973 resultados para >4.75 phi


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以高原448小麦品种为材料,分别测定了4个处理(Hoagland营养液、Hoagland营养液+150 mmol/LNaCl、Hoagland营养液+150 mmol/L NaCl+10μmol/L H_2O_2和Hoagland营养液+10μmol/L H_2O_2)的小麦幼苗在第2、4、6、8天叶片叶绿素、丙二醛、可溶性糖和还原性谷胱甘肽含量.结果显示:外源H2O2提高了NaCl胁迫下4个时段小麦幼苗的叶绿素含量(8.27%、32.57%、10.19%、4.86%)及还原性谷胱甘肽含量(3.09%、23.97%、5.85%、2.11%),显著提高了可溶性糖含量(14.58%、8.43%、16.68%、5.8%,P〈0.05),而显著降低了其丙二醛含量(17.53%、14.04%、4.75%、8.47%,P〈0.05).外源H_2O_2(10μmol/L)使NaCl胁迫下叶绿素含量和还原性谷胱甘肽含量峰值提前,同时推迟了丙二醛峰值出现的时间.研究表明,外源H2O2通过提高叶片叶绿素、可溶性糖和还原性谷胱甘肽含量以有效地增强小麦幼苗的耐盐性.


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利用能量色散X射线衍射技术,结合金刚石压腔外加热技术,在4.07~4.75 GPa,25~330℃条件下,进行了方解石Ⅲ的X衍射测量.结果表明,在实验的温压范围内,方解石Ⅲ稳定存在.随温度升高,方解石的晶胞参数逐渐增大.


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本文通过对都龙锡锌多金属矿床的铅、锶、硫同位素地球化学特征的系统研究,揭示该矿床成矿物质具有多来源的特点:成矿金属主要来源于基底前寒武系变质岩和老君山花岗岩,硫主要来源于中寒武世热水沉积期还原的海充酸盐和深部岩浆房,同时,燕山期老君山花岩为后期叠加成矿 作用提供了硫源,变质围岩也提供了一部分成矿物质,矿石中单矿物的铷-锶等时线年龄为(76.±3.3)10^6a,反映矿床明显受到燕山晚期岩浆热液作用的叠加。


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河流是连接海洋和陆地生态系统的重要途径,也是全球碳循环研究的重要环节。因此,河水的水文地球化学研究是获得有关流域侵蚀、风化以及元素在大陆- 河流- 海洋系统中外生循环过程等的重要途径。由于碳酸盐岩风化作用的产物在很大程度上控制着地表水系的地球化学组成, 因此对碳酸盐岩地区河流的水文地球化学特征的研究, 对于了解碳酸盐岩地区的侵蚀、风化强度以及河流地球化学组成变化的多种控制因素有很大的意义。 单就珠江水系而言,目前该方面的研究范围较窄,主要集中于珠江流域水文气候监测、水体有机污染物的迁移转化以及珠江三角洲与河口水体的同位素示踪研究等几个方面,而对于典型气候、地质地貌区域内的各支流的系统的水文地球化学研究少之又少。事实上,对于珠江水系的干流西江而言,流域内由于喀斯特地貌广泛发育,具有极强的地理特异性,因而各支流在不同地质地貌特征、土壤、气候、植被等条件下的水文地球化学的系统研究以及同位素示踪流域侵蚀状况等方面的研究,不仅对于更好地了解中国西南地区典型喀斯特岩溶区域内土壤、岩石的化学风化、水土流失、水文地球化学特征以及环境污染等方面具有极其重要的意义,同时也对全球碳循环的系统研究有着极其重要的研究价值。 本研究在导师刘丛强研究员主持的国家重大基础规划“973”计划项目“西南喀斯特山地石漠化与适应性生态系统调控”课题的支持下开展完成,选择贵州境内珠江水系干流西江及其支流(红水河流域),以及一级支流柳江源头都柳江及其支流为研究对象,分别通过对流域内,变质碎屑岩以及海相碳酸盐岩两大岩性区域内不同植被覆盖状况下各地表水体中水文地球化学特征以及碳同位素地球化学特征分析,得出以下结论: 1、流域岩性特征是控制流域内各地表水体水文地球化学特征以及流域风化侵蚀程度的重要影响因素。与此同时,研究区内由于人为活动造成的水体污染对于地表水体离子组成特征的变化,也有一定的影响。 2、研究区珠江流域内的地表水体来源主要为大气降水和地下水。研究区内的受西南季风影响下的频繁的降雨过程,是研究区地表水体的主要补给源。研究区内大气降水大多透过表层土壤,进入深部土壤含水层后,或以地表径流的形式冲刷土壤岩石表层后汇入流域内地表河流;或参与地下水体循环,最终以地下水补给地表河流。研究区内NNE方向褶皱断裂构造极其发育,地表河网与地下河网相互连接,转换频繁。 3、研究区内地表水体的离子组成特征以及物理化学性质,主要受流域内土壤岩石化学风化过程的控制。不同岩性特征区域内,地表水体的离子组成特征以及水化学参数有着显著的差异。 4、通过对贵州境内珠江水系75个地表水体中三种不同形态碳DIC、DOC、POC及其部分稳定碳同位素的分析测试,发现研究区内地表水体中的DIC主要来源于研究区内土壤CO2对不同流域内土壤、岩石矿物的化学风化过程。一般而言,植被覆盖状况较好的区域,土壤CO2较为丰富,化学风化作用较为强烈;碳酸盐岩比硅酸盐类易于风化,并且不同岩性区域化学风化过程可以使得地表水体具有不同的离子组成特征与水化学特性。 5、研究区各流域地表水体中的有机碳主要与流域内植被状况相关。地表水体中DOC浓度在一定程度上反映了流域内的植被状况,而TSS以及POC则反映了流域内土壤有机质的情况。研究区地表水体中DOC、POC含量变化情况,是探讨喀斯特地区碳的源汇关系及循环模式的重要依据。 6、河流悬浮物中的POC主要来源于土壤有机质和陆地植物,是研究流域侵蚀问题的重要指标。研究区内变质碎屑岩以及海相碳酸盐岩区域内各地表水体均表现出δ13CPOC 与TOC/TN之间的负相关关系,且地表水体中颗粒有机物具有较低的TOC/TN,表明研究区内各地表水体中POC很可能来源于深层土壤。水动力越强,流域侵蚀越强烈,因而TSS中TOC/TN越低。


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The water uptake and water loss behaviour in three different formulations of zinc oxy-chloride cement have been studied in detail. Specimens of each material were subjected to a high humidity atmosphere (93% RH) over saturated aqueous sodium sulfate, and a low humidity desiccating atmosphere over concentrated sulfuric acid. In high humidity, the cement formulated from the nominal 75% ZnCl2 solutions gained mass, eventually becoming too sticky to weigh further. The specimens at 25% and 50% ZnCl2 by contrast lost mass by a diffusion process, though by 1 week the 50% cement had stated to gain mass and was also too sticky to weigh. In low humidity, all three cements lost mass, again by a diffusion process. Both water gain and water loss followed Fick's law for a considerable time. In the case of water loss under desiccating conditions, this corresponded to values of Mt/MĄ well above 0.5. However, plots did not go through the origin, showing that there was an induction period before true diffusion began. Diffusion coefficients varied from 1.56 x 10-5 (75% ZnCl2) to 2.75 x 10-5 cm2/s (50% ZnCl2), and appeared to be influenced not simply by composition. The drying of the 25% and 50% ZnCl2 cements in high humidity conditions occurred at a much lower rate, with a value of D of 2.5 x 10-8 cm2/s for the 25% ZnCl2 cement. This cement was found to equilibrate slowly, but total water loss did not differ significantly from that of the cements stored under desiccating conditions. Equilibration times for water loss in desiccating conditions were of the order of 2-4 hours, depending on ZnCl2 content; equilibrium water losses were respectively 28.8 [25% ZnCl2], 16.2 [50%] and 12.4 [75%] which followed the order of ZnCl2 content. It is concluded that the water transport processes are strongly influenced by the ZnCl2 content of the cement.


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Clinical use of the imidazoquinoline immunomodulator imiquimod for the topical treatment of dysplastic and neoplastic lesions has increased markedly in recent years. However, despite guidance from the manufacturer of the proprietary imiquimod cream, there seems to be little consensus between clinicians as to the topically applied dose. Given that patients often apply the cream themselves at home, further dosing variability is expected and, consequently, accurate comparison of the results of different published studies is dif?cult. This paper describes, for the ?rst time, the formulation and physicochemical characterisation of a bioadhesive patch for dose-controlled topical delivery of imiquimod as well as a new HPLC method for sensitive ?uorescence determination of imiquimod released from such systems. Patches containing imiquimod loadings of 4.75, 9.50 and 12.50 mg cm-2 all released signi?cantly more drug across a model membrane than the proprietary cream over a period of 6 h. Inclusion of imiquimod in patches did not adversely affect their physicochemical properties. Of major importance, patches contained de?ned drug loadings per unit area; therefore, their use could reduce inter-clinician variability. This would make critical comparison of clinical studies and determination of an appropriate imiquimod dose for successful treatment much simpler. Since bioadhesive formulations are capable of adhering to body tissues in moist environments, the use of a bioadhesive patch system may allow extension of the clinical uses of imiquimod to the treatment of neoplastic conditions of the oral cavity and cervix, as well as the vulva. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To evaluate sperm DNA fragmentation and semen parameters to diagnose male factor infertility and predict pregnancy after IVF.
Design: Prospective study.
Setting: Academic research laboratory.
Patient(s): Seventy-five couples undergoing IVF and 28 fertile donors.
Intervention(s): Sperm DNA fragmentation was measured by the alkaline Comet assay in semen and sperm after density gradient centrifugation (DGC). Binary logistic regression was used to analyze odds ratios (OR) and relative risks (RR) for IVF outcomes.
Main Outcome Measure(s): Semen parameters and sperm DNA fragmentation in semen and DGC sperm compared with fertilization rates, embryo quality, and pregnancy.
Result(s): Men with sperm DNA fragmentation at more than a diagnostic threshold of 25% had a high risk of infertility (OR: 117.33, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 12.72–2,731.84, RR: 8.75). Fertilization rates and embryo quality decreased as sperm DNA fragmentation increased in semen and DGC sperm. The risk of failure to achieve a pregnancy increased when sperm DNA fragmentation exceeded a prognostic threshold value of 52% for semen (OR: 76.00, CI: 8.69–1,714.44, RR: 4.75) and 42% for DGC sperm (OR: 24.18, CI: 2.89–522.34, RR: 2.16).
Conclusion(s): Sperm DNA testing by the alkaline Comet assay is useful for both diagnosis of male factor infertility and prediction of IVF outcome.


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We present a comprehensive study of the observational dependence of the mass-loss rate in stationary stellar winds of hot massive stars on the metal content of their atmospheres. The metal content of stars in the Magellanic Clouds is discussed, and a critical assessment is given of state-of-the-art mass-loss determinations of OB stars in these two satellite systems and the Milky-Way. Assuming a power-law dependence of mass loss on metal content,. M. Z(m), and adopting a theoretical relation between the terminal flow velocity and metal content, v(infinity). Z(0.13) (Leitherer et al. 1992, ApJ, 401, 596), we find m = 0.83 +/- 0.16 for non-clumped outflows from an analysis of the wind momentum luminosity relation (WLR) for stars more luminous than 105.2 L circle dot. Within the errors, this result is in agreement with the prediction m = 0.69 +/- 0.10 by Vink et al. (2001, A& A, 369, 574). Absolute empirical values for the mass loss, based on Ha and ultraviolet (UV) wind lines, are found to be a factor of two higher than predictions in this high luminosity regime. If this difference is attributed to inhomogeneities in the wind, and this clumping does not impact the predictions, this would imply that luminous O and early-B stars have clumping factors in their Ha and UV line forming regions of about a factor of four. For lower luminosity stars, the winds are so weak that their strengths can generally no longer be derived from optical spectral lines (essentially Ha) and one must currently rely on the analysis of UV lines. We confirm that in this low-luminosity domain the observed Galactic WLR is found to be much steeper than expected from theory (although the specific sample is rather small), leading to a discrepancy between UV mass-loss rates and the predictions by a factor 100 at luminosities of L similar to 10(4.75) L circle dot, the origin of which is unknown. We emphasize that even if the current mass-loss rates of hot luminous stars would turn out to be overestimated as a result of wind clumping, but the degree of clumping would be rather independent of metallicity, the scalings derived in this study are expected to remain correct.


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We present measurements of the complex ion structure of warm dense carbon close to the melting line at pressures around 100 GPa. High-pressure samples were created by laser-driven shock compression of graphite and probed by intense laser-generated x-ray sources with photon energies of 4.75 keV and 4.95 keV. High-efficiency crystal spectrometers allow for spectrally resolving the scattered radiation. Comparing the ratio of elastically and inelastically scattered radiation, we find evidence for a complex bonded liquid that is predicted by ab-initio quantum simulations showing the influence of chemical bonds under these conditions. Using graphite samples of different initial densities we demonstrate the capability of spectrally resolved x-ray scattering to monitor the carbon solid-liquid transition at relatively constant pressure of 150 GPa. Showing first single-pulse scattering spectra from cold graphite of unprecedented quality recorded at the Linac Coherent Light Source, we demonstrate the outstanding possibilities for future high-precision measurements at 4th Generation Light Sources.


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Se determinó la tendencia y variabilidad vertical de las características geoquímicas de los sedimentos y del agua intersticial en los primeros 10 cm superficiales de dos testigos de Callao, colectados en dos estaciones del perfil Callao, durante el Crucero Miniox BIC Olaya 0810: (1) E-2, a 8 mn de la costa y 98 m de profundidad, donde la materia orgánica presentó un amplio rango de variabilidad (4,75% a 56,34%) y una tendencia al incremento con la profundización del perfil vertical, al existir condiciones geoquímicas que favorecen una mayor preservación de la materia orgánica y una lenta remineralización; y (2) E-5, a 30 mn de la costa y 178 m de profundidad, donde la materia orgánica presentó una distribución más homogénea en el perfil vertical (30,72% a 36,17%). Las elevadas correlaciones (r > 0,7) de la materia orgánica total con el carbono orgánico total, así como con los fosfatos y los silicatos en sedimentos superficiales indican que la materia orgánica gobierna parcialmente las concentraciones de carbono y fósforo. La variabilidad en la conducta de distribución de las concentraciones de metales Redox sensitivos en los sedimentos recientes, está asociada a condiciones anóxicas y a la intensa actividad sulfato reductora característica en la zona de estudio.


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El propósito principal de esta monografía es ofrecer una perspectiva crítica sobre el conflicto latente en la Península Coreana, haciendo un acercamiento al mismo desde un marco teórico asentado en el realismo estructural de Kenneth Waltz. De este modo, se busca responder a cuestiones sobre los intereses estatales como fundamento básico de las estrategias de mantenimiento de la Estructura en regiones geopolíticamente sensibles. Al final, se llega a la conclusión afirmando que la Estructura ejerce una serie de funciones para garantizar su preservación mediante una acción de convergencia en la conducta de los Estados. Esta realidad ha mantenido a la Península Coreana sin un conflicto bélico en los últimos 50 años, muy a pesar de estar al borde del mismo en varias ocasiones, ya que de llegarse a presentar se rompería la estabilidad de la región, y por ende el Equilibrio de Poderes estaría en grave riesgo.


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Este trabajo de grado busca analizar el papel que juegan los principios en las fallas del Régimen Internacional de Pagos a la hora de responder a situaciones de crisis, específicamente, en la actuación del Fondo Monetario Internacional durante la crisis económica argentina de 2001. El Régimen, atado al cumplimiento de sus principios, actuó de manera tal que produjo unas fallas que terminaron exacerbando la crisis. Mediante el análisis de fuentes primarias y secundarias, y con métodos tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos se busca demostrar que efectivamente, los principios en los que se fundamentan las actuaciones de los regímenes, que son creencias, tienden a tornarse dogmáticos, por lo tanto, se hacen resistentes al cambio y no permiten a las instituciones obrar de manera que se ajuste a la realidad. Es así que los principios llegan agravar las crisis que debían solucionar, tal y como sucedió en Argentina en 2001.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of fit of three types of implant-supported frameworks cast in Ni-Cr alloy: specifically, a framework cast as one piece compared to frameworks cast separately in sections to the transverse or the diagonal axis, and later laser welded. Materials and Methods: Three sets of similar implant-supported frameworks were constructed. The first group of six 3-unit implant-supported frameworks were cast as one piece, the second group of six were sectioned in the transverse axis of the pontic region prior to casting, and the last group of six were sectioned in the diagonal axis of the pontic region prior to casting. The sectioned frameworks were positioned in the matrix (10 N(.)cm torque) and laser welded. To evaluate passive fit, readings were made with an optical microscope with both screws tightened and with only one-screw tightened. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer`s test (p < 0.05). Results: When both screws were tightened, no differences were found between the three groups (p > 0.05). In the single-screw-tightened test, with readings made opposite to the tightened side, the group cast as one piece (57.02 +/- 33.48 mu m) was significantly different (p < 0.05) from the group sectioned diagonally (18.92 +/- 4.75 mu m) but no different (p > 0.05) from the group transversally sectioned (31.42 +/- 20.68 mu m). On the tightened side, no significant differences were found between the groups (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Results of this study showed that casting diagonally sectioned frameworks lowers misfit levels of prosthetic implant-supported frameworks and also improves the levels of passivity to the same frameworks when compared to structures cast as one piece.