384 resultados para seashore meadows
The integration of outcrop and subsurface information, including micropaleontological data, facies and sequence stratigraphic studies, and oxygen isotope analysis, allow us to present a new stratigraphic model for the Cretaceous continental deposits of the Bauru Group, Brazil. Thirty-eight fossil taxa were recovered from these deposits, including 29 species of ostracodes and 9 species of charophytes. Seven of these ostracode species and three subspecies are new and formally described here. The associations of Chara barbosai - Ilyocypris cf. riograndensis, found in the Adamantina Formation, and Amblyochara sp. - Neuquenocypris minor mineira nov. subsp., found in the Marília Formation. Ponte Alta Member, represent two distinct groups that are respectively Turonian-Santonian and Maastrichtian (probably Late Maastrichtian) in age. Therefore, a hiatus, encompassing more than 11 Ma, separates those two formations. From bottom to top, four depositional cycles were recognized in the Bauru Group in western São Paulo: cycles 1 and 2 belong to Caiuá Formation (fluvio-lacustrine and lacustrine deposits in the Presidente Prudente region), cycle 3 to the Santo Anastácio and lower Adamantina Formation (respectively fluvial and lacustrine deposits), and cycle 4 to the upper Adamantina Formation (fluvio-lacustrine facies). An erosional unconformity separates the Caiuá and Santo Anastácio Formations (between cycles 2 and 3). The Marília Formation is a distinct unit from the underlying succession; it does not occur in western São Paulo, but is found in restricted areas of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás States. During the deposition of the Bauru Group (Aptian? to Maastrichtian) the climate was hot and arid-semiarid. Shallow lakes underwent fluctuations in expansion (wet phases) and contraction (dry phases), as well as variations in salinity. During the deposition of the Adamantina Formation (Turonian-Santonian) there were long, dry periods that caused segmentation of large lakes (due to topographic irregularities in the basaltic substrate) and sometimes exposures of the lake floors; when flooded these lake floors were colonized by extensive meadows of single species of charophytes. Small ephemeral ponds, that were hydrochemically unstable and colonized by multiple species of charophytes, were the depositional sites for the marls and mudstones of Ponte Alta Member (Maastrichtian, Late Maastrichtian?). Our micropaleontological age control, combined with the Late Cretaceous ages of volcanic ashes found in the southeastern Brazil coastal basins, and the stratigraphic position of analcimites from the Jaboticabal-SP region, suggest a Late Coniacian-Santonian age for important magmatic events occurred in the interior of Brazil (north-central São Paulo State, Triângulo Mineiro, and southwestern Goiás State).
Diseases transmitted by water consists a serious public health problem and enterobacteria are the main group of microorganisms responsible for outbreaks in humans. Such pathogenic bacteria proliferate in water polluted by domestic and industrial sewage and reach the population through seawater contact. The aim of the present work was to study environmental parameters as well as to identify Enterobacteriaceae species and their antimicrobial susceptibility in water samples collected from the estuarine area of São Vicente city (São Paulo State, Brazil). Strains were identified by using traditional biochemical tests described in literature and antimicrobial susceptibility tests were carried out using the disk diffusion method. Out of 26 samples, Escherichia coli was the most frequent species (40.1%), followed by Citrobacter, Enterobacter and Klebsiella. The most effective drugs against the tested microorganisms were gentamycin, netilmicin, ciprofloxacin and cefepime. Since these bacteria are commonly found in seashore contaminated by sewage effluents, it can be concluded that estuarine waters of São Vicente are polluted and potentially capable of causing diseases and spreading pathogenic bacteria to human communities.
This study aimed to detect and evaluate potential conflicts in the land use along the Rio Pardo's tributaries and sub-tributaries from its source which is in Pardinho, SP to the water capture system by the Basic Sanitation Company located in Botucatu, SP. It was used 2005 colored aerial photos, taking as a tool for assessing the Geographical Information System - IDRISI Andes. The results showed that the riparian forests were substituted predominantly by pastures, which is called conflict. In other words, the 1590.82ha of environmental preservation areas (PPA's) that should be protected by riparian forests and meadows (41.51%) in 2005, were used as pastures, being in conflict with the legislation. The aerial pictures associated to SIG-Idrisi proved to be efficient tools in mapping the area and monitoring the environmental impacts.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Includes bibliography
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Este estudo lista a diversidade de peixes da família Cichlidae em diferentes ambientes (lagos, ressacas e paranas) e habitats (macrófitas aquáticas, galhadas, praias e margens dos rios e lagos) da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá (RDSM) localizada no médio rio Solimões, Amazonas. As coletas foram realizadas em dois momentos: 1) nos meses de março, julho e dezembro de 2003 em 19 pontos em torno da Reserva; 2) coletas mensais entre setembro de 2003 e agosto de 2004 em 5 lagos com presença das macrófitas aquáticas Eichornia crassipes e Paspalum repens. Foram utilizados a malhadeira, o rapiché e rede de arrasto. Ao final do estudo foram capturados 6.397 peixes da família Cichlidae, correspondentes a um peso de 35 quilogramas, distribuídos em 28 espécies e 16 gêneros. Os Ciclídeos representaram, aproximadamente, 35% do número total de peixes coletados. O volume das capturas foi dominado por formas juvenis ou espécies de pequeno porte. Mesonauta insignis e Cichlasoma amazonarum dominaram em abundância e peso durante todo o estudo. No período 1 foram capturadas 28 espécies e 1.876 indivíduos, enquanto no período 2 foram 18 espécies e 5.365 indivíduos. Nove espécies não ocorreram em ambientes de lagos com macrófitas aquáticas. O estudo mostrou que os ciclídeos se deslocam entre os ambientes e habitats da Reserva em busca de melhores condições para a sobrevivência destes.
Poucos são os estudos realizados sobre zooplâncton em estuários na região Bragantina do Estado do Pará. Este trabalho foi realizado em um canal de maré, denominado de Furo do Chato, próximo a localidade de Ajuruteua. Município de Bragança, no litoral do Estado do Pará, e teve por objetivo estudar a composição qualitativa e quantitativa do zooplâncton, bem como as variações sazonais em função das variáveis ambientais, Durante o período de agosto/96 a janeiro/97 foram feitas oito campanhas a cada três semanas, com obtenção de amostras a cada duas horas, durante 24 horas. O Furo do Chato é um canal de maré com forte influência costeira. Assim, a maior parte dos representantes do zooplâncton encontrados são de origem costeira. Além de componentes holoplanctônicos e meroplanctônicos, as amostras de zooplâncton no Furo do Chato apresentaram representantes da fauna bentônica. Dez filos foram identificados: Protozoa, Mollusca, Chordata, Annelida, Cnidaria, Arthropoda, Urochordata, Chaetognatha, Nematoda e Bryozoa. A classe Copepoda teve maior representatividade, tanto pela densidade, pela biomassa como Oela freqüência de ocorrência nas amostras. As categorias mais abundantes e frequentes (>40%) foram Pseudodiaptomus marshi, Acartia iilljeborgi, A. tonsa, Harpacticoida, Sagitta sp., Oiko pleura dioica, Cnidaria, lsopoda, zoeas de caranguejo, pós-larvas de camarão e alevinos de peixes. A abundâncias médias foram baixas (1,07 indiv./m³e 16,43 mg/m³). A comunidade do zooplâncton é mais abundante nos meses de transição do que no período seco A maiores abundâncias ocorreram em geral à noite e durante as marés de sizígia. Contudo, o ciclo diário de marés, a salinidade e as fases lunares não influenciaram a variabilidade do zooplâncton como um todo, mas apenas em algumas categorias isoladamente.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The relationship between human beings and between them and nature are the result of a historical and social context in which they are inserted. The man is a natural living being who can only survive by the exchange with nature’s metabolism, but over time and human’s decisions this relation was interrupted, which strengthened by capitalism logic resulted as a civilization crisis. With these concerns, it’s necessary to overcome the context in which the crisis was generated, transforming the relationship between men and nature. This study, based on Critical Environmental Education and qualitative research methodology, occurred on a seashore community on Guarujá, investigated the the involvement of its population on social activities already developed on Prainha Branca: how they exercise their community citizenship, which factors limit these processes, and how responsible the residents feel about their own reality, in order to elucidate the aspects that involve that dynamics and population’s potential to build their own history.
This work has the objective to elaborate the potentialities of the farming expand diagnosis of the Capivara River Hydrographic basin, in the Botucatu – SP municipal district, to obtain an interpretation of the system actual situation through the historical trajectory and possible evolution with the assistance of the SIG Ilwis 3.4 and orbital images CBERS 2B, in the pancromatics bands, obtained in 12/07/2008. The potentialities of the farming expand diagnosis was obtained through the physical mean modeling, of the farming expand presents in the studied environment and shows possible line actions to minimize the impacts e reach a sustainable development to the region. The Capivara river basin presents more than 70% of your areas occupied by the anthropic expanding, with the extensive farming predominance, forestall planting, orange and sugar cane. In the potentiality diagnostic analyses notes the good quality of the basin to the farming expand, except the region comprehended by the Botucatu Cuesta and the meadows area. The basin until has a good environmental quality and this diagnosis must serve for a start point to the realization of the territorial ordination as quick as possible to the environment conditions finds remains the same, granting the recovery capability.
Sweet clover has made a phenomenal growth in popularity and acreage during recent years. In Nebraska, the production increased from 30,000 acres in 1920 to 1,126,000 acres in 1930, an expansion of over one million acres in a 10-year period. Just a few years ago, when sweet clover was classified as a weed, it was the subject of proposed state legislation to prevent its production and spread. Today sweet clover has a recognized place among standard crops and in rotation systems. The acreage of sweet clover in Nebraska is now practically equal to that of alfalfa and is more than ten times that of red clover. Some Nebraska counties grow more than 40,000 acres of sweet clover annually. This 1932 extension circular discusses the kinds of sweet clover; time and method of seeding; kinds of seed and rates of seeding; liming and inoculation; growth habits; utilization of sweet clover for pasture, soil building, hay and seed; and sweet clover in wild hay meadows.
An ecological and taxonomic study of the helminth parasites of voles (Microtus spp.) in the Jackson Hole region of Wyoming is reported. Nematospiroides microti n. sp. from Microtus montanus nanus and M. richardsoni macropus is described and figured. A cestode, Paranoplocephala infrequens, and a nematode, Syphacia obvelata, were generally distributed throughout the region in all habitats except the sage flats. A trematode, Quinqueserialis hassalli, was recovered only from voles collected near streams at low altitudes. This was presumably due to the localized distribution of the molluscan intermediate host. Four helminths, viz., Hymenolepis horrida, Heligmosomum costellatum, Nematospiroides microti and Trichuris opaca, were restricted in their distribution to the alpine and sub-alpine meadows. Of these parasites, H. horrida and H. costellatum are reported for the first time from North America. Most of the other host and locality records are new. Available data indicate that host specificity was not a factor in restricting the distribution of parasites. Although the greatest numbers of parasites, both qualitative and quantitative, occurred in habitats where host density was greatest, it seems unlikely that host density is the only factor involved.