885 resultados para systematic product design


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La presente Tesis persigue la definición y el desarrollo de un sistema basado en el conocimiento que permita la generación de modelos de líneas de montaje durante la fase conceptual de definición de una aeroestructura aeronáutica. Para ello, se propone la definición de un modelo formal del proceso en concurrencia asociado al diseño de líneas de montaje en la fase conceptual, y de un modelo de la estructura de datos básica para soportar dicho proceso. Ambos modelos sirven de base para el desarrollo de una aplicación de prueba de concepto en el entorno del sistema comercial CAX-PLM CATIA v5. Los modelos de línea generados integran las tres estructuras básicas definidas en el modelo propuesto: producto, procesos y recursos. Los modelos generados son estructuras “de montaje”, basadas en estructuras de producto “de fabricación” a su vez derivadas de estructuras “de diseño”. Cada modelo generado se evalúa en términos de cuatro estimaciones básicas: dimensiones máximas del nodo producto, distancia de transporte y medio a utilizar, tiempo total de ejecución y coste total. La generación de modelos de línea de montaje se realiza en concurrencia con la función diseño de producto, teniendo por tanto la oportunidad de influir en la misma e incluir requerimientos de fabricación y montaje al producto en las primeras fases de su ciclo de vida, lo que proporciona una clara ventaja competitiva. El desarrollo propuesto en esta Tesis permite sentar las bases para realizar desarrollos con objeto de asistir a los diseñadores durante la fase conceptual de generación de diseños de líneas de montaje. La aplicación prototipo desarrollada demuestra la viabilidad de la propuesta conceptual que se realiza en la Tesis. ABSTRACT The current thesis proposes the definition and development of a knowledge-based system to generate aircraft components assembly line models during the conceptual phase of the product life cycle. With this objective, the definition of a formal activity model to represent the design of assembly lines during the conceptual phase is proposed; such model considers the concurrence with the product design process. Associated to the activity model, a data structure model is defined to support such process. Both models are the basis for the development of a proof of concept application within the environment of the commercial CAX-PLM system CATIA v5. The generated assembly line models integrate the three basic structures defined in the proposed model: product, processes and resources. The generated models are “As Prepared” structures based on “As Planned” structures derived from “As Designed” structures. Each generated model is evaluated in terms of four basic estimates: maximum dimensions of the product node, transport distance and transport mean to be used, total execution time and total cost. The assembly line models generation is made in concurrence with the product design function. Therefore, it provides the opportunity to influence on it and allows including manufacturing and assembly requirements early in the product life cycle, which gives a clear competitive advantage. The development proposed in this Thesis allows setting the foundation to carry out further developments with the aim of assisting designers during the conceptual phase of the assembly line design process. The developed prototype application shows the feasibility of the conceptual proposal presented in the Thesis.


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La Casa Industrializada supone el ideal de realizar la casa unifamiliar a través de la potencia y los procedimientos de la industria. Como tal, la casa supone un producto industrial más sujeto a la lógica de la reproducción y del consumo. Como producto de consumo la casa debe establecerse como objeto de deseo, accesible al grupo de usuarios-consumidores al que va dirigido. El sueño de la Casa Industrializada se origina en la primera Revolución Industrial y se consolida en la segunda tras la producción del Ford T y la adhesión de los padres del movimiento moderno. A lo largo de su historia se han sucedido casos de éxito y fracaso, los primeros con la realización de un producto de imagen convencional y los segundos la mayor parte de las veces dirigidos por arquitectos. El sueño de la Casa Industrializada de la mano de arquitectos está comenzando a ser una realidad en Japón, Suecia y Estados Unidos a través de marcas como MUJI, Arkitekthus y Living Homes, pero aún dista de ser un hecho extendido en nuestra sociedad. Para que este ideal se cumpla deberá ofrecer valores que permita a la sociedad hacerlo suyo. La Tesis busca analizar la historia y la metodología de la Casa Industrializada, desde el diseño a la comercialización con el fin de ofrecer esos valores en forma de propuestas para la Casa Industrializada en este milenio. La casa como producto industrial-producto de consumo supera las lógicas tradicionales de la arquitectura para operar dentro del contexto de la producción industrial y la reproducción de los objetos. En este sentido es necesario establecer no solo la forma y construcción de la casa sino los mecanismos de reproducción con sus pertinentes eficiencias. La Casa industrializada no se construye, se monta, y para ello utiliza las estrategias de la construcción en seco, la prefabricación, el uso de componentes y los materiales ligeros. Desde la lógica del consumo, la casa debe dirigirse a un determinado público, no es más la casa para todos, característica de las situaciones de crisis y de emergencia. La casa se enfrenta a un mercado segmentado, tanto en cultura, como en deseos y poderes adquisitivos. En la cuestión del diseño debe plantearse más como diseño de producto que como diseño arquitectónico. La Casa Industrializada no es el fruto de un encargo y de una acción singular, debe ofrecerse lista para adquirir y para ser reproducida. Esta reproducción se puede dar tanto en la forma de modelos cerrados o sistemas abiertos que permitan la personalización por parte de los usuarios. Desde el ámbito cultural es necesario entender que la casa es más que una máquina de habitar, es un receptor de emociones, forma parte de nuestra memoria y nuestra cultura. La casa como producto social es una imagen de nosotros mismos, define la manera en la que nos situamos en el mundo y por tanto supone una definición de estatus. En esto, la Tesis se apoya en los textos de Baudrillard y su análisis de la sociedad de consumo y el papel de los objetos y su valor como signo. La Tesis realiza un repaso de los procedimientos industriales con especial énfasis en la producción automovilística y sitúa la evolución de la Casa Industrializada en relación a la evolución de los avances en los sistemas de producción industrial y las transferencias desde las industrias del automóvil y aeronáutica. La tesis se completa con una serie de casos de estudio que parten de las primeras casas de venta por correo de principios del siglo XX, pasando por las propuestas de Gropius, Fuller, el Case Study House Program, Prouvé, Sota y acaban con la situación actual. La Casa Industrializada ha mantenido una serie de valores a lo largo de su historia, como ideal, forma un cuerpo estable de propuestas que no se ha modificado a lo largo del tiempo. Con respecto a este nuevo milenio este ideal no debe ser cambiado sino simplemente actualizado y adaptado a los métodos de producción y las necesidades, sueños y exigencias de la sociedad de hoy. ABSTRACT The industrialized House provides an ideal to manufacture the house through the power and strategies of the industry. As such, the house becomes an industrial product that respond to the logic of reproduction and consumption. As a comodity, the house must become a desirable object, accessible to the group of the consumers to which is targeted The dream of the Industrialized home is originated in the First Industrial Revolution and it is consolidated in the second one after Ford´s production of Model T and the incorporation of the principal figures of the modern movement to the ideal of making houses at the factories. Throughout history there have been cases of success and failure, the first with the completion of a product of conventional image and the second most often led by architects. Industrialized dream house made by architects is starting to become a reality in Japan, Sweden and the United States through brands such as MUJI, Arkitekthus and Living Homes, but still far from beeing a widespread fact in our society. To fulfill this ideal, it should provide values that society could accept as of their own. The Thesis seeks to analyze the history and methodology of industrialized house, from design to marketing in order to offer these values in the form of proposals for industrialized house in this millennium. The house as an industrial-product-comodity extend beyond the traditional architectural logic to operate within the context of industrial production and the reproduction of objects. In this sense it is necessary to establish not only the shape and construction of the house but the mechanisms of reproduction with its relevant efficiencies. Industrialized house is not built it is assembled, and it uses the strategies of dry construction, prefabrication, using lightweight materials and components. From the logic of consumption, the house must go to a certain audience, it is no longer the home for all that is characteristic of crisis respond and emergency. The house faces a segmented market, both in culture and desires and purchasing power. On the question of design it must be considered more like product design than architectural design. Industrialized House is not the result of a commission and a singular action, it should be offered pret-a-porter and able to be reproduced. This reproduction can be given in form of closed or open systems models that allow its customization by users. From the cultural sphere is necessary to understand that the house is more than a machine for living, is a recipient of emotions, is part of our memory and our culture. The home as a social product is an image of ourselves, defines the way in which we place ourselves in the world and therefore represents a definition of status. In this aspect, the thesis is based on the texts of Baudrillard and his analysis of consumption society and the role of objects and its value as a sign in it. The thesis makes a review of the industrial processes with emphasis on automotive production and places the evolution of industrialized House in relation to the evolution of developments in industrial production systems and transfers from the automotive and aeronautics industries. The thesis is completed with a series of case studies that starts from the first mail order houses from the early twentieth century, going through the proposal of Gropius, Fuller, the Case Study House Program, Prouvé, Sota and end up with the current situation. Industrialized House has held a series of values throughout its history, as an ideal, forms a stable corps of proposals that has not changed over time. Regarding this new millennium this ideal should not be changed but simply be updated and adapted to production methods and needs, dreams and demands of today's society.


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El objetivo seguido en este proyecto fin de carrera, ha sido el análisis de la evolución general de la tecnología, tanto electrónica, como en Telecomunicaciones e Informática, desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad, realizando un estudio sobre cómo esos avances han mejorado, incluso cambiado nuestra vida cotidiana y cómo a consecuencia de la conversión de muchos de estos productos tecnológicos en objeto de consumo masivo, la propia dinámica económico-comercial ha llevado a las empresas a la programación del fin del su vida útil con el objeto de incrementar su demanda y, consiguientemente, la producción. Se trata de lo que se conoce desde hace décadas como Obsolescencia Programada. Para realizar este documento se ha realizado un breve repaso por los acontecimientos históricos que promovieron el inicio de esta práctica, así como también nos ha llevado a realizar mención de todos esos aparatos tecnológicos que han sufrido una mayor evolución y por tanto son los más propensos a que se instauren en ellos, debido a cómo influyen dichos cambios en los consumidores. Otro de los aspectos más importantes que rodean a la Obsolescencia Programada, es cómo influye en el comportamiento de la sociedad, creando en ella actitudes consumistas, que precisamente son las que alimentan que el ciclo económico siga basándose en incluir esta práctica desde el diseño del producto, puesto que a mayor consumo, mayor producción, y por tanto, supone un aumento de beneficios para el fabricante. Aunque, lo que para algunos supone un amplio margen de rentabilidad, existen otros componentes de la ecuación que no salen tan bien parados, como pueden ser los países del tercer mundo que están siendo poblados de basura electrónica, y en general el medio ambiente y los recursos de los que hoy disponemos, que no son ilimitados, y que están viéndose gravemente afectados por la inserción de esta práctica. Como cierre de este análisis, se repasarán algunas de las técnicas empleadas en algunos de los productos más utilizados hoy en día y las conclusiones a las que se han llevado después de analizar todos estos puntos del tema. ABSTRACT. The main goal followed in this final project has been analyzing the overall evolution of technology, both electronics and telecommunications. Also, computer science; from beginning to present it has been realized some studies about these advances have improved our daily life, even changing our routine, and turn us massive consumers of all technological products on the market. This dynamic economic and commercial has led companies to programming the end of its useful life in order to increase demand, and consequently, the production. This is known as Obsolescence. To make this document has been made a brief review through historical events that promoted the opening of this practice, and also led us to make mention all these technological devices have undergone further evolution and therefore more likely to establish them, because these changes affect consumers. Another important aspect around planned obsolescence is how to influence in society’s behavior, creating consumerist attitudes, which are precisely those feed the economic cycle continues to be based on including this practice from product design, because increased consumption and production. Therefore, this fact increases profits for the manufacturer. Although, for some people suppose a wide margin of profitability, there are other components do not have such luck; for example, third World countries have been filled with e-waste and the environment, in general, and resources available today which are not unlimited, and who are seriously affected by the inclusion of this practice. To close this analysis, we will review a few techniques used in some products most widely used today, and the conclusions that have been made after analyzing all these points of the topic.


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A falta de integração entre áreas de conhecimento pode gerar efeitos negativos no processo de projeto em uma construtora-incorporadora. Em muitos casos, o projeto do produto é elaborado pela incorporadora sem qualquer participação da área responsável pela produção e de outras áreas da construtora. O trabalho apresenta uma análise sobre a gestão de projetos na construção de edifícios, valorizando a participação da engenharia de produção nessa fase, apoiando-se nos conceitos de Projeto Simultâneo, e propõe diretrizes para sua aplicação na construtora-incorporadora Cyrela, com enfoque na construtibilidade e manutenibilidade. Para desenvolver a pesquisa foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as características da gestão de projetos, da Engenharia de Produção na construção de edifícios, e sobre a Engenharia Simultânea no desenvolvimento de produtos com comparativo de modelos de indústrias seriadas para a construção civil, incluindo a interação entre os agentes do processo. Como resultados são apresentados: uma análise da interação entre os agentes do processo; a ligação entre pessoas, processos e tecnologia; os conceitos de construtibilidade, manutenibilidade e retroalimentação na interface com projetos. São igualmente feitas análises das tendências de modernização na gestão dos projetos por meio da modelagem da informação da construção e, apoiado em estudo de caso, são apresentadas as experiências do Projeto Simultâneo aplicadas na Cyrela. Por fim, são apresentadas as diretrizes para participação da Engenharia de Produção da Construtora e Incorporadora Cyrela no Projeto Simultâneo, sendo essa a principal contribuição do trabalho. Embora suas contribuições possam servir de referência para demais empresas do setor, essa pesquisa foi desenvolvida para aplicações práticas da Cyrela, construtora-incorporadora que atua na construção de edifícios em todas as regiões do Brasil.


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Nas Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs) industriais em que o seu produto é essencialmente metal mecânico e o desenvolvimento de produtos é estratégico, surgem questões sobre quais são as metodologias mais adequadas para as diferentes fases de projeto de produto e como implantá-las em um modelo de Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produto (PDP) adequado às necessidades dessas empresas, de modo a aumentar a probabilidade de sucesso do produto. O presente trabalho propõe um modelo de referência do PDP aplicado a PMEs industriais do setor metal mecânico que desenvolvem móveis hospitalares. O modelo é baseado em propostas de PDP da grande área mecânica, especificidades do produto, a saber, móveis hospitalares e dispositivos médicos e em fatores da realidade das PMEs. O trabalho divide-se nas seguintes fases principais: revisão bibliográfica sobre propostas de modelos de gestão do PDP da grande área mecânica e do setor específico de móveis e dispositivos médicos, revisão de normas e regulamentações que tenham influência no PDP, realização de estudos de casos múltiplos de PMEs industriais metal mecânicas que desenvolvem móveis hospitalares, no Brasil e na Colômbia e, por último, síntese de uma proposta final do modelo de referência de PDP, específico para as PMEs industriais do setor metal mecânico que desenvolvem móveis hospitalares, aplicado à realidade do Brasil e da Colômbia.


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La literatura académica subraya la importancia de involucrar a la comunidad en los procesos de capacitación turística. Sin embargo, apenas hay reflexiones sobre cómo diseñar e implementar la formación en áreas rurales y remotas. En este trabajo se exponen las cuatro fases de un ciclo de Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP), desarrollada en la Selva Lacandona de México con la colaboración de los grupos originarios lacandones y ch’oles. El objetivo de estudio fue la capacitación humana en las áreas de sistemas turísticos, interpretación del patrimonio natural y cultural, y creación de producto. Todo ello complementado con una capacitación específica para mujeres y jóvenes, grupos tradicionalmente relegados en estas comunidades. El relato de las distintas fases de la IAP nos muestra cómo el conocimiento ancestral es la base para una capacitación turística sólida. La involucración de jóvenes estudiantes en los procesos de formación en comunidades, los formatos adaptados a los contextos locales, y los ejercicios de reciprocidad científica, sirven además para la revitalización cultural, el refuerzo de la autoestima y el desarrollo endógeno de los pueblos indígenas.


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Editorial: The Managing Innovative Manufacturing (MIM) conference series started in 1993 in the UK. The first MIM conference was held at Keele University and, as from the second MIM at Leicester University in 1996, it became a biennial event with the University of Nottingham and Aston University hosting, respectively, the third and fourth conferences. The main areas of interest of the MIM conference series are: Manufacturing Strategy; Technology & Innovation Management; Human Resource Management; Organisation of Work; Product Design; Operations Planning and Control; Supply Chain Management; Performance Management. This special issue of the International Journal of Technology Management is based on selected papers from MIM2000 at Aston University, where it was organised by Aston Business School. The special theme of the Aston conference was Responsive Production and the Agile Enterprise. Altogether 82 papers were presented in parallel sessions. The eight papers included here were selected from the ‘Technology and Innovation’ stream. They have all been independently reviewed and revised before being accepted for publication. The authors of these papers are from the UK, Ireland, Turkey, the USA, the Netherlands and Hong Kong. They address a wide range of issues within the overall scope of Technology and Innovation with some papers having a geographical or sector focus and others being more general in nature. Participation in the MIM conferences has become increasingly international and to reflect this, the 2002 event is leaving the UK and being held at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, in the USA. It is planned to hold the following MIM at the University of Aalborg, Denmark, in 2004.


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Cross-functional teams play a potentially important part in the innovation process enabling knowledge sharing, the development of trust and overcoming spatial and organizational barriers. Using a supermodularity approach, we focus on potential complementarities which may arise when cross-functional teams are used in different elements of the innovation process in UK and German manufacturing plants. Using optimal combinations of cross-functional teams in the innovation process increases innovation success in the UK by 29.5 per cent compared to 9.5 per cent in Germany. Patterns of complementarity are complex, however, but are more uniform in the UK than in Germany. The most uniform complementarities are between product design and development and production engineering, with little synergy evident between the more technical phases of the innovation process and the development of marketing strategy. In strategic terms, our results suggest the value of using cross-functional teams for the more technical elements of the innovation process but that the development of marketing strategy should remain the domain of specialists.


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This PhD thesis belongs to three main knowledge domains: operations management, environmental management, and decision making. Having the automotive industry as the key sector, the investigation was undertaken aiming at deepening the understanding of environmental decision making processes in the operations function. The central research question for this thesis is ?Why and how do manufacturing companies take environmental decisions? This PhD research project used a case study research strategy supplemented by secondary data analysis and the testing and evaluation of a proposed systems thinking model for environmental decision making. Interviews and focus groups were the main methods for data collection. The findings of the thesis show that companies that want to be in the environmental leadership will need to take environmental decisions beyond manufacturing processes. Because the benefits (including financial gain) of non-manufacturing activities are not clear yet the decisions related to product design, supply chain and facilities are fully embedded with complexity, subjectivism, and intrinsic risk. Nevertheless, this is the challenge environmental leaders will face - they may enter in a paradoxical state of their decisions – where although the risk of going greener is high, the risk of not doing it is even higher.


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This paper contributes to the developing literature on complementarities in organizational design. We test for the existence of complementarities in the use of external networking between stages of the innovation process in a sample of UK and German manufacturing plants. Our evidence suggests some differences between the UK and Germany in terms of the optimal combination of innovation activities in which to implement external networking. Broadly, there is more evidence of complementarities in the case of Germany, with the exception of the product engineering stage. By contrast, the UK exhibits generally strong evidence of substitutability in external networking in different stages, except between the identification of new products and product design and development stages. These findings suggest that previous studies indicating strong complementarity between internal and external knowledge sources have provided only part of the picture of the strategic dilemmas facing firms.


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This paper contributes to the developing literature on complementarities in organisational design. We test for the existence of complementarities in the use of external networking between phases of the innovation process in a sample of UK and German manufacturing plants. Our evidence suggests some differences between the UK and Germany in terms of the optimal combination of innovation activities in which to implement external networking. Broadly, there is more evidence of complementarities in the case of Germany, with the exception of the product engineering phase. By contrast, the UK exhibits generally strong evidence of substitutability in external networking in different phases, except between the identification of new products and product design and development phases.


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For a couple of years now, the Columbia Business School and in particular Bernd Schmitt have been advocating for more work to be done regarding 'experiential marketing'. Taking the case of e-atmospherics in Turkish e-banking practices, we revisit the theory of strategic experiential modules which are sense, feel, think, act and relate. Two major ebanking experience providers' types of communication, product design, retail presence and epresence have been unpacked. These are Garanti Bank, who's known with its many award winning web site, and Akbank who has a standard web site. The Turkish banking at the border of the EU and under global influences has expended and liberalized dramatically over the last decade making the most of new technologies, hence offering an interesting perspective in a non-homogenous society where the technological divide remains important. First a qualitative content analysis of both bank's homepages is conducted. This is followed by 43 online surveys, where 18 is Garanti Bank consumer, 19 is Akbank consumer and 6 is both Garanti and Akbank consumer, to explore how e-atmospherics experiential features currently recognized by users. Our findings indicate that experiential marketing in e-banking can be expected to be the key to greater online migration of consumers and differentiation among the players. Yet, while the first two steps sense and feel are explicitly developed by both players, act and relate still remain poor. Moreover, 'think' is discovered to be a key moderator where both banks seem to lack clear strategy.


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The changing face of industry due to the adoption of `New Technology' is briefly discussed, as are the corresponding structural changes in the workforce. The adoption of NC machinery is identified as one of the major innovations affecting the structure of industry. The development of NC machinery, and of relevant programming techniques are reviewed, and the problems arising from its initial sponsorship by the aerospace industry are highlighted. The process of its subsequent diffusion into industry is reviewed. Skill levels adopted for NC use in Britain and Germany are discussed, and analysed to create a structural pattern. These classifications of skill levels are then used to examine the organisational structures adopted by companies utilising NC machines. The greater use made of higher level shop floor skills by German companies is discussed. The results of two surveys of the use made of NC by companies in the North East of England are presented. Effective company organisation for NC use is described, and lack of foresight is shown to lead to vulnerability problems where skills can become concentrated in a few key people. This led to closure of a company in one instance. It is shown that small sub-contract companies have adopted a highly skilled shop floor workforce, and that they have survived in the present hostile economic environment, whilst companies who have used NC to de-skill the shop floor contracted dramatically in the same period. The lack of awareness of the potential for reviewing the product design in relation to the flexibility of NC, so leading to reductions in work in progress levels, is highlighted. Recommendations for skill structures appropriate to various sized companies and suitable training programs are presented to ensure that the full potential of NC machinery is achieved.


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Ethnic market potential in Britain has not yet been thoroughly researched. Important recent trends have focused mainly on the affective and emotional aspects of ethnicity, and included deliberations on the emergence of a revitalised neo-ethnic consciousness; its identification; politicisation, and the impact on it; of a rising third-world consciousness. This investigation attempts to take cognizance of the consuner demand of the ethnic Asian and West Indian groups, as specific market segments. It discusses the rationale for ethnic segmentation on the underlying premise, that the starting point for all product marketing is a response to perceived market opportunities. On the basis of this approach, the UK laundry detergent and automobile markets were investigated; as being representative of product categories constitutirg extremes along the purchase-search-time continuun in consuner decision-making. Ethnic groups were further analysed for their retail patronage patterns; media usage, and the differential effectiveness of alternative advertisirg strategies. The basic technique of marketing research namely the sample survey, was used with the aim of applying scientific techniques in obtaining information on ethnic groups. The integrated marketirg framework utilised allowed, moreover, for the collection of market research data on the specific issues of ethnic product penetration dealing with retailing, advertising and product promotion. The evidence highlights the fact that the cultural orientations of ethnic groups are instrunental in providing for differential demand structures. It points to the answer that ethnicity is an anchor not only for a deeper sense of identity; but also serves as a focus for the economic interests of ethnic groups. On this basis it is argued here, that since cultural levelling would eventually produce stagnation; current marketing strategies should utilise ethnic diversity as an econanic artifact; which; per se is necessary for profitability and growth; especially in innovative product design and development.