858 resultados para temporary employment
More than 4000 ponds have been created or restored in Denmark since 1985 as part of a large-scale pond-digging programme to protect endangered amphibians in particular and pond flora and fauna in general. Most ponds are created on private land with public financing. The programme was triggered by, among other factors, a drastic decline in amphibian populations in Denmark between 1940 and 1980. However, in recent years there has been an increased awareness in Denmark that temporary ponds are important for the conservation of some of the most rare amphibian species, such as fire-bellied toad Bombina bombina, natterjack toad Bufo calamita and green toad Bufo viridis. Other rare species such as moor frog Rana arvalis and European tree frog Hyla arborea also benefit from temporary ponds. The last 15 years of work on the conservation of endangered species and their habitats has resulted in a last-minute rescue and a subsequent growth in the size of most Danish populations of fire-bellied toad and green toad; some populations of the relatively more common natterjack toad have also increased. The creation of temporary ponds plays an important role in the success of these three species. The creation of ponds to help restore viable populations of the most rare amphibians has not been easy. To study the conditions that may need to be created, Danish herpetologists searched for areas with temporary ponds that had good water quality, natural hydrological conditions and a management regime influenced by traditional agricultural methods. The paper gives an overview of pond creation and restoration projects in Denmark and Poland and their significance for amphibian diversity.
Este estudo tem por objeto a trajetória profissional e de escolarização do Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS), entendendo a escolarização como um processo de avançar no aprendizado dentro da escola formal e não apenas na formação profissional. Entende-se o trabalho como um princípio emancipatório, mas ao mesmo tempo repleto de contradições e, ainda, campo de exploração, na lógica do modelo de acumulação em curso. O objetivo geral do estudo é descrever e discutir a trajetória de trabalho, formação e escolarização dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde inseridos na Área Programática 5.2 (AP 5.2). O estudo apresenta uma abordagem qualitativa, com base nas narrativas sobre o trabalho e vida dos ACS e o método de análise dos dados foi de base interpretativa com apoio do referencial da Hermenêutica-Dialética. Além disso, foi obtido um perfil quantitativo de escolaridade de todos os ACS. O campo da pesquisa foi a AP 5.2, no município do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados evidenciam ampliação significativa em todas as faixas de escolaridade desses ACS após o início do trabalho. As razões apontadas para o ingresso no trabalho de ACS estão relacionadas à oportunidade de ingresso ou reingresso no mercado formal de trabalho e a proximidade da residência. A desvalorização e a falta de reconhecimento são apontadas como os principais motivos para os ACS deixarem a profissão. Alguns sujeitos apontaram como provisório o trabalho de ACS e sua permanência está vinculada a falta de outras perspectivas e também a sua identificação com o trabalho comunitário, remetendo a um caráter de dádiva. O princípio emancipatório do trabalho também foi apontado por alguns sujeitos, já que o trabalho propiciou a retomada de antigos objetivos, no caso, voltar a estudar. Também foram encontrados achados da influência do enfermeiro no trabalho do ACS e na sua opção profissional. Parece haver um desejo deste trabalhador em mudar de função, porém continuando na área da saúde, mas a garantia dessa mudança só será possível com uma ordem social mais justa. Com base nos resultados e no referencial teórico, conclui-se que o ACS deve ser olhado não apenas como um trabalhador que reproduz um modelo de relação de trabalho, mas que, como membro das classes populares, permite pensar mudanças a partir do conceito de inédito viável. Sua permanência como ACS e a garantia de que se cumpra a proposta de mudança indicada pela Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) depende do reconhecimento técnico e político desse trabalhador.
The rainfall regime and the karstic nature of the subsoil determines the alternation of a period of flow and a period of drought for a large number of Mediterranean streams. Amongst this type of stream it is possible to distinguish temporary streams, characterised by a period of flow for several months permitting the establishment of the principal groups of aquatic insects; and ephemeral streams whose very brief period of flow permits the establishment of a community reduced to a few species of Diptera. This paper aims to study the structure of the communities which colonise this particular type of stream and the ecology of the principal species which constitute these communities. Four French temporary streams were examined and temperature regimes, dissolved oxygen, calcium and magnesium measured. Samples of fauna were taken regularly and the biotic composition established. The analysis of similarities between the three permanent streams are discussed and compared with permanent streams.
When flow returns to a temporary stream a certain number of plant and animal species establish themselves more or less rapidly on the stream-bed constituting the initial phase of evolution of the re-population. This phase is essentially characterised by the ”awakening” of animal species that passed the dry season in a dormant state and by the development of the first unicellular algae that constitute the periphyton. Then they are succeeded by more or less stable animal groups and the structural complexity increases. The authors of the present study aim to analyse the dynamics of community succession from the return of water to the biotope until its drying up. It is attempted to determine the influence of the duration of flow on this evolution. This work is based on the analysis of population diversity with reference to its two complementary aspects, species richness and equitability. The River Destel which was studied for this project is situated in the Gorge of Ollioules near the town of Toulon.
[ESP] El objetivo de este artículo es relacionar las características de la inserción laboral femenina con su grado de participación en el mercado laboral en los países de la Unión Europea a través de los datos proporcionados por Eurostat. Nos interesa conocer si una mayor participación laboral entre las mujeres va aparejada con un modelo laboral “femenino”, esto es, con empleos a tiempo parcial, temporales, de baja remuneración y en determinados sectores y ocupaciones. O si por el contrario, en los países en los cuales la tasa de empleo femenina es elevada y hay menor brecha con respecto a la de los hombres, el modelo de inserción laboral de mujeres y hombres es similar. La diversidad de los mercados de trabajo y también de las políticas públicas y de las estructuras productivas en un área tan amplia como al UE27, nos impide establecer modelos de inserción laboral femenina claros, aunque sí hemos podido apuntar rasgos comunes con respecto a las desigualdades de género entre países.
This article analyzes changes in the occupational employment share in Spain for the period 1997-2012 and the way particular sociodemographic groups adapt to those changes. There seems to be clear evidence of employment polarization between 1997 and 2012 that accelerates over the recession. Changes in the composition of the labour supply cannot explain the increase in the share of occupations at the low end of the wage distribution. Sector reallocation may have partially contributed to explain the polarization process in Spain during the years of expansion (1997-2007) but it is a minor factor during the recession. The polarization of occupations within sectors observed, especially during the recession, appears to be related to a decline in routine tasks which is compensated by an increase in occupations with non-routine service contents, which are found both in the low and high end of the wage distribution. Instead, jobs with a higher degree of abstract contents do not appear to increase their share in total employment during these 15 years. The paper finds that this process has affected males more strongly than females because of their higher concentration in occupations more focused on routine tasks. Among males, for workers under 30 years old, we find a decrease in the share of occupations with more routine tasks which turns into increases in those with more abstract content and particularly with more non-routine service content. Instead, male workers over 30 years old seem to remain in declining occupations to a greater extent. Females of different ages are not affected by the abovementioned changes.
This project is a study of the Labour Market in the Basque Country. First of all, we have analysed the position of the Basque Country in the European Union employment situation by gender and age. Secondly, we have studied the educational level of the Basque Country from the European Union perspective. Thirdly, we have showed the importance of labour orientation in educational level, especially in higher education. Finally, the design of new employment policies to promote the creation of jobs and stability of the labour market depends on: new industries and university employment policies.
O presente estudo abordou a possibilidade de materialização do atual Projeto Ético-Político do Serviço Social brasileiro na direção social impressa no trabalho dos assistentes sociais que atuam na Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária do Rio de Janeiro (SEAP), com vínculos trabalhistas precários. Selecionamos os profissionais com contratos temporários, ou seja, precários, por entendermos que a fragilidade do vínculo trabalhista pode ser um importante fator de acirramento e de agudização da tensão inerente ao trabalho profissional do assistente social nesse campo sócio-ocupacional, impactando prejudicialmente não só nas condições de trabalho dos profissionais, mas, de modo importante, na qualidade dos serviços prestados aos usuários e, por conseguinte, nas possibilidades e limites de materialização do atual Projeto Profissional crítico. Daí por que considerarmos necessários estudos que se voltem aos profissionais com vínculos trabalhistas precários, especialmente profissionais que atuam em locais complexos como a Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária. Destacamos a relevância de investigações que se atenham ao trabalho profissional, na medida em que se constitui locus privilegiado de contato entre o assistente social e aqueles que atende, tendo em vista o caráter interventivo da profissão. A pesquisa empírica foi realizada por meio de entrevistas com assistentes sociais que trabalham na SEAP, com o perfil selecionado, ou seja, vínculo trabalhista precário. Utilizamos, ainda, nossa experiência como assistente social, as observações no campo e as conversas informais com os entrevistados. Esta investigação foi orientada pela teoria social crítica, ou seja, o materialismo histórico e dialético.
Implementation of the SDC funded project ‘Improving Employment and Income through Development of Egypt’s Aquaculture Sector’ commenced on 1st December 2011 and will continue until late 2014. This report summarizes the results of the first 10 months until 30th September 2012. The project was based on a value chain analysis carried out by WorldFish in September 2011. The information in the VCA acts as the baseline for the main project parameters. It established that the aquaculture value chain is a significant employer (14 FTE per 100 tonnes of annual production), particularly in rural areas and there was scope to increase employment of youth and women.
This paper presents the use of an Active Voltage Control (AVC) technique for balancing the voltages in a series connection of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs). The AVC technique can control the switching trajectory of an IGBT according to a pre-set reference signal. In series connections, every series connected IGBT follows the reference and so that the dynamic voltage sharing is achieved. For the static voltage balancing, a temporary clamp technique is introduced. The temporary clamp technique clamps the collector-emitter voltage of all the series connected IGBTs at the ideal voltage so that the IGBTs will share the voltage evenly. © 2012 IEEE.
The content of this paper is based on the research work while the author took part in the key project of NSFC and the key project of Knowledge Innovation of CAS. The whole paper is expanded by introduction of the inevitable boundary problem during seismic migration and inversion. Boundary problem is a popular issue in seismic data processing. At the presence of artificial boundary, reflected wave which does not exist in reality comes to presence when the incident seismic wave arrives at the artificial boundary. That will interfere the propagation of seismic wave and cause alias information on the processed profile. Furthermore, the quality of the whole seismic profile will decrease and the subsequent work will fail.This paper has also made a review on the development of seismic migration, expatiated temporary seismic migration status and predicted the possible break through. Aiming at the absorbing boundary problem in migration, we have deduced the wide angle absorbing boundary condition and made a compare with the boundary effect of Toepiitz matrix fast approximate computation.During the process of fast approximate inversion computation of Toepiitz system, we have introduced the pre-conditioned conjugate gradient method employing co circulant extension to construct pre-conditioned matrix. Especially, employment of combined preconditioner will reduce the boundary effect during computation.Comparing the boundary problem in seismic migration with that in Toepiitz matrix inversion we find that the change of boundary condition will lead to the change of coefficient matrix eigenvalues and the change of coefficient matrix eigenvalues will cause boundary effect. In this paper, the author has made an qualitative analysis of the relationship between the coefficient matrix eigenvalues and the boundary effect. Quantitative analysis is worthy of further research.
Training that is relevant to employers is not necessarily enriching for employees, especially those on the lower salary scales. The authors argue that the analysis of training and development needs to be understood in the context of the employment relationship. Drawing on reasearch evidence from six case studies in the public sector, the article examines the impact of changes in work organisation on workplace learning, managers' and employees' own strategies towards it and the limitations of tools such as appraisal. Since employees' existing qualifications are poorly utilised and their development needs often frustrated, issues concerning job design, occupational progression routes and employee entitlements need to be addressed
Thomas, Dennis, Henley, Andrew, 'Public service employment and the public-private wage differential in British regions', Regional Studies (2001) 35(3) pp.229-240 RAE2008