800 resultados para self-help groups
The aim of the research is to analyze Direção Espiritual a TV program produced by Catholic Church and presented by Canção Nova Channel. The program is presented by Father Fábio de Melo, a catholic priest that also is a famous religious singer and writer. The analyses included not only some TV programs, but also interviews with some of the viewers and Fabio de Melo himself. The results points out the emergence in Brazil of a new religious speech from Catholic Church founded in comprehension path, dissociated from punishment and guilty. This religious speech is more like a self help speech rather than a tradicional religious discourse itself, very similar to psychotherapeutic speech. The TV program presented by Fabio de Melo is guided in tiny line of sacre and profane which announces contradictions but also a new blend of religious approach in contemporary days
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
During the cementation of metallic restorations, the polymerization of dual-curing resin cements depends exclusively on chemical activation. This study evaluated the influence of chemical activation compared with dual-curing (chemical and light activation), on the hardness of four dual-curing resin cements. In a darkened environment, equal weight proportions of base and catalyst pastes of the cements Scotchbond Resin Cement, Variolink II, Enforce and Panavia F were mixed and inserted into moulds with cavities of 4 mm in diameter and 2 mm in height. Subsequently, the cements were: 1) not exposed to light (chemical activation = self-cured groups) or 2) photoactivated (dual-curing = dual-cured groups). The Vickers hardness number was measured at 1 hour, 24 hours and 7 days after the start time of cements' spatulation. For all the cements, the hardness values of self-cured groups were lower than those of the respective dual-cured groups at 1 hour and 24 hours. At 7 days, this behavior continued for Variolink II and Panavia F, whilst for Scotchbond Resin Cement and Enforce there was no statistical difference between the two activation modes. All cements showed a significant increase in their hardness values from 1 hour to 7 days for both activation modes. Of the self-cured groups, Scotchbond Resin Cement and Variolink II presented the highest and the lowest hardness values, respectively, for all three times tested. Within the limitations of this study, up to the time of 24 h, chemical activation alone was unable to promote similar hardness as to that obtained with dual-curing.
In metallic restorations, the polymerization of dual-curing resin cements depends exclusively on chemical activation. The effect of the lack of photoactivation on the strength of these cements has been rarely studied. This study evaluated the influence of activation modes on the diametral tensile strength (DTS) of dual-curing resin cements. Base and catalyst pastes of Panavia F, Variolink II, Scotchbond Resin Cement, Rely X and Enforce were mixed and inserted into cylindrical metal moulds (4 x 2 mm). Cements were either: 1) not exposed to light (chemical activation = self-cured groups) or 2) photoactivated through mylar strips (chemical and photo-activation = dual-cured groups) (n = 10). After a 24 h storage in 37 masculineC distilled water, specimens were subjected to compressive load in a testing machine. A self-curing resin cement (Cement-It) and a zinc phosphate cement served as controls. Comparative analyses were performed: 1) between the activation modes for each dual-curing resin cement, using Students t test; 2) among the self-cured groups of the dual-curing resin cements and the control groups, using one-way ANOVA and Tukeys test (alpha = 0.05). The dual-cured groups of Scotchbond Resin Cement (53.3 MPa), Variolink II (48.4 MPa) and Rely X (51.6 MPa) showed higher DTS than that of self-cured groups (44.6, 40.4 and 44.5 MPa respectively) (p < 0.05). For Enforce (48.5 and 47.8 MPa) and Panavia F (44.0 and 43.3 MPa), no significant difference was found between the activation modes (p > 0.05). The self-cured groups of all the dual-curing resin cements presented statistically the same DTS as that of Cement-It (44.1 MPa) (p > 0.05), and higher DTS than that of zinc phosphate (4.2 MPa). Scotchbond Resin Cement, Variolink II and Rely X depended on photoactivation to achieve maximum DTS. In the absence of light, all the dual-curing resin cements presented higher DTS than that of zinc phosphate and statistically the same as that of Cement-It (p > 0.05).
Building on the foundations of French Discourse Analysis and Social Psychology's developments on the issue of stereotypes, this paper analyzes the images of women available in works of self-help for women. With this purpose in mind, we have especially taken into account aphorizing enunciations present in works of this kind currently circulating in the market. The analysis shows the contradiction inherent to the self-help discourse for women, which proposes to women a pattern of behavior consistent with their emancipation, but, at the same time, contributes to keeping certain female stereotypes associated with their traditional roles.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Práticas de subjetivação e construção identitária: o sujeito no entremeio da auto-ajuda e da ciência
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O objetivo principal deste artigo é levantar algumasexplicações possíveis para o sucesso editorial do segmento daautoajuda a partir das últimas décadas do século passado. Paratanto, quatro eixos explicativos são desenvolvidos: 1) vivemos umperíodo de reflexividade que abre espaço para as receitas e osmodelos da autoajuda; 2) outras formas de racionalidade, numacontraposição à visão de Max Weber, abrem espaço para o saberprofessado pelos gurus da autoajuda; 3) a autoajuda tem umafunção terapêutica fundamental numa época que vive os dilemasda modernidade tardia; 4) o modelo de competência que imperano imaginário organizacional contemporâneo abre espaço paraos ensinamentos da autoajuda. Rastreando essas explicaçõesprocurar-se-á mostrar de que forma as especificidades do nossotempo constituem terreno fértil para a autoajuda.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho procura examinar o que o leitor brasileiro contemporâneo lê, com o propósito de explicar as razões que levam esse leitor a realizar suas escolhas. Nesse sentido, portanto, o objetivo central do trabalho será examinar o perfil desse leitor brasileiro. O levantamento dos dados para estabelecer o corpus da pesquisa foi realizado por meio do registro das listas de livros mais vendidos, publicadas em dois jornais brasileiros. O primeiro jornal fonte da pesquisa foi o Leia, periódico mensal que circulou no território nacional durante o período de abril de 1978 a setembro de 1991. O segundo, foi o Jornal do Brasil, diário carioca que publicou listas dos livros mais vendidos no Brasil a partir de 1966 até o mês de dezembro de 2004, data de encerramento da pesquisa, em caderno destinado à leitura. Como o segundo jornal interrompeu a publicação das listas dos mais vendidos durante o período de fevereiro de 1976 a abril de 1984, propusemos uma fusão dos dados dos dois jornais de forma a cobrir um período que compreende os anos de 1966 até 2004. A base teórica a partir da qual se estabeleceu o exame do perfil do leitor brasileiro foi a semiótica da escola de Paris. Para o tratamento da questão da leitura elegeu-se o exame das manifestações da enunciação no discurso, as projeções do enunciador e do enunciatário e o tratamento das paixões. Foram observados em cada um dos textos do corpus como essas categorias enunciativas projetam-se em cada um dos textos mais lidos pelos leitores brasileiros e, posteriormente, como, nas listas dos livros mais vendidos, esse leitor manifesta-se como enunciador. Para tanto propôs-se a contraposição entre o ethos do enunciador-leitor das listas e o pathos do enunciatário dos discursos de leitura. Uma vez que o corpus da pesquisa revelou um crescimento na opção pelos textos de auto-ajuda, foi examinada a questão específica... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The goal of this paper is to critically analyze the practices developed by Solidarity Economy and to merge them with social technologies, aiming to achieve social transformation of popular groups. This transformation consists in the empowerment of those groups in means of work organization, considering their self-management and also the development of techniques and technologies utilized. Based on the understanding that technical development has no neutral character and it follows linearity within society, a discussion around the forms and uses of technology is conducted here, aiming at the perspective of changes in technologies’ development and also assigning social character to them. To think of social technology requires us to consider the space in which it is inserted, once it refers to a collective demand that belongs to self-managed groups. Therefore, to intent beyond self-management work, new productive forces are discussed here, and also the analysis and adhesion of an alternative technology for popular cooperatives