959 resultados para statistical quantum field theory
Superfluidity is perhaps one of the most remarkable observed macroscopic quantum effect. Superfluidity appears when a macroscopic number of particles occupies a single quantum state. Using modern experimental techniques one dark solitons) and vortices. There is a large literature on theoretical work studying the properties of such solitons using semiclassical methods. This thesis describes an alternative method for the study of superfluid solitons. The method used here is a holographic duality between a class of quantum field theories and gravitational theories. The classical limit of the gravitational system maps into a strong coupling limit of the quantum field theory. We use a holographic model of superfluidity to study solitons in these systems. One particularly appealing feature of this technique is that it allows us to take into account finite temperature effects in a large range of temperatures.
Modern elementary particle physics is based on quantum field theories. Currently, our understanding is that, on the one hand, the smallest structures of matter and, on the other hand, the composition of the universe are based on quantum field theories which present the observable phenomena by describing particles as vibrations of the fields. The Standard Model of particle physics is a quantum field theory describing the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions in terms of a gauge field theory. However, it is believed that the Standard Model describes physics properly only up to a certain energy scale. This scale cannot be much larger than the so-called electroweak scale, i.e., the masses of the gauge fields W^+- and Z^0. Beyond this scale, the Standard Model has to be modified. In this dissertation, supersymmetric theories are used to tackle the problems of the Standard Model. For example, the quadratic divergences, which plague the Higgs boson mass in the Standard model, cancel in supersymmetric theories. Experimental facts concerning the neutrino sector indicate that the lepton number is violated in Nature. On the other hand, the lepton number violating Majorana neutrino masses can induce sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillations in any supersymmetric model. In this dissertation, I present some viable signals for detecting the sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillation at colliders. At the e-gamma collider (at the International Linear Collider), the numbers of the electron-sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillation signal events are quite high, and the backgrounds are quite small. A similar study for the LHC shows that, even though there are several backrounds, the sneutrino-antisneutrino oscillations can be detected. A useful asymmetry observable is introduced and studied. Usually, the oscillation probability formula where the sneutrinos are produced at rest is used. However, here, we study a general oscillation probability. The Lorentz factor and the distance at which the measurement is made inside the detector can have effects, especially when the sneutrino decay width is very small. These effects are demonstrated for a certain scenario at the LHC.
In Minkowski space, an accelerated reference frame may be defined as one that is related to an inertial frame by a sequence of instantaneous Lorentz transformations. Such an accelerated observer sees a causal horizon, and the quantum vacuum of the inertial observer appears thermal to the accelerated observer, also known as the Unruh effect. We argue that an accelerating frame may be similarly defined (i.e. as a sequence of instantaneous Lorentz transformations) in noncommutative Moyal spacetime, and discuss the twisted quantum field theory appropriate for such an accelerated observer. Our analysis shows that there are several new features in the case of noncommutative spacetime: chiral massless fields in (1 + 1) dimensions have a qualitatively different behavior compared to massive fields. In addition, the vacuum of the inertial observer is no longer an equilibrium thermal state of the accelerating observer, and the Bose-Einstein distribution acquires.-dependent corrections.
A procedure is offered for evaluating the forces between classical, charged solitons at large distances. This is employed for the solitons of a complex, scalar two-dimensional field theory with a U(1) symmetry, that leads to a conserved chargeQ. These forces are the analogues of the strong interaction forces. The potential,U(Q, R), is found to be attractive, of long range, and strong when the coupling constants in the theory are small. The dependence ofU(Q, R) onQ, the sum of the charges of the two interacting solitons (Q will refer to isospin in the SU(2) generalisation of the U(1) symmetric theory) is of importance in the theory of strong interactions; group theoretical considerations do not give such information. The interaction obtained here will be the leading term in the corresponding quantum field theory when the coupling-constants are small.
Groups exhibit properties that either are not perceived to exist, or perhaps cannot exist, at the individual level. Such `emergent' properties depend on how individuals interact, both among themselves and with their surroundings. The world of everyday objects consists of material entities. These are, ultimately, groups of elementary particles that organize themselves into atoms and molecules, occupy space, and so on. It turns out that an explanation of even the most commonplace features of this world requires relativistic quantum field theory and the fact that Planck's constant is discrete, not zero. Groups of molecules in solution, in particular polymers ('sols'), can form viscous clusters that behave like elastic solids ('gels'). Sol-gel transitions are examples of cooperative phenomena. Their occurrence is explained by modelling the statistics of inter-unit interactions: the likelihood of either state varies sharply as a critical parameter crosses a threshold value. Group behaviour among cells or organisms is often heritable and therefore can evolve. This permits an additional, typically biological, explanation for it in terms of reproductive advantage, whether of the individual or of the group. There is no general agreement on the appropriate explanatory framework for understanding group-level phenomena in biology.
129 p.
Nós estudamos a competição entre a instabilidade de Pomeranchuk no canal de spin com momento angular l=1 e uma interação atrativa, favorecendo a formação de um par de Cooper. Achamos, numa aproximação de campo médio, uma forte supressão da instabilidade de Pomeranchuk via supercondutividade. Além disso, identificamos uma fase supercondutora metaestável com características semelhantes ao estado FFLO. Um líquido de Fermi é, com exceção de uma dimensão, um estado muito estável da matéria. Por outro lado dois tipos de instabilidades, relacionadas com interações atrativas, são conhecidas: Instabilidades Pomeranchuk e supercondutora. As instabilidades Pomeranchuk ocorrem na presença da interação de dois corpos contendo uma forte componente atrativa no canal de espalhamento para frente com momento angular definido. No contexto da teoria de Landau, a instabilidade ocorre quando um ou mais parâmetros admensionais de Landau nos canais de spin ou carga, adquirem altos valores negativos. As instabilidades Pomeranchuk no setor de carga quebram a simetria de rotação. Em particular, uma instabilidade em alguns canais produz uma deformação elipsoidal na superfície de Fermi.
Neste trabalho, os efeitos de um campo magnético oblíquo externo no modelo de Gross- Neveu (2+1)-dimensional, que inclui as componentes paralela e perpendicular do campo em relação ao sistema, são estudados no contexto da simetria quiral e discreta do modelo. Nosso principal interesse está nos efeitos deste campo sobre o diagrama de fase do sistema, onde também incluímos os efeitos combinados de temperatura e potencial químico. Os diagramas de fase são obtidos através do potencial efetivo a 1 loop para o modelo, derivado em primeira ordem na expansão 1=N. Transições de fase relevantes que podem ser estudadas através deste modelo são, por exemplo, metal-isolante em matéria condensada e na teoria quântica de campos de férmions planares em geral. A relação entre a transição de fase com quebra da simetria quiral e discreta e o surgimento de um gap (ou a presença de um valor esperado no vácuo do campo escalar diferente de zero), como função do campo magnético oblíquo, é analisada em detalhes.
O objetivo desta dissertação é apresentar uma conexão entre a condição de Gribov-Zwanziger para o gap de massa e o mecanismo de quebra espontânea de simetria, através do estudo de um operador composto introduzido numa maneira localizada. Para tornar esta relação mais clara, um modelo é apresentado e alguns aspectos quânticos são discutidos.
É conhecido que derivações microscópicas obtidas através de métodos de teoria quântica de campos (TQC) podem conduzir a complicadas equações de movimento (EdM) que possuem um termo dissipativo com memória e um termo de ruído colorido. Um caso particularmente interessante é o modelo que escreve a interação entre um sistema e um banho térmico a temperatura T. Motivado por isso, usamos uma prescrição que nos permite reescrever EdMs não-markovianas semelhantes as obtidas em TQC em termos de um sistema de equações locais, para então confrontarmos a solução desse sistema com a solução aproximada usada correntemente na literatura, a chamada aproximação markoviana. A pergunta chave a qual se pretende responder aqui é: dado um conjunto de parâmetros que descrevem o modelo, a aproximação markoviana é suficientemente boa para descrever a dinâmica do sistema se comparada a dinâmica obtida atravéS da EdM não-markoviana? Além disso, consideramos uma versão linear da ELG de forma que pudéssemos determinar o nível de confiança da nossa metodologia numérica, procedimento este realizado comparando-se a solução analítica com a solução numérica. Como exemplo de aplicação prática do tema discutido aqui, comparamos a evolução não-markoviana do inflaton com a evolução markoviana do mesmo num modelo de universo primordial denominado inflação não-isentrópica (warm inflation).
A presente dissertação estuda com detalhes a evolução temporal fora do equilíbrio de um condensado de Bose-Einstein homogêneo diluído imerso em um reservatório térmico. Nós modelamos o sistema através de um campo de Bose escalar complexo. É apropriado descrever o comportamento microscópico desse sistema por meio da teoria quântica de campos através do formalismo de Schwinger-Keldysh. Usando esse formalismo, de tempo real a dinâmica do condensado é solucionada por um grupo de equações integro-diferencial auto consistente, essas são solucionadas numericamente. Estudamos também o cenário quench, e como a densidade do gás e as interações entre as flutuações tem o efeito de provocar as instabilidades nesse sistema. Aplicamos esse desenvolvimento para estudar o comportamento de duas espécies homogêneas de um gás de Bose diluído imerso em um reservatório térmico.
We investigate entanglement between collective operators of two blocks of oscillators in an infinite linear harmonic chain. These operators are defined as averages over local operators (individual oscillators) in the blocks. On the one hand, this approach of "physical blocks" meets realistic experimental conditions, where measurement apparatuses do not interact with single oscillators but rather with a whole bunch of them, i.e., where in contrast to usually studied "mathematical blocks" not every possible measurement is allowed. On the other, this formalism naturally allows the generalization to blocks which may consist of several noncontiguous regions. We quantify entanglement between the collective operators by a measure based on the Peres-Horodecki criterion and show how it can be extracted and transferred to two qubits. Entanglement between two blocks is found even in the case where none of the oscillators from one block is entangled with an oscillator from the other, showing genuine bipartite entanglement between collective operators. Allowing the blocks to consist of a periodic sequence of subblocks, we verify that entanglement scales at most with the total boundary region. We also apply the approach of collective operators to scalar quantum field theory.
In classical field theory, the ordinary potential V is an energy density for that state in which the field assumes the value ¢. In quantum field theory, the effective potential is the expectation value of the energy density for which the expectation value of the field is ¢o. As a result, if V has several local minima, it is only the absolute minimum that corresponds to the true ground state of the theory. Perturbation theory remains to this day the main analytical tool in the study of Quantum Field Theory. However, since perturbation theory is unable to uncover the whole rich structure of Quantum Field Theory, it is desirable to have some method which, on one hand, must go beyond both perturbation theory and classical approximation in the points where these fail, and at that time, be sufficiently simple that analytical calculations could be performed in its framework During the last decade a nonperturbative variational method called Gaussian effective potential, has been discussed widely together with several applications. This concept was described as a means of formalizing our intuitive understanding of zero-point fluctuation effects in quantum mechanics in a way that carries over directly to field theory.
We consider the three-particle scattering S-matrix for the Landau-Lifshitz model by directly computing the set of the Feynman diagrams up to the second order. We show, following the analogous computations for the non-linear Schrdinger model [1, 2], that the three-particle S-matrix is factorizable in the first non-trivial order.