891 resultados para supply lead time


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Electric power grids throughout the world suffer from serious inefficiencies associated with under-utilization due to demand patterns, engineering design and load following approaches in use today. These grids consume much of the world’s energy and represent a large carbon footprint. From material utilization perspectives significant hardware is manufactured and installed for this infrastructure often to be used at less than 20-40% of its operational capacity for most of its lifetime. These inefficiencies lead engineers to require additional grid support and conventional generation capacity additions when renewable technologies (such as solar and wind) and electric vehicles are to be added to the utility demand/supply mix. Using actual data from the PJM [PJM 2009] the work shows that consumer load management, real time price signals, sensors and intelligent demand/supply control offer a compelling path forward to increase the efficient utilization and carbon footprint reduction of the world’s grids. Underutilization factors from many distribution companies indicate that distribution feeders are often operated at only 70-80% of their peak capacity for a few hours per year, and on average are loaded to less than 30-40% of their capability. By creating strong societal connections between consumers and energy providers technology can radically change this situation. Intelligent deployment of smart sensors, smart electric vehicles, consumer-based load management technology very high saturations of intermittent renewable energy supplies can be effectively controlled and dispatched to increase the levels of utilization of existing utility distribution, substation, transmission, and generation equipment. The strengthening of these technology, society and consumer relationships requires rapid dissemination of knowledge (real time prices, costs & benefit sharing, demand response requirements) in order to incentivize behaviors that can increase the effective use of technological equipment that represents one of the largest capital assets modern society has created.


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Particle mixing rates have been determined for 5 South Atlantic/Antarctic and 3 equatorial Pacific deep-sea cores using excess 210Pb and 32Si measurements. Radionuclide profiles from these siliceous, calcareous, and clay-rich sediments have been evaluated using a steady state vertical advection diffusion model. In Antarctic siliceous sediments210Pb mixing coefficients (0.04-0.16 cm**2/y) are in reasonable agreement with the 32Si mixing coefficient (0.2 or 0.4 cm**2/y, depending on 32Si half-life). In an equatorial Pacific sediment core, however, the 210Pb mixing coefficient (0.22 cm**2/y) is 3-7 times greater than the 32Si mixing coefficient (0.03 or 0.07 cm**2/y). The difference in 210Pb and 32Si mixing rates in the Pacific sediments results from: (1) non-steady state mixing and differences in characteristic time and depth scales of the two radionuclides, (2) preferential mixing of fine-grained clay particles containing most of the 210Pb activity relative to coarser particles (large radiolaria) containing the 32Si activity, or (3) the supply of 222Rn from the bottom of manganese nodules which increases the measured excess 210Pb activity (relative to 226Ra) at depth and artificially increases the 210Pb mixing coefficient. Based on 32Si data and pore water silica profiles, dissolution of biogenic silica in the sediment column appears to have a minor effect on the 32Si profile in the mixed layer. Deep-sea particle mixing rates reported in this study and the literature do not correlate with sediment type, sediment accumulation rate, or surface productivity. Based on differences in mixing rate among three Antarctic cores collected within 50 km of each other, local variability in the intensity of deep-sea mixing appears to be as important as regional differences in sediment properties.


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We present initial isotopic ratios of lead for Early Cretaceous (Barremian-Aptian) sections from Shatsky Rise (Pacific) and Gorgo a Cerbara (Italy). Our Pb isotopic data track an interval representing Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE)-1a, which is characterized by quasi-global deposition of organic carbon-rich black shale. Pb isotopic compositions of sediments from Shatsky Rise decrease at the end of Barremian time, from radiogenic continental values to unradiogenic values, and subsequently remained less radiogenic until the end of early Aptian time. We explain the isotopic shift by a significant increase in supply rate of unradiogenic Pb, most likely due to massive volcanism. In contrast, the Pb isotopic compositions from the Italian section, which was situated at the western end of Tethys, are mostly identical to those of upper continental crust, showing no significant change in supply rate of unradiogenic Pb. The discrepancy between two sites is attributed to quiescent deep-submarine eruptions of Pacific large igneous provinces (LIPs) such as the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP), which severely limited dispersion of Pb-carrying particles out of the Pacific Ocean. Published Os isotopic data from the Italian section indicate two episodes of massive eruptions of OJP or contemporaneous Manihiki and Hikurangi plateaus starting from earliest Aptian time, slightly later than that indicated by the sedimentary Pb isotopic record from Shatsky Rise. Differences in isotopic variations between Pb and Os likely reflect differences in their chemical behaviors in the oceans, i.e., Pb isotopic compositions would have varied in response to local or regional changes in sediment provenances, whereas large-scale changes in Os inputs are required to explain variations in seawater Os isotopic compositions. Our Pb isotopic data, together with the published Os isotopic record, provide new evidence for the eruptive history of OJP together with contemporaneous Pacific plateaus and its environmental consequences, starting from end-Barremian time and extending through early Aptian time.


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In order to evaluate bioturbation in abyssal Arabian-Sea sediments of the Indus fan profiles of 210Pb (half-life: 22.3 yr) and 234Th (half-life: 24.1 d) were measured in cores collected during September and October 1995 and April 1997, respectively. The density and composition of epibenthic megafauna and lebensspuren were determined in vertical seafloor photographs during April 1997. Mean eddy-diffusive mixing coefficients according to the distribution of excess 210Pb ( 210Pb-DB) were 0.072±0.028, 0.068±0.055, 0.373±0.119, 0.037±0.009 and 0.079±0.119 cm**2 yr**-1 in the northern, western, central, eastern and southern abyssal Arabian sea, respectively. Mean eddy-diffusive mixing coefficients according to the distribution of excess 234Th (234Th-DB) were 0.53, 1.64 and 0.47 cm**2 yr**-1 in the northern, western and central abyssal Arabian Sea, respectively. Mobile epibenthic megafauna at the western, northern, central and southern study sites were dominated by ophiuroids, holothurians, ophiuroids and natant decapods (the respective densities were 100, 82, 29 and 6 individuals 1000 m**-2). The northern study site was characterized by a high abundance of spoke traces and fecal casts. The central site showed spoke traces and many tracks. The southern site displayed the highest abundance of spoke traces, whereas at the western site hardly any lebensspuren were observed. There is evidence for at least two functional endmember communities in the Arabian Sea. In the northwestern Arabian Sea (WAST) vertical particle displacement seems to be dominated by macrofauna and primarily eddy-diffusive. In the southern Arabian Sea (SAST) non-local and 'incidental' mixing due to spoke-trace producers might become more important and superimpose reduced eddy-diffusive mixing. With respect to biological data CAST is an intermediate location. Given the biological data, average 210Pb-DB is higher and decimeter-scale variability of 210Pb-DB smaller at CAST than expected. These findings indicate that in a mixture of both endmember communities the organisms may interact in way that increases values of biodiffusivity, as reflected by 210Pb-DB, and reduces decimeter-scale 210Pb-DB heterogeneity in comparison to the simple sum of the isolated effects of the endmembers. For time scales <100 years there was no evidence for a relationship between food supply (POC flux) and bioturbation intensity, as reflected by 210Pb-DB and 234Th-DB. Bioturbation intensity should be controlled primarily by the composition of the benthic fauna, its specific adaptation to the environmental setting, and the abundance of each species of the benthic community. Food supply can have only an indirect influence on bioturbation intensity. In certain parts of the ocean the a priori overall positive relationship between POC flux and biodiffusivity might include restricted intervals displaying no or even negative relations.


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Dolomite-rich layers of distinct pinkish colour are used as lithostratigraphic markers in the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean. However, origin of dolomite present in these sediment units has not been investigated in detail. In this study, lead (Pb) and neodymium (Nd) isotope composition of detrital clay-size fraction from different lithofacies was investigated in core PS72/340-5 recovered at the eastern flank of the Mendeleev Ridge. Prior to the geochemical analyses, grain-size distribution in sediments was analyzed in order to minimize the grain-size effect on the provenance signature. For provenance discrimination, results of isotope measurements were compared with marine surface sediment data and values for the circum-Arctic subaerial provinces. Late Quaternary sediment supply variability in core PS72/340-5 was analysed using the mixing model constrained by two tracers: 207Pb/206Pb and eNd. Variations of sediment isotopic composition are inferred to be due to mixing of volcanic and plutonic components. Usage of Pb isotopic ratios alone does not allow distinction between the volcanic and plutonic sources. Results confirm that, in the frame of the existing age model, over the last 200 ka dolomite-rich pink layers at the southern Mendeleev Ridge were deposited during events associated with intensified iceberg transport from North America. In general, however, late Quaternary sedimentation was mostly controlled by terrigenous input from the Chukchi and East Siberian Seas whereas sediment supply from the Laptev Sea area remained less important and relatively constant at the studied location.


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Using a unique dataset obtained from rural Andhra Pradesh, India that contains direct observations of household access to credit and detailed time use, results of this study indicate that credit market failures lead to a substantial reallocation of time used by children for activities such as schooling, household chores, remunerative work, and leisure. The negative effects of credit constraints on schooling amount to a 60% decrease of average schooling time. However, the magnitude of decrease due to credit constraints is about half that of the increase in both domestic and remunerative child labor, the other half appearing to come from a reduction in leisure.