880 resultados para technical trading rules
The present work aims to study the feasibility of deploying a farm of sea current turbines for electricity generation in Portugal. An approach to the tides, which are they, how they are formed, its prediction, is held. It is also conducted a study about the energy of sea currents and it is presented some technology about ocean currents too. A model of tidal height and velocity of the currents it is also developed. The energy produced by a hypothetical park, built in Sines (Portugal), is calculated and afterwards, an economical assessment is performed for two possible scenarios and a sensitivity analysis of NVP (Net Present Value) and LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy) is figured. The conclusions about the feasibility of the projects are also presented. Despite being desired due to its predictability, this energy source is not yet economically viable as it is in an initial state of development. To push investment in this technology a feed-in tariff of, at least €200/MWh, should be considered.
The present work aims to study the feasibility of deploying a farm of sea current turbines for electricity generation in Portugal. An approach to the tides, which are they, how they are formed, its prediction, is held. It is also conducted a study about the energy of sea currents and it is presented some technology about ocean currents too. A model of tidal height and velocity of the currents it is also developed. The energy produced by a hypothetical park, built in Sines (Portugal), is calculated and afterwards, an economical assessment is performed for two possible scenarios and a sensitivity analysis of NVP (Net Present Value) and LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy) is figured. The conclusions about the feasibility of the projects are also presented. Despite being desired due to its predictability, this energy source is not yet economically viable as it is in an initial state of development. To push investment in this technology a feed-in tariff of, at least €200/MWh, should be considered.
The discovery of X-rays was undoubtedly one of the greatest stimulus for improving the efficiency in the provision of healthcare services. The ability to view, non-invasively, inside the human body has greatly facilitated the work of professionals in diagnosis of diseases. The exclusive focus on image quality (IQ), without understanding how they are obtained, affect negatively the efficiency in diagnostic radiology. The equilibrium between the benefits and the risks are often forgotten. It is necessary to adopt optimization strategies to maximize the benefits (image quality) and minimize risk (dose to the patient) in radiological facilities. In radiology, the implementation of optimization strategies involves an understanding of images acquisition process. When a radiographer adopts a certain value of a parameter (tube potential [kVp], tube current-exposure time product [mAs] or additional filtration), it is essential to know its meaning and impact of their variation in dose and image quality. Without this, any optimization strategy will be a failure. Worldwide, data show that use of x-rays has been increasingly frequent. In Cabo Verde, we note an effort by healthcare institutions (e.g. Ministry of Health) in equipping radiological facilities and the recent installation of a telemedicine system requires purchase of new radiological equipment. In addition, the transition from screen-films to digital systems is characterized by a raise in patient exposure. Given that this transition is slower in less developed countries, as is the case of Cabo Verde, the need to adopt optimization strategies becomes increasingly necessary. This study was conducted as an attempt to answer that need. Although this work is about objective evaluation of image quality, and in medical practice the evaluation is usually subjective (visual evaluation of images by radiographer / radiologist), studies reported a correlation between these two types of evaluation (objective and subjective) [5-7] which accredits for conducting such studies. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of exposure parameters (kVp and mAs) when using additional Cooper (Cu) filtration in dose and image quality in a Computed Radiography system.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, Perfil Gestão e Sistemas Ambientais
The electricity industry throughout the world, which has long been dominated by vertically integrated utilities, has experienced major changes. Deregulation, unbundling, wholesale and retail wheeling, and real-time pricing were abstract concepts a few years ago. Today market forces drive the price of electricity and reduce the net cost through increased competition. As power markets continue to evolve, there is a growing need for advanced modeling approaches. This article addresses the challenge of maximizing the profit (or return) of power producers through the optimization of their share of customers. Power producers have fixed production marginal costs and decide the quantity of energy to sell in both day-ahead markets and a set of target clients, by negotiating bilateral contracts involving a three-rate tariff. Producers sell energy by considering the prices of a reference week and five different types of clients with specific load profiles. They analyze several tariffs and determine the best share of customers, i.e., the share that maximizes profit. © 2014 IEEE.
Tese de doutoramento, Teoria da Literatura, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2003
Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Os mercados de energia elétrica são atualmente uma realidade um pouco por todo o mundo. Contudo, não é consensual o modelo regulatório a utilizar, o que origina a utilização de diferentes modelos nos diversos países que deram início ao processo de liberalização e de reestruturação do sector elétrico. A esses países, dado que a energia elétrica não é um bem armazenável, pelo menos em grandes quantidades, colocam-se questões importantes relacionadas com a gestão propriamente dita do seu sistema elétrico. Essas questões implicam a adoção de regras impostas pelo regulador que permitam ultrapassar essas questões. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo feito aos mercados de energia elétrica existentes um pouco por todo o mundo e que o autor considerou serem os mais importantes. Foi também feito um estudo de ferramentas de otimização essencialmente baseado em meta-heurísticas aplicadas a problemas relacionados com a operação dos mercados e com os sistemas elétricos de energia, como é o exemplo da resolução do problema do Despacho Económico. Foi desenvolvida uma aplicação que simula o funcionamento de um mercado que atua com o modelo Pool Simétrico, em que são transmitidas as ofertas de venda e compra de energia elétrica por parte dos produtores, por um lado, e dos comercializadores, consumidores elegíveis ou intermediários financeiros, por outro, analisando a viabilidade técnica do Despacho Provisório. A análise da viabilidade técnica do Despacho Provisório é verificada através do modelo DC de trânsito de potências. No caso da inviabilidade do Despacho Provisório, por violação de restrições afetas ao problema, são determinadas medidas corretivas a esse despacho, com base nas ofertas realizadas e recorrendo a um Despacho Ótimo. Para a determinação do Despacho Ótimo recorreu-se à meta-heurística Algoritmos Genéticos. A aplicação foi desenvolvida no software MATLAB utilizando a ferramenta Graphical User Interfaces. A rede de teste utilizada foi a rede de 14 barramentos do Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). A aplicação mostra-se competente no que concerne à simulação de um mercado com tipo de funcionamento Pool Simétrico onde são efetuadas ofertas simples e onde as transações ocorrem no mercado diário, porém, não reflete o problema real relacionado a este tipo de mercados. Trata-se, portanto, de um simulador básico de um mercado de energia cujo modelo de funcionamento se baseia no tipo Pool Simétrico.
Tese para a obtenção do grau de Doutor em Economia, especialidade de Economia da Empresa
Mestrado em Computação e Instrumentação Médica
Relatório de Estágio para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Vias de Comunicação e Transportes
Atualmente o gás natural é a principal fonte de energia utilizada pela maioria dos europeus nos setores doméstico, terciário e industrial. É considerado a alternativa energética do futuro e a mais ecologicamente correta de que podemos dispor, numa escala compatível com as elevadas necessidades energéticas da Humanidade a nível global. Aliado a estes factos, surgem cada vez mais regras de boa prática, normas e legislação, nomeadamente especificações técnicas de forma a regular o setor e dotar as entidades intervenientes na conceção e controlo de uma instalação de rede de gás, de um conhecimento mais detalhado e atualizado sobre esta matéria. Esta dissertação pretende assim contribuir para a melhoria e modernização do desempenho de todos os que exercem funções neste setor, com vista ao aperfeiçoamento da qualidade e utilidade dos seus serviços. Este trabalho reúne o conjunto de informação técnica presente na legislação e normas de forma a preencher a eventual falha do conhecimento neste ramo por parte destes profissionais dotando-os de um conhecimento mais aprofundado, de modo a que possam executar corretamente e de forma eficaz o seu trabalho. Por outro lado, esta dissertação tem como objetivo o projeto e desenvolvimento de uma rede de distribuição de gás natural aplicado a três redes concretas: rede de distribuição, edifício e moradia. A conceção do projeto de instalação de gás inicia-se com a recolha de informação, seguindo-se o desenvolvimento do estudo do traçado. Assim, estão reunidas as condições para dimensionar e providenciar a escolha de materiais mais adequados para a execução da obra. A metodologia de dimensionamento adotada teve por base a equação dos gases perfeitos e a fórmula de Renouard simplificada, encontrando-se implementada numa folha de cálculo. Esta ferramenta de cálculo aliada à metodologia permite realizar de forma expedita o correto dimensionamento de uma rede de gás, bem como apurar se a velocidade de escoamento se encontra em conformidade com o definido no projeto.
Ethnographic film is often associated with many European countries’ past as colonial powers and the way these countries used film to depict African, American and Asian territories and populations they once ruled. However, ethnographic film also has a European tradition of its own, closely interlaced with the history of ethnography and anthropology as autonomous sciences and with the desire of scholars to represent local, regional and national cultural identities. This paper presents a Portuguese attempt of this sort dating from 1938, when the authoritarian regime organized a national contest to determine which would be Portugal’s most “authentic” village – something other European countries also did. As part of this metonymic contribution to the construction of Portugal’s national identity as an agrarian utopia, a short documentary was shot, sponsored by the same official propaganda office that had organized the contest. In this film, the viewer’s gaze is made to coincide with the one of the national jury visiting the final selection of 12 villages and to whose benefit local scholars had organized all sorts of colourful peasant traditions hoping to cause the strongest impression. The film makes a strong case for the importance of ethnographic film as a relevant instance not only of the iteration of existing European national cultures, but also of the construction of so many of Europe’s national identities and traditions. Suffice to say that even today the village of “Monsanto”, which won the 1938 contest, is still referred to as “Portugal’s most Portuguese village”.
The non-technical loss is not a problem with trivial solution or regional character and its minimization represents the guarantee of investments in product quality and maintenance of power systems, introduced by a competitive environment after the period of privatization in the national scene. In this paper, we show how to improve the training phase of a neural network-based classifier using a recently proposed meta-heuristic technique called Charged System Search, which is based on the interactions between electrically charged particles. The experiments were carried out in the context of non-technical loss in power distribution systems in a dataset obtained from a Brazilian electrical power company, and have demonstrated the robustness of the proposed technique against with several others natureinspired optimization techniques for training neural networks. Thus, it is possible to improve some applications on Smart Grids.
Demand response has gained increasing importance in the context of competitive electricity markets and smart grid environments. In addition to the importance that has been given to the development of business models for integrating demand response, several methods have been developed to evaluate the consumers’ performance after the participation in a demand response event. The present paper uses those performance evaluation methods, namely customer baseline load calculation methods, to determine the expected consumption in each period of the consumer historic data. In the cases in which there is a certain difference between the actual consumption and the estimated consumption, the consumer is identified as a potential cause of non-technical losses. A case study demonstrates the application of the proposed method to real consumption data.