319 resultados para swd: Flugzeugbau


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This paper proposes an extension to the televisionwatching paradigm that permits an end-user to enrich broadcast content. Examples of this enriched content are: virtual edits that allow the order of presentation within the content to be changed or that allow the content to be subsetted; conditional text, graphic or video objects that can be placed to appear within content and triggered by viewer interaction; additional navigation links that can be added to structure how other users view the base content object. The enriched content can be viewed directly within the context of the TV viewing experience. It may also be shared with other users within a distributed peer group. Our architecture is based on a model that allows the original content to remain unaltered, and which respects DRM restrictions on content reuse. The fundamental approach we use is to define an intermediate content enhancement layer that is based on the W3C’s SMIL language. Using a pen-based enhancement interface, end-users can manipulate content that is saved in a home PDR setting. This paper describes our architecture and it provides several examples of how our system handles content enhancement. We also describe a reference implementation for creating and viewing enhancements.


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Audio-visual documents obtained from German TV news are classified according to the IPTC topic categorization scheme. To this end usual text classification techniques are adapted to speech, video, and non-speech audio. For each of the three modalities word analogues are generated: sequences of syllables for speech, “video words” based on low level color features (color moments, color correlogram and color wavelet), and “audio words” based on low-level spectral features (spectral envelope and spectral flatness) for non-speech audio. Such audio and video words provide a means to represent the different modalities in a uniform way. The frequencies of the word analogues represent audio-visual documents: the standard bag-of-words approach. Support vector machines are used for supervised classification in a 1 vs. n setting. Classification based on speech outperforms all other single modalities. Combining speech with non-speech audio improves classification. Classification is further improved by supplementing speech and non-speech audio with video words. Optimal F-scores range between 62% and 94% corresponding to 50% - 84% above chance. The optimal combination of modalities depends on the category to be recognized. The construction of audio and video words from low-level features provide a good basis for the integration of speech, non-speech audio and video.


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During decades Distance Transforms have proven to be useful for many image processing applications, and more recently, they have started to be used in computer graphics environments. The goal of this paper is to propose a new technique based on Distance Transforms for detecting mesh elements which are close to the objects' external contour (from a given point of view), and using this information for weighting the approximation error which will be tolerated during the mesh simplification process. The obtained results are evaluated in two ways: visually and using an objective metric that measures the geometrical difference between two polygonal meshes.


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In this paper, we propose the use of specific system architecture, based on mobile device, for navigation in urban environments. The aim of this work is to assess how virtual and augmented reality interface paradigms can provide enhanced location based services using real-time techniques in the context of these two different technologies. The virtual reality interface is based on faithful graphical representation of the localities of interest, coupled with sensory information on the location and orientation of the user, while the augmented reality interface uses computer vision techniques to capture patterns from the real environment and overlay additional way-finding information, aligned with real imagery, in real-time. The knowledge obtained from the evaluation of the virtual reality navigational experience has been used to inform the design of the augmented reality interface. Initial results of the user testing of the experimental augmented reality system for navigation are presented.


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In this paper the software architecture of a framework which simplifies the development of applications in the area of Virtual and Augmented Reality is presented. It is based on VRML/X3D to enable rendering of audio-visual information. We extended our VRML rendering system by a device management system that is based on the concept of a data-flow graph. The aim of the system is to create Mixed Reality (MR) applications simply by plugging together small prefabricated software components, instead of compiling monolithic C++ applications. The flexibility and the advantages of the presented framework are explained on the basis of an exemplary implementation of a classic Augmented Realityapplication and its extension to a collaborative remote expert scenario.


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Television and movie images have been altered ever since it was technically possible. Nowadays embedding advertisements, or incorporating text and graphics in TV scenes, are common practice, but they can not be considered as integrated part of the scene. The introduction of new services for interactive augmented television is discussed in this paper. We analyse the main aspects related with the whole chain of augmented reality production. Interactivity is one of the most important added values of the digital television: This paper aims to break the model where all TV viewers receive the same final image. Thus, we introduce and discuss the new concept of interactive augmented television, i. e. real time composition of video and computer graphics - e.g. a real scene and freely selectable images or spatial rendered objects - edited and customized by the end user within the context of the user's set top box and TV receiver.


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This article deals with embodied user interfaces for handheld augmented reality games, which consist of both physical and virtual components. We have developed a number of spatial interaction techniques that optically capture the device's movement and orientation relative to a visual marker. Such physical interactions in 3-D space enable manipulative control of mobile games. In addition to acting as a physical controller that recognizes multiple game-dependent gestures, the mobile device augments the camera view with graphical overlays. We describe three game prototypes that use ubiquitous product packaging and other passive media as backgrounds for handheld augmentation. The prototypes can be realized on widely available off-the-shelf hardware and require only minimal setup and infrastructure support.


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Many applications, such as telepresence, virtual reality, and interactive walkthroughs, require a three-dimensional(3D)model of real-world environments. Methods, such as lightfields, geometric reconstruction and computer vision use cameras to acquire visual samples of the environment and construct a model. Unfortunately, obtaining models of real-world locations is a challenging task. In particular, important environments are often actively in use, containing moving objects, such as people entering and leaving the scene. The methods previously listed have difficulty in capturing the color and structure of the environment while in the presence of moving and temporary occluders. We describe a class of cameras called lag cameras. The main concept is to generalize a camera to take samples over space and time. Such a camera, can easily and interactively detect moving objects while continuously moving through the environment. Moreover, since both the lag camera and occluder are moving, the scene behind the occluder is captured by the lag camera even from viewpoints where the occluder lies in between the lag camera and the hidden scene. We demonstrate an implementation of a lag camera, complete with analysis and captured environments.


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The central question for this paper is how to improve the production process by closing the gap between industrial designers and software engineers of television(TV)-based User Interfaces (UI) in an industrial environment. Software engineers are highly interested whether one UI design can be converted into several fully functional UIs for TV products with different screen properties. The aim of the software engineers is to apply automatic layout and scaling in order to speed up and improve the production process. However, the question is whether a UI design lends itself for such automatic layout and scaling. This is investigated by analysing a prototype UI design done by industrial designers. In a first requirements study, industrial designers had created meta-annotations on top of their UI design in order to disclose their design rationale for discussions with software engineers. In a second study, five (out of ten) industrial designers assessed the potential of four different meta-annotation approaches. The question was which annotation method industrial designers would prefer and whether it could satisfy the technical requirements of the software engineering process. One main result is that the industrial designers preferred the method they were already familiar with, which therefore seems to be the most effective one although the main objective of automatic layout and scaling could still not be achieved.


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Fedor Roth - Künstler, Architekt und Architekturtheoretiker - stellt einen Ausschnitt aus seinen Architekturzeichnungen hinduistischer Baukunst vor. Das Medium der Zeichnung dient ihm in der impressionistischen Freude an Strukturen, Licht und Schatten als autonome Annäherung an das Schöne in der Architektur jenseits einer rationalen Durchdringung und Einordnung der gezeichneten Objekte.


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Die traditionelle japanische Architektur mit ihrer Leere und Sachlichkeit wurde zwischen 1930 und 1950 zu einem Referenzmodell für die Moderne. Doch die Wahrnehmung der gestalterischen Qualitäten der japanischen Baukunst in Europa erfolgte spät. Manfred Speidel untersucht in seinem Beitrag die Schritte und die Motive für die Wahrnehmung der japanischen Baukunst in Deutschland – ein Prozess der bis heute vom "Überraschtsein" erzählt, in Asien grundlegende Ziele der Moderne wiederzufinden.


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Sumatra ist die Heimat vielfältiger indigener Bautraditionen, deren Überleben wegen der schnellen Modernisierung des Landes gefährdet ist. Dem Verlust lebendiger Bautraditionen folgt ein Verlust von Vielfalt und kultureller Identität. Der Beitrag widmet sich zunächst der indigenen Baukultur der Karo- und Toba-Batak, zweier Ethnien im Norden Sumatras. Ein zweiter Abschnitt stellt ausgehend von den traditionellen Haustypen die Anpassungsstrategien –chancen dar, die sich aus den westlichen Einflüssen und den daraus resultierenden veränderten Familiengrößen ergeben. Die Anpassungsstrategien der Karo- und Toba-Batak illustrieren ein verzweifeltes Streben nach regionaler Zugehörigkeit und nach kultureller Identität im Zeitalter eines global-uniformen Architekturschaffens.