278 resultados para socialisation


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This article examines the complex connections between literacy practices, the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and disadvantage. It reports the findings of a year-long study which investigated the ways in which four families use ICTs to engage with formal and informal literacy learning in home and school settings. The research set out to explore what it is about computer-mediated literacy practices at home and at school in disadvantaged communities that makes a difference in school success. The findings demonstrate that the 'socialisation' of the technology--its appropriation into existing family norms, values and lifestyles--varied from family to family. Having access to ICTs at home was not sufficient for the young people and their families to overcome the so-called 'digital divide'. The article concludes that old inequalities have not disappeared, but are playing out in new ways in the context of the networked society.


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In this paper, we discuss a special case of knowledge creation via pattern mining that was studied using a hermeneutic approach. The reported study explores the nature of knowledge creation by domain practitioners who do not communicate directly. The focus of this paper extends the traditional view of a knowledge creation process beyond organisational boundaries. The proposed knowledge creation framework explains the facilitated process of knowledge creation by its qualification, combination, socialisation, externalisation, internalisation and introspection, thus allowing the transformation of individual experience and knowledge into formalised shareable domain knowledge.


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The participation rates of girls in post-compulsory information technology courses of Australian universities and high schools have remained low (less than 30%), despite three decades of research and analysis. In seeking to better understand this phenomenon, this paper draws upon data collected during an Australian Research Council Linkage project to investigate first, the reasons that teachers and students in contemporary Australian high schools put forward to account for girls' underrepresentation; second, the assumptions about gender that underpin these explanations; and third, the extent to which teachers appear able to respond to the full range of factors shaping girls' decision making. The paper argues that attempts to improve girls' participation rates might continue to falter unless teacher education programs explicitly prepare teachers to conceptualise educational reforms based on understandings of post-structural perspectives on gender; perspectives that challenge the more common explanations for girls' behaviour associated with both essentialist and socialisation mindsets.


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This paper presents a unique summary of Australian research on home education, and an evaluation of current regulation in an Australian context. It begins with the recognition that home education is a legal alternative to school education in Australia. However it argues that legal definitions of home education do not properly reflect the practice of home education. This is illustrated by an examination of different educational approaches taken by home educators and research on the socialisation of home educated children in Australia. Research on who chooses home education, why people choose home education and the educational outcomes for home educated children is also discussed. Home educating families represent all family types, are found in rural, suburban and city locations, and choose home education for a variety ofreasons. Research indicates that Australian home educated children have positive educational and social experiences and outcomes. The question of whether and ifso the extent to which, home education should be regulated by the state is examined. The authors argue that whilst regulation is acceptable to protect a childr right to education, a more consistent regulatory framework is needed across Australia. It is argued that such aframework should facilitate and encourage children who are being home educated and should be flexible enough to accommodate the variety ofeducational approaches taken to home education.


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Puxty et al. (1994) claim that professional accountants are induced to act ethically through two aspects of their socialisation, the education process, and the influence of work experience and role models who show what it means to be ethical. The education of accountants is not simply a matter of becoming technically competent, it is also a process of internalising accepted norms of professional conduct. Student accountants learn acceptable behaviour by learning the principles of good conduct in their education, and receiving advice and observing what significant others do in the workplace. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of the work environment on accounting students moral reasoning and development by comparing the DIT P-scores of accounting students pre and post cooperative education. Cooperative eduction is an industry placement program where students are required to work in commerce and industry for one year. Findings indicate that DIT P-scores decrease during cooperative education suggesting that accounting students, whilst in the work environment, do not reason according to their capability as measured by their pre-test scores.


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This paper investigates the influence adolescent children have over their parents with regards to holiday decisions. A dyadic method of analysis was used to determine the level of influence young people have on the decision making oftheir parents. Our research shows that the families in general do not see their adolescent children as more knowledgeable than the parents when it comes to holidays. However, the level of knowledge the family perceives the child to have is strongly related to how much influence the child then has over the parent. Also, the level of 'expertness' the family attribute to the child is strongly related to the family's attitude towards the child as a socialisation agent for the parent. Parents knowledge on the other hand, is not related to how influenced they are by their children. Finally, daughters have a larger impact on their parents' holiday decisions than sons.


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Stereotypes and self-perceptions are important in understanding how people develop their self-knowledge and social identity, become members of groups, and view groups and their members. While we have some understanding of the stereotypical view of the physical education teacher, we currently have little knowledge of how physical education pre-service teachers (students studying a physical education degree) are stereotyped, and also if there is any relationship between these stereotypes and how physical education pre-service teachers perceive themselves. The purpose of this study was to examine the stereotypes and self-perceptions of physical education pre-service teachers. The aims were to describe how physical education pre-service teachers stereotype and perceive themselves, examine if there are differences in the stereotypes and self-perceptions between males and females, and to explore if there were relationships between what the physical education pre-service teachers believed stereotyped them and how they perceived themselves. Participants were 250 students (n=120 males, n=130 female) studying a 4-year Bachelor of Education (Physical Education) degree at a university who completed a questionnaire which contained 10 items about how they viewed physical education pre-service teachers (stereotypes), and 26 items on how they viewed male physical education pre-service teachers and female pre-service teachers (stereotypes) and 26 items on how they view themselves (self-perceptions). Factor analysis revealed 2 stereotype factors, which were labelled as Sociable (e.g., socialise, partying, drinking, loud and outgoing) and Health and Lifestyle (e.g., fit, playing sport and not smoking). The stereotype of the male physical education pre-service teacher, comprised two factors: physical, assertive and aggressive behaviour (e.g., aggressive, dominant, self-confident, and competitive) and physical and self-presentation factors (muscular, athletic, physically fit, physically coordinated, and attractive). The stereotype of female physical education pre-service teachers comprised three factors: physical appearance and ability (e.g., physically fit, athletic, able-bodied, attractive, thin, and physically coordinated), aggressive and assertive behavioural style (e.g., intimidating, unapproachable, and aggressive), and masculine behavioural style (e.g., aggressive, masculine, feminine, muscular and dominant). The self-perception of male physical education pre-service teachers comprised three factors: perceived appearance and ability (e.g., athletic, physical fit, thin, attractive, muscular and pleased with their body), aggressive and confident behaviour (e.g., intimidating, dominant, show off and aggressive) and independence and intellect (e.g., independent, ambitious, self confident and intelligent). The self-perception of female physical education pre-service teachers comprised three factors: strong willed behaviour (e.g., ambitious, and dominant), presentation and appearance (e.g., pleased with their body, attractive, thin and self confident), and aggressive and dominant behaviour (e.g., aggressive, intimidating, masculine and show off). There were significant relationships between the male physical and self-presentation stereotype factor stereotype and perceived appearance and ability self-perception factor and between the male physical, assertive and aggressive behaviour stereotype factor and the male aggressive and confident behaviours self-perception factor. For females, the aggressive and dominant behaviour stereotype was related to both the aggressive and assertive behavioural style self-perception factor and the masculine behavioural style self-perception factor. It is suggested that future studies investigate the stereotypes and self-perceptions of students in schools during the recruitment phase of socialisation, and the possible influence of the physical education teacher education programme, faculty leaders, and significant others on the physical education pre-service teachers’ self-perceptions, stereotypes and socialisation into physical education.


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Historically, physical education and sport were constructed as curriculum practices for boys to explore, channel and hone their masculinity. While much has changed since their induction into the curriculum, there is a prevailing view that sport and physical education continue to operate as powerful conduits to the dominant masculinity. In a climate where the underachievement of boys’ in social and educational contexts is becoming increasingly concerning, much of the literature attributes factors such as a lack of male role models, the feminisation of education and the lack of ‘boy friendly’ curriculum and pedagogy as key contributors to the current dilemma. The role of physical education and sport in the gender socialisation process poses some important questions about the place of female physical educators in this ‘male component’ of the curriculum. Foremost here are questions about the capacity of female physical educators to provide effective learning and socialising opportunities to young males. This paper draws on research into the experiences of female physical education teachers working in all-boy schools to discuss issues of gender, power and pedagogy.


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Much of the theorisation regarding radical adult education in Australia has concentrated on activists' pedagogy in the context of critical learning. Learning in social action is largely seen as taking place informally; it is tacit and implied and not always identified or articulated as knowledge or learning. This paper argues how activists' learning is embodied; the whole person is central to how meaning is made. A person's learning is embedded in significant identity change as they 'learn to be and become an activist'. Activists use their emotions, cognition and their physical body to make meaning. The symbolic use of the body is particularly important in the processes of direct action. Activists' learning is mainly informal, social and situated in practice, and they learn from one another by socialisation in a community of practice. Central to the paper is there is much to be learned from the important pedagogy of these activists, I argue that learning in radical adult education should be more prominent in the current discourses of lifelong learning and adult education in general.


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Ethnic-racial socialisation is broadly described as processes by which both minority and majority children and young people learn about and negotiate racial, ethnic and cultural diversity. This paper extends the existing ethnic-racial socialisation literature in three significant ways: it (1) explores ways children make sense of racial and ethnic diversity in relation to their experiences of racial and ethnic diversity and racism; (2) considers ways children identify racism and make distinctions between racism and racialisation; and (3) examines teacher and parent ethnic-racial socialisation messages about race, ethnicity and racism with children. This research is based on classroom observations, semi-structured interviews and focus groups with teachers, parents and students aged 8-12 years attending four Australian metropolitan primary schools. The findings reveal that both teachers and parents tended to discuss racism reactively rather than proactively. The extent to which racism was discussed in classroom settings depended on: teachers’ personal and professional capability; awareness of racism and its perceived relevance based on student and community experiences; and whether they felt supported in the broader school and community context. For parents, key drivers for talking about racism were their children’s experiences and racial issues reported in the media. For both parents and teachers, a key issue in these discussions was determining whether something constituted either racism or racialisation. Strategies on how ethnic-racial socialisation within the school system can be improved are discussed.


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PURPOSE: This study explores the depression literacy in adolescents in South Africa. METHOD: A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to 2,050 students from disadvantaged secondary schools in Johannesburg region. RESULT: A total of 90.9% reported depression as an illness, and 41.4% considered it a sign of weakness. Parents and siblings followed by friends and teachers were the preferred support options. The indicators of depression identified were socialisation pattern changes (24.6%), sad mood (23.6%), sleeping and eating pattern changes (18.3%), irritable behaviour (12.5%) and other health risk behaviours (9.7%). CONCLUSION: The majority considered depression an illness. An improvement in adolescent mental health literacy will increase access to help when needed.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é o estudo das relações que se estabelecem entre o trabalhador e seu trabalho em organizações não convencionais, isto é, que não se identificam com o modo capitalista de produção e que reivindicam, pelo contrário, a criatividade e a originalidade de um trabalho mais autônomo, mais justo e mais responsável: a economia solidária. O que significa, para o trabalhador, atuar nestas organizações? É a pergunta que orienta este estudo. Dito de outro modo: a experiência vivida no trabalho cotidiano pelo trabalhador da economia solidária manifesta-se mediante práticas profissionais e práticas sociais reveladoras de novas formas de inserção no trabalho e na sociedade? Seria essa experiência fruto de uma transformação que ocorre em alguns segmentos do mundo do trabalho e observável em outros contextos econômicos ou um reflexo da situação particularmente fragilizada dos trabalhadores brasileiros? Tratar-se-á então de entender a singularidade da participação dos trabalhadores a este projeto, seu impacto sobre o desenvolvimento de seu trabalho e das relações estabelecidas com a organização e de estudar as transformações que podem ocorrer nas relações sociais a partir do trabalho. Este será analisado sob uma dimensão subjetiva, como experiência de construção identitária, e sob uma dimensão institucional, como socialização para e pela solidariedade. O conceito de “trabalho solidário”, que reúne essas dimensões, será analisado apoiando-se, em grande parte, na obra de François Dubet e sua teoria do ator, da estrutura social e da socialização. A pesquisa se inscreve numa perspectiva de contribuição à Sociologia do Trabalho e das relações de trabalho sem a pretensão de realizar uma sociologia da economia solidária, nas suas múltiplas relações com a sociedade. O que está em foco é a transformação das relações entre o trabalhador e seu trabalho. O argumento defendido pela pesquisa é que as relações que nascem de uma experiência cotidiana do trabalho nas organizações da economia solidária são peculiares e diversificadas, mas interpelam e desafiam o conjunto das relações sociais. Portanto, o trabalho realizado nessas organizações talvez seria, apesar de suas ambigüidades, suscetível de estimular novas formas de relações sociais por meio de uma socialização assentada na solidariedade. Três tipos de organizações “referências” (tipos ideais) são construídos a partir do tipo de produção dominante e dos valores e objetivos que motivam a ação: organizações de produção, associações culturais e organizações humanitárias. A comparação Brasil – França, através das organizações investigadas em Porto Alegre e Paris, procura homologias, isto é: correspondências na construção da ação apesar de contextos diferentes, assim como a reconstrução de processos e procura de especificidades que possam enriquecer as interações. No decorrer da investigação, o que se encontrou, tanto no Brasil quanto na França, foi de um lado, um discurso “oficial” (mentores, militantes da economia solidária e pesquisadores) que descreve a tarefa que se atribui a economia solidária: a responsabilização de todos para transformar a sociedade. Por outro lado, encontrou-se, através do discurso dos trabalhadores, o relato da realidade quotidiana que aparece como um mundo de tensões e contradições. Para entender essa aparente incompatibilidade, foi preciso recriar os mecanismos de construção do trabalho solidário: em que medida pode-se falar de experiência social e em que medida a socialização para e pela solidariedade é bem sucedida. Para tanto, foi necessário recompor o processo de construção das relações sociais dentro e fora do trabalho, manifestado mediante estratégias dos atores que precisam se posicionar frente às lógicas de ação desenvolvidas pelas organizações. A seguir, analisou-se a possibilidade de encontrar semelhanças e diferenças entre o Brasil e a França na construção deste trabalho solidário. Enfim, procurou-se responder à pergunta que originou esta pesquisa: seria mesmo o trabalho solidário gerador de novas relações sociais no trabalho e no âmbito mais amplo da sociedade?


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o Vale do Rio Preto, região limítrofe dos Estados do Rio de Janeiro e Minas Gerais, teve marcante influência na economia e na política do país no século XIX, com a expansão da cafeicultura. A partir de 1930, com a crise do café, a paisagem agrária é dominada pela pecuária extensiva. A transformação do sistema econômico modifica as atividades produtivas, embora perpetue as tradicionais relações de produção. A educação desenvolvida neste vale, nas duas últimas décadas, fundamenta-se na teoria do capital humano que enfatiza a racionalidade e produtividade, impedindo o desenvolvimento da consciência crítica. A redução da educação a essa concepção desenvolve mentalidades ou consciências alienadas das verdadeiras determinações sociais, a concentração de capital, as desigualdades e injustiças. Para que os trabalhadores da educação, produzidos em tais circunstâncias de dominação, venham a assumir o papel de sujeitos hegemônicos na construção da sociedade, é indispensável que se apropriem de instrumentos práticos e teóricos, embasados numa fundamentação que reverta esse quadro social. Para tal, apontamos como uma proposta de devir, a adesão dos profissionais da educação à perspectiva da praxis, para a realização de um trabalho crítico e consciente com os pequenos produtores rurais. A tarefa de socialização do conhecimento, a trans formação da visão de mundo e da prática educativa dos profissionais que se propõem a desenvolver uma açao conjunta com os pequenos produtores do Vale do Rio Preto, só poderão ocorrer a partir de inovações das relações no real.