973 resultados para testing against heavy tails
All crop models, whether site-specific or global-gridded and regardless of crop, simulate daily crop transpiration and soil evaporation during the crop life cycle, resulting in seasonal crop water use. Modelers use several methods for predicting daily potential evapotranspiration (ET), including FAO-56, Penman-Monteith, Priestley-Taylor, Hargreaves, full energy balance, and transpiration water efficiency. They use extinction equations to partition energy to soil evaporation or transpiration, depending on leaf area index. Most models simulate soil water balance and soil-root water supply for transpiration, and limit transpiration if water uptake is insufficient, and thereafter reduce dry matter production. Comparisons among multiple crop and global gridded models in the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) show surprisingly large differences in simulated ET and crop water use for the same climatic conditions. Model intercomparisons alone are not enough to know which approaches are correct. There is an urgent need to test these models against field-observed data on ET and crop water use. It is important to test various ET modules/equations in a model platform where other aspects such as soil water balance and rooting are held constant, to avoid compensation caused by other parts of models. The CSM-CROPGRO model in DSSAT already has ET equations for Priestley-Taylor, Penman-FAO-24, Penman-Monteith-FAO-56, and an hourly energy balance approach. In this work, we added transpiration-efficiency modules to DSSAT and AgMaize models and tested the various ET equations against available data on ET, soil water balance, and season-long crop water use of soybean, fababean, maize, and other crops where runoff and deep percolation were known or zero. The different ET modules created considerable differences in predicted ET, growth, and yield.
The search for new energy models arises as a necessity to have a sustainable power supply. The inclusion of distributed generation sources (DG) allows to reduce the cost of facilities, increase the security of the grid or alleviate problems of congestion through the redistribution of power flows. In remote microgrids it is needed in a particular way a safe and reliable supply, which can cover the demand for a low cost; due to this, distributed generation is an alternative that is being widely introduced in these grids. But the remote microgrids are especially weak grids because of their small size, low voltage level, reduced network mesh and distribution lines with a high ratio R/X. This ratio affects the coupling between grid voltages and phase shifts, and stability becomes an issue of greater importance than in interconnected systems. To ensure the appropriate behavior of generation sources inserted in remote microgrids -and, in general, any electrical equipment-, it is essential to have devices for testing and certification. These devices must, not only faithfully reproduce disturbances occurring in remote microgrids, but also to behave against the equipment under test (EUT) as a real weak grid. This also makes the device commercially competitive. To meet these objectives and based on the aforementioned, it has been designed, built and tested a voltage disturbances generator, in order to provide a simple, versatile, full and easily scalable device to manufacturers and laboratories in the sector.
This work is an outreach approach to an ubiquitous recent problem in secondary-school education: how to face back the decreasing interest in natural sciences shown by students under ‘pressure’ of convenient resources in digital devices/applications. The approach rests on two features. First, empowering of teen-age students to understand regular natural events around, as very few educated people they meet could do. Secondly, an understanding that rests on personal capability to test and verify experimental results from the oldest science, astronomy, with simple instruments as used from antiquity down to the Renaissance (a capability restricted to just solar and lunar motions). Because lengths in astronomy and daily life are so disparate, astronomy basically involved observing and registering values of angles (along with times), measurements being of two types, of angles on the ground and of angles in space, from the ground. First, the gnomon, a simple vertical stick introduced in Babylonia and Egypt, and then in Greece, is used to understand solar motion. The gnomon shadow turns around during any given day, varying in length and thus angle between solar ray and vertical as it turns, going through a minimum (noon time, at a meridian direction) while sweeping some angular range from sunrise to sunset. Further, the shadow minimum length varies through the year, with times when shortest and sun closest to vertical, at summer solstice, and times when longest, at winter solstice six months later. The extreme directions at sunset and sunrise correspond to the solstices, swept angular range greatest at summer, over 180 degrees, and the opposite at winter, with less daytime hours; in between, spring and fall equinoxes occur, marked by collinear shadow directions at sunrise and sunset. The gnomon allows students to determine, in addition to latitude (about 40.4° North at Madrid, say), the inclination of earth equator to plane of its orbit around the sun (ecliptic), this fundamental quantity being given by half the difference between solar distances to vertical at winter and summer solstices, with value about 23.5°. Day and year periods greatly differing by about 2 ½ orders of magnitude, 1 day against 365 days, helps students to correctly visualize and interpret the experimental measurements. Since the gnomon serves to observe at night the moon shadow too, students can also determine the inclination of the lunar orbital plane, as about 5 degrees away from the ecliptic, thus explaining why eclipses are infrequent. Independently, earth taking longer between spring and fall equinoxes than from fall to spring (the solar anomaly), as again verified by the students, was explained in ancient Greek science, which posited orbits universally as circles or their combination, by introducing the eccentric circle, with earth placed some distance away from the orbital centre when considering the relative motion of the sun, which would be closer to the earth in winter. In a sense, this can be seen as hint and approximation of the elliptic orbit proposed by Kepler many centuries later.
Nrf2 is a member of the “cap ‘n’ collar” family of transcription factors. These transcription factors bind to the NF-E2 binding sites (GCTGAGTCA) that are essential for the regulation of erythroid-specific genes. Nrf2 is expressed in a wide range of tissues, many of which are sites of expression for phase 2 detoxification genes. Nrf2−/− mice are viable and have a normal phenotype under normal laboratory conditions. The NF-E2 binding site is a subset of the antioxidant response elements that have the sequence GCNNNGTCA. The antioxidant response elements are regulatory sequences found on promoters of several phase 2 detoxification genes that are inducible by xenobiotics and antioxidants. We report here that Nrf2−/− mice are extremely susceptible to the administration of the antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene. With doses of butylated hydroxytoluene that are tolerated by wild-type mice, the Nrf2−/− mice succumb from acute respiratory distress syndrome. Gene expression studies show that the expression of several detoxification enzymes is altered in the Nrf2−/− mice. The Nrf2−/− mice may prove to be a good in vivo model for toxicological studies. As oxidative damage causes DNA breakage, these mice may also be useful for testing carcinogenic agents.
Recent studies have revealed the expression of multiple putative cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain (DHC) genes in several organisms, with each gene encoding a separate protein isoform. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that different isoforms do different things, as is the case for the axonemal dyneins. Furthermore, the large number of tasks ascribed to cytoplasmic dynein suggests that there may be additional isoforms not yet identified. Two of the mammalian cytoplasmic dynein heavy chains are DHC1a and DHC1b. DHC1a is conventional cytoplasmic dynein and is found in all organisms examined. DHC1b is expressed in organisms that have multiple dyneins, and has been implicated in the intracellular trafficking of molecules in unciliated and ciliated cells. In the present study, we examined the DHC1b protein from rat testis. Testis cytoplasmic dynein contains a large amount of dynein heavy chain reactive with an antibody raised against a peptide sequence of rat DHC1b. The testis anti-DHC1b immunoreactive protein is slightly smaller than testis DHC1a, as assessed by SDS-PAGE. In Northern blots, the DHC1b mRNA is smaller than the DHC1a mRNA. In sucrose gradients made in low ionic strength, DHC1a sedimented at approximately 20S, and the anti-1b immunoreactive heavy chains sedimented in a broad band centered at approximately 14S. The V1-photolysis reaction of individual sucrose gradient fractions revealed three distinct patterns of photolysis, suggesting that there are at least three separate 1b-like heavy chain isoforms in testis. Using a high-stringency Western blotting protocol, the anti-1b antibody and the anti-DHC2 antibody recognized the same heavy chain and specifically bound to one of the three 1b-like heavy chains. We conclude that rat testis contains three 1b-like dynein heavy chains, and one of these is the product of the DHC1b/DHC2 gene previously identified.
The signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 3, a transcriptional factor downstream of several cytokines, is activated by Janus kinase families and plays a pivotal role in cardiac hypertrophy through gp130. To determine the physiological significance of STAT3 in vivo, transgenic mice with cardiac-specific overexpression of the Stat3 gene (STAT3-TG) were generated. STAT3-TG manifested myocardial hypertrophy at 12 wk of age with increased expression of the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), β-myosin heavy chain (MHC), and cardiotrophin (CT)-1 genes. The animals were injected i.p. with 15 mg/kg doxorubicin (Dox), an antineoplastic drug with restricted use because of its cardiotoxicity. The survival rates after 10 days were 25% (5/20) for control littermates (WT), but 80% (16/20) for STAT3-TG (P < 0.01). WT showed increased expression of β-MHC and ANF mRNAs in the hearts 1 day after Dox treatment; this expression peaked at 3 days, suggesting that the WT suffered from congestive heart failure. Although the expression of these mRNAs was elevated in STAT3-TG hearts before Dox treatment, no additional increase was observed after the treatment. Dox administration significantly reduced the expression of the cardiac α-actin and Stat3 genes in WT hearts but not in STAT3-TG. These results provide direct evidence that STAT3 transduces not only a hypertrophic signal but also a protective signal against Dox-induced cardiomyopathy by inhibiting reduction of cardiac contractile genes and inducing cardiac protective factors.
This dissertation introduces an approach to generate tests to test fail-safe behavior for web applications. We apply the approach to a commercial web application. We build models for both behavioral and mitigation requirements. We create mitigation tests from an existing functional black box test suite by determining failure type and points of failure in the test suite and weaving required mitigation based on weaving rules to generate a test suite that tests proper mitigation of failures. A genetic algorithm (GA) is used to determine points of failure and type of failure that needs to be tested. Mitigation test paths are woven into the behavioral test at the point of failure based on failure specific weaving rules. A simulator was developed to evaluate choice of parameters for the genetic algorithm. We showed how to tune the fitness function and performed tuning experiments for GA to determine what values to use for exploration weight and prospecting weight. We found that higher defect densities make prospecting and mining more successful, while lower mitigation defect densities need more exploration. We compare efficiency and effectiveness of the approach. First, the GA approach is compared to random selection. The results show that the GA performance was better than random selection and that the approach was robust when the search space increased. Second, we compare the GA against four coverage criteria. The results of comparison show that test requirements generated by a genetic algorithm (GA) are more efficient than three of the four coverage criteria for large search spaces. They are equally effective. For small search spaces, the genetic algorithm is less effective than three of the four coverage criteria. The fourth coverage criteria is too weak and unable to find all defects in almost all cases. We also present a large case study of a mortgage system at one of our industrial partners and show how we formalize the approach. We evaluate the use of a GA to create test requirements. The evaluation includes choice of initial population, multiplicity of runs and a discussion of the cost of evaluating fitness. Finally, we build a selective regression testing approach based on types of changes (add, delete, or modify) that could occur in the behavioral model, the fault model, the mitigation models, the weaving rules, and the state-event matrix. We provide a systematic method by showing the formalization steps for each type of change to the various models.
This paper tests the existence of ‘reference dependence’ and ‘loss aversion’ in students’ academic performance. Accordingly, achieving a worse than expected academic performance would have a much stronger effect on students’ (dis)satisfaction than obtaining a better than expected grade. Although loss aversion is a well-established finding, some authors have demonstrated that it can be moderated – diminished, to be precise–. Within this line of research, we also examine whether the students’ emotional response (satisfaction/dissatisfaction) to their performance can be moderated by different musical stimuli. We design an experiment through which we test loss aversion in students’ performance with three conditions: ‘classical music’, ‘heavy music’ and ‘no music’. The empirical application supports the reference-dependence and loss aversion hypotheses (significant at p < 0.05), and the musical stimuli do have an influence on the students’ state of satisfaction with the grades (at p < 0.05). Analyzing students’ perceptions is vital to find the way they process information. Particularly, knowing the elements that can favour not only the academic performance of students but also their attitude towards certain results is fundamental. This study demonstrates that musical stimuli can modify the perceptions of a certain academic result: the effects of ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ surprises are higher or lower, not only in function of the size of these surprises, but also according to the musical stimulus received.
Architectural decisions are often encoded in the form of constraints and guidelines. Non-functional requirements can be ensured by checking the conformance of the implementation against this kind of invariant. Conformance checking is often a costly and error-prone process that involves the use of multiple tools, differing in effectiveness, complexity and scope of applicability. To reduce the overall effort entailed by this activity, we propose a novel approach that supports verification of human- readable declarative rules through the use of adapted off-the-shelf tools. Our approach consists of a rule specification DSL, called Dicto, and a tool coordination framework, called Probo. The approach has been implemented in a soon to be evaluated prototype.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Mode of access: Internet.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Heavy Duty Vehicle Research, Washington, D.C.
Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, Washington, D.C.
Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.