920 resultados para residential construction costs
The effect of construction pattern and unit interlock on the structural behaviour of block pavements
The maintenance or even replacement of cracked pavements requires considerable financial resources and puts a large burden on the budgets of local councils. In addition to these costs, local councils also face liability claims arising from uneven or cracked pedestrian pavements. These currently cost the Manchester City Council and Preston City Council around £6 million a year each. Design procedures are empirical. A better understanding of the interaction between paving blocks, bedding sand and subbase was necessary in order to determine the mode of failure of pavements under load. Increasing applied stress was found to mobilise ‘‘rotational interlock’’, providing increased pavement stiffness and thus increased load dissipation resulting in lower transmitted stress on the subgrade. The indications from the literature
review were that pavements are designed to fail by excessive deformation and that paving blocks remained uncracked at failure. This was confirmed with experimental data which was obtained from tests on segments of pavements that were laid/constructed in a purpose built test frame in the laboratory.
An underground work (such as a tunnel or a cavern) has many, well known, environmental qualities such as: no physical barriers crossing the land, less maintenance costs than an analogous surface structure, less expenses for heating and conditioning; a localized emission of noise, gas, dust during operation and, finally, a better protection against seismic actions.
It cannot be forgotten, anyway, that some negative environmental features are present such as, for example, : perturbation, pollution and drainage of the groundwater; settlements; disposal of waste rock.
In the paper the above mentioned concepts are discussed and analysed to give a global overview of all this aspects.
As a method of procuring the services of the built environment, performance-based contracting (PBC) seeks to link the building supplier to longer term commitments than has traditionally been the case in the construction sector. By rewarding the building producer according to the way that building or structure delivers the users' requirements, rather than according to a list of assembled parts, a number of additional risks are taken by contractors, including fitness for purpose, costs and briefing. The extent to which contractors recognize these risks and their methods of dealing with them vary considerably and are influenced by their attitudes towards risk. As the risks associated with PBC are seen as large, uninsurable, and vulnerable to changing client requirements, the majority of respondents would reject the use of PBC as a method of contracting. Nevertheless, PBC may be used under particular conditions, where rewards are deemed sufficient to compensate for the additional risk to the contractor of undertaking work on the basis of a stream of payments paid over the life of a structure depending on the satisfactory performance of the building or as part of a private finance initiative.
Na União Europeia os sectores dos transportes e da indústria são ambos grandes consumidores de energia, mas são os edifícios residenciais e de serviços onde o consumo energético é maior, e em 2005, segundo a EnerBuilding, representavam cerca de 17% dos consumos de energia primária em termos nacionais. A energia gasta com a iluminação, o aquecimento, o arrefecimento e AQS das habitações, locais de trabalho e locais de lazer é superior à consumida pelos sectores dos transportes e da indústria. As habitações representam dois terços do consumo total de energia dos edifícios europeus, o qual aumenta todos os anos com a melhoria da qualidade de vida, traduzindo-se numa maior utilização dos sistemas de climatização. Neste sentido, e de acordo com o decreto-lei que transpõe para a legislação portuguesa a diretiva comunitária relativa ao desempenho energético dos edifícios, todos os Estados da União Europeia devem ter um sistema de certificação energética para informar o cidadão sobre a qualidade térmica dos edifícios, aquando da construção, da venda ou do arrendamento. Assim, entrou em vigor em Portugal, desde 1 de Janeiro de 2009, a obrigatoriedade de apresentação de um certificado de eficiência energética, no ato de compra, venda ou aluguer de edifícios novos e existentes. A certificação energética permite assim aos futuros utilizadores dos edifícios obter informação sobre os potenciais consumos de energia, no caso dos novos edifícios ou no caso de edifícios existentes sujeitos a grandes intervenções de reabilitação, dos seus consumos reais ou aferidos para padrões de utilização típicos, passando o consumo energético a integrar um conjunto dos aspetos importantes para a caracterização de qualquer edifício. Em edifícios de serviços, o certificado energético assegura aos utentes do edifício ou da fração que este reúne condições para garantir a eficiência energética e a adequada qualidade do ar interior. Uma vez que passamos 80% do nosso tempo em edifícios, e que isto se reflete num consumo cada vez mais elevado do sector residencial e dos serviços no consumo total energético do país, este trabalho pretende fazer a comparação dos vários equipamentos de aquecimento, de arrefecimento e de AQS e qual a influência dos mesmos na certificação energética de edifícios, e consequentemente na eficiência dos mesmos, sendo que a eficiência e a certificação energética de um edifício deve ser um aspeto relevante a levar em consideração no momento do planeamento ou da construção, bem como na aquisição de uma nova habitação. Um projeto concebido de modo a tirar proveito das condições climáticas, da orientação solar, dos ventos dominantes e utilizadas técnicas construtivas e os materiais adequados, é possível reduzir os gastos energéticos com a iluminação ou os sistemas de climatização.
The construction sector in Portugal declined sharply over the past 10 years. The current crisis can wiped out the entire industry. Can the industry survive? What lessons can we learn? What can be done to revive the sector? These are questions this study intends to answer. By analyzing the best practices of the industry and of the largest construction companies in Portugal, as well as the difficulties and constrains that they all faced, I found that retrenchment (operational costs and selling assets) are the main measures companies resort to, and that strategic reorientation is essential to turnaround. I found that internationalization is a key driver on strategic reorientation and diversification and concentration are complementary strategies that can enforce and strengthen the main one.
Use of bridge deck overlays is important in maximizing bridge service life. Overlays can replace the deteriorated part of the deck, thus extending the bridge life. Even though overlay construction avoids the construction of a whole new bridge deck, construction still takes significant time in re-opening the bridge to traffic. Current processes and practices are time-consuming and multiple opportunities may exist to reduce overall construction time by modifying construction requirements and/or materials utilized. Reducing the construction time could have an effect on reducing the socioeconomic costs associated with bridge deck rehabilitation and the inconvenience caused to travelers. This work included three major tasks with literature review, field investigation, and laboratory testing. Overlay concrete mix used for present construction takes long curing hours and therefore an investigation was carried out to find fast-curing concrete mixes that could reduce construction time. Several fast-cuing concrete mixes were found and suggested for further evaluation. An on-going overlay construction project was observed and documented. Through these observations, several opportunities were suggested where small modifications in the process could lead to significant time savings. With current standards of the removal depth of substrate concrete in Iowa, it takes long hours for the removal process. Four different laboratory tests were performed with different loading conditions to determine the necessary substrate concrete removal depth for a proper bond between the substrate concrete and the new overlay concrete. Several parameters, such as failure load, bond stress, and stiffness, were compared for four different concrete removal depths. Through the results and observations of this investigation several conclusions were made which could reduce bridge deck overlay construction time.
Dans ma mémoire, j’ai discuté les concepts d’arbitrage comme méthode de résolution d’un litige et par après, je donne un court historique de l’acceptation d’arbitrage au Québec. Le Chapitre I étudie la structure des règlements du R.B.Q., qui est un gendre d’arbitrage obligatoire institutionnelle, et j’inclus les diverses procédures dans ce système d’arbitrage. La sécurité offert par le plan de garantie règle par le R.B.Q. est discuté dans le Chapitre II en autant qu’il est relié avec le system d’arbitrage R.B.Q., y compris la structure du plan et le contenu de la sécurité. Chapitre III parle des recours disponible aux Bénéficiares ainsi que les avantages et désavantages de l’arbitrage sous les Règlements du R.B.Q. Un court étude comparative de quatre autres juridictions est recherché en Chapitre IV, incluant notre voisin, Ontario, les Etats-Unis et on croise dans les juridictions de Royaume Unie et Allemagne. En conclusion, j’établis que notre système d’arbitrage sous le Règlement protéges notre publique plus que d’autres juridictions. Je suggère des améliorations au système, par contre, incluant l’agrandissement du plan de garantie, l’ajout des pouvoirs donnés aux arbitres américains et ensuite d’intègré un système d’arrêt semblable aux Royaumes Unis.
L’introduction du développement durable apporte de nouvelles préoccupations environnementales au niveau de la construction et de la rénovation résidentielles, une industrie qui représente un marché économique important au Canada. En plus d’engendrer plusieurs impacts sur l’environnement, la conception actuelle ne permet pas d’accommoder le changement initié par l’évolution des pratiques, les avancées technologiques, mais également par l’évolution des patrons de vie des occupants. Dans un premier temps, la revue de littérature dresse le portrait de l’industrie de la construction, rénovation et démolition (CRD) au Canada, ainsi que le profil de gestion des débris de CRD. Ensuite, une analyse documentaire traite de différents outils de conception développés pour améliorer la performance du secteur : 3RV-E, écoconception, écoconstruction et LEED®. De plus, la recension des écrits permet également de cerner les concepts d’adaptabilité et de flexibilité au niveau du bâtiment et dans les approches et mouvements émergents en architecture. Cette démarche nous amène à établir l’hypothèse que l’intégration des critères d’adaptabilité et de flexibilité au niveau du logement aurait pour effet d’améliorer l’adéquation entre les besoins évolutifs des occupants et les nouvelles considérations environnementales. Au niveau méthodologique, l’analyse du cycle de vie simplifiée par l’Eco-indicator99 encadre l’analyse environnementale de l’ossature de trois types de construction de cloison. De cette évaluation, on conclut que c’est la construction traditionnelle à ossature de bois qui produit le moins d’impacts. Dans l’ordre suivant la proposition de construction de cloison à ossature d’aluminium, plus adaptable et flexible, et finalement la construction à ossature d’acier qui est le système le plus dommageable. Par contre, en intégrant le facteur temporel, cette analyse démontre que l’intégration de l’adaptabilité et de la flexibilité procure plusieurs cycles de vie et de rénovation au produit et à ses composantes. Finalement, ces concepts offrent également le potentiel de diminuer les impacts générés par la construction et la rénovation, un constat qui mériterait d’être abordé dans une approche plus systémique.
Ce mémoire propose d’aborder la relation entre le chez-soi et la construction des identités géographiques. Plus précisément, il s’agit de se pencher sur l’importance que revêt cette dimension intime et familière de l’habitat dans la part des identités qui mobilise les lieux, territoires et paysages comme référents. S’interroger à cet égard s’avère d’autant plus pertinent aujourd’hui, dans un contexte de fragmentation socio-spatiale à l’échelle urbaine et de prolifération d’enclaves résidentielles qui témoignent d’un enfermement et d’une introversion de l’habitat. Nous abordons la question à travers le cas du projet AlphaVille São Paulo (Brésil), un large développement résidentiel composé de plusieurs communautés fermées. Les entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès de onze habitants de ce projet permettent de confirmer l’importance du chez-soi dans leur construction identitaire. En effet, le chez-soi en communauté fermée représente l’aboutissement d’un parcours géographique et permet au regard des habitants rencontrés une expérience de l’espace résidentiel qui s’approche de celle qu’ils ont connue au cours de l’enfance et qu’ils ont perdue à mesure que la ville s’est transformée en un milieu de plus en plus hostile. Ainsi, il leur permet dans une certaine mesure de revivre un idéal perdu. Néanmoins, habiter en communauté fermée contraint les territorialités : au sein de la métropole, le chez-soi fait figure de refuge. Il n’en demeure pas moins que les réponses des résidents révèlent une conscience que leur choix d’habitat constitue en quelque sorte une fuite de la réalité. Ainsi, ils entretiennent à l’égard de leur milieu de vie une relation qui oscille entre illusion et désillusion.
Ce mémoire porte sur l’étude du développement d’un sentiment d’appartenance à l’échelle d’un quartier dans un contexte de croissance de la mobilité des individus. À travers ce travail, il s’agit d’observer les formes que prend ce sentiment alors que les limites du territoire quotidien ne cessent d’être repoussées et que les individus sont de moins en moins ancrés de façon permanente sur un territoire. Dès lors, la pertinence du quartier est remise en cause. L’étude a pris pour cadre d’analyse l’arrondissement Plateau-Mont-Royal en raison de son caractère atypique et exemplaire en matière de forte mobilité de ses résidants et de la perception d’un sentiment d’appartenance territoriale marqué. Afin d’alimenter la réflexion, des entretiens ont été réalisés auprès de dix résidants de l’arrondissement recrutés lors d’un rendez-vous citoyen. Ces rencontres ont permis de comprendre que la mobilité des résidants ne répond pas à la tangente de la croissance observée. La flexibilité et la liberté d’avoir le choix de quitter son lieu de résidence sont des aptitudes valorisées, mais l’ancrage demeure prisé. Cette divergence s’inscrit dans une démarche particulière; celle de vivre selon un mode de vie où l’espace du quartier est priorisé à travers la mobilité quotidienne. Dans ce contexte, le sentiment d’appartenance se développe en direction d’un mode de vie, honorant un ensemble de valeurs, plutôt qu’à un territoire. Selon cette approche, l’arrondissement Plateau-Mont-Royal joue le second rôle; il représente le catalyseur et la vitrine de ce mode de vie, facilitant ainsi le regroupement des individus sous des valeurs communes.
Chapter 1 presents a brief note on the state at which the construction industry stands at present, bringing into focus the significance of the critical study. Relevance of the study, area of investigation and objectives of the study are outlined in this chapter. The 2nd chapter presents a review of the literature on the relevant areas. In the third chapter an analysis on time and cost overrun in construction highlighting the major factors responsible for it has been done. A couple of case studies to estimate loss to the nation on account of delay in construction have been presented in the chapter. The need for an appropriate estimate and a competent contractor has been emphasised for improving effectiveness in the project implementation. Certain useful equations and thoughts have been formulated on this area in this chapter that can be followed in State PWD and other Govt. organisations. Case studies on project implementation of major projects undertaken by Government sponsored/supported organizations in Kerala have been dealt with in Chapter 4. A detailed description of the project of Kerala Legislature Complex with a critical analysis has been given in this chapter. A detailed account of the investigations carried out on the construction of International Stadium, a sports project of Greater Cochin Development Authority is included here. The project details of Cochin International Airport at Nedumbassery, its promoters and contractors are also discussed in Chapter 4. Various aspects of implementation which led the above projects successful have been discussed in chapter 5. The data collected were analysed through discussion and perceptions to arrive at certain conclusions. The emergence of front-loaded contract and its impact on economics of the project execution are dealt with in this chapter. Analysis of delays in respect of the various project narrated in chapter 3 has been done here. The root causes of the project time and overrun and its remedial measures are also enlisted in this chapter. Study of cost and time overrun of any construction project IS a part of construction management. Under the present environment of heavy investment on construction activities in India, the consequences of mismanagement many a time lead to excessive expenditure which are not be avoidable. Cost consciousness, therefore has to be keener than ever before. Optimization in investment can be achieved by improved dynamism in construction management. The successful completion of coristruction projects within the specified programme, optimizing three major attributes of the process - quality, schedule and costs - has become the most valuable and challenging task for the engineer - managers to perform. So, the various aspects of construction management such as cost control, schedule control, quality assurance, management techniques etc. have also been discussed in this fifth chapter. Chapter 6 summarises the conclusions drawn from the above criticalr1 of rhajor construction projects in Kerala.
This paper presents an approach to the relationship between land use planning and socioeconomic residential segregation, from the location of social housing in Medellin, Colombia, during the period 2006-2011. The first part introduces the land use regulations regarding the location of social housing, identifying ambiguities in the current spatial plan. Next, we present the intersection of regulatory information and the location of the projects that were under construction during the study period, highlighting the need to consider the location as an important characteristic of social housing and residential segregation as a phenomenon that must be recognized and worked on land use planning in our cities.
There is a clear need for financial protection in the construction industry, both to guarantee satisfactory completion of construction projects and to guard against non-payment. However, the cost of financial protection is often felt to be disproportionately high, with unnecessary overlap between different measures. The Reading Construction Forum has commissioned and steered research which is published in this report in an effort to bring the problem out into the open and to clarify the various options open to the various parties and stakeholders in the construction process. "Financial Protection in the UK Building Industry" is the first definitive report on the subject, offering an accurate and simple guide that all levels within the construction industry can understand. This accessible new guide considers the problem of financial protection and clearly lays out the alternative solutions.It looks by turn at the client, the main contractor, and the sub-contractor, discussing which financial protection options are available to each of them, and considers the pros and cons of each option. The cost of each type of financial protection is weighed against the amount of protection provided and the risks involved. The book concludes with guidance for consultants, emphasising relevant points to consider when advising clients and contractors about which type of financial protection to choose. "Financial Protection in the UK Building Industry" was researched by a literature search, collection of statistical data, and financial data, as well as discussions with clients, contractors, sub-contractors and consultants. This investigation has shown that the direct costs of implementing financial protection measures are marginal, and that wider adoption of payment protection would create a more equitable situation between contracting parties.This guide will enable anyone in the construction industry to consider all the options, and determine what is the best solution for them. "Reading Construction Forum Financial Protection for the UK Building Industry" was complied by the University of Reading, funded by the Reading Construction Forum. The Forum has recently commissioned and steered a number of high-profile reports covering important aspects of the construction industry. Members of the Forum include major companies which are concerned with achieving high quality in the design, construction and use of commercial, retail and industrial buildings. All are committed to change and innovation in the British and European construction industries.
The basic premise of transaction-cost theory is that the decision to outsource, rather than to undertake work in-house, is determined by the relative costs incurred in each of these forms of economic organization. In construction the "make or buy" decision invariably leads to a contract. Reducing the costs of entering into a contractual relationship (transaction costs) raises the value of production and is therefore desirable. Commonly applied methods of contractor selection may not minimise the costs of contracting. Research evidence suggests that although competitive tendering typically results in the lowest bidder winning the contract this may not represent the lowest project cost after completion. Multi-parameter and quantitative models for contractor selection have been developed to identify the best (or least risky) among bidders. A major area in which research is still needed is in investigating the impact of different methods of contractor selection on the costs of entering into a contract and the decision to outsource.
The costs of procurement are transaction costs which are separate from the direct costs of a project. In this paper discussion is concentrated on costs of tendering. Types of cost, including money costs and opportunity costs, short-term and long-term costs, private and social costs are defined and examined in relation to various types of product and methods of procurement. The costs of the contractor and of the client are considered and tentative conclusions drawn as to who bears these costs in the short-run and in the long run. They may fall on the parties to the process for the particular project, on other contractors and clients or on society as a whole.