878 resultados para workshop design and preparation
Currently, individuals including designers, contractors, and owners learn about the project requirements by studying a combination of paper and electronic copies of the construction documents including the drawings, specifications (standard and supplemental), road and bridge standard drawings, design criteria, contracts, addenda, and change orders. This can be a tedious process since one needs to go back and forth between the various documents (paper or electronic) to obtain information about the entire project. Object-oriented computer-aided design (OO-CAD) is an innovative technology that can bring a change to this process by graphical portrayal of information. OO-CAD allows users to point and click on portions of an object-oriented drawing that are then linked to relevant databases of information (e.g., specifications, procurement status, and shop drawings). The vision of this study is to turn paper-based design standards and construction specifications into an object-oriented design and specification (OODAS) system or a visual electronic reference library (ERL). Individuals can use the system through a handheld wireless book-size laptop that includes all of the necessary software for operating in a 3D environment. All parties involved in transportation projects can access all of the standards and requirements simultaneously using a 3D graphical interface. By using this system, users will have all of the design elements and all of the specifications readily available without concerns of omissions. A prototype object-oriented model was created and demonstrated to potential users representing counties, cities, and the state. Findings suggest that a system like this could improve productivity to find information by as much as 75% and provide a greater sense of confidence that all relevant information had been identified. It was also apparent that this system would be used by more people in construction than in design. There was also concern related to the cost to develop and maintain the complete system. The future direction should focus on a project-based system that can help the contractors and DOT inspectors find information (e.g., road standards, specifications, instructional memorandums) more rapidly as it pertains to a specific project.
The present study is an integral part of a broader study focused on the design and implementation of self-cleaning culverts, i.e., configurations that prevent the formation of sediment deposits after culvert construction or cleaning. Sediment deposition at culverts is influenced by many factors, including the size and characteristics of material of which the channel is composed, the hydraulic characteristics generated under different hydrology events, the culvert geometry design, channel transition design, and the vegetation around the channel. The multitude of combinations produced by this set of variables makes the investigation of practical situations a complex undertaking. In addition to the considerations above, the field and analytical observations have revealed flow complexities affecting the flow and sediment transport through culverts that further increase the dimensions of the investigation. The flow complexities investigated in this study entail: flow non-uniformity in the areas of transition to and from the culvert, flow unsteadiness due to the flood wave propagation through the channel, and the asynchronous correlation between the flow and sediment hydrographs resulting from storm events. To date, the literature contains no systematic studies on sediment transport through multi-box culverts or investigations on the adverse effects of sediment deposition at culverts. Moreover, there is limited knowledge about the non-uniform, unsteady sediment transport in channels of variable geometry. Furthermore, there are few readily useable (inexpensive and practical) numerical models that can reliably simulate flow and sediment transport in such complex situations. Given the current state of knowledge, the main goal of the present study is to investigate the above flow complexities in order to provide the needed insights for a series of ongoing culvert studies. The research was phased so that field observations were conducted first to understand the culvert behavior in Iowa landscape. Modeling through complementary hydraulic model and numerical experiments was subsequently carried out to gain the practical knowledge for the development of the self-cleaning culvert designs.
A proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL), a member of the TNF ligand superfamily with an important role in humoral immunity, is also implicated in several cancers as a prosurvival factor. APRIL binds two different TNF receptors, B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) and transmembrane activator and cylclophilin ligand interactor (TACI), and also interacts independently with heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Because APRIL shares binding of the TNF receptors with B cell activation factor, separating the precise signaling pathways activated by either ligand in a given context has proven quite difficult. In this study, we have used the protein design algorithm FoldX to successfully generate a BCMA-specific variant of APRIL, APRIL-R206E, and two TACI-selective variants, D132F and D132Y. These APRIL variants show selective activity toward their receptors in several in vitro assays. Moreover, we have used these ligands to show that BCMA and TACI have a distinct role in APRIL-induced B cell stimulation. We conclude that these ligands are useful tools for studying APRIL biology in the context of individual receptor activation.
The antihypertensive effects of the beta-blocking agent betaxolol and the calcium entry blocker verapamil were compared in a crossover single-blind trial. Seventeen patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension took either betaxolol or a slow-release formulation of verapamil for two consecutive 6-week periods. The sequence of treatment phases was randomly allocated and a 2-week washout period preceded each treatment. The antihypertensive effect of the test drugs was assessed both at the physician's office and during everyday activities using a portable blood pressure recorder. The crossover design of the trial made it possible to evaluate the antihypertensive efficacy of betaxolol and verapamil both in the group as a whole and in the individual patient. The individual patient response to one of these agents was not a reliable indicator of the same patient's response to the alternative agent. Betaxolol brought both office and ambulatory recorded blood pressures under control in a larger fraction of patients than verapamil, although the magnitude of the blood pressure fall in the responders was equal for each drug. These observations stress the need for an individualized approach to the evaluation of antihypertensive therapy. The present results also demonstrate that optimal antihypertensive therapy is still a matter of trial and error. The precise methodology that ought to characterize crossover trials may make it possible to improve the therapeutic approach to hypertensive patients.
In Switzerland, organ procurement is well organized at the national-level but transplant outcomes have not been systematically monitored so far. Therefore, a novel project, the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS), was established. The STCS is a prospective multicentre study, designed as a dynamic cohort, which enrolls all solid organ recipients at the national level. The features of the STCS are a flexible patient-case system that allows capturing all transplant scenarios and collection of patient-specific and allograft-specific data. Beyond comprehensive clinical data, specific focus is directed at psychosocial and behavioral factors, infectious disease development, and bio-banking. Between May 2008 and end of 2011, the six Swiss transplant centers recruited 1,677 patients involving 1,721 transplantations, and a total of 1,800 organs implanted in 15 different transplantation scenarios. 10 % of all patients underwent re-transplantation and 3% had a second transplantation, either in the past or during follow-up. 34% of all kidney allografts originated from living donation. Until the end of 2011 we observed 4,385 infection episodes in our patient population. The STCS showed operative capabilities to collect high-quality data and to adequately reflect the complexity of the post-transplantation process. The STCS represents a promising novel project for comparative effectiveness research in transplantation medicine.
This paper analyzes the possibilities of integrating cost information and engineering design. Special emphasis is put on finding the potential of using the activity-based costing (ABC) method. Today, the problem of cost estimation in engineering design is that there are two separate extremes of knowledge. On the one extreme, the engineers model the technical parametres behindcosts in great detail but do not get appropriate cost information to their elegant models. On the other extreme, the accounting professionals are stuck with traditional cost accounting methods driven by the procedures and cycles of financial accounting. Therefore, in many cases, the cost information needs of various decision making groups, for example design engineers, are not served satisfactorily. This paper studies if the activity-based costing (ABC) method could offer a compromise between the two extremes. Recognizing activities and activity chains as well as activity and cost drivers could be specially beneficial for design engineers. Also, recognizing the accurate and reliable product costs of existing products helps when doing variant design. However, ABC is not at its best if the cost system becomes too complicated. This is why a comprehensive ABC-cost information system with detailed cost information for the use of design engineers should be examined critically. ABC is at its best when considering such issues as which activities drive costs, the cost of product complexity, allocating indirect costs on the products, the relationships between processes and costs, and the cost of excess capacity.
The need for high performance, high precision, and energy saving in rotating machinery demands an alternative solution to traditional bearings. Because of the contactless operation principle, the rotating machines employing active magnetic bearings (AMBs) provide many advantages over the traditional ones. The advantages such as contamination-free operation, low maintenance costs, high rotational speeds, low parasitic losses, programmable stiffness and damping, and vibration insulation come at expense of high cost, and complex technical solution. All these properties make the use of AMBs appropriate primarily for specific and highly demanding applications. High performance and high precision control requires model-based control methods and accurate models of the flexible rotor. In turn, complex models lead to high-order controllers and feature considerable computational burden. Fortunately, in the last few years the advancements in signal processing devices provide new perspective on the real-time control of AMBs. The design and the real-time digital implementation of the high-order LQ controllers, which focus on fast execution times, are the subjects of this work. In particular, the control design and implementation in the field programmable gate array (FPGA) circuits are investigated. The optimal design is guided by the physical constraints of the system for selecting the optimal weighting matrices. The plant model is complemented by augmenting appropriate disturbance models. The compensation of the force-field nonlinearities is proposed for decreasing the uncertainty of the actuator. A disturbance-observer-based unbalance compensation for canceling the magnetic force vibrations or vibrations in the measured positions is presented. The theoretical studies are verified by the practical experiments utilizing a custom-built laboratory test rig. The test rig uses a prototyping control platform developed in the scope of this work. To sum up, the work makes a step in the direction of an embedded single-chip FPGA-based controller of AMBs.
Self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems of gemfibrozil were developed under Quality by Design approach for improvement of dissolution and oral absorption. Preliminary screening was performed to select proper components combination. BoxBehnken experimental design was employed as statistical tool to optimize the formulation variables, X1 (Cremophor® EL), X2 (Capmul® MCM-C8), and X3 (lemon essential oil). Systems were assessed for visual characteristics (emulsification efficacy), turbidity, droplet size, polydispersity index and drug release. Different pH media were also assayed for optimization. Following optimization, the values of formulation components (X1, X2, and X3) were 32.43%, 29.73% and 21.62%, respectively (16.22% of gemfibrozil). Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated spherical droplet morphology. SNEEDS release study was compared to commercial tablets. Optimized SNEDDS formulation of gemfibrozil showed a significant increase in dissolution rate compared to conventional tablets. Both formulations followed Weibull mathematical model release with a significant difference in td parameter in favor of the SNEDDS. Equally amodelistic parameters were calculated being the dissolution efficiency significantly higher for SNEDDS, confirming that the developed SNEDDS formulation was superior to commercial formulation with respect to in vitro dissolution profile. This paper provides an overview of the SNEDDS of the gemfibrozil as a promising alternative to improve oral absorption.
Key management has a fundamental role in secure communications. Designing and testing of key management protocols is tricky. These protocols must work flawlessly despite of any abuse. The main objective of this work was to design and implement a tool that helps to specify the protocol and makes it possible to test the protocol while it is still under development. This tool generates compile-ready java code from a key management protocol model. A modelling method for these protocols, which uses Unified Modeling Language (UML) was also developed. The protocol is modelled, exported as an XMI and read by the code generator tool. The code generator generates java code that is immediately executable with a test software after compilation.
Tässä diplomityössä perehdytään WAP:in Push -viitekehykseen. WAP-standardit määrittelevät kuinka Internet-tyyppisiä palveluita, joita voidaan käyttää erilaisia mobiileja päätelaiteitteita käyttäen, toteutetaan tehokkaalla ja verkkoteknologiasta riippumattomalla tavalla. WAP pohjautuu Internet:iin, mutta huomioi pienten päätelaitteiden ja mobiiliverkkojen rajoitukset ja erikoisominaisuudet. WAP Push viitekehys määrittelee verkon aloittaman palvelusisällön toimittamisen. Työn teoriaosassa käydään läpi yleinen WAP-arkkitehtuuri ja WAP-protokollapino käyttäen vertailukohtina lanka-Internetin arkkitehtuuria ja protokollapinoa. Edellistä perustana käyttäen tutustaan WAP Push -viitekehykseen. Käytännönosassa kuvataan WAP Push -välityspalvelimen suunnittelu ja kehitystyö. WAP Push -välityspalvelin on keskeinen verkkoelementti WAP Push -viitekehyksessä. WAP Push -välityspalvelin yhdistää Internetin ja mobiiliverkon tavalla, joka piilottaa teknologiaeroavaisuudet Internetissä olevalta palveluntuottajalta.
Tämä diplomityö esittää Symbianin käyttöjärjestelmän verkkoarkkitehtuuriin perustuvan paikallisverkkokortin (LAN) käyttöönottoa. Pääajatus oli keskitetty langattoman LAN— kortin (WLAN) ajureiden käyttöönottoon. Jokainen Symbianin käyttöjärjestelmän verkkoarkkitehtuurin komponentti oli huolellisesti tutkittu, painottaen mahdollista langattoman yhteyden uudelleenkäyttöä. Myös olemassaolevan Ethernetkortin ajureiden uudelleenkäyttö oli huolellisesti otettu huomioon. Diplomityöprojektin aikana esimerkki WLAN-kortin ajurin lähdekoodista oli esitetty. Tämä ajuri on kirjoitettu NOKIA DTN-20 WLAN-korttia varten. Havaittiin myös, että suurin osa Symbianin käyttöjärjestelmän verkkoarkkitehtuurista voidaan käyttää myös WLAN-pohjaisessa yhteydessä ilman muutoksia.. Esitetty ajuri käyttää myös tiettyjä olemassaolevan Ethernetkortin ajureita, esim. Logical Device Driver (LDD):tä.
The networking and digitalization of audio equipment has created a need for control protocols. These protocols offer new services to customers and ensure that the equipment operates correctly. The control protocols used in the computer networks are not directly applicable since embedded systems have resource and cost limitations. In this master's thesis the design and implementation of new loudspeaker control network protocols are presented. The protocol stack was required to be reliable, have short response times, configure the network automatically and support the dynamic addition and removal of loudspeakers. The implemented protocol stack was also required to be as efficient and lightweight as possible because the network nodes are fairly simple and lack processing power. The protocol stack was thoroughly tested, validated and verified. The protocols were formally described using LOTOS (Language of Temporal Ordering Specifications) and verified using reachability analysis. A prototype of the loudspeaker network was built and used for testing the operation and the performance of the control protocols. The implemented control protocol stack met the design specifications and proved to be highly reliable and efficient.
Terveydenhuollossa käytetään nykyisin informaatioteknologian (IT) mahdollisuuksia parantamaan hoidon laatua, vähentämään hoitoon liittyviä kuluja sekä yksinkertaistamaan ja selkeyttämään laakareiden työnkulkua. Tietojärjestelmät, jotka edustavat jokaisen IT-ratkaisun ydintä, täytyy kehittää täyttämään lukuisia vaatimuksia, ja yksi niistä on kyky integroitua saumattomasti toisten tietojärjestelmien kanssa. Järjestelmäintegraatio on kuitenkin yhä haastava tehtävä, vaikka sita varten on kehitetty useita standardeja. Tässä työssä kuvataan vastakehitetyn lääketieteellisen tietojärjestelmän liittymäratkaisu. Työssä pohditaan vaatimuksia, jotka tällaiselle sovellukselle asetetaan, ja myös tapa, jolla vaatimukset toteutuvat on esitetty. Liittymaratkaisu on jaettu kahteen osaan, tietojärjestelmaliittymään ja "liittymakoneeseen" (interfacing engine). Edellinen on käsittää perustoiminnallisuuden, jota tarvitaan vastaanottamaan ja lähettämään tietoa toisiin järjestelmiin, kun taas jälkimmäinen tarjoaa tuen tuotantoympäristössa käytettäville standardeille. Molempien osien suunnitelu on esitelty perusteellisesti tässä työssä. Ongelma ratkaistiin modulaarisen ja geneerisen suunnittelun avulla. Tämä lähestymistapa osoitetaan työssä kestäväksi ja joustavaksi ratkaisuksi, jota voidaan käyttää tarkastelemaan laajaa valikoimaa liittymäratkaisulle asetettuja vaatimuksia. Lisaksi osoitetaan kuinka tehty ratkaisu voidaan joustavuutensa ansiosta helposti mukauttaa vaatimuksiin, joita ei ole etukäteen tunnistettu, ja siten saavutetaan perusta myös tulevaisuuden tarpeille