884 resultados para short and long run performance
Currently bilateral trade between Canada and Colombia is low. In 2003, this trade amounted to US $489 million, with Colombian imports from Canada totaling US $ 213 million (DOTS, 2004). Canada supplied approximately 4.0% of Colombia’s total trade (total imports and total exports), in contrast Colombia supplied only around 0.1% of the Canadian total trade. In 2005, Colombia was the third largest Canadian partner in South America after Brazil and Venezuela. The objective of this paper is to analyze the trade performance between Canada and Colombia using a modified gravity equation to identify the most relevant historical factors that have shaped the evolution of this bilateral trade in the long run (during the period from 1953 to 2003). The analysis includes traditional economic variables (such as population and income of the importing and exporting countries). In order to understand the qualitative nature of the evolution of this bilateral trade the second objective is to review the evolving nature of trade including commodity composition and trade characteristics.
Objectives: To assess the short- and long-term reproducibility of a short food group questionnaire, and to compare its performance for estimating nutrient intakes in comparison with a 7-day diet diary. Design: Participants for the reproducibility study completed the food group questionnaire at two time points, up to 2 years apart. Participants for the performance study completed both the food group questionnaire and a 7-day diet diary a few months apart. Reproducibility was assessed by kappa statistics and percentage change between the two questionnaires; performance was assessed by kappa statistics, rank correlations and percentages of participants classified into the same and opposite thirds of intake. Setting: A random sample of participants in the Million Women Study, a population-based prospective study in the UK. Subjects: In total, 12 221 women aged 50-64 years. Results: in the reproducibility study, 75% of the food group items showed at least moderate agreement for all four time-point comparisons. Items showing fair agreement or worse tended to be those where few respondents reported eating them more than once a week, those consumed in small amounts and those relating to types of fat consumed. Compared with the diet diary, the food group questionnaire showed consistently reasonable performance for the nutrients carbohydrate, saturated fat, cholesterol, total sugars, alcohol, fibre, calcium, riboflavin, folate and vitamin C. Conclusions: The short food group questionnaire used in this study has been shown to be reproducible over time and to perform reasonably well for the assessment of a number of dietary nutrients.
This paper sets out progress during the first eighteen months of doctoral research into the City of London office market. The overall aim of the research is to explore relationships between office rents and the economy in the UK over the last 150 years. To do this, a database of lettings has been created from which a long run index of City office rents can be constructed. With this index, it should then be possible to analyse trends in rents and relationships with their long run determinants. The focus of this paper is on the creation of the rent database. First, it considers the existing secondary sources of long run rental data for the UK. This highlights a lack of information for years prior to 1970 and the need for primary data collection if earlier periods are to be studied. The paper then discusses the selection of the City of London and of the time period chosen for research. After this, it describes how a dataset covering the period 1860-1960 has been assembled using the records of property companies active in the City office market. It is hoped that, if successful, this research will contribute to existing knowledge on the long run characteristics of commercial real estate. In particular, it should add a price dimension (rents) to the existing long run information on stock/supply and investment. Hence, it should enable a more complete picture of the development and performance of commercial real estate through time to be gained.
Includes bibliography
Most monetary models make use of the quantity theory of money along with a Phillips curve. This implies a strong correlation between money growth and output in the short run (with little or no correlation between money and prices) and a strong long run correlation between money growth and inflation and inflation (with little or no correlation between money growth and output). The empirical evidence between money and inflation is very robust, but the long run money/output relationship is ambiguous at best. This paper attempts to explain this by looking at the impact of money growth on firm financing.
In this work, we investigated the temperature dependence of short and long-range ferroelectric ordering in Pb(0.55)La(0.30)TiO(3) relaxor composition. High-resolution x-ray powder diffraction measurements revealed a clear spontaneous macroscopic cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition in the PLT relaxor sample at similar to 60 K below the maximum of the dielectric constant peak (T(m)). Indeed, the x-ray diffraction (XRD) data showed that at 300 K (above T(m) but below the Burns temperature, T(B)) the long-range order structure corresponds to a macroscopic cubic symmetry, space group number 221 (Pm-3m), whereas the data collected at 20 K revealed a macroscopic tetragonal symmetry, space group number 99 (P4mm) with c/a=1.0078, that is comparable to that of a normal ferroelectric. These results show that for samples with tetragonal composition, the long-range ferroelectric order may be recovered spontaneously at cryogenics temperatures, in contrast to ferroelectric samples with rhombohedral symmetry. On the other hand, x-ray absorption spectroscopy investigations intriguingly revealed the existence of local tetragonal disorder around Ti atoms for temperatures far below T(m) and above T(B), for which the sample presents macroscopic tetragonal and cubic symmetries, respectively. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3431024]
Cementitious stabilization of aggregates and soils is an effective technique to increase the stiffness of base and subbase layers. Furthermore, cementitious bases can improve the fatigue behavior of asphalt surface layers and subgrade rutting over the short and long term. However, it can lead to additional distresses such as shrinkage and fatigue in the stabilized layers. Extensive research has tested these materials experimentally and characterized them; however, very little of this research attempts to correlate the mechanical properties of the stabilized layers with their performance. The Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) provides a promising theoretical framework for the modeling of pavements containing cementitiously stabilized materials (CSMs). However, significant improvements are needed to bring the modeling of semirigid pavements in MEPDG to the same level as that of flexible and rigid pavements. Furthermore, the MEPDG does not model CSMs in a manner similar to those for hot-mix asphalt or portland cement concrete materials. As a result, performance gains from stabilized layers are difficult to assess using the MEPDG. The current characterization of CSMs was evaluated and issues with CSM modeling and characterization in the MEPDG were discussed. Addressing these issues will help designers quantify the benefits of stabilization for pavement service life.
Short-term (one week) and chronic (six week) cardiovascular effects of orally administered perindopril were examined in the rabbit to demonstrate if short-term results can predict chronic outcomes. In short-term treatment, five doses of perindopril were examined in random order separated by a one week recovery period in each of six rabbits. Two doses of perindopril which resulted in a moderate hypotensive effect (-14 mmHg) and no hypotensive effect, respectively, were then selected for long-term treatment. Each rabbit in the short-term study received perindopril in doses of 0.01, 0.06, 0.32, 1.8 and 10 mg kg(-1) day(-1) for a week at a time. Rabbits on long-term treatment received either 0.3 or 0.01 mg kg(-1) day(-1) perindopril for six weeks. All rabbits had their mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate recorded throughout treatment. Plasma angiotensin I (AngI), perindoprilat, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition were also assayed. Perindopril treatment for one week produced a dose-dependent hypotensive effect with the threshold dose, 0.06 mg kg(-1) day(-1), producing a 6.5+/-1.8 mmHg fall in MAP. The highest dose (10.0 mg kg(-1) day(-1)) produced a large fall in blood pressure of -29.6+/-4.2 mmHg. The 0.01 and 0.06 mg kg(-1) day(-1) doses of perindopril produced an average 2.65 fold increase in plasma AngI levels compared to the initial control. The three higher doses (0.32-10.0 mg kg(-1) day(-1)) of perindopril produced an equivalent 5.7 fold increase in plasma AngI levels compared to the initial controls. However, over six weeks 0.01 mg kg(-1) day(-1) perindopril induced a similar decrease in MAP as the 30 fold higher dose (-9.3 mmHg compared to -11.7 mmHg,). This was in spite of a 3 fold difference in plasma perindoprilat concentrations between the high and low dose perindopril groups. Plasma ACE inhibition was >80% with both doses of perindopril. The results indicate that while perindopril decreases MAP in a dose-dependent manner in short-term (one week) periods, over longer treatment times (six weeks) low concentrations of perindopril, non-hypotensive with shortterm treatment, may be as anti-hypertensive as considerably higher doses. (C) 1996 The Italian Pharmacological Society.
Purpose: Most studies that use either a single exercise session, exercise training, or a cross-sectional design have failed to find a relationship between exercise and plasma lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] concentrations. However, a few studies investigating the effects of longer and/or more strenuous exercise have shown elevated Lp(a) concentrations, possibly as an acute-phase reactant to muscle damage. Based on the assumption that greater muscle damage would occur with exercise of longer duration, the purpose of the present study was to determine whether exercise of longer duration would increase Lp(a) concentration and creatine kinase. (CK) activity more than exercise of shorter duration. Methods: Ten endurance-trained men (mean +/- SD: age, 27 +/- 6 yr; maximal oxygen consumption [(V)over dotO(2max)], 57 +/- 7 mL(.)kg(-1) min(-1)) completed two separate exercise sessions at 70% (V)over dotO(2max). One session required 900 kcal of energy expenditure (60 +/- 6 min), and the other required 1500 kcal (112 +/- 12 min). Fasted blood samples were taken immediately before (0-pre), immediately after (0-post), 1 d after (1-post), and 2 d after (2-post) each exercise session. Results: CK activity increased after both exercise sessions (mean +/- SE; 800 kcal: 0-pre 55 +/- 11, 1-post 168 +/- 64 U(.)L(-1.)min(-1); 1500 kcal: 0-pre 51 +/- 5, 1-post 187 +/- 30, 2-post 123 +/- 19 U(.)L(-1.)min(-1); P < 0.05). However, median Lp(a) concentrations were not altered by either exercise session (800 kcal: 0-pre 5.0 mg(.)dL(-1), 0-post 3.2 mg(.)dL(-1), 1-post 4.0 mg(.)dL(-1), 2-post 3.4 mg(.)dL(-1); 1500 kcal: 0-pre 5.8 mg(.)dL(-1), 0-post 4.3 mg(.)dL(-1), 1-post 3.2 mg(.)dL(-1), 2-post 5.3 mg(.)dL(-1)). In addition, no relationship existed between exercise-induced changes in CK activity and Lp(a) concentration (800 kcal: r = -0.26; 1500 kcal: r = -0.02). Conclusion: These results suggest that plasma Lp(a) concentration will not increase in response to minor exercise-induced muscle damage in endurance-trained runners.
"It is a widely accepted fact that the consumption-based capital asset pricing model (CCAPM) fails to provide a good explanation of many important features of the behaviour of financial market returns in a large range of countries over a long period of time. However, within a representative consumer/investor model, it is hard to see how the basic structure of the consumption based model can be safely abandoned." [introdução]
This research computes an Equilibrium Labor Share using a VECM for a panel of 19 countries, analyzes what determines the speed at which the labor share adjusts towards that equilibrium and decomposes this adjustment in terms of real wages and employment. Results suggest that the speed at which a country adjusts decreases with employment protection legislation and labor taxes. Most countries’ labor shares adjustment is made through real wages changes instead of changing employment, suggesting that wage moderation policies may play an important role on the adjustment process without harming employment. Keywords: Equilibrium
This research computes an Equilibrium Labor Share using a VECM for a panel of 19 countries, analyzes what determines the speed at which the labor share adjusts towards that equilibrium and decomposes this adjustment in terms of real wages and employment. Results suggest that the speed at which a country adjusts decreases with employment protection legislation and labor taxes. Most countries’ labor shares adjustment is made through real wages changes instead of changing employment, suggesting that wage moderation policies may play an important role on the adjustment process without harming employment.
This paper takes a new look at the long-run dynamics of inflation and unemployment in response to permanent changes in the growth rate of the money supply. We examine the Phillips curve from the perspective of what we call "frictional growth", i.e. the interaction between money growth and nominal frictions. After presenting theoretical models of this phenomenon, we construct an empirical model of the Spanish economy and, in this context, we evaluate the long-run inflation-unemployment trade for Spain and examine how recent policy changes have afected it.
We examine the long run relationship between stock prices and goods prices to gauge whether stock market investment can hedge against inflation. Data from sixteen OECD countries over the period 1970-2006 are used. We account for different inflation regimes with the use of sub-sample regressions, whilst maintaining the power of tests in small sample sizes by combining time-series data across our sample countries in a panel unit root and panel cointegration econometric framework. The evidence supports a positive long-run relationship between goods prices and stock prices with the estimated goods price coefficient being in line with the generalized Fisher hypothesis.