943 resultados para residual stresses


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OUTLINE: •Introduction •Experimental Setup • Experimental Procedure • Experimental Results - Surface Roughness - Residual Stresses - Friction - Wear - EDX •Conclusions


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The usage of more inexpensive silicon feedstock for crystallizing mc-Si blocks promises cost reduction for the photovoltaic market. For example, less expensive substrates of upgraded metallurgical silicon (UMG-Si) are used as a mechanical support for the epitaxial solar cell. This feedstock has higher content of impurities which influences cell performance and mechanical strength of the wafers. Thus, it is of importance to know these effects in order to know which impurities should be preferentially removed or prevented during the crystallization process. Metals like aluminum (Al) can decrease the mechanical strength due to micro-cracking of the silicon matrix and introduction of high values of thermal residual stress. Additionally, silicon oxide (SiOx) lowers the mechanical strength of mc-Si due to thermal residual stresses and stress intensification when an external load is applied in the surrounding of the particle. Silicon carbide (SiC) introduces thermal residual stresses and intensifies slightly the stress in the surrounding of the particle but can have a toughening effect on the silicon matrix. Finally, silicon nitride (Si3N4) does not influence significantly the mechanical strength of mc- Si and can have a toughening effect on the silicon matrix.


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Laser shock processing (LSP) is increasingly applied as an effective technology for the improvement of metallic materials mechanical properties in different types of components as a means of enhancement of their fatigue life behavior. As reported in previous contributions by the authors, a main effect resulting from the application of the LSP technique consists on the generation of relatively deep compression residual stresses fields into metallic components allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Additional results accomplished by the authors in the line of practical development of the LSP technique at an experimental level (aiming its integral assessment from an interrelated theoretical and experimental point of view)are presented in this paper. Concretely, experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated mechanical properties modification successfully reached in typical materials under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented. In this case, the specific behavior of a widely used material in high reliability components (especially in nuclear and biomedical applications) as AISI 316L is analyzed, the effect of possible “in-service” thermal conditions on the relaxation of the LSP effects being specifically characterized.


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En la presente tesis desarrollamos una estrategia para la simulación numérica del comportamiento mecánico de la aorta humana usando modelos de elementos finitos no lineales. Prestamos especial atención a tres aspectos claves relacionados con la biomecánica de los tejidos blandos. Primero, el análisis del comportamiento anisótropo característico de los tejidos blandos debido a las familias de fibras de colágeno. Segundo, el análisis del ablandamiento presentado por los vasos sanguíneos cuando estos soportan cargas fuera del rango de funcionamiento fisiológico. Y finalmente, la inclusión de las tensiones residuales en las simulaciones en concordancia con el experimento de apertura de ángulo. El análisis del daño se aborda mediante dos aproximaciones diferentes. En la primera aproximación se presenta una formulación de daño local con regularización. Esta formulación tiene dos ingredientes principales. Por una parte, usa los principios de la teoría de la fisura difusa para garantizar la objetividad de los resultados con diferentes mallas. Por otra parte, usa el modelo bidimensional de Hodge-Petruska para describir el comportamiento mesoscópico de los fibriles. Partiendo de este modelo mesoscópico, las propiedades macroscópicas de las fibras de colágeno son obtenidas a través de un proceso de homogenización. En la segunda aproximación se presenta un modelo de daño no-local enriquecido con el gradiente de la variable de daño. El modelo se construye a partir del enriquecimiento de la función de energía con un término que contiene el gradiente material de la variable de daño no-local. La inclusión de este término asegura una regularización implícita de la implementación por elementos finitos, dando lugar a resultados de las simulaciones que no dependen de la malla. La aplicabilidad de este último modelo a problemas de biomecánica se estudia por medio de una simulación de un procedimiento quirúrgico típico conocido como angioplastia de balón. In the present thesis we develop a framework for the numerical simulation of the mechanical behaviour of the human aorta using non-linear finite element models. Special attention is paid to three key aspects related to the biomechanics of soft tissues. First, the modelling of the characteristic anisotropic behaviour of the softue due to the collagen fibre families. Secondly, the modelling of damage-related softening that blood vessels exhibit when subjected to loads beyond their physiological range. And finally, the inclusion of the residual stresses in the simulations in accordance with the opening-angle experiment The modelling of damage is addressed with two major and different approaches. In the first approach a continuum local damage formulation with regularisation is presented. This formulation has two principal ingredients. On the one hand, it makes use of the principles of the smeared crack theory to avoid the mesh size dependence of the structural response in softening. On the other hand, it uses a Hodge-Petruska bidimensional model to describe the fibrils as staggered arrays of tropocollagen molecules, and from this mesoscopic model the macroscopic material properties of the collagen fibres are obtained using an homogenisation process. In the second approach a non-local gradient-enhanced damage formulation is introduced. The model is built around the enhancement of the free energy function by means of a term that contains the referential gradient of the non-local damage variable. The inclusion of this term ensures an implicit regularisation of the finite element implementation, yielding mesh-objective results of the simulations. The applicability of the later model to biomechanically-related problems is studied by means of the simulation of a typical surgical procedure, namely, the balloon angioplasty.


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In adhesion, the wetting process depends on three fundamental factors: the surface topography of the adherend, the viscosity of the adhesive, and the surface energy of both. The aim of this paper is to study the influence of viscosity and surface roughness on the wetting and their effect on the bond strength. For this purpose, an acrylic adhesive with different viscosities was synthesized and some properties, such as viscosity and surface tension, were studied before adhesive curing took place. Furthermore, the contact angle and the lap-shear strength were analyzed using aluminum adherends with two different roughnesses. Scanning electron microscopy was used to determine the effect of the viscosity and the roughness on the joint interface. The results showed that the adhesive exhibits an optimal value of viscosity. Below this value, at low viscosities, the low neoprene content produces poor bond strength due to the reduced toughness of the adhesive. Additionally, it also produces a high shrinkage during curing, which leads to the apparition of residual stresses that weakens the interfacial strength. However, once the optimum value, an increase in the viscosity produces a negative effect on the joint strength as a result of an important decrease in the wettability.


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Para o projeto de estruturas com perfis de aço formados a frio, é fundamental a compreensão dos fenômenos da instabilidade local e global, uma vez que estes apresentam alta esbeltez e baixa rigidez à torção. A determinação do carregamento crítico e a identificação do modo de instabilidade contribuem para o entendimento do comportamento dessas estruturas. Este trabalho avalia três metodologias para a análise linear de estabilidade de perfis de aço formados a frio isolados, com o objetivo de determinar os carregamentos críticos elásticos de bifurcação e os modos de instabilidade associados. Estritamente, analisa-se perfis de seção U enrijecido e Z enrijecido isolados, de diversos comprimentos e diferentes condições de vinculação e carregamento. Determinam-se os carregamentos críticos elásticos de bifurcação e os modos de instabilidade globais e locais por meio de: (i) análise com o Método das Faixas Finitas (MFF), através do uso do programa computacional CUFSM; (ii) análise com elementos finitos de barra baseados na Teoria Generalizada de Vigas (MEF-GBT), via uso do programa GBTUL; e (iii) análise com elementos finitos de casca (MEF-cascas) por meio do uso do programa ABAQUS. Algumas restrições e ressalvas com relação ao uso do MFF são apresentadas, assim como limitações da Teoria Generalizada de Viga e precauções a serem tomadas nos modelos de cascas. Analisa-se também a influência do grau de discretização da seção transversal. No entanto, não é feita avaliação em relação aos procedimentos normativos e tampouco análises não lineares, considerando as imperfeições geométricas iniciais, tensões residuais e o comportamento elastoplástico do material.


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O aço inoxidável martensítico ASTM A743 CA6NM é utilizado para produzir componentes especiais para turbinas hidráulicas, devido às suas boas propriedades mecânicas combinadas com alta resistência à corrosão e cavitação e uma boa soldabilidade. As turbinas hidráulicas são produzidas por meio de múltiplos passes de solda em peças espessas obtidas por fundição. Durante a operação, estes componentes estão sujeitos à erosão por cavitação e trincas em regiões tensionadas, que são reparados também por meio de soldagem. Após o processo de soldagem, um tratamento térmico pós-soldagem é comumente utilizado para aliviar as tensões residuais. Porém, existem dificuldades significativas para a realização de tratamento térmico nas turbinas hidráulicas, tais como a complexidade da geometria de solda, a possibilidade de distorção no caso de quaisquer cargas mecânicas, dificuldade em aquecer simetricamente, e também o tratamento térmico pode causar degradação das propriedades do material. Assim, existe um grande interesse no desenvolvimento de procedimentos de soldagem que elevem a tenacidade ao impacto e evitem o tratamento térmico pós-soldagem. Neste trabalho, a aplicação de vibrações mecânicas durante e após a soldagem para aliviar tensões residuais foram avaliadas em juntas de aço inoxidável martensítico CA6NM soldadas pelo processo Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW). A utilização de vibrações mecânicas para reduzir e redistribuir as tensões residuais das estruturas soldadas através da aplicação de carga vibratória pode gerar muitos benefícios. Testes de impacto Charpy (-20 °C), ensaios de tração e dobramento foram realizados conforme ASME IX, e perfis de microdureza nas diferentes regiões da solda foram conduzidos para a caracterização mecânica das juntas soldadas. A caracterização microestrutural foi realizada utilizando difração de raios X, microscopia óptica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Os resultados de propriedades mecânicas das amostras vibradas atenderam as exigências especificadas por norma, na qual o processo com tratamento térmico é recomendado para a soldagem deste tipo de aço, visando atingir os níveis de tenacidade do material original. Com relação à microestrutura não foram observados alterações significativas para as amostras vibradas em comparação com a condição \"como soldado\", porém para a condição com tratamento térmico pós-soldagem foi observado uma pequena quantidade de austenita retida, que são precipitadas após o tratamento térmico e permanecem finamente distribuídas após o resfriamento e auxiliam no ganho de tenacidade das juntas soldadas.


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Fatigue crack initiation and propagation in aluminium butt welds has been investigated. It is shown that the initiation of cracks from both buried defects and. from the weld reinforcement may be quantified by predictive laws based on either linear elastic fracture mechanics, or on Neuber's rule of stress and strain ooncentrations. The former is preferable on the grounds of theoretical models of crack tip plasticity, although either may be used as the basis of an effeotive design criteria against crack initiation. Fatigue lives fol1owing initiation were found to follow predictions based on the integration of a Paris type power law. The effect of residual stresses from the welding operation on both initiation and propagation was accounted for by a Forman type equation. This incorporated the notional stress ratio produced by the residual stresses after various heat treatments. A fracture mechanics analysis was found to be useful in describing the fatigue behaviour of the weldments at increased temperatures up to 300°C. It is pointed out, however, that the complex interaction of residual stresses, frequency, and changes in fracture mode necessitate great caution in the application of any general design criteria against crack initiation and growth at elevated. temperatures.


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The effect of thermochemical treatment namely carburising on the fatigue behaviour of one carbon and two alloy steels has been studied in rotating and unidirectional bending. The effect of carbon profile on the unidirect¬ional bending fatigue strength of 63SA14 was assessed, and it was found that single stage carburising with a surface carbon content of 0.8% has resulted in a higher fatigue strength than other types of carbon profiles. Residual stresses and other metallurgical variables arising from different carbon profiles, were also considered. The highest compressive stresses h~e resulted from boost-diffuse-carburising. On the other hand surface decarburisation was associated with tensile residual stresses and a reduced fatigue strength. Retained austenite was found to be detrimental in unidirectional bending fatigue; however its presence in carburised 83SAIS did not seem to influence the rotating bending fatigue strength. Carbide particles in globular and/or intergranular form were detrimental to compressive residual stresses; the unidirectional bending fatigue strength is markedly lowered. The highest fatigue strength was accomplished by vacuum carburising. The absence of internal oxidation was the key factor in the increased fatigue strength; the presence of uniformly distributed fine carbide particles did not upset the superior fatigue strength of vacuum carburised pieces. The effect of mean stress on the fatigue strength of carburised 63SA14 was studied. Increasing the mean stress as would be expected resulted in a decreased fatigue strength. Carburisation showed its advantages at low mean stress, but at high mean stress it offers little advantage over the uncarburised hardened conditions. Notch effect was also studied in unidirectional bending of carburised 080MlS. The general trend showed that the fatigue strength decreases with increasing the stress concentration factor. But different carburising conditions have different effect on notch sensitivity.


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This paper investigates distortions and residual stresses induced in butt joint of thin plates using Metal Inert Gas welding. A moving distributed heat source model based on Goldak's double-ellipsoid heat flux distribution is implemented in Finite Element (FE) simulation of the welding process. Thermo-elastic-plastic FE methods are applied to modelling thermal and mechanical behaviour of the welded plate during the welding process. Prediction of temperature variations, fusion zone and heat affected zone as well as longitudinal and transverse shrinkage, angular distortion, and residual stress is obtained. FE analysis results of welding distortions are compared with existing experimental and empirical predictions. The welding speed and plate thickness are shown to have considerable effects on welding distortions and residual stresses. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The micro-deformations caused by cyclic loading origins the variation of the distances between atoms of the crystal lattice producing the irreversible component. In order to study and understand the microstructural behavior of the material this paper investigated the influence suffered by residual stresses in thrust rolling bearing races fabricated in AISI 52100 steel, after tests by cyclic rolling contact in a tribometer at 1m/s under two contact pressures (500 MPa and 1400 MPa) in dry and boundary lubrication conditions. Procedures of tests thermo-acustically isolated were developed for monitoring the contact temperature and sound pressure level signals to establish a comparison between the residual stress measurements, micro-hardness Vickers and micrographic registers searching an indication of wear evolution. The sin²ψ method by X-ray diffraction technique was used to quantify the residual stresses. Three raceway zones were selected for the evaluation of wear and surface morphology after predetermined cycling, comparing with their new condition ("as received"). Micro-hardness and residual stress measurements showed significant changes after the tests and it was possible to observe the relationship between the increase of sound pressure level and the residual stress for dry and lubricated conditions.


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The micro-deformations caused by cyclic loading origins the variation of the distances between atoms of the crystal lattice producing the irreversible component. In order to study and understand the microstructural behavior of the material this paper investigated the influence suffered by residual stresses in thrust rolling bearing races fabricated in AISI 52100 steel, after tests by cyclic rolling contact in a tribometer at 1m/s under two contact pressures (500 MPa and 1400 MPa) in dry and boundary lubrication conditions. Procedures of tests thermo-acustically isolated were developed for monitoring the contact temperature and sound pressure level signals to establish a comparison between the residual stress measurements, micro-hardness Vickers and micrographic registers searching an indication of wear evolution. The sin²ψ method by X-ray diffraction technique was used to quantify the residual stresses. Three raceway zones were selected for the evaluation of wear and surface morphology after predetermined cycling, comparing with their new condition ("as received"). Micro-hardness and residual stress measurements showed significant changes after the tests and it was possible to observe the relationship between the increase of sound pressure level and the residual stress for dry and lubricated conditions.


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Stainless steels were developed in the early 20th century and are used where both the mechanical properties of steels and corrosion resistance are required. There is continuous research to allow stainless steel components to be produced in a more economical way and be used in more harsh environments. A necessary component in this effort is to correlate the service performance with the production processes. The central theme of this thesis is the mechanical grinding process.  This is commonly used for producing stainless steel components, and results in varied surface properties that will strongly affect their service life. The influence of grinding parameters including abrasive grit size, machine power and grinding lubricant were studied for 304L austenitic stainless steel (Paper II) and 2304 duplex stainless steel (Paper I). Surface integrity was proved to vary significantly with different grinding parameters. Abrasive grit size was found to have the largest influence. Surface defects (deep grooves, smearing, adhesive/cold welding chips and indentations), a highly deformed surface layer up to a few microns in thickness and the generation of high level tensile residual stresses in the surface layer along the grinding direction were observed as the main types of damage when grinding stainless steels. A large degree of residual stress anisotropy is interpreted as being due to mechanical effects dominating over thermal effects. The effect of grinding on stress corrosion cracking behaviour of 304L austenitic stainless steel in a chloride environment was also investigated (Paper III). Depending on the surface conditions, the actual loading by four-point bend was found to deviate from the calculated value using the formula according to ASTM G39 by different amounts. Grinding-induced surface tensile residual stress was suggested as the main factor to cause micro-cracks initiation on the ground surfaces. Grinding along the loading direction was proved to increase the susceptibility to chloride-induced SCC, while grinding perpendicular to the loading direction improved SCC resistance. The knowledge obtained from this work can provide a reference for choosing appropriate grinding parameters when fabricating stainless steel components; and can also be used to help understanding the failure mechanism of ground stainless steel components during service.


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Thin film adhesion often determines microelectronic device reliability and it is therefore essential to have experimental techniques that accurately and efficiently characterize it. Laser-induced delamination is a novel technique that uses laser-generated stress waves to load thin films at high strain rates and extract the fracture toughness of the film/substrate interface. The effectiveness of the technique in measuring the interface properties of metallic films has been documented in previous studies. The objective of the current effort is to model the effect of residual stresses on the dynamic delamination of thin films. Residual stresses can be high enough to affect the crack advance and the mode mixity of the delimitation event, and must therefore be adequately modeled to make accurate and repeatable predictions of fracture toughness. The equivalent axial force and bending moment generated by the residual stresses are included in a dynamic, nonlinear finite element model of the delaminating film, and the impact of residual stresses on the final extent of the interfacial crack, the relative contribution of shear failure, and the deformed shape of the delaminated film is studied in detail. Another objective of the study is to develop techniques to address issues related to the testing of polymeric films. These type of films adhere well to silicon and the resulting crack advance is often much smaller than for metallic films, making the extraction of the interface fracture toughness more difficult. The use of an inertial layer which enhances the amount of kinetic energy trapped in the film and thus the crack advance is examined. It is determined that the inertial layer does improve the crack advance, although in a relatively limited fashion. The high interface toughness of polymer films often causes the film to fail cohesively when the crack front leaves the weakly bonded region and enters the strong interface. The use of a tapered pre-crack region that provides a more gradual transition to the strong interface is examined. The tapered triangular pre-crack geometry is found to be effective in reducing the stresses induced thereby making it an attractive option. We conclude by studying the impact of modifying the pre-crack geometry to enable the testing of multiple polymer films.


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Aromatic thermosetting copolyester (ATSP) has promise in high-temperature applications. It can be employed as a bulk polymer, as a coating and as a matrix for carbon fiber composites (ATSP/C composites). This work focuses on the applications of high performance ATSP/C composites. The morphology of the ATSP matrix in the presence of carbon fiber was studied. The effect of liquid crystalline character of starting oligomers used to prepare ATSP on the final crystal structure of the ATSP/C composite was evaluated. Matrices obtained by crosslinking of both liquid crystalline oligomers (ATSP2) and non-liquid crystalline oligomers (ATSP1) tend to crystallize in presence of carbon fibers. The crystallite size of ATSP2 is 4 times that of ATSP1. Composites made from ATSP2 yield tougher matrices compared to those made from ATSP1. Thus toughened matrices could be achieved without incorporating any additives by just changing the morphology of the final polymer. The flammability characteristics of ATSP were also studied. The limiting oxygen index (LOI) of bulk ATSP was found to be 40% whereas that of ATSP/C composites is estimated to be 85%. Thus, ATSP shows potential to be used as a flame resistant material, and also as an aerospace reentry shield. Mechanical properties of the ATSP/C composite were characterized. ATSP was observed to bond strongly with reinforcing carbon fibers. The tensile strength, modulus and shear modulus were comparable to those of conventionally used high temperature epoxy resins. ATSP shows a unique capability for healing of interlaminar cracks on application of heat and pressure, via the Interchain Transesterification Reaction (ITR). ITR can also be used for reduction in void volume and healing of microcracks. Thus, ATSP resin systems provide a unique intrinsic repair mechanism compared to any other thermosetting systems in use today. Preliminary studies on measurement of residual stresses for ATSP/C composites indicate that the stresses induced are much lower than that in epoxy/C composites. Thermal fatigue testing suggests that ATSP shows better resistance to microcracking compared to epoxy resins.