878 resultados para worlds ahead
Uppsatsen har för avsikt att undersöka hur den nypaganistiska, och i första hand nordamerikanska, rörelsen Church of All Worlds reagerar mot förändring och institutionalisering. För att förstå institutionaliseringsprocessens bakomliggande krafter och identifiera dess konsekvenser, är det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen att utifrån en fallstudie av Church of All Worlds undersöka hur organisationen under sina verksamhetsår förändrats i fråga om (1) förhållande till samhället, (2) ideologi, (3) organisatorisk struktur och (4) ledarskap. Utgångspunkten är att betrakta rörelsen som dels religiös och spirituell, dels organisatorisk och ekonomisk, varför uppsatsen lutar sin teoribildning mot både religions- och samhällsvetenskapen och mot organisationsteorin. Som samhälleliga samt organisatoriska faktorer till Church of All Worlds institutionalisering finner vi den postmoderna motreaktionen mot industrisamhällets missförhållanden samt kritiken mot existensen av den objektiva sanningen. Institutionaliseringens följder är emellertid att rörelsen slutligen upptas som en del av det sen-moderna samhällssystemet. Förändringen märks i första hand då rörelsen under 80-talet förvandlas till en ekonomiskt intresserad organisation med tjänstehierarkier och reglerat ansvar som påföljder. Den byråkratiska arbetsordningen urlakar inte bara rörelsens ideologi, utan tvingar också den nu demokratiskt tillsatte ledaren till radikala åtgärder för att återfå sin makt, något som når sin kulmen i en konflikt med ledarens sorti som yttersta konsekvens.
Most approaches to Duffy’s work have been a feminist reading of poetry, focusing on the portrayal of women within the theoretical framework of feminism. However, little attention has been paid to the religious elements in Duffy’s work, something that Duffy herself has recognized. This essay will therefore focus on the centrality of religion in Duffy’s work, and will argue that her poems constitute an arena where religion is redefined and female experience and theology are reconciled. The poems under focus, “Delilah”, “Salome”, “Pilate’s wife”, “Pope Joan”, “Mrs Lazarous” and “Queen Herod” are examined in two separate sections: their portrayal of love and sexuality, and their portrayal of motherhood respectively, within the theoretical framework of feminist theology.
Em uma conjuntura de expansão urbana, intensificação do consumo, mudança climática e escassez de petróleo, o tema das mobilidades assume inquestionável importância econômica, social e ambiental. O seminário internacional "Mobilidades Urbanas: Alicerces para Pesquisas Transnacionais" volta-se, por um lado, para a fomentação do debate em torno do paradigma das novas mobilidades - envolvendo mobilidade espacial e socioeconômica, entre outras - e de sua aplicabilidade no contexto brasileiro; por outro, para a capacitação de pesquisadores cujas investigações tematizam os processos de mobilidade social e espacial a partir de perspectivas comparativas e transnacionais.
As empresas frequentemente negligenciam o fenômeno da resistência dos consumidores, culminando em investimentos em vão que podem comprometer a sustentabilidade financeira da empresa. Em um mundo onde a novidade é solicitada pelo mercado, as empresas impulsionadas por inovação devem perceber se os consumidores estão preparados para receber uma tecnologia disruptiva. Neste cenário, a difusão tecnológica tornou-se um tema importante de debate entre os pesquisadores. A resistência dos consumidores, no entanto, tem sido negligenciada na literatura. Este estudo analisa as características de inovação percepcionáveis que inibem a massa crítica de consumidores a adotar produtos tecnológicos. Além disso, este estudo complementa a literatura atual, fornecendo resultados empíricos e testando a teoria existente. O projeto de pesquisa tem uma abordagem qualitativa de estudo de caso múltiplo, investigando as características mais relevantes de dois produtos tecnológicos disruptivos que foram rejeitados pela maioria dos consumidores, versus outros dois produtos tecnológicos disruptivos que foram positivamente reconhecidos. Os resultados mostram que a compatibilidade com o estilo de vida do cliente constitui o fator mais importante que levanta barreiras para a adoção.
The Brazilian domestic debt has posed two challenges to policy-makers: it has grown very fast and its maturity is extremely short. This has prompted fears that a default or a compulsory lengthening scheme would be imposed. Here, we analyse the domestic public debt management experience in Brazil, searching for policy prescriptions for the next few years. After briefiy reviewing the recent domestic public debt history, we decompose the large rise in federal bonded debt during 1995-2000, searching for its macroeconomic causes. The main culprits are the extremely high interest payments-which, unti11998, were caused by the weak fiscal stance and the quasi-fixed exchange-rate regime; and since 1999, by the impact ofthe currency depreciation On the dollar-indexed and the externai debt-, and the accumulation of assets of doubtful value, much of which may have to be written off in the future. Simulation exercises of the net debt path for the near future underscore the importance of a tighter fiscal stance to prevent the debt-GDP ratio from growing further. Given the need to quickly lengthen the debt maturity, our main policy advice is to foster, and rely more on, infiation-linked bonds.
This paper proposes a combined pool/bilateral short term hydrothermal scheduling model (PDC) for the context of the day-ahead energy markets. Some innovative aspects are introduced in the model, such as: i) the hydraulic generation is optimized through the opportunity cost function proposed; ii) there is no decoupling between physical and commercial dispatches, as is the case today in Brazil; iii) interrelationships between pool and bilateral markets are represented through a single optimization problem; iv) risk exposures related to future deficits are intrinsically mitigated; v) the model calculates spot prices in an hourly basis and the results show a coherent correlation between hydrological conditions and calculated prices. The proposed PDC model is solved by a primal-dual interior point method and is evaluated by simulations involving a test system. The results are focused on sensitivity analyses involving the parameters of the model, in such a way to emphasize its main modeling aspects. The results show that the proposed PDC provides a conceptual means for short term price formation for hydrothermal systems.