822 resultados para young adults representation


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Humans undergo biological ageing at different rates. This associates with functional decline in a number of physiological systems and increasing incidence of age-related pathologies. The discovery of robust biomarkers of ageing could be used to identify early divergence from a path of healthy ageing towards age-related disease. In the present study, we undertook proteomic analysis of plasma from healthy young men (mean age = 21.4 ± 1.5 years) and healthy mid-life men (mean age = 57.0 ±1.6 years). We identified twelve spots including transferrin, complement C3b and transthyretin that differed in abundance between the age groups. Transferrin spots showed an acidic pI shift in older males. Sandwich ELISAs were used to investigate the changes further. C3b levels were below the level of detection by ELISA and plasma concentrations of total transferrin or transthyretin were not different between the age groups studied here. However, analysis of transferrin N-glycan structures showed an increase in terminal galactose residues in older men, suggesting that the loss of terminal N-acetyl neuraminic acid residues contributes to the more acid pI of transferrin spots observed with age. Terminal galactosylation of transferrin may be a biomarker of healthy ageing and is now under investigation in the MARKAGE study.


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Schooling can be a pivotal time in young people’s formative experience when identities are negotiated and forged. However, contradictory dominant cultures can operate within the school context, making it very challenging for individuals to negotiate their religious and sexual identities within a sexualised and heteronormative space. This essay draws on interview data relating to 18- to 25-yearolds of diverse religious faiths in the UK, who recounted their secondary schooling experiences, and focuses on the formal and informal ways in which the school was constituted in relation to religion and sexuality.


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Purpose: To assess the range of macular pigment optical density (MPOD) in a healthy group of young adults of South Asian origin; to investigate whether any dietary factors or personal characteristics were related to inter-subject variations in MPOD; and to compare the mean MPOD of the South Asian group with the mean MPOD of a white group. Methods: Heterochromatic flicker photometry was used to measure the MP levels of 169 healthy volunteers, of which 117 were Asian and 52 were white. In addition, the Asian participants completed a questionnaire pertaining to the various physical, ocular, lifestyle, dietary and environmental factors that may be associated with MPOD or age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Results: The mean MPOD of the Asian subjects was 0.43±0.14. The male participants had a higher mean MPOD than the females (0.47±0.13 vs 0.41±0.14, p<0.01). Possible associations also emerged between MPOD and form of refractive correction, and iris colour. No MPOD associations were found for the other variables examined in the questionnaire. The mean MPOD of the white subject group was 0.33±0.13, which was significantly lower than the Asian group (p<0.0005). Conclusions: This study adds to the currently limited information on MPOD in South Asians, and while a comparison between Asians and Whites was not the main focus here, highly significant differences between these two ethnicities were revealed. This provokes the possibility that South Asian individuals could have a lower risk for AMD, and it warrants further study.


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This paper presents findings from research on young adults in the UK from diverse religious backgrounds. Utilizing questionnaires, interviews, and video diaries it assesses how religious young adults understood and managed the tensions in popular discourse between gender equality as an enshrined value and aspirational narrative, and religion as purportedly instituting gender inequality. We show that, despite varied understandings, and the ambivalence and tension in managing ideal and practice, participants of different religious traditions and genders were committed to gender equality. Thus, they viewed gender-unequal practices within their religious cultures as an aberration from the essence of religion. In this way, they firmly rejected the dominant discourse that religion is inherently antithetical to gender equality.


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Purpose: Evidence exists for an additional inhibitory accommodative control system mediated by the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This work aims to show the relative prevalence of sympathetic inhibition in young emmetropic and myopic adults, and to evaluate the effect of sympathetic facility on accommodative and oculomotor function. Methods: Profiling of ciliary muscle innervation was carried out in 58 young adult subjects (30 emmetropes, 14 early onset myopes, 14 late onset myopes) by examining post-task open-loop accommodation responses, recorded continuously by a modified open-view infrared optometer. Measurements of amplitude of accommodation, tonic accommodation, accommodative lag at near, AC/A ratio, and heterophoria at distance and near were made to establish a profile of oculomotor function. Results: Evidence of sympathetic inhibitory facility in ciliary smooth muscle was observed in 27% of emmetropes, 21% of early-onset myopes and 29% of late-onset myopes. Twenty-six percent of all subjects demonstrated access to sympathetic facility. Closed-loop oculomotor function did not differ significantly between subjects with sympathetic facility, and those with sympathetic deficit. Conclusions: Emmetropic and myopic groups cannot be distinguished in terms of the relative proportions having access to sympathetic inhibition. Presence of sympathetic innervation does not have a significant effect on accommodative function under closed-loop viewing conditions. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper examines the understandings and practices of 515 heterosexual religious young adults living in the UK in terms of their religious faith and sexuality. It presents qualitative and quantitative data drawn from questionnaires, interviews, and video diaries. Four themes are explored. First, participants generally understood sexuality in relation to sacred discourses. Second, regardless of gender and religious identification, the participants drew from religious (e.g. religious community) and social (i.e. friends) influences to construct their sexual values and attitudes. Third, the religious and familial spaces within which the participants inhabited were structured by heteronormative assumptions. Thus, the participants must negotiate dominant norms, particularly those pertaining to marriage and sex within it. Finally, the paper focuses on married participants, offering insights into their motivations for, and experiences of, marriage. Overall, the paper demonstrates that, like their lesbian and gay counterparts, heterosexual religious young adults also had to manage various competing and mutually-reinforcing sexual and religious norms in constructing a meaningful life.


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Christianity has historically incorporated numerous strands of thinking on sexuality; in some cases, problematizing sexuality through the endorsement of celibacy and asceticism while at other historical and contextual moments, marriage and procreation become ideals (Price 2006). Contemporary Christians negotiate many sexual scripts (including ‘secular’ ones), but ‘appropriate’ Christian sexuality is still usually defined in terms of monogamy, the containment of sex within marriage, and heterosexuality. This chapter will explore the attitudes, beliefs and practices toward sexuality of young Christian women and men aged between 18 and 25 and living in the UK, based on a qualitative and quantitative research project entitled Religion, Youth and Sexuality: A Multi-faith Exploration, which utilized questionnaires, in-depth interviews and video diaries. The chapter will consider the variations in attitude between young people from different Christian denominations in relation to three themes: sex outside of marriage, celibacy and monogamy.


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Where does discussion about sex and sexuality take place for religious young adults? How well do religious young people feel they know the perspectives and debates within their religious tradition regarding sexuality? This chapter, based on a project which studied 18-25 year olds from a variety of religious traditions, will examine the context in which sexuality was discussed, giving particular attention to religious spaces, significant individuals (e.g. parents and friends) and popular media. The concluding section will also highlight some points for good practice, based on the perspectives of young people.


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Presenting qualitative and quantitative findings on the lived experiences of around seven hundred young adults from Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and mixed-faith backgrounds, Religious and Sexual Identities provides an illuminating and nuanced analysis of young adults' perceptions and negotiations of their religious, sexual, youth and gender identities. It demonstrates how these young adults creatively construct meanings and social connections as they navigate demanding but exciting spaces in which their multiple identities intersect. Accessible quantitative analyses are combined with rich interview and video diary narratives in this theoretically-informed exploration of religious and sexual identities in contemporary society. © Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip and Sarah-Jane Page 2013. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Several studies have suggested accommodative lags may serve as a stimulus for myopic growth, and while a blurred foveal image is believed to the main stimulus for accommodation, spectral composition of the retinal image is also believed to influence accommodative accuracy. Of particular interest is how altering spectral lighting conditions influences accommodation in the presence of soft multifocal contact lenses, which are currently being used off-label for myopia control. Methods: Accommodative responses were assessed using a Grand Seiko WAM-5500 autorefractor for four target distances: 25, 33, 50, and 100cm for 30 young adult subjects (14 myopic, 16 emmetropic; mean refractive errors (±SD, D) -4.22±2.04 and -0.15±0.67 respectively). Measurements were obtained with four different soft contact lenses, Single vision distance (SVD), Single vision near (SVN), Centre-Near (CN) and Centre-Distance (CD) (+1.50 add), and three different lighting conditions: red (peak λ 632nm), blue (peak λ 460nm), and white (peak λ 560nm). Corrections for chromatic differences in refraction were made prior to calculating accommodative errors. Results: The size of accommodative errors was significantly affected by lens design (p<0.001), lighting (p=0.027), and target distance (p=0.009). Mean accommodative errors were significantly larger with the SV lenses compared to the CD and CN designs (p<0.001). Errors were also significantly larger under blue light compared to white (p=0.004) and a significant interaction noted between lens design and lighting (p<0.001). Blue light generally decreased accommodative lags and increased accommodative leads relative to white and red light, the opposite was true of red light (p≤0.001). Lens design also significantly influenced direction of accommodative error (i.e. lag or lead) (p<0.001). Interactions with or between refractive groups were not found to be statistically significant for either the magnitude or direction of accommodative error (p>0.05 for all). Conclusions: Accuracy of accommodation is affected by both lens design and by wavelength of lighting. These accommodative lag data lend some support to recent speculation about the potential therapeutic value of lighting with a spectral bias towards blue during near work for myopia, although such treatment effects are likely to be more subtle under broad compared to the narrow spectrum lighting conditions used here.


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Fiatal felnőttek nagyarányú jelenléte a szülői háztartásokban nemcsak Magyarországon és Európában jellemző, de a fejlett ipari országokban általánosan megfigyelhető jelenség. Az Európai Unióban élő 18–34 év közötti fiatalok 46%-a él együtt legalább egyik szülőjével, a magyar fiatalok esetében hasonló az arány. A fiatalok kitolódó felnőtté válása azt is jelenti, hogy a szülők egyre későbbi időponttól kezdve rendelkeznek szabadabban idejükkel és anyagi forrásaikkal, a fiatal felnőttek döntései pedig részben szüleik részvételével történik. Jelen cikk arra keresi a választ, hogy a szülői fészekben élő vagy a szüleiktől részben függő fiatalok milyen döntési mintákkal rendelkeznek, illetve vásárlási döntéseikben mennyire önállóak. A kérdés vizsgálatát a szülői háztól függő egyetemista fiatalok körében végzett kérdőíves megkérdezés segítségével a szerzők elemezték, és arra is lehetőségük volt, hogy a családtagok által írt rövid esszék segítségével a kérdést több oldalról vizsgálják meg. Eredményeik szerint a szülői háztól függő fiatal felnőttek önálló döntésre képes, sok esetben szakértő fogyasztók, döntéseik önállóságát azonban a termékkategória, a családdal való kapcsolattartás gyakorisága, a családforma és a nemi szerepek is befolyásolják. ____ High ratio of adult children is still living in their parents’ home. This is a significant phenomenon that can be observed in Hungary and throughout Europe, while influences living trends globally. In the EU, 46% of youth between 18-34 years live with at least one of their parents and this same statistic holds true in the case of Hungary. This postponement of adulthood allows parents to enjoy more free time and have higher disposable income from later in life. The young adults, however, in the household make their consumer decisions under parental control. The purpose of this study is to explore the decisionmaking styles of young adults and their independence from their parents in shopping-related decision-making through a literature review and primary study. The survey focused on university students who are dependent on their parental home and short essays were also collected from family members of the target group in order to gain a more complex view on this phenomenon. According to the results the following conclusion can be made: young adults living in their parents’ home are competent consumers with individual decisions, in addition, they are consumer experts within the family in many cases. However, their independent shopping-related decision-making is influenced by product category, frequency of connection to the family home, family form and also sex role orientations.