503 resultados para volatilização de NH3
The mortality (7 and 14 d), weight change (7 and 14 d), and metal uptake of Eisenia fetida (Savigny, 1826) kept in Pb(NO3)(2)-treated Kettering loam soil in single- and multiple-occupancy (10 earthworms) test containers were determined. The number of earthworms to dry mass (g) ratio of soil was 1:50 in both sets of test containers. Lead concentrations were in the nominal range of 0 to 10,000 mg Pb/kg soil (mg/kg hereafter). Levels of mortality at a given concentration were statistically identical between the single- and multiple-occupancy tests, except at 1,800 mg/kg, at which significantly (p less than or equal to 0.05) more mortality occurred in the multiple-occupancy tests. Death of individual earthworms in the multiple-occupancy tests did not trigger death of the other earthworms in that soil. The LC50 values (concentration statistically likely to kill 50% of the population) were identical between the multiple- and single-occupancy soils: 2,662 mg/kg (2,598-2,984, 7 d) and 2,589 mg/kg (2,251-3,013, 14 d) for the multiple-occupancy soils and 2,827 mg/kg (2,443-3,168, both 7 and 14 d) for the single-occupancy soils (values in brackets represent the 95% confidence intervals). Data were insufficient to calculate the concentration statistically likely to reduce individual earthworm mass by 50% (EC50), but after 14 d, the decrease in earthworm weight in the 1,800 and 3,000 mg/kg tests was significantly greater in the multiple- than in the single-occupancy soils. At 1,000, 1,800, and 3,000 mg/kg tests, earthworm Pb tissue concentration was significantly (p less than or equal to 0.05) greater in earthworms from the multiple-occupancy soils. The presence of earthworms increased the NH3 content of the soil; earthworm mortality increased NH3 concentrations further but not to toxic levels.
The effect of presubmergence and green manuring on various processes involved in [N-15]-urea transformations were studied in a growth chamber after [N-15]-urea application to floodwater. Presubmergence for 14 days increased urea hydrolysis rates and floodwater pH, resulting in higher NH3 volatilization as compared to without presubmergence. Presubmergence also increased nitrification and subsequent denitrification but lower N assimilation by floodwater algae caused higher gaseous losses. Addition of green manure maintained higher NH4+-N concentration in floodwater mainly because of lower nitrification rates but resulted in highest NH3 volatilization losses. Although green manure did not affect the KCl extractable NH4+-N from applied fertilizer, it maintained higher NH4+-N content due to its decomposition and increased mineralization of organic N. After 32 days about 36.9% (T-1), 23.9% (T-2), and 36.4% (T-3) of the applied urea N was incorporated in the pool of soil organic N in treatments. It was evident that the presubmergence has effected the recovery of applied urea N.
A simple model for the effective vibrational hamiltonian of the XH stretching vibrations in H2O, NH3 and CH4 is considered, based on a morse potential function for the bond stretches plus potential and kinetic energy coupling between pairs of bond oscillators. It is shown that this model can be set up as a matrix in local mode basis functions, or as a matrix in normal mode basis functions, leading to identical results. The energy levels obtained exhibit normal mode patterns at low vibrational excitation, and local mode patterns at high excitation. When the hamiltonian is set up in the normal mode basis it is shown that Darling-Dennison resonances must be included, and simple relations are found to exist between the xrs, gtt, and Krrss anharmonic constants (where the Darling-Dennison coefficients are denoted K) due to their contributions from morse anharmonicity in the bond stretches. The importance of the Darling-Dennison resonances is stressed. The relationship of the two alternative representations of this local mode/normal mode model are investigated, and the potential uses and limitations of the model are discussed.
The results recently obtained by Mills and Robiette on local-mode effects in H2O, NH3 and CH4 type molecules are extended to ethene (C2H4) and propadiene (C3H4) type molecules. General relations among the anharmonic xrs constants and the Darling-Dennison Krrss constants for the stretching vibrations are derived, called “x,K relations”, which allow local-mode effects to be generated by adding the appropriate anharmonic and Darling-Dennison constants to the familiar normal-mode model of molecular vibrations. The general utility of x,K relations is discussed, and the results are reviewed for the molecular types for which they have so far been derived.
Gallaborane (GaBH6, 1), synthesized by the metathesis of LiBH4 with [H2GaCl]n at ca. 250 K, has been characterized by chemical analysis and by its IR and 1H and 11B NMR spectra. The IR spectrum of the vapor at low pressure implies the presence of only one species, viz. H2Ga(μ-H)2BH2, with a diborane-like structure conforming to C2v symmetry. The structure of this molecule has been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) measurements afforced by the results of ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Hence the principal distances (rα in Å) and angles ( α in deg) are as follows: r(Ga•••B), 2.197(3); r(Ga−Ht), 1.555(6); r(Ga−Hb), 1.800(6); r(B−Ht), 1.189(7); r(B−Hb), 1.286(7); Hb−Ga−Hb, 71.6(4); and Hb−B−Hb, 110.0(5) (t = terminal, b = bridging). Aggregation of the molecules occurs in the condensed phases. X-ray crystallographic studies of a single crystal at 110 K reveal a polymeric network with helical chains made up of alternating pseudotetrahedral GaH4 and BH4 units linked through single hydrogen bridges; the average Ga•••B distance is now 2.473(7) Å. The compound decomposes in the condensed phases at temperatures exceeding ca. 240 K with the formation of elemental Ga and H2 and B2H6. The reactions with NH3, Me3N, and Me3P are also described.
Reducing carbon conversion of ruminally degraded feed into methane increases feed efficiency and reduces emission of this potent greenhouse gas into the environment. Accurate, yet simple, predictions of methane production of ruminants on any feeding regime are important in the nutrition of ruminants, and in modeling methane produced by them. The current work investigated feed intake, digestibility and methane production by open-circuit respiration measurements in sheep fed 15 untreated, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) treated and anhydrous ammonia (NH3) treated wheat, barley and oat straws. In vitro fermentation characteristics of straws were obtained from incubations using the Hohenheim gas production system that measured gas production, true substrate degradability, short-chain fatty acid production and efficiency of microbial production from the ratio of truly degraded substrate to gas volume. In the 15 straws, organic matter (OM) intake and in vivo OM digestibility ranged from 563 to 1201 g and from 0.464 to 0.643, respectively. Total daily methane production ranged from 13.0 to 34.4 l, whereas methane produced/kg OM matter apparently digested in vivo varied from 35.0 to 61.8 l. The OM intake was positively related to total methane production (R2 = 0.81, P<0.0001), and in vivo OM digestibility was also positively associated with methane production (R2 = 0.67, P<0.001), but negatively associated with methane production/kg digestible OM intake (R2 = 0.61, P<0.001). In the in vitro incubations of the 15 straws, the ratio of acetate to propionate ranged from 2.3 to 2.8 (P<0.05) and efficiencies of microbial production ranged from 0.21 to 0.37 (P<0.05) at half asymptotic gas production. Total daily methane production, calculated from in vitro fermentation characteristics (i.e., true degradability, SCFA ratio and efficiency of microbial production) and OM intake, compared well with methane measured in the open-circuit respiration chamber (y = 2.5 + 0.86x, R2 = 0.89, P<0.0001, Sy.x = 2.3). Methane production from forage fed ruminants can be predicted accurately by simple in vitro incubations combining true substrate degradability and gas volume measurements, if feed intake is known.
The extensive development of the ruminant forestomach sets apart their N economy from that of nonruminants in a number of respects. Extensive pregastric fermentation alters the profile of protein reaching the small intestine, largely through the transformation of nitrogenous compounds into microbial protein. This process is fueled primarily by carbohydrate fermentation and includes extensive recycling of N between the body and gut lumen pools. Nitrogen recycling occurs via blood and gut lumen exchanges of urea and NH3, as well as endogenous gut and secretory N entry into the gut lumen, and the subsequent digestion and absorption of microbial and endogenous protein. Factors controlling urea transfer to the gut from blood, including the contributions of urea transporters, remain equivocal. Ammonia produced by microbial degradation of urea and dietary and endogenous AA is utilized by microbial fermentation or absorbed and primarily converted to urea. Therefore, microbial growth and carbohydrate fermentation affect the extent of NH3 absorption and urea N recycling and excretion. The extensive recycling of N to the rumen represents an evolutionary advantage of the ruminant in terms of absorbable protein supply during periods of dietary protein deficiency, or asynchronous carbohydrate and protein supply, but incurs a cost of greater N intakes, especially in terms of excess N excretion. Efforts to improve the efficiency of N utilization in ruminants by synchronizing fermentable energy and N availability have generally met with limited success with regards to production responses. In contrast, imposing asynchrony through oscillating dietary protein concentration, or infrequent supplementation, surprisingly has not negatively affected production responses unless the frequency of supplementation is less than once every 3 d. In some cases, oscillation of dietary protein concentration has improved N retention compared with animals fed an equal amount of dietary protein on a daily basis. This may reflect benefits of Orn cycle adaptations and sustained recycling of urea to the gut. The microbial symbiosis of the ruminant is inherently adaptable to asynchronous N and energy supply. Recycling of urea to the gut buffers the effect of irregular dietary N supply such that intuitive benefits of rumen synchrony in terms of the efficiency of N utilization are typically not observed in practice.
Single crystal X-ray diffraction study reveals that the water soluble tetrapeptide H2N-Ile-Aib-Leu-m-ABA-CO2H, containing non-coded Aib (alpha-amino isobutyric acid) and m-ABA (meta-amino benzoic acid), crystallizes with two smallest possible diastereomeric beta-hairpin molecules in the asymmetric unit. Although in both of the molecules the chiralities at Ile(1) and Leu(3) are S, a conformational reversal in the back bone chain is observed to produce the beta-hairpins with beta-turn conformations of type II and II'. Interestingly Aib which is known to adopt helical conformation, adopts unusual semi-extended conformation with phi: -49.5(5)degrees, psi: 135.2(5)degrees in type II and phi: 50.6(6)degrees. psi: -137.0(4)degrees in type II' for occupying the i + 1 position of the beta-turns. The two hairpin molecules are further interlocked through intermolecular hydrogen bonds and electrostatic interactions between CO2- and -+NH3 groups to form dimeric supramolecular beta-hairpin aggregate in the crystal state. The CD measurement and 2D NMR study of the peptide in aqueous medium support the existence of beta-hairpin structure in water. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nanofilm deposits of TiO2 nanoparticle phytates are formed on gold electrode surfaces by 'directed assembly' methods. Alternate exposure of a 3-mercapto-propionic acid modified gold surface to (i) a TiO2 sol and (ii) an aqueous phytic acid solution (pH 3) results in layer-by-layer formation of a mesoporous film. Ru(NH3)(6)(3+) is shown to strongly adsorb/accumulate into the mesoporous structure whilst remaining electrochemically active. Scanning the electrode potential into a sufficiently negative potential range allows the Ru(NH3)(6)(3+) complex to be reduced to Ru(NH3)(6)(2+) which undergoes immediate desorption. When applied to a gold coated quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor, electrochemically driven adsorption and desorption processes in the mesoporous structure become directly detectable as a frequency response, which corresponds directly to a mass or density change in the membrane. The frequency response (at least for thin films) is proportional to the thickness of the mass-responsive film, which suggests good mechanical coupling between electrode and film. Based on this observation, a method for the amplified QCM detection of small mass/density changes is proposed by conducting measurements in rigid mesoporous structures. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Five new thioantimonates have been synthesized in the presence of organic amines under solvothermal conditions and their structures determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. All of the compounds are layered and contain antimony-sulphide anions of stoichiometry [Sb4S7](2-), but the structure of the anion formed is dependent on the amine used in synthesis. (H3N(CH2)(4)NH3)[Sb4S7] (1) contains [Sb4S7](2-) double chains directed along [010]. Weak interchain Sb-S interactions between neighbouring chains cause the double chains to pack into layers in the ab plane. In the [001] direction, the layers of double chains alternate with doubly protonated diaminobutane molecules to which the chains are hydrogen bonded. Compounds of general formula (TH)(2)[Sb4S7] (T= CH3(CH2)(2)NH2 (2), (CH3)(2)CHNH2 (3), CH3(CH2)(3)NH2 (4) and CH3(CH2)(4)NH2 (5)) adopt a more complex structure in which [Sb3S8](7-) units are linked by Sb-3(3-) pyramids to form chains, which in turn are bridged by sulphur atoms to create sheets containing large heterorings. Pairs of such sheets form double layers of four atoms thickness that are stacked along [001]. Protonated amine molecules are located between anionic antimony-sulphide layers to which they are hydrogen bonded. Thermal analysis reveals that the decomposition temperature of materials containing [Sb4S7](2-) anions is dependent both on the structure of the anion, the lowest decomposition temperature being that of the low-dimensional phase (1) and on the identity of the amine, the decomposition temperature decreasing with an increasing number of carbon atoms and decreasing density. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The evaluation of life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from power generation with carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a critical factor in energy and policy analysis. The current paper examines life cycle emissions from three types of fossil-fuel-based power plants, namely supercritical pulverized coal (super-PC), natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), with and without CCS. Results show that, for a 90% CO2 capture efficiency, life cycle GHG emissions are reduced by 75-84% depending on what technology is used. With GHG emissions less than 170 g/kWh, IGCC technology is found to be favorable to NGCC with CCS. Sensitivity analysis reveals that, for coal power plants, varying the CO2 capture efficiency and the coal transport distance has a more pronounced effect on life cycle GHG emissions than changing the length of CO2 transport pipeline. Finally, it is concluded from the current study that while the global warming potential is reduced when MEA-based CO2 capture is employed, the increase in other air pollutants such as NOx and NH3 leads to higher eutrophication and acidification potentials.
This study focused on effects of structure, content and biological activity of condensed tannins (CT) in leaves, stems and whole plant of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) on its in vivo and in situ digestive characteristics in sheep. Sainfoin was studied as fresh forage during the first vegetation cycle at two phenological stages (i.e., end of flowering and green seeds) and during the second vegetation cycle (i.e., start of flowering). The feeding experiment used 12 sheep; with six dosed, through the rumen cannula, with polyethylene glycol (PEG) to neutralise CT effects. Organic matter digestibility (OMD), total tract N disappearance and N balance were measured in sheep fed the whole plant. The residues of dry matter (DM) and N from nylon bags suspended in the rumen were determined on leaves and stems. Intestinal digestibility was measured using other, intestinally fistulated sheep. PEG addition and vegetation cycle increased total tract N digestibility (P<0.001) but PEG affected OMD only at the end of flowering. PEG inactivated the CT and increased urinary N excretion (P<0.05) but this was offset by lower faecal N excretion (P<0.001). Feeding sainfoin can be used to alter the form of excreted N (i.e., urine vs faeces) and thus potentially reduce environmental N pollution without affecting body N retention. Kinetic studies of total N, ammonia N (NH3-N) and volatile fatty acids (VFA) in rumen fluid were made before and 1.5, 3 and 6 h after feeding. Sainfoin CT decreased rumen fluid soluble N (P<0.05) and NH3-N (P<0.01). Ruminal N disappearance (DisN) of leaves or stems was lower in the presence of active CT compared to PEG-inactivated CT (P<0.001) for both vegetation cycles. PEG also increased intestinal digestibility (P<0.05) of leaves and stems. Leaves had lower ruminal DisN, but higher N disappearing from intestine than stems. The biological activity and content of CT in the whole plant decreased as phenological stage increased. Prodelphinidin:procyanidin (PD:PC) ratios of leaves varied with vegetation cycle and phenological stage. The molecular size of CT in the whole plant, as indicated by their mean degree of polymerisation (mDP), was lowest at the start of flowering and coincided with the higher biological activity and content of CT.
Co(NH3)(5)Cl]Cl-2 forms neutral 1:3 complex by reaction with aromatic thiohydrazides, i.e. thiobenzhydrazide, o-hydroxythiobenzhydrazide, thiophen-2-thiohydrazide and furan-2-thiohydrazide. All these complexes are diamagnetic and have been characterized by elemental analysis and combination of spectroscopic methods. Cyclic voltammometry of the complexes shows irreversible metal centered and ligand centered electron transfer reactions. One complex, tris-o-hydroxythiobenzhydrazidocobalt(III),has been crystallized from DMSO solution to produce solvated crystals and its structure has been established by X-ray crystallography. Cobalt(III) ion is linked through three hydrazinic nitrogen and three sulfur atoms of three identical deprotonated ligand molecules in a distorted octahedral environment. Involvement of -OH group in intramolecular and intermolecular hydrogen bonding is crucial for crystal formation.
Copper(II) acetate reacts with benzene-1,2-dioxyacetic acid (bdoaH2) in aqueous media to give [Cu(bdoa)(H2O)2] (1). Complex 1 reacts with the N-donor ligands pyridine (py), ammonia and 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) to give [Cu(bdoa)(NH3)2]·H2O (2), [Cu(bdoa)(py)2]·H2O (3) and [Cu2(bdoa)(phen)4]bdoa·13H2O (4), respectively. The X-ray crystal structure of the dicopper(II,II) complex 4 shows each copper atom at the centre of a distorted trigonal bipyramid comprising four nitrogen atoms from two chelating phen ligands and a single oxygen atom from one of the carboxylate moieties of the bridging bdoa2− ligand. The cyclic voltammogram of 4 shows a single reversible wave for the Cu2+/Cu+ couple at E = + 115 mV (vs Ag/AgCl). Spectroscopic and magnetic data for the complexes are given.
Out-wintering pads offer a reduced cost system for wintering cattle, minimising damage to pasture, providing animal welfare and production benefits, and generate, potentially, a more manageable effluent and lower ammonia emissions. The objectives of the present study were (i) to contribute to improved understanding of the factors impacting on effluent quality, ammonia emissions and animal welfare via observations on four farm-based out-wintering pads (ComOWPs) in England, Wales and Ireland and more detailed studies undertaken on four experimental OWPs (ExpOWPs) constructed at Rothamsted Research North Wyke, Devon, England and (ii) to corroborate the effluent quality data from both the ComOWPs and the ExpOWPs, with findings in the literature. Woodchip size, feeding management and area allowance were the treatment factors applied on the ExpOWPs. These three factors were randomised across the four ExpOWPs, over four 6–7 week periods. Effluent quality from the ExpOWPs was sampled frequently in a flow proportional way and analysed for total N (TN); total P (TP); total solids (TS); ammonium-N (NH4+-N); nitrate-N (NO3−-N). Beef cattle were periodically weighed for determination of live weight gain (LWG). An approximate nitrogen balance was calculated as a means of understanding its partitioning and fate during and after the ExpOWPs use. Effluent quality from the ComOWPs was sampled frequently, also in a flow-proportional way, and analysed for TN, TP, TS, NH4+-N, NO3−-N, total K and COD. Effluent quality data from the ExpOWPs showed no significant differences (P > 0.05) between treatments, with average concentrations of 1095 mg l−1, and 806 mg l−1, for TN and NH4+-N, respectively. Average effluent concentrations from the ComOWPs were 356 mg l−1 TN and 124 mg l−1 NH4+-N. Ammonia emissions from the ExpOWPs showed no significant differences (P > 0.05) between the treatments, with average mean emission rates of 2.5 g m−2 d−1 NH3-N, respectively. A positive correlation was established between NH3-N emission rate and wind speed. Emission rates from the ComOWPs ranged from 0.7 to 1.6 g m−2 d−1 NH3-N. Average daily LWG on the ExpOWPs was 1.33 kg steer−1 d−1. The effluent from both the ComOWPs and ExpOWPs were more similar with dirty water and of consistently lower strength than beef cattle slurry, as supported by findings in the literature, and therefore, it is suggested to be subject to the regulatory requirements of dirty water rather than slurry.