Saporin-S6, a type 1 RIP extracted from Saponaria officinalis L. seeds, has been extensively employed to construct anticancer conjugates because of its high enzymatic activity, stability and resistance to conjugation procedures, resulting in the efficient killing of target cells. Here we investigated the anticancer properties of two saporin-based ITs, anti-CD20 RTX/S6 and anti-CD22 OM124/S6, designed for the experimental treatment of B-cell NHLs. Both ITs showed high cytotoxicity towards CD20-positive B-cells, and their antitumor efficacy was enhanced synergistically by a combined treatment with proteasome inhibitors or fludarabine. Furthermore, the two ITs showed differencies in potency and ability to activate effector caspases, and a different behavior in the presence of the ROS scavenger catalase. Taken together, these results suggest that the different carriers employed to target saporin might influence saporin intracellular routing and saporin-induced cell death mechanisms. We also investigated the early cellular response to stenodactylin, a recently discovered highly toxic type 2 RIP representing an interesting candidate for the design and production of a new IT for the experimental treatment of cancer.


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The human airway epithelium serves as structural and functional barrier against inhaled particulate antigen. Previously, we demonstrated in an in vitro epithelial barrier model that monocyte derived dendritic cells (MDDC) and monocyte derived macrophages (MDM) take up particulate antigen by building a trans-epithelial interacting network. Although the epithelial tight junction (TJ) belt was penetrated by processes of MDDC and MDM, the integrity of the epithelium was not affected. These results brought up two main questions: (1) Do MDM and MDDC exchange particles? (2) Are those cells expressing TJ proteins, which are believed to interact with the TJ belt of the epithelium to preserve the epithelial integrity? The expression of TJ and adherens junction (AJ) mRNA and proteins in MDM and MDDC monocultures was determined by RT-PCR, and immunofluorescence, respectively. Particle uptake and exchange was quantified by flow cytometry and laser scanning microscopy in co-cultures of MDM and MDDC exposed to polystyrene particles (1 μm in diameter). MDM and MDDC constantly expressed TJ and AJ mRNA and proteins. Flow cytometry analysis of MDM and MDDC co-cultures showed increased particle uptake in MDDC while MDM lost particles over time. Quantitative analysis revealed significantly higher particle uptake by MDDC in co-cultures of epithelial cells with MDM and MDDC present, compared to co-cultures containing only epithelial cells and MDDC. We conclude from these findings that MDM and MDDC express TJ and AJ proteins which could help to preserve the epithelial integrity during particle uptake and exchange across the lung epithelium.


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A high percentage of oesophageal adenocarcinomas show an aggressive clinical behaviour with a significant resistance to chemotherapy. Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) and glucose-regulated proteins (GRPs) are molecular chaperones that play an important role in tumour biology. Recently, novel therapeutic approaches targeting HSP90/GRP94 have been introduced for treating cancer. We performed a comprehensive investigation of HSP and GRP expression including HSP27, phosphorylated (p)-HSP27((Ser15)), p-HSP27((Ser78)), p-HSP27((Ser82)), HSP60, HSP70, HSP90, GRP78 and GRP94 in 92 primary resected oesophageal adenocarcinomas by using reverse phase protein arrays (RPPA), immunohistochemistry (IHC) and real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR). Results were correlated with pathologic features and survival. HSP/GRP protein and mRNA expression was detected in all tumours at various levels. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering showed two distinct groups of tumours with specific protein expression patterns: The hallmark of the first group was a high expression of p-HSP27((Ser15, Ser78, Ser82)) and low expression of GRP78, GRP94 and HSP60. The second group showed the inverse pattern with low p-HSP27 and high GRP78, GRP94 and HSP60 expression. The clinical outcome for patients from the first group was significantly improved compared to patients from the second group, both in univariate analysis (p = 0.015) and multivariate analysis (p = 0.029). Interestingly, these two groups could not be distinguished by immunohistochemistry or qPCR analysis. In summary, two distinct and prognostic relevant HSP/GRP protein expression patterns in adenocarcinomas of the oesophagus were detected by RPPA. Our approach may be helpful for identifying candidates for specific HSP/GRP-targeted therapies.


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To evaluate the osteoinductive potential of deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) and an enamel matrix derivative (EMD) in the muscle of rats. Sixteen rats were used in this study. The animals were divided in three groups. Group A: a pouch was created in one of the pectoralis profundis muscles of the thorax of the rats and DBBM particles (Bio-Oss) were placed into the pouch. Healing: 60 days. Group B: a small pouch was created on both pectoralis profundis muscles at each side of the thorax midline. In one side, a mixture of EMD (Emdogain) mixed with DBBM was placed into one of the pouches, whereas in the contralateral side of the thorax the pouch was implanted with DBBM mixed with the propylene glycol alginate (PGA--carrier for enamel matrix proteins of EMD). Healing: 60 days. Group C: the same procedure as group B, but with a healing period of 120 days. Qualitative histological analysis of the results was performed. At 60 days, the histological appearance of the DBBM particles implanted alone was similar to that of the particles implanted together with EMD or PGA at both 60 and 120 days. The DBBM particles were encapsulated into a connective tissue stroma and an inflammatory infiltrate. At 120 days, the DBBM particles implanted together with EMD or PGA exhibited the presence of resorption lacunae in some cases. Intramuscular bone formation was not encountered in any group. The implantation of DBBM particles alone, combined with EMD or its carrier (PGA) failed to exhibit extraskeletal, bone-inductive properties.


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Snake venoms are complex mixtures of biologically active proteins and peptides. Many of them affect hemostasis by activating or inhibiting coagulant factors or platelets, or by disrupting endothelium. Based on sequence, these snake venom components have been classified into various families, such as serine proteases, metalloproteinases, C-type lectins, disintegrins and phospholipases. The various members of a particular family act selectively on different blood coagulation factors, blood cells or tissues. For almost every factor involved in coagulation or fibrinolysis there is a venom protein that can activate or inactivate it. Venom proteins affect platelet function by binding or degrading vWF or platelet receptors, activating protease-activated receptors or modulating ADP release and thromboxane A2 formation. Some venom enzymes cleave key basement membrane components and directly affect capillary blood vessels to cause hemorrhaging. L-Amino acid oxidases activate platelets via H2O2 production.