738 resultados para single mode fiber


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We experimentally compare the performance of standard single-mode fiber (SSMF) and UltraWave fiber (UWF) for ultra-long-haul (ULH) 40-Gb/s wavelength- division- multiplexing transmissions. We used the carrier-suppressed return-to-zero amplitude-shift-keying (CSRZ-ASK) and the carrier-suppressed return-to-zero differential-phase-shift-keying (CSRZ-DPSK) formats, which are particularly well-adapted to 40-Gb/s pulse-overlapped propagation. We demonstrate that transmission distance well beyond 2000 km can be reached on UWF with both the CSRZ-ASK and CSRZ-DPSK formats, or on SSMF with the CSRZ-DPSK format only, thus indicating that SSMF-based infrastructure of incumbent carriers can be upgraded at 40-Gb/s channel rates to ULH distances. © 2007 IEEE.


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An approach to realizing simultaneous measurement of refractive index (RI) and temperature based on a microfiber-based dual inline Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is proposed and demonstrated. Due to different interference mechanisms, as one interference between the core mode and the lower order cladding mode in the sensing single-mode fiber and the other interference between the fundamental mode and the high-order mode in the multimode microfiber, the former interferometer achieves RI sensitivity of -23.67 nm/RIU and temperature sensitivity of 81.2 pm/oC, whereas those of the latter are 3820.23 nm/RIU, and -465.7 pm/oC, respectively. The large sensitivity differences can provide a more accurate demodulation of RI and temperature. The sensor is featured with multiparameters measurement, compact structure, high sensitivity, low cost, and easy fabrication.


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We investigate the pattern-dependent decoding failures in full-field electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) by offline processing of experimental signals, and find that the performance of such an EDC receiver may be degraded by an isolated "1" bit surrounded by long strings of consecutive "0s". By reducing the probability of occurrence of this kind of isolated "1" and using a novel adaptive threshold decoding method, we greatly improve the compensation performance to achieve 10-Gb/s on-off keyed signal transmission over 496-km field-installed single-mode fiber without optical dispersion compensation.


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In this work, we analyzed by means of numerical and laboratory experiments the resilience of 40 Gb/s amplitude shift keying modulation formats to transmission impairments in standard single-mode fiber lines as well as to optical filtering introduced by the optical add/drop multiplexer cascade. Our study is a pre-requisite to assess the implementation of cost-effective 40 Gb/s modulation technology in next generation high bit-rate robust optical transport networks. © 2006 Optical Society of America.


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We experimentally characterize the distributed Raman amplification induced amplitude and phase impairments and evaluate the performance dependence of unrepeated 28 Gbaud 16QAM coherent transmissions over standard single mode fiber.


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Detailed theoretical and numerical investigations of the transmission performance of adaptively modulated optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexed (AMOOFDM) signals are undertaken, for the first time, in optical amplification and chromatic dispersion (CD) compensation free single mode fiber (SMF) intensity-modulated and directdetection (IMDD) systems using two cascaded semiconductor optical amplifiers in a counterpropagating configuration as an intensity modulator (TC-SOA-CC-IM). A theoretical model describing the characteristics of this configuration is developed. Extensive performance comparisons are also made between the TC-SOA-CC and the single SOA intensity modulators. It is shown that, the TC-SOA-CC reaches its strongly saturated region using a lower input optical power much faster than the single SOA resulting in significantly reduced effective carrier lifetime and thus wide TC-SOA-CC bandwidths. It is shown that at low input optical power, we can increase the signal line rate almost 115% which will be more than twice the transmission performance offered by single SOA. In addition, the TCSOA-CC-IM is capable of supporting signal line rates higher than corresponding to the SOA-IM by using 10dB lower input optical powers. For long transmission distance, the TC-SOA-CC-IM has much stronger CD compensation capability compared to the SOA-IM. In addition the use of TC-SOA-CC-IM is more effective regarding the capability to benefit from the CD compensation for shorter distances starting at 60km SMF, whilst for the SOA-IM starting at 90km. © 2014 Optical Society of America.


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We present the first (to the best of our knowledge) experimental demonstration of a 56 Gb/s multi-band carrierless amplitude and phase modulation (CAP) signal transmission over an 80-km single-mode fiber link with zero overhead pre-FEC signal recovery and enhanced timing jitter tolerance for optical data center interconnects.


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We report the amplification of 10-100-pJ semiconductor diode pulses to an energy of 158 microJ and peak powers >100 kW in a multistage fiber amplifier chain based on a single-mode, large-mode-area erbium-doped amplifier design. To our knowledge these results represent the highest single-mode pulse energy extracted from any doped-fiber system.


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We report the amplification of 10-100-pJ semiconductor diode pulses to an energy of 158 μJ and peak powers >100 kW in a multistage fiber amplifier chain based on a single-mode, large-mode-area erbium-doped amplifier design. To our knowledge these results represent the highest single-mode pulse energy extracted from any doped-fiber system. © 1997 Optical Society of America.


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A thulium-doped all-fiber laser passively mode-locked by the co-action of nonlinear polarization evolution and single-walled carbon nanotubes operating at 1860-1980 nm wavelength band is demonstrated. Pumped with the single-mode laser diode at 1.55 μm laser generates near 500-fs soliton pulses at repetition rate ranging from 6.3 to 72.5 MHz in single-pulse operation regime. Having 3-m long cavity average output power reached 300 mW, giving the peak power of 4.88 kW and the pulse energy of 2.93 nJ with slope efficiency higher than 30%. At a 21.6-m long ring cavity average output power of 117 mW is obtained, corresponding to the pulse energy up to 10.87 nJ and a pulse peak power of 21.7 kW, leading to the higher-order soliton generation.


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Tellurite glass is proposed as a host for broadband erbium-doped fiber amplifiers because of their excellent optical and chemical properties. A new single mode Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite fiber with D-shape cladding geometry is fabricated in this work. When pumped at 980 nm, a broad erbium amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) nearly 100 nm in the wavelength range of 1450-1650 ran around 1.53 mu m is observed. It was found that the emission spectrum from erbium in tellurite glass fibers is almost twice as broad as the corresponding spectrum in tellurite bulk glass. The changes in ASE with regard to fiber lengths and pumping power were measured and discussed. The output of about 2.3 mW from Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite fiber ASE source is obtained under the pump power of 700 mW. The broad 1.53 mu m emission of Er3+ in Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite glass fiber can be used as host material for potential broadband optical amplifier and tunable fiber lasers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tellurite glass is proposed as a host for broadband erbium-doped fiber amplifiers because of their excellent optical and chemical properties. A single-mode Er3+-doped tellurite glass fiber with D-shape cladding was fabricated in this work. The characterization of amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) from this newly fabricated Er3+-doped tellurite fibers are exhibited. When pumped at 980 nm, a very broad erbium ASE nearly 150 nm around 1.53 mum is observed. The changes in ASE with regard to fiber lengths and pumping power were measured and discussed. The output of 2 mW from Er3+-doped tellurite fiber ASE source was obtained under the pump power of 660 mW. The broad 1.53 mum emission of Er3+ in tellurite glass fiber can be used as host material for potential broadband optical amplifier and tunable fiber lasers. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microstructure optical fiber with uniform intensity distribution of the fundamental mode is proposed. The design guide line and characteristics of this kind fiber are demonstrated. The relationship between refractive index profile and structure parameters is investigated. The mechanism of forming uniform fundamental mode in these fibers is analyzed.


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A discretely tunable Er-doped fiber-ring laser using a fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) and a tunable fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is proposed. In this scheme, the combination of MZI and FBG acts as a discrete wavelength selector. Analysis of its transmission function shows that discrete wavelength tuning can be realized, and experiments demonstrate 64 single-mode outputs with a mode spacing of 181.7 pm, and the output power is quite stable in the whole tuning range. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 51 2595-2598, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www. interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/mop.24690


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Single point defect microcavity possesses only the degenerate dipole modes under certain photonic crystal structure parameters. By deforming lattice structure, the degeneracy of the dipole modes has been broken. Theoretical simulation shows the large splitting of 65nm between the splitted x-mode and y-mode, approximate to the luminescent gain spectrum, which benefits for the single mode lasing. Experimentally the single dipole mode lasing, y-mode, is achieved in the deformed microcavity.