706 resultados para rooms
L’OpenGL és un motor 3D que s’utilitza com a lligam entre el software i el hardware gràfic. Actualment és una de les tecnologies més utilitzades en el disseny d’aplicacions 3D. El treball està realitzat amb el programa Visual C++, que és el més recomanat per al desenvolupament d’aplicacions OpenGL. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és aprendre a programar amb aquest tipus de tecnologia que no hem estudiat durant el període de carrera. Un altre objectiu del treball era trobar una funció útil i pràctica per a l’aplicació i ens vam decantar per a realitzar un editor d’habitacions per un botiga o empresa de mobles. L’usuari pot de forma molt ràpida i senzilla dibuixar com és l’habitació que vol decorar de forma totalment personalitzada. El programa li generarà l’habitació en tres dimensions i amb els materials que s’han escollit (terra, parets, portes…). Després pot editar-hi mobles personalitzats o pertanyents a la llibreria del programa. El programa incorpora també una base de dades per a l’empresa que ens portarà la gestió de clients, habitacions, textures i mobles (permet ampliar la llibreria del programa). Un cop acabada l’habitació el programa ens hi permet fer una visita de forma interactiva i generar-ne la factura entre altres funcions. La conclusió principal després d’haver acabat aquest projecte, és que a part d’haver après OpenGL, hem aconseguit realitzar una aplicació molt pràctica de cares al disseny d’interiorisme.
En els últims anys el sector de la construcció ha experimentat un creixement exponencial. Aquest creixement ha repercutit sobre molts aspectes: des de la necessitat de tenir més personal a les obres, la implantació d’unes oficines per a poder gestionar la compatibilitat i portar un control sobre les obres fins a la necessitat d’haver de disposar de programes informàtics específics que ajudin a realitzar la feina de la manera més còmode i àgil possible. El projecte que s’ha dut a terme consisteix a cobrir una d’aquestes necessitats, que és la de la gestió dels pressupostos en les diferents obres que els constructors realitzen. Utilitza la base de dades de l’ITEC (institut de Tecnologia de la Construcció de Catalunya) sobre la qual treballen la immensa majoria dels arquitectes quan dissenyen les obres, però també permet entrar les pròpies dades que el constructor vulgui. L’usuari de l’aplicació podrà fer pressupostos per obres de nova construcció, reformes ... agrupant cada una d’elles per capítols. Aquests capítols els podem entendre com les diferents fases a dur a terme, per exemple: la construcció dels fonaments, l’aixecament de les parets o fer la teulada. Dins dels capítols hi trobem les partides, que és un conjunt de materials i hores de feina i maquinària per a dur a terme una part de l’obra, com per exemple seria fer un envà de separació entre habitacions. En aquest cas hi tindríem els diferents materials que necessitaríem, totxanes, morter; les hores de manobre necessàries per aixecar-la, el transport de tot el material fins a l’obra... Tots aquests paràmetres (materials, hores, transport...) s’anomenen articles i van inclosos a dins de les partides. Aquesta aplicació està dissenyada per funcionar en un entorn client/servidor, utilitzant com a servidor un Linux OpenSuse 10.2 i com a clients estacions de treball amb Windows XP, tot i que també podríem utilitzar d’altres versions dels sistemes operatius de Microsoft. L’entorn de desenvolupament utilitzat és el del llenguatge FDS , el qual ja porta integrat un gestor de fitxers que és el que es farà servir.
BACKGROUND: Open lung biopsy (OLB) is helpful in the management of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) of unknown etiology. We determine the impact of surgical lung biopsies performed at the bedside on the management of patients with ARDS. METHODS: We reviewed all consecutive cases of patients with ARDS who underwent a surgical OLB at the bedside in a medical intensive care unit between 1993 and 2005. RESULTS: Biopsies were performed in 19 patients mechanically ventilated for ARDS of unknown etiology despite extensive diagnostic process and empirical therapeutic trials. Among them, 17 (89%) were immunocompromised and 10 patients experienced hematological malignancies. Surgical biopsies were obtained after a median (25%-75%) mechanical ventilation of 5 (2-11) days; mean (+/-SD) Pao(2)/Fio(2) ratio was 119.3 (+/-34.2) mm Hg. Histologic diagnoses were obtained in all cases and were specific in 13 patients (68%), including 9 (47%) not previously suspected. Immediate complications (26%) were local (pneumothorax, minimal bleeding) without general or respiratory consequences. The biopsy resulted in major changes in management in 17 patients (89%). It contributed to a decision to limit care in 12 of 17 patients who died. CONCLUSION: Our data confirm that surgical OLB may have an important impact on the management of patients with ARDS of unknown etiology after extensive diagnostic process. The procedure can be performed at the bedside, is safe, and has a high diagnostic yield leading to major changes in management, including withdrawal of vital support, in the majority of patients.
Methamphetamine (meth) drug labs are not a new hazard to Iowa. In 2004, federal, state and local authorities seized more than 1,400 Iowa labs. These labs are discovered in houses, apartments, motel rooms, motor vehicles, and even an occasional combine. A dramatic decrease in the number of meth labs occurred in 2005 when a law restricting the purchase of pseudoephedrine was implemented. Although the number of meth labs has decreased, they continue to exist. Since there is currently no official federal guidance or regulations on how to clean up a former meth lab, the Iowa Department of Public Health, Division of Environmental Health, has created these basic guidelines to assist public health officials, property owners and the general public in cleaning up former meth lab properties.
BACKGROUND: The emergency department has been identified as an area within the health care sector with the highest reports of violence. The best way to control violence is to prevent it before it becomes an issue. Ideally, to prevent violent episodes we should eliminate all triggers of frustration and violence. Our study aims to assess the impact of a quality improvement multi-faceted program aiming at preventing incivility and violence against healthcare professionals working at the ophthalmological emergency department of a teaching hospital. METHODS/DESIGN: This study is a single-center prospective, controlled time-series study with an alternate-month design. The prevention program is based on the successive implementation of five complementary interventions: a) an organizational approach with a standardized triage algorithm and patient waiting number screen, b) an environmental approach with clear signage of the premises, c) an educational approach with informational videos for patients and accompanying persons in waiting rooms, d) a human approach with a mediator in waiting rooms and e) a security approach with surveillance cameras linked to the hospital security. The primary outcome is the rate of incivility or violence by patients, or those accompanying them against healthcare staff. All patients admitted to the ophthalmological emergency department, and those accompanying them, will be enrolled. In all, 45,260 patients will be included in over a 24-month period. The unit analysis will be the patient admitted to the emergency department. Data analysis will be blinded to allocation, but due to the nature of the intervention, physicians and patients will not be blinded. DISCUSSION: The strengths of this study include the active solicitation of event reporting, that this is a prospective study and that the study enables assessment of each of the interventions that make up the program. The challenge lies in identifying effective interventions, adapting them to the context of care in an emergency department, and thoroughly assessing their efficacy with a high level of proof.The study has been registered as a cRCT at clinicaltrials.gov (identifier: NCT02015884).
The identity [r]evolution is happening. Who are you, who am I in the information society? In recent years, the convergence of several factors - technological, political, economic - has accelerated a fundamental change in our networked world. On a technological level, information becomes easier to gather, to store, to exchange and to process. The belief that more information brings more security has been a strong political driver to promote information gathering since September 11. Profiling intends to transform information into knowledge in order to anticipate one's behaviour, or needs, or preferences. It can lead to categorizations according to some specific risk criteria, for example, or to direct and personalized marketing. As a consequence, new forms of identities appear. They are not necessarily related to our names anymore. They are based on information, on traces that we leave when we act or interact, when we go somewhere or just stay in one place, or even sometimes when we make a choice. They are related to the SIM cards of our mobile phones, to our credit card numbers, to the pseudonyms that we use on the Internet, to our email addresses, to the IP addresses of our computers, to our profiles... Like traditional identities, these new forms of identities can allow us to distinguish an individual within a group of people, or describe this person as belonging to a community or a category. How far have we moved through this process? The identity [r]evolution is already becoming part of our daily lives. People are eager to share information with their "friends" in social networks like Facebook, in chat rooms, or in Second Life. Customers take advantage of the numerous bonus cards that are made available. Video surveillance is becoming the rule. In several countries, traditional ID documents are being replaced by biometric passports with RFID technologies. This raises several privacy issues and might actually even result in changing the perception of the concept of privacy itself, in particular by the younger generation. In the information society, our (partial) identities become the illusory masks that we choose -or that we are assigned- to interplay and communicate with each other. Rights, obligations, responsibilities, even reputation are increasingly associated with these masks. On the one hand, these masks become the key to access restricted information and to use services. On the other hand, in case of a fraud or negative reputation, the owner of such a mask can be penalized: doors remain closed, access to services is denied. Hence the current preoccupying growth of impersonation, identity-theft and other identity-related crimes. Where is the path of the identity [r]evolution leading us? The booklet is giving a glance on possible scenarios in the field of identity.
Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained. February 8, 2012 THIS WEEK: The Resolution Granting a Festival for the Citizens of Des Moines BACKGROUND: The following comes from a journal entry in the Pioneer Lawmakers’ Association of Iowa, Volumes 1-14, 1896-1913. The journal entry is from the Third Annual Meeting of the Pioneer Lawmakers— Reunion of 1892. The president, Charles Aldrich, called the meeting to order February 10, 1892, in the assembly rooms of the Young Men’s Christian Association. Governor Cyrus Carpenter gave the address. Cyrus Carpenter was born November 24, 1829, and died May 29, 1898. He served in the Seventh General Assembly in 1858. This was the first general assembly to meet in Des Moines in the newly constructed Brick Capitol. Carpenter was Iowa’s eighth governor since becoming a state in 1846. He was inaugurated in 1872 at the age of 42. Carpenter also served in the Iowa Senate during the 20th General Assembly in 1884
Methamphetamine (meth) drug labs are not a new hazard to Iowa. In 2004, federal, state and local authorities seized more than 1,400 Iowa labs. These labs are discovered in houses, apartments, motel rooms, motor vehicles, and even an occasional combine. A dramatic decrease in the number of meth labs occurred in 2005 when a law restricting the purchase of pseudo-ephedrine was implemented. Although the number of meth labs has decreased, they continue to exist. Since there is currently no official federal guidance or regulations on how to clean up a former meth lab, the Iowa Department of Public Health, Division of Environmental Health, has created these basic guidelines to assist public health officials, property owners and the general public in cleaning up former meth lab properties.
The aim of this study was to test the short-term effects of using hypoxic rooms before a simulated running event. Thirteen subjects (29 +/- 4 years) lived in a hypoxic dormitory (1,800 m) for either 2 nights (n = 6) or 2 days + nights (n = 7) before performing a 1,500-m treadmill test. Performance, expired gases, and muscle electrical activity were recorded and compared with a control session performed 1 week before or after the altitude session (random order). Arterial blood samples were collected before and after altitude exposure. Arterial pH and hemoglobin concentration increased (p < 0.05) and PCO2 decreased (p < 0.05) upon exiting the room. However, these parameters returned (p < 0.05) to basal levels within a few hours. During exercise, mean ventilation (VE) was higher (p < 0.05) after 2 nights or days + nights of moderate altitude exposure (113.0 +/- 27.2 L.min) than in the control run (108.6 +/- 27.8 L.min), without any modification in performance (360 +/- 45 vs. 360 +/- 42 seconds, respectively) or muscle electrical activity. This elevated VE during the run after the hypoxic exposure was probably because of the subsistence effects of the hypoxic ventilatory response. However, from a practical point of view, although the use of a normobaric simulating altitude chamber exposure induced some hematological adaptations, these disappeared within a few hours and failed to provide any benefit during the subsequent 1,500-m run.
This year we present three papers on recent advances in paediatrics from the fields of neonatology, adolescent medicine and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. 1. Recent studies question the application of pure oxygen for neonatal reanimation and suggest that lower concentrations or even air may be more adequate for the reanimation of most newborns. 2. Bullying is an aggressive, repetitive and intentionally blessing behaviour. It is observed mainly at school and the victims are usually children with a weak personality or children suffering from chronic diseases. The doctor's role is to detect this behaviour and to help protect the victims. 3. The respiratory surveillance of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the corner-stone of their management. An algorithm allows to time correctly the initiation of non-invasive ventilation and to insure as long as possible a good life quality.
Työn tavoitteena oli laatiavuonna 2008 valmistuvaan Vuosaaren satamaan palon-, öljyn- ja vaarallisten aineiden torjuntasuunnitelmat. Suunnitelmat perustuvat eri lain-säädännön sekä sataman ympäristöluvan vaatimuksiin. Ne otetaan käyttöön jo sata-man rakentamisen yhteydessä. Suunnitelmissa on Vuosaaren satamassa työskentelevälle henkilöstölle toimintaohjei-ta erilaisten onnettomuuksien varalle. Suunnitelmat täyttävät viranomaisten niille asettamat vaatimukset. Liitteillä on tarkentavia piirroksia ja toimintaohjeita, joita voi tarvittaessa hyödyntää työpisteissä tai torjuntakonteissa. Suunnitelmien laadinnassa ovat olleet mukana Helsingin Sataman ao. toiminnasta vastaavat henkilöt sekä eri viranomaiset (ympäristö- ja pelastusviranomaiset). Varsinainen diplomityö on kuvaus ja tiivistelmä eri suunnitelmista ja siitä, miten ne ovat syntyneet.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to survey current practices in European epilepsy monitoring units (EMUs) with emphasis on safety issues. METHODS: A 37-item questionnaire investigating characteristics and organization of EMUs, including measures for prevention and management of seizure-related serious adverse events (SAEs), was distributed to all identified European EMUs plus one located in Israel (N=150). RESULTS: Forty-eight (32%) EMUs, located in 18 countries, completed the questionnaire. Epilepsy monitoring unit beds are 1-2 in 43%, 3-4 in 34%, and 5-6 in 19% of EMUs; staff physicians are 1-2 in 32%, 3-4 in 34%, and 5-6 in 19% of EMUs. Personnel operating in EMUs include epileptologists (in 69% of EMUs), clinical neurophysiologists trained in epilepsy (in 46% of EMUs), child neurologists (in 35% of EMUs), neurology and clinical neurophysiology residents (in 46% and in 8% of EMUs, respectively), and neurologists not trained in epilepsy (in 27% of EMUs). In 20% of EMUs, patients' observation is only intermittent or during the daytime and primarily carried out by neurophysiology technicians and/or nurses (in 71% of EMUs) or by patients' relatives (in 40% of EMUs). Automatic detection systems for seizures are used in 15%, for body movements in 8%, for oxygen desaturation in 33%, and for ECG abnormalities in 17% of EMUs. Protocols for management of acute seizures are lacking in 27%, of status epilepticus in 21%, and of postictal psychoses in 87% of EMUs. Injury prevention consists of bed protections in 96% of EMUs, whereas antisuffocation pillows are employed in 21%, and environmental protections in monitoring rooms and in bathrooms are implemented in 38% and in 25% of EMUs, respectively. The most common SAEs were status epilepticus reported by 79%, injuries by 73%, and postictal psychoses by 67% of EMUs. CONCLUSIONS: All EMUs have faced different types of SAEs. Wide variation in practice patterns and lack of protocols and of precautions to ensure patients' safety might promote the occurrence and severity of SAEs. Our findings highlight the need for standardized and shared protocols for an effective and safe management of patients in EMUs.
Tässä diplomityössä kuvataan Loviisan voimalaitoksen vaihtelevien kontaminaation nuklidijakaumien vaikutusta kontaminaatiomittausten tuloksiin. Nuklidikohtaisten tietojen ja kontaminaation nuklidikoostumuksen selvittämiseen käytettiin epäsuoraa kontaminaationmittausmenetelmää. Valvonta-alueen eri huonetiloista kerättiin pyyhintänäytteitä. Näytteet mitattiin kontaminaatiomittareilla sekä gammaspektrometrisesti radiokemian laboratoriossa. Gamma-analyysissä saatiin selville nuklidikohtaiset aktiivisuudet ja suhteelliset nuklidijakaumat. Kirjallisuudesta etsittiin tiedot kunkin kontaminaatiosta löytyneen nuklidin aktiivisuusominaisuuksille. Säteilyn ilmaisimien havaitsemistehokkuuden energiariippuvuus vaikuttaa kunkin nuklidin mittaustulokseen. Nuklidikohtaisten tietojen sekä tunnettujen energiariippuvuuksien perusteella arvioitiin hiukkasten energiajakauman aiheuttaman mittausvirheen osuutta kullekin nuklidijakaumalle. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan lisäksi eri kontaminaatiomittausmenetelmien hyviä ja huonoja puolia. Säteilysuojelutyössä käytetyt kontaminaation mittalaitteet on työssä esitelty ja mittaustarkkuuteen vaikuttavia seikkoja on käsitelty operatiivisen säteilysuojelun kannalta.
Tässä työssä esitetään tuloilmalaitteen virtausten laskennallinen tarkastelu huonetilassa virtauslaskentaohjelmiston avulla. Tarkastelu suoritetaan kolmiulotteisena sekä isotermisille että termisille tapauksille, jolloin huonetilan joihinkin pintoihin asetetaan lämpövuo ja epäpuhtauslähde. Työn tarkoituksena on arvioida CFX -virtauslaskentaohjelmiston soveltuvuutta huonetilavirtausten mallintamiseen ja tarkastella huonetilan ilmanvaihdon tehokkuutta eri tapauksissa. Arviointi suoritetaan vertaamalla laskentatuloksia mittaustuloksiin. Turbulenssimallien vaikutusta on arvioitu käyttämällä nollan yhtälön ja standardi k-e turbulenssimalleja. CFX:n k-e turbulenssimallilla lasketut nopeuden alenemat eri tilavuusvirroilla vastasivat paremmin mittaustuloksia kuin nollan yhtälön turbulenssimallilla, jolla erot olivat huomattavia. Huonetilan ilmanvaihdon tehokkuus vaihteli suuresti tuloilmalaitteen sijoituspaikan ja lämpövuon mukaan.