190 resultados para spouse


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While there is evidence that spouses can impact the self-management of adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus, less is known about the influence of the wider social network. This qualitative study explored the perceived impact of the family as well as friends and work colleagues on type 2 diabetes mellitus self-management. A total of 25 adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus participated in semi-structured interviews regarding their social experiences of living with diabetes. Deductive thematic analysis was applied to the data. Pre-existing themes of health-related social control and social support were identified in the wider social network, with additional themes of non-involvement and unintentional undermining also emerging.


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Arguably, the catalyst for the best research studies using social analysis of discourse is personal ‘lived’ experience. This is certainly the case for Kamada, who, as a white American woman with a Japanese spouse, had to deal first hand with the racialization of her son. Like many other mixed-ethnic parents, she experienced the shock and disap-pointment of finding her child being racialized as ‘Chinese’ in America through peer group taunts, and constituted as gaijin (a foreigner) in his own homeland of Japan. As a member of an e-list of the (Japan) Bilingualism Special Interest Group (BSIG), Kamada learnt that other parents from the English-speaking foreign community in Japan had similar disturbing stories to tell of their mixed-ethnic children who, upon entering the Japanese school system, were mocked, bullied and marginalized by their peers. She men-tions a pervasive Japanese proverb which warns of diversity or difference getting squashed: ‘The nail that sticks up gets hammered down’. This imperative to conform to Japanese behavioural and discursive norms prompted Kamada’s quest to investigate the impact of ‘otherization’ on the identities of children of mixed parentage. In this fascinat-ing book, she shows that this pressure to conform is balanced by a corresponding cele-bration of ‘hybrid’ or mixed identities. The children in her study are also able to negotiate their identities positively as they come to terms with contradictory discursive notions of ‘Japaneseness’, ‘whiteness’ and ‘halfness/doubleness’.The discursive construction of identity has become a central concern amongst researchers across a wide range of academic disciplines within the humanities and the social sciences, and most existing work either concentrates on a specific identity cate-gory, such as gender, sexuality or national identity, or else offers a broader discussion of how identity is theorized. Kamada’s book is refreshing because it crosses the usual boundaries and offers divergent insights on identity in a number of ways. First, using the term ‘ethno-gendering’, she examines the ways in which six mixed-ethnic girls living in Japan accomplish and manage the relationship between their gender and ethnic ‘differ-ences’ from age 12 to 15. She analyses in close detail how their actions or displays within certain situated interactions might come into conflict with how they are seen or constituted by others. Second, Kamada’s study builds on contemporary writing on the benefits of hybridity where identities are fluid, flexible and indeterminate, and which contest the usual monolithic distinctions of gender, ethnicity, class, etc. Here, Kamada carves out an original space for her findings. While scholars have often investigated changing identities and language practices of young people who have been geographi-cally displaced and are newcomers to the local language, Kamada’s participants were all born and brought up in Japan, were fluent in Japanese and were relatively proficient in English. Third, the author refuses to conceptualize or theorize identity from a single given viewpoint in preference to others, but in postmodernist spirit draws upon multiple perspectives and frameworks of discourse analysis in order to create different forms of knowledge and understandings of her subject. Drawing on this ‘multi-perspectival’ approach, Kamada examines grammatical, lexical, rhetorical and interactional features from six extensive conversations, to show how her participants position their diverse identities in relation to their friends, to the researcher and to the outside world. Kamada’s study is driven by three clear aims. The first is to find out ‘whether there are any tensions and dilemmas in the ways adolescent girls of Japanese and “white” mixed parentage in Japan identify themselves in terms of ethnicity’. In Chapter 4, she shows how the girls indeed felt that they stood out as different and consequently experienced isolation, marginalization and bullying at school – although they were able to make better sense of this as they grew older, repositioning the bullies as pitiable. The second aim is to ask how, if at all, her participants celebrate their ethnicity, and furthermore, what kind of symbolic, linguistic and social capital they were able to claim for themselves on the basis of their hybrid identities. In Chapter 5, Kamada shows how the girls over time were able to constitute themselves as insiders while constituting ‘the Japanese’ as outsiders, and their network of mixed-ethnic friends was a key means to achieve this. In Chapter 6, the author develops this potential celebration of the girls’ mixed ethnicity by investigating the privileges they perceived it afforded them – for example, having the advantage of pos-sessing English proficiency and intercultural ‘savvy’ in a globalized world. Kamada’s third aim is to ask how her participants positioned themselves and performed their hybrid identities on the basis of their constituted appearance: that is, how the girls saw them-selves based on how they looked to others. In Chapter 7, the author shows that, while there are competing discourses at work, the girls are able to take up empowering positions within a discourse of ‘foreigner attractiveness’ or ‘a white-Western female beauty’ discourse, which provides them with a certain cachet among their Japanese peers. Throughout the book, Kamada adopts a highly self-reflexive perspective of her own position as author. For example, she interrogates the fact that she may have changed the lived reality of her six participants during the course of her research study. As the six girls, who were ‘best friends’, lived in different parts of the Morita region of Japan, she had to be proactive in organizing six separate ‘get-togethers’ through the course of her three-year study. She acknowledges that she did not collect ‘naturally occurring data’ but rather co-constructed opportunities for the girls to meet and talk on a regular basis. At these meetings, she encouraged the girls to discuss matters of identity, prompted by open-ended interview questions, by stimulus materials such as photos, articles and pic-tures, and by individual tasks such as drawing self-portraits. By giving her participants a platform in this way, Kamada not only elicited some very rich spoken data but also ‘helped in some way to shape the attitudes and self-images of the girls positively, in ways that might not have developed had these get-togethers not occurred’ (p. 221). While the data she gathers are indeed rich, it may well be asked whether there is a mismatch between the girls’ frank and engaging accounts of personal experience, and the social constructionist academic register in which these are later re-articulated. When Kamada writes, ‘Rina related how within the more narrow range of discourses that she had to draw on in her past, she was disempowered and marginalized’ (p. 118), we know that Rina’s actual words were very different. Would she really recognize, understand and agree with the reported speech of the researcher? This small omission of self-reflexivity apart – an omission which is true of most lin-guistic ethnography conducted today – Kamada has written a unique, engaging and thought-provoking book which offers a model to future discourse analysts investigating hybrid identities. The idea that speakers can draw upon competing discourses or reper-toires to constitute their identities in contrasting, creative and positive ways provides linguistic researchers with a clear orientation by which to analyse the contradictions of identity construction as they occur across time in different discursive contexts


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des Arts et Sciences en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître des Sciences (M. Sc.) en Criminologie, Option Stage en Intervention


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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The aim of this thesis was to describe and explore how the partner relationship of patient–partner dyads isaffected following cardiac disease and, in particular, atrial fibrillation (AF) in one of the spouses. The thesis is based on four individual studies with different designs: descriptive (I), explorative (II, IV), and cross-sectional (III). Applied methods comprised a systematic review (I) and qualitative (II, IV) and quantitative methods (III). Participants in the studies were couples in which one of the spouses was afflicted with AF. Coherent with a systemic perspective, the research focused on the dyad as the unit of analysis. To identify and describe the current research position and knowledge base, the data for the systematic review were analyzed using an integrative approach. To explore couples’ main concern, interview data (n=12 couples) in study II were analyzed using classical grounded theory. Associations between patients and partners (n=91 couples) where analyzed through the Actor–Partner Interdependence Model using structural equation modelling (III). To explore couples’ illness beliefs, interview data (n=9 couples) in study IV were analyzed using Gadamerian hermeneutics. Study I revealed five themes of how the partner relationship is affected following cardiac disease: overprotection, communication deficiency, sexual concerns, changes in domestic roles, and adjustment to illness. Study II showed that couples living with AF experienced uncertainty as the common main concern, rooted in causation of AF and apprehension about AF episodes. The theory of Managing Uncertainty revealed the strategies of explicit sharing (mutual collaboration and finding resemblance) and implicit sharing (keeping distance and tacit understanding). Patients and spouses showed significant differences in terms of self-reported physical and mental health where patients rated themselves lower than spouses did (III). Several actor effects were identified, suggesting that emotional distress affects and is associated with perceived health. Patient partner effects and spouse partner effects were observed for vitality, indicating that higher levels of symptoms of depression in patients and spouses were associated with lower vitality in their partners. In study IV, couples’ core and secondary illness beliefs were revealed. From the core illness belief that “the heart is a representation of life,” two secondary illness beliefs were derived: AF is a threat to life, and AF can and must be explained. From the core illness belief that “change is an integral part of life,” two secondary illness beliefs were derived: AF is a disruption in our lives, and AF will not interfere with our lives. Finally, from the core illness belief that “adaptation is fundamental in life,” two secondary illness beliefs were derived: AF entails adjustment in daily life, and AF entails confidence in and adherence to professional care. In conclusion, the thesis result suggests that illness, in terms of cardiac disease and AF, affected and influenced the couple on aspects such as making sense of AF, responding to AF, and mutually incorporating and dealing with AF in their daily lives. In the light of this, the thesis results suggest that clinicians working with persons with AF and their partners should employ a systemic view with consideration of couple’s reciprocity and interdependence, but also have knowledge regarding AF, in terms of pathophysiology, the nature of AF (i.e., cause, consequences, and trajectory), and treatments. A possible approach to achieve this is a clinical utilization of an FSN based framework, such as the FamHC. Even if a formalized FSN framework is not utilized, partners should not be neglected but, rather, be considered a resource and be a part of clinical caring activities. This could be met by inviting partners to take part in rounds, treatment decisions, discharge calls or follow-up visits or other clinical caring activities. Likewise, interventional studies should include the couple as a unit of analysis as well as the target of interventions.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des Arts et Sciences en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître des Sciences (M. Sc.) en Criminologie, Option Stage en Intervention


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L’estimation de la douleur chez autrui peut être influencée par différents facteurs liés à la personne en douleur, à l’observateur ou bien à l’interaction entre ces derniers. Parmi ces facteurs, l’exposition répétée à la douleur d’autrui, dans les milieux de soins ou dans une relation dans laquelle un des deux conjoints souffre de douleur chronique, a souvent été liée à une sous-estimation de la douleur d’autrui. L’objectif de cette thèse visait à mesurer les impacts de l’exposition répétée à la douleur d’autrui sur l’estimation subséquente de la douleur des autres, mais aussi sur l’activité cérébrale lors de l’observation de la douleur d’autrui et finalement, sur l’estimation de la douleur chez les conjoints de patients atteints de douleur chronique. La première étude expérimentale a permis d’isoler le facteur d’exposition répétée à la douleur d’autrui des autres facteurs confondants pouvant moduler l’estimation de la douleur d’autrui. Ainsi, il a été démontré que l’exposition répétée à la douleur d’autrui diminuait l’évaluation subséquente de la douleur des autres. Dans la seconde étude, il a été démontré en imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle que l’exposition répétée à la douleur d’autrui entrainait des changements dans l’activité cérébrale de certaines régions associées au traitement affectif (l’insula bilatérale), mais aussi cognitif de la douleur (sulcus temporal supérieur ; précunéus), lors de l’observation de la douleur d’autrui. Finalement, la troisième étude expérimentale, celle-ci proposant une visée plus clinique, a permis de démontrer que les conjoints de patients atteints de douleur chronique ne surestiment pas la douleur de leur conjoint, mais qu’ils perçoivent de la douleur même dans des expressions faciales neutres. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère que chez les sujets sains, l’exposition répétée à la douleur d’autrui entraine une sous-estimation de la douleur chez l’autre et des changements dans le réseau de la matrice de la douleur lors de l’observation de la douleur des autres. En définitive, ces résultats démontrent que l’exposition répétée à la douleur d’autrui, dans un contexte expérimental, a des impacts majeurs sur l’observateur et son jugement de l’intensité de la douleur.


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Notre étude a comme objectif de mieux comprendre comment la socialisation des hommes se manifeste dans le rôle de conjoints proches aidants à domicile, pour une conjointe atteinte d’un cancer à l’étape pré-terminale et terminale. Elle s’inscrit en tant que recherche exploratoire et compréhensive, d’orientation constructiviste. Le modèle de Schulz et de Cantor ont inspiré l’analyse des résultats. Douze hommes ont été rencontrés lors d’entrevues semi-dirigées. L’âge des répondants a permis d’avoir un échantillon d’hommes représentatif de deux générations différentes, soit celle des vétérans (1922-1945) et celle des baby-boomers (1946-1964). Selon leur génération, ils ont été exposés de façon plus ou moins importante aux valeurs et aux prescriptions sociales en ce qui concerne les genres. Il semble que ce soit le fait d’être informé, plutôt que le niveau d’éducation, qui a une influence sur le contexte de soins en procurant aux conjoints soignants les outils nécessaires pour mieux répondre aux demandes des soins. Il apparaît que les hommes qui ont conservé le modèle traditionnel du partage des tâches ont eu plus de difficultés à assurer le vie domestique de la maison. Les réseaux formels ont suppléé au manque de ressources familiales et au manque de connaissances des répondants. L’amour, le désir d’offrir les meilleurs soins et la fidélité à leur engagement sont des motifs à la base de la prise en charge. Les hommes plus jeunes n’ont pas hésité à quitter leur travail pour prendre soin. Ils n’ont pas exprimé de craintes quant à leur masculinité. Quant aux plus âgés à la retraite, ils auraient été hésitants à quitter leur travail pour soigner si la situation s’était présentée. Retenons que les hommes sont en mesure d’assumer ce qui doit être fait, mais à leur manière, c’est-à-dire en y apportant ce qu’ils ont à offrir en tant qu’homme.


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O alcoolismo é um fenómeno universal, significativo e complexo, com múltiplas implicações, assumindo-se a disfunção familiar como uma das que primeiro se manifesta, nomeadamente ao nível da díade conjugal. O presente estudo, de carácter exploratório e abordagem qualitativa, tem como objectivos identificar a percepção que o alcoólico e o cônjuge têm do impacto do alcoolismo na díade conjugal e alertar para a necessidade de adoptar estratégias de tratamento que visem a família do sujeito alcoólico. Os dados foram recolhidos junto de oito díades recorrendo à entrevista semi-estruturada e tratados através da análise de conteúdo. As conclusões reafirmam o impacto negativo do alcoolismo na díade e a pertinência de uma abordagem conjugal nesta problemática. Evidenciam-se alcoólicos e cônjuges insatisfeitos, com vivências conjugais marcadas por conflitos e problemas de ordem comunicacional, sexual, emocional e económica. Foram identificadas especificidades tanto do alcoolismo no feminino, como das respectivas diades. /ABSTRACT: Alcoholism is a universal, significant and complex phenomenon, with multiple implications, assuming the family dysfunction as one of its first manifestations, particularly in terms of the marital dyad. The present study, of exploratory and qualitative approach, aims to identify the perception that the alcoholic and the spouse have of the impact of the alcoholism in the marital dyad, and call attention to the need for treatment strategies aimed at the subject's family with alcoholic dependence syndrome. The information were collected from eight dyads through semi-structured interviews and processed by content analysis. The conclusions reaffirm the negative impact of alcoholism in the marital dyad and the relevance of marital approach in alcoholism. lt is shown alcoholics and spouses dissatisfied with their marital experiences marked by conflicts and problems of communication, sexual, emotional and economic order. Specificities were identified in women's alcoholism, as well as in their marital dyads.


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Baseada na literatura sobre a interferência trabalho-família e o engagement, esta investigação estudou diferenças nestas variáveis em indivíduos com cônjuge trabalhador na mesma organização vs. cônjuge não trabalhador na mesma organização. Foram aplicados dois questionários a uma amostra de 91 participantes, que permitiram concluir que o primeiro grupo apresenta níveis superiores em todas as dimensões de ambas as variáveis, sobretudo na dedicação. Foram ainda estudadas diferenças em variáveis sócio-demográficas, assim como foi demonstrado a correlação significativa entre as dimensões do engagement, e entre o vigor e a interferência trabalho­família negativa. São discutidas implicações teóricas e práticas, assim como limitações do estudo e direcções futuras. /ABSTRACT: Based on the literature about work-home interference and engagement, this investigation studied differences on those variables in individuals with their spouses working on the same organization vs. spouses don't working on the same organization. Two questionnaires were applied to a 91 sample, that allowed us to conclude that the first group presents higher levels in every dimension of both variables, especially on dedication. Differences in socio-demographics variables were also studied, and it was demonstrated significant correlation between engagement dimensions, and between vigour and negative work-home interference. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed, as well study limitations and future directions.