987 resultados para 1,8-diaminocarbazole
[ES] Este trabajo se propone el análisis comparativo, bajo el punto de vista filológico y literario, del relato del funeral de Augusto en el biógrafo Suetonio ("Aug."100) y en el historiador Tácito ("Ann."1.8-10). En primer lugar se remarca la importancia política y social del "funus publicum" en Roma, objeto del relato. Sigue un detenido y minucioso análisis en el que se trata de poner de relieve las semejanzas y, sobre todo, las diferencias entre el relato de Suetonio y el de Tácito en cuanto a los datos aportados, la secuenciación de los mismos y, especialmente, en cuanto a la focalización que sobre ellos y sobre el conjunto del relato muestran uno y otro autor. Finalmente se trata de explicar las diferencias, importantes, entre ambos relatos en virtud del género literario (biografía-historia), de la intención y propósito concretos de cada una de las dos obras ("Vita Augusti" de Suetonio y "Annales" de Tácito) y de la distinta personalidad intelectual de cada uno de los dos autores.
L’objectif général de cette thèse est de développer une plateforme d’immobilisation d’enzymes efficace pour application en biopile. Grâce à la microencapsulation ainsi qu’au choix judicieux des matériaux polymériques pour la fabrication de la plateforme d’immobilisation, l’efficacité du transfert électronique entre l’enzyme encapsulée et l’électrode serait amélioré. Du même coup, les biopiles employant cette plateforme d’immobilisation d’enzymes pourrait voir leur puissance délivrée être grandement augmentée et atteindre les niveaux nécessaires à l’alimentation d’implants artificiels pouvant remplacer des organes telque le pancréas, les reins, le sphincter urinaire et le coeur. Dans un premier temps, le p-phénylènediamine a été employé comme substrat pour la caractérisation de la laccase encapsulée dans des microcapsules de poly(éthylèneimine). La diffusion de ce substrat à travers les microcapsules a été étudiée sous diverses conditions par l’entremise de son oxidation électrochimique et enzymatique afin d’en évaluer sa réversibilité et sa stabilité. La voltampérométrie cyclique, l’électrode à disque tournante (rotating disk electrode - RDE) et l’électrode à O2 ont été les techniques employées pour cette étude. Par la suite, la famille des poly(aminocarbazoles) et leurs dérivés a été identifée pour remplacer le poly(éthylèneimine) dans la conception de microcapsules. Ces polymères possèdent sur leurs unités de répétition (mono- ou diamino) des amines primaires qui seraient disponibles lors de la polymérisation interfaciale avec un agent réticulant tel qu’un chlorure de diacide. De plus, le 1,8-diaminocarbazole (unité de répétition) possède, une fois polymérisé, les propriétés électrochimiques recherchées pour un transfert d’électrons efficace entre l’enzyme et l’électrode. Il a toutefois été nécessaire de développer une route de synthèse afin d’obtenir le 1,8-diaminocarbazole puisque le protocole de synthèse disponible dans la littérature a été jugé non viable pour être utilisé à grande échelle. De plus, aucun protocole de synthèse pour obtenir du poly(1,8-diaminocarbazole) directement n’a été trouvé. Ainsi, deux isomères de structure (1,6 et 1,8-diaminocarbazole) ont pu être synthétisés en deux étapes. La première étape consistait en une substitution électrophile du 3,6-dibromocarbazole en positions 1,8 et/ou 1,6 par des groupements nitro. Par la suite, une réaction de déhalogénation réductive à été réalisée en utilisant le Et3N et 10% Pd/C comme catalyseur dans le méthanol sous atmosphère d’hydrogène. De plus, lors de la première étape de synthèse, le composé 3,6-dibromo-1-nitro-carbazole a été obtenu; un monomère clé pour la synthèse du copolymère conducteur employé. Finalement, la fabrication de microcapsules conductrices a été réalisée en incorporant le copolymère poly[(9H-octylcarbazol-3,6-diyl)-alt-co-(2-amino-9H-carbazol-3,6-diyl)] au PEI. Ce copolymère a pu être synthétisé en grande quantité pour en permettre son utilisation lors de la fabrication de microcapsules. Son comportement électrochimique s’apparentait à celui du poly(1,8-diaminocarbazole). Ces microcapsules, avec laccase encapsulée, sont suffisamment perméables au PPD pour permettre une activité enzymatique détectable par électrode à O2. Par la suite, la modification de la surface d’une électrode de platine a pu être réalisée en utilisant ces microcapsules pour l’obtention d’une bioélectrode. Ainsi, la validité de cette plateforme d’immobilisation d’enzymes développée, au cours de cette thèse, a été démontrée par le biais de l’augmentation de l’efficacité du transfert électronique entre l’enzyme encapsulée et l’électrode.
Tämän tutkimuksen aiheena on yhden lapsen kielenkehitys kahden vuoden tarkastelujakson aikana. Tutkimus on aloitettu lapsen ollessa vuoden ja kahdeksan kuukauden (1;8) ikäinen. Kielenkehitystä seurataan ikään kolme vuotta ja kahdeksan kuukautta (3;8). Tutkimusaineisto jakautuu neljään eri tarkastelujaksoon (ikä 1;8–2;0, 2;6–2;7, 3;0–3;1 ja 3;7–3;8). Olen seurannut informanttini kielenkehitystä syntymästä alkaen ja havainnut, että lapsen kielessä voi tapahtua jo hyvin lyhyessäkin ajassa huomattavaa edistymistä. Toisaalta jotkin lapsenkielelle tyypilliset piirteet, kuten ongelmat astevaihtelussa (näkit ’näit’), voivat säilyä vielä pitkäänkin lapsen puheessa. Aineisto koostuu päiväkirjamerkinnöistä ja lapsen puheesta tehdyistä nauhoituksista, jotka on litteroitu. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, miten lapsen verbit ja lauserakenteet kehittyvät. Lisäksi tuon esiin jokaisena tarkasteltavana ikäkautena joitakin kyseiselle iälle tyypillisiä kielen piirteitä, kuten murteellisuutta ja uudissanoja. Aineistoa analysoidaan sekä kvalitatiivisesti että kvantitatiivisesti. Tutkimus kuuluu lapsenkielen tutkimuksen alaan. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että informanttini kielenkehitys noudattelee suomalaislapselle tyypillisiä kehityspolkuja. Informanttini ensimmäisinä omaksumat verbinmuodot esimerkiksi ovat yksikön 2. persoonan imperatiivi (iskä päisty ’väisty’) ja yksikön 3. persoonan indikatiivin preesens (Aada tottaa ’ottaa’). Persoona-, modus- ja tempuskategoriat monipuolistuvat iän karttuessa. Esimerkiksi iässä 2;6 informantti käyttää jo kaikkia muita moduksia paitsi potentiaalia. Iässä 3;0 lapsi on omaksunut kaikki persoonamuodot. Ikään 3;8 mennessä lapsi käyttää myös kaikkia tempuksia. Infinitiivejäkin puheessa esiintyy jo varhain (nykätä ’tykätä’, nukkumassa). Toisaalta variaatio voi olla samanikäistenkin lasten välillä varsin suurta, vaikka kehitys olisi täysin ikäkaudelle ominaista. Siksi jokainen lapsenkielen tutkimus antaa arvokasta tietoa kielenkehityksestä, joka on hyvin yksilöllistä. Tutkimustulokset tuovat esiin monia lapsenkielelle tyypillisiä piirteitä, kuten analogiamuotojen (hakes ’haki’) ja lapsenkielisten sanojen (sylkky ’syli’) esiintymistä puheessa. Toisaalta lapsen puheessa esiintyy alusta asti aikuiskielelle ominaisesti esimerkiksi niin konkreettisia verbejä (mennä, tulla), mentaalisia verbejä (haluta, puhua) kuin sekundaariverbejäkin (voida, täytyä). Toisaalta verbin vaatimat pakolliset täydennykset voivat toisinaan erityisesti tutkittavan ajanjakson alussa olla vielä puutteellisia. Esimerkiksi subjekti saattaa puuttua sitä edellyttävästä lauseesta (peekää tota ’Aada pelkää tuota’). Toisaalta aikuistenkin puhekielelle ovat ominaisia muun muassa yksisanaiset ilmaukset ja verbittömät lauseet. Puhekieli ja alueellinen variaatio tulisikin aina huomioida myös tutkittaessa lapsenkieltä. Nopeasti lapsen lauseet kuitenkin monipuolistuvat ja lauseissa alkaa täydennysten lisäksi esiintyä runsaasti vapaita määritteitä. Lapsen yhdyslauseet ja konjunktioiden käyttö lisääntyvät erityisesti iästä 2;6 alkaen. Lapsen lauserakenteet monipuolistuvat sanaston ja erilaisten verbilekseemien ja verbinmuotojen lisääntyessä.
This survey evaluated the presence of AFM(1) in human urine samples from a specific Brazilian population, as well as corn, peanut, and milk consumption measured by two types of food inquiry. Urine samples from donors who live in the city of Piracicaba, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil were analyzed to detect the presence of aflatoxin M(1) (AFM(1)). an aflatoxin B(1) metabolite, which may be used as aflatoxin B(1) exposure biomarker. The AFM(1) analysis was performed using immunoaffinity clean-up and detection by high-performance-liquid chromatography with fluorescence detector. A total of 69 samples were analyzed and 45 of them (65%) presented contaminations >= 1.8 pg ml(-1), which was the limit of quantification (LOQ). Seventy eight percent (n = 54) of the samples presented detectable concentrations of AFM(1) (>0.6 pg ml(-1)). The AFM(1) concentration among samples above LOQ ranged from 1.8 to 39.9 pg ml(-1). There were differences in food consumption profile among donors, although no association was found between food consumption and AFM(1) concentration in urine. The high frequency of positive samples suggests exposure of the populations studied to aflatoxins. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work reports on the optoelectronic properties and device application of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide (a-Si(1-x)C(x):H) films grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD). The films with an optical bandgap ranging from about 1.8 to 2.0 eV were deposited in hydrogen diluted silane-methane plasma by varying the radio frequency power. Several n-i-p structures with an intrinsic a-Si(1-x)C(x):H layer of different optical gaps were also fabricated. The optimized devices exhibited a diode ideality factor of 1.4-1.8, and a leakage current of 190-470 pA/cm(2) at -5 V. The density of deep defect states in a-Si(1-x)C(x):H was estimated from the transient dark current measurements and correlated with the optical bandgap and carbon content. Urbach energies for the valence band tail were also determined by analyzing the spectral response within sub-bandgap energy range. (C) 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
The clinical application of CCR5 antagonists involves first determining the coreceptor usage by the infecting viral strain. Bioinformatics programs that predict coreceptor usage could provide an alternative method to screen candidates for treatment with CCR5 antagonists, particularly in countries with limited financial resources. Thus, the present study aims to identify the best approach using bioinformatics tools for determining HIV-1 coreceptor usage in clinical practice. Proviral DNA sequences and Trofile results from 99 HIV-1-infected subjects under clinical monitoring were analyzed in this study. Based on the Trofile results, the viral variants present were 81.1% R5, 21.4% R5X4 and 1.8% X4. Determination of tropism using a Geno2pheno[coreceptor] analysis with a false positive rate of 10% gave the most suitable performance in this sampling: the R5 and X4 strains were found at frequencies of 78.5% and 28.4%, respectively, and there was 78.6% concordance between the phenotypic and genotypic results. Further studies are needed to clarify how genetic diversity amongst virus strains affects bioinformatics-driven approaches for determining tropism. Although this strategy could be useful for screening patients in developing countries, some limitations remain that restrict the wider application of coreceptor usage tests in clinical practice.
The evolution of receiver architectures, built in modern CMOS technologies, allows the design of high efficient receivers. A key block in modern receivers is the oscillator. The main objective of this thesis is to design a very low power and low area 8-Phase Ring Oscillator for biomedical applications (ISM and WMTS bands). Oscillators with multiphase outputs and variable duty cycles are required. In this thesis we are focused in 12.5% and 50% duty-cycles approaches. The proposed circuit uses eight inverters in a ring structure, in order to generate the output duty cycle of 50%. The duty cycle of 1/8 is achieved through the combination of the longer duty cycle signals in pairs, using, for this purpose, NAND gates. Since the general application are not only the wireless communications context, as well as industrial, scientific and medical plans, the 8-Phase Oscillator is simulated to be wideband between 100 MHz and 1 GHz, and be able to operate in the ISM bands (447 MHz-930 MHz) and WMTS (600 MHz). The circuit prototype is designed in UMC 130 nm CMOS technology. The maximum value of current drawn from a DC power source of 1.2 V, at a maximum frequency of 930 MHz achieved, is 17.54 mA. After completion of the oscillator layout studied (occupied area is 165 μm x 83 μm). Measurement results confirm the expected operating range from the simulations, and therefore, that the oscillator fulfil effectively the goals initially proposed in order to be used as Local Oscillator in RF Modern Receivers.
A search for new particles that decay into top quark pairs is reported. The search is performed with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC using an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data collected at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=8 TeV. The lepton-plus-jets final state is used, where the top pair decays to W+bW−b¯¯, with one W boson decaying leptonically and the other hadronically. The invariant mass spectrum of top quark pairs is examined for local excesses or deficits that are inconsistent with the Standard Model predictions. No evidence for a top quark pair resonance is found, and 95% confidence-level limits on the production rate are determined for massive states in benchmark models. The upper limits on the cross-section times branching ratio of a narrow Z′ boson decaying to top pairs range from 4.2 pb to 0.03 pb for resonance masses from 0.4 TeV to 3.0 TeV. A narrow leptophobic topcolour Z′ boson with mass below 1.8 TeV is excluded. Upper limits are set on the cross-section times branching ratio for a broad colour-octet resonance with Γ/m = 15% decaying to tt¯. These range from 4.8 pb to 0.03 pb for masses from 0.4 TeV to 3.0 TeV. A Kaluza-Klein excitation of the gluon in a Randall-Sundrum model is excluded for masses below 2.2 TeV.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a importância da interação entre a integrina Mac-1 dos leucócitos (a Mb 2) e a glicoproteína (GP) Iba das plaquetas para o recrutamento de leucócitos após a lesão vascular e o efeito da neutralização da interação Mac-1-GPIba sobre a proliferação celular e a hiperplasia neointimal desencadeadas por lesão vascular. MÉTODOS: Um peptídeo denominado M2 ou anticorpo anti-M2 foi desenvolvido para bloquear a interação Mac-1-GPIba . Esse peptídeo foi injetado e comparado com anticorpo-controle em camundongos C57B1/6J submetidos a lesão vascular da artéria femoral com corda-guia. Um, cinco ou 28 dias após a lesão vascular, as artérias femorais foram retiradas para a realização de morfometria e imuno-histoquímica. RESULTADOS: O bloqueio da interação Mac-1-GPIba promoveu uma redução estatisticamente significativa do número de leucócitos na camada média no primeiro dia após a lesão vascular (controle: 7,9±5,0% do total de células versus anti-M2: 2,0±1,6%, p=0,021), bem como determinou uma diminuição estatisticamente significativa do acúmulo de leucócitos na neoíntima em cinco e 28 dias (controle: 42,3±12,9% versus anti-M2: 24,6±10,8%, p=0,047 e controle: 7,9±3,0% versus anti-M2: 3,3±1,3%, p=0,012; respectivamente). A proliferação celular na camada média do vaso em cinco dias pós-lesão foi reduzida com o bloqueio da interação Mac-1-GPIba (controle: 5,0±2,9% do total de células versus anti-M2: 1,8±0,5%; p=0,043), assim como houve diminuição significativa da proliferação celular na camada íntima do vaso em 28 dias (controle: 3,8±1,7% versus anti-M2: 2,0±1,2%; p=0,047). O bloqueio da interação Mac-1-GPIba também determinou uma redução estatisticamente significativa do espessamento intimal em 28 dias pós-lesão (controle: 10.395±3.549 µm² versus anti-M2: 4.561±4.915 µm²; p=0,012). CONCLUSÃO: O recrutamento de leucócitos após a lesão vascular é dependente da interação Mac-1-GPIba e a neutralização dessa interação inibe a proliferação celular e a formação neointimal.
FUNDAMENTO: A não adesão terapêutica é um importante e frequentemente não reconhecido fator de risco que contribui para o reduzido controle da Pressão Arterial (PA). OBJETIVO: Determinar a relação entre a adesão terapêutica mensurada a partir de uma versão validada em português da MMAS-8 e o controle da PA em pacientes ambulatoriais hipertensos. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com pacientes hipertensos maiores de 18 anos atendidos em seis unidades da Estratégia de Saúde da Família, em Maceió (AL), por meio de entrevistas e mensuração da pressão arterial em domicílio, entre janeiro e abril de 2011. A adesão foi determinada por meio de versão da MMAS-8 traduzida para realização deste estudo. Foram considerados aderentes aqueles pacientes com pontuação igual a 8 na MMAS-8. RESULTADOS: A prevalência da adesão terapêutica entre os 223 pacientes investigados foi de 19,7%, enquanto 34% apresentaram PA controlada (> 140/90 mmHg). O valor médio de adesão segundo a MMAS-8 foi 5,8 (±1,8). Os pacientes aderentes se revelaram mais propensos (OR = 6,1; IC [95%] = 3,0 a 12,0) a ter a pressão arterial sob controle do que aqueles que atingiram valores médios (6 a <8) ou baixos (<6) no score de adesão. A versão em português da MMAS-8 apresentou associação significativa com o controle da PA (p = 0,000). CONCLUSÃO: O diagnóstico do comportamento não aderente por meio da aplicação da MMAS-8 em pacientes sob uso de medicamentos anti-hipertensivos foi fator preditivo de valores elevados de PA sistólica e diastólica.
BACKGROUND: Antiretroviral compounds have been predominantly studied in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) subtype B, but only ~10% of infections worldwide are caused by this subtype. The analysis of the impact of different HIV subtypes on treatment outcome is important. METHODS: The effect of HIV-1 subtype B and non-B on the time to virological failure while taking combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) was analyzed. Other studies that have addressed this question were limited by the strong correlation between subtype and ethnicity. Our analysis was restricted to white patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study who started cART between 1996 and 2009. Cox regression models were performed; adjusted for age, sex, transmission category, first cART, baseline CD4 cell counts, and HIV RNA levels; and stratified for previous mono/dual nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor treatment. RESULTS: Included in our study were 4729 patients infected with subtype B and 539 with non-B subtypes. The most prevalent non-B subtypes were CRF02_AG (23.8%), A (23.4%), C (12.8%), and CRF01_AE (12.6%). The incidence of virological failure was higher in patients with subtype B (4.3 failures/100 person-years; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.0-4.5]) compared with non-B (1.8 failures/100 person-years; 95% CI, 1.4-2.4). Cox regression models confirmed that patients infected with non-B subtypes had a lower risk of virological failure than those infected with subtype B (univariable hazard ratio [HR], 0.39 [95% CI, .30-.52; P < .001]; multivariable HR, 0.68 [95% CI, .51-.91; P = .009]). In particular, subtypes A and CRF02_AG revealed improved outcomes (multivariable HR, 0.54 [95% CI, .29-.98] and 0.39 [95% CI, .19-.79], respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Improved virological outcomes among patients infected with non-B subtypes invalidate concerns that these individuals are at a disadvantage because drugs have been designed primarily for subtype B infections.