987 resultados para 070.449
A total of 3.449 birds, representing 195 species of 33 families from three areas in São Paulo State, Brazil, were examined for hematozoa during the period 1967-1972. Only 268 birds (7.8%) of 21 families harbored a blood parasite, which represented by species of Haemoproteus (3.5%), microfilaria (2.6%), Plasmodium (1.8%), Trypanosoma (0.8%) and Leucocytozoon (0.06%). The prevalence was similar in each of the six years of the study but a marked decrease in prevalence was noted in February and June of each year. The prevalence of parasitism was significantly different in each of the three areas sampled.
El Treball Final de Carrera investiga l’evolució de la ràdio a Espanya durant la dictadura franquista, entre els anys 1939 i 1975. El seguit de qüestions polítiques i socials que es viuen al país durant la postguerra fan que el mitjà radiofònic es desenvolupi notablement durant la primera etapa del franquisme, però no només com una arma de propaganda o d’informació oficial del règim, sinó també com entreteniment per als oients. Serien les emissores privades les que impulsarien de manera més important l’aparició de nous espais dedicats a la societat popular i també, les que potenciarien la difusió de la cultura. Posteriorment, Radio Nacional de España, l’emissora pública, també acompanyaria a les privades en l’emissió de magazins i programes de varietats. En el treball acadèmic també es destaca l’evident diferència entre les restriccions a la ràdio al principi del mandat i al final. Els primers anys de la dictadura es caracteritzen per una forta censura pel que fa a la informació i a la difusió de programes. No obstant, l’obertura del règim als voltants dels 60 permetrà a les emissores ser més arriscades en la seva programació.
Al llarg dels estius de 2006 i 2007 s'estudiaren 44 platges de tot el litoral de l'illa de Menorca, classificades en tres tipologies: A (platges urbanes), B (platges semi-urbanes) i C (platges verges). En cadascuna s'aplicà un sistema de 15 indicadors per tal de veure el nivell de pressió ambiental a què estaven sotmeses, i així valorar el seu grau de qualitat. En aquest treball es presenten els resultats de dos dels indicadors: índex d'impacte visual d'infraestructures i qualitat de flora terrestre. Els resultats preliminars sobre la situació de les platges de Menorca a partir d'aquests dos indicadors mostren conclusions prou significatives. A tall d’exemple, únicament un 9% de les platges estudiades no presentaven cap impacte visual d'alguna infraestructura; però, d'altra banda, un 80% de les platges estudiades compten amb presència d’espècies psammòfiles indicadores de qualitat.
Discretionary policymakers cannot manage private-sector expectations and cannot coordinate the actions of future policymakers. As a consequence, expectations traps and coordination failures can occur and multiple equilibria can arise. To utilize the explanatory power of models with multiple equilibria it is first necessary to understand how an economy arrives to a particular equilibrium. In this paper we employ notions of learnability and self-enforceability to motivate and identify equilibria of particular interest. Central among these criteria are whether the equilibrium is learnable by private agents and jointly learnable by private agents and the policymaker. We use two New Keynesian policy models to identify the strategic interactions that give rise to multiple equilibria and to illustrate our methods for identifying equilibria of interest. Importantly, unless the Pareto-preferred equilibrium is learnable by private agents, we find little reason to expect coordination on that equilibrium.
This study, conducted with a representative sample of employed and unemployed adults living in Switzerland (N = 2002), focuses on work conditions (in terms of professional insecurity and job demands), career adaptability, and professional and general well-being. Analyses of covariance highlighted that both unemployed and employed participants with low job insecurity reported higher scores on career adaptability and several dimensions (notably on control) than employed participants with high job insecurity. Moreover, structural equation modeling for employed participants showed that, independent of work conditions, adaptability resources were positively associated both with general and professional well-being. As expected professional outcomes were strongly related to job strain and professional insecurity, emphasizing the central role of the work environment. Finally, career adaptability partially mediated the relationship between job strain and professional insecurity, and the outcome well-being.
The aim of this paper is to identify the factors that affect the market penetration of pay television by studying the competition that exists between three types of technology (satellite, cable and ADSL). We distinguish three groups of factors: the level of market competition, the level of competition in the industry and the quality of the product being offered. Our results seem to indicate that as market concentration increases, the television service can achieve greater penetration. This relationship is specifically captured by the level of intra- and inter-platform competition. We also examine the relationship between free television channels and pay television and find that as the amount of time dedicated to the broadcasting of advertising by the former increases, the number of subscribers to pay TV rises. Finally, we examine product quality by introducing the effect of holding the rights to broadcast Professional Football League matches and an HBO or Showtime produced series. Our results suggest that these variables are critical for the penetration of pay television.
Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. El tema d’aquest treball de recerca és la premsa satírica a Catalunya durant la Segona República, centrat en l’anàlisi del setmanari 'El Be Negre’, i, a través d’aquesta publicació, l’objectiu és conèixer i veure com va tractar la premsa satírica determinats esdeveniments d’aquest període. La motivació de la recerca ve donada per l’interés en el periodisme i la història. El treball es divideix en dues grans parts; la primera d’aproximació al marc històric, i la segona, d’anàlisi de la revista. La primera part, consta d’un resum històric del període de la Segona República tan a nivell espanyol com català, d’un breu resum de les principals publicacions de l’època, tan diaris catalans com castellans i d’ideologies molt diverses, d’una breu història de la premsa satírica de Catalunya, des de mitjan segle XIX fins a la II República, i, finalment, una extensa documentació sobre el Be Negre (origen i influencies, redactors i ninotaires, seccions, funcionament, relació del setmanari amb diferents forces polítiques i sindicals). La segona part del treball, el cos central, es basa en l’anàlisi de la revista el Be Negre, a partir dels seus articles i acudits, que tracten alguns dels esdeveniments més rellevants de la Segona República.
The cdc10 gene of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is required for traverse of start and commitment to the mitotic cell division cycle rather than other fates. The product of the gene, p85cdc10, is a component of a factor that is thought to be involved in regulating the transcription of genes that are required for DNA synthesis. In order to define regions of the p85cdc10 protein that are important for its function a fine structure genetic map of the cdc10 gene was derived and the sequences of 13 cdc10ts mutants determined. The 13 mutants tested define eight alleles. Eleven of the mutants are located in the region that contains the two copies of the cdc10/SWI6 repeat motif, implicating it as important for p85cdc10 function.
The prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and its risk factors are well known in Western countries but few data are available from low- and middle- income countries. We are not aware of systematically collected population- based data on AAA in the African region. We evaluated the prevalence of AAA in a population- based cardiovascular survey conducted in the Republic of Seychelles in 2004 (Indian Ocean, African region). Among the 353 participants aged 50 to 64 years and screened with ultrasound, the prevalence of AAA was 0.3% (95% CI: 0- 0.9) and the prevalence of ectatic dilatations of the abdominal aorta was 1.5% (95% CI: 0.2- 2.8). The prevalence of AAA in the general population seemed lower in Seychelles than in Western countries, despite a high prevalence in Seychelles of risk factors of AAA, such as smoking (in men), high blood pressure and hypercholesterolaemia.
We investigated the physiological consequences of the most challenging mountain ultra-marathon (MUM) in the world: a 330-km trail run with 24000 m of positive and negative elevation change. Neuromuscular fatigue (NMF) was assessed before (Pre-), during (Mid-) and after (Post-) the MUM in experienced ultra-marathon runners (n = 15; finish time = 122.43 hours ±17.21 hours) and in Pre- and Post- in a control group with a similar level of sleep deprivation (n = 8). Blood markers of muscle inflammation and damage were analyzed at Pre- and Post-. Mean ± SD maximal voluntary contraction force declined significantly at Mid- (-13±17% and -10±16%, P<0.05 for knee extensor, KE, and plantar flexor muscles, PF, respectively), and further decreased at Post- (-24±13% and -26±19%, P<0.01) with alteration of the central activation ratio (-24±24% and -28±34% between Pre- and Post-, P<0.05) in runners whereas these parameters did not change in the control group. Peripheral NMF markers such as 100 Hz doublet (KE: -18±18% and PF: -20±15%, P<0.01) and peak twitch (KE: -33±12%, P<0.001 and PF: -19±14%, P<0.01) were also altered in runners but not in controls. Post-MUM blood concentrations of creatine kinase (3719±3045 Ul·(1)), lactate dehydrogenase (1145±511 UI·L(-1)), C-Reactive Protein (13.1±7.5 mg·L(-1)) and myoglobin (449.3±338.2 µg·L(-1)) were higher (P<0.001) than at Pre- in runners but not in controls. Our findings revealed less neuromuscular fatigue, muscle damage and inflammation than in shorter MUMs. In conclusion, paradoxically, such extreme exercise seems to induce a relative muscle preservation process due likely to a protective anticipatory pacing strategy during the first half of MUM and sleep deprivation in the second half.
We evaluated the feasibility of using faeces as a non-invasively collected DNA source for the genetic study of an endangered bird population (capercaillie; Tetrao urogallus). We used a multitube approach, and for our panel of 11 microsatellites genotyping reliability was estimated at 98% with five repetitions. Experiments showed that free DNases in faecal material were the major cause of DNA degradation. Our results demonstrate that using avian faeces as a source of DNA, reliable microsatellite genotyping can be obtained with a reasonable number of PCR replicates.
Twelve primers to amplify microsatellite markers from the chloroplast genome of Lolium perenne were designed and optimized using de novo sequencing and in silico sequences. With one exception, each locus was polymorphic with a range from two to nine alleles in L. perenne. The newly developed primer pairs cross-amplified in different species of Lolium and in 50 other grass species representing nine grass subfamilies.