818 resultados para reporting lag


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The aim of this Master’s Thesis is to find applicable methods from process management literature for improving reporting and internal control in a multinational corporation. The method of analysis is qualitative and the research is conducted as a case study. Empirical data collection is carried out through interviews and participating observation. The theoretical framework is built around reporting and guidance between parent company and subsidiary, searching for means to improve them from process thinking and applicable frameworks. In the thesis, the process of intercompany reporting in the case company is modelled, and its weak points, risks, and development targets are identified. The framework of critical success factors in process improvement is utilized in assessing the development targets. Also internal control is analyzed with the tools of process thinking. As a result of this thesis, suggestions for actions improving the reporting process and internal control are made to the case company, the most essential of which are ensuring top management’s awareness and commitment to improvement, creating guidelines and tools for internal control and creating and implementing improved intercompany reporting process.


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Denna undersökning har jämfört Finlands och Sveriges cybersäkerhetspolitik. Som forskningsmetod har använts komparativ analys och som teoretisk referensram säkerhetiseringsteorier. Rubriken har valts på grund av den aktuella samhällsdebatt som förs kring cyberssäkerhet. Statliga dokument har använts som primära källor. Intervjuer, artiklar och nyheter har använts för att stöda slutsatserna. Lagstiftningen har lagts i fokus, eftersom den styr själva verkställandet av idkad cybersäkerhetspolitik. Utförd analys visar att Finland och Sverige behandlar cybersäkerhetsfrågorna som en del av den övriga säkerhetspolitiken. Den största skillnaden är att Sverige inte har ett lika synligt behov att säkerhetisera sin cybersäkerhetsagenda. Detta beror på att Sverige redan säkrat sina statliga säkerhetsintressen i cyberrymden tack vare den så kallade FRA-lagen. Analysen visar att Finland med sin säkerhetisering strävar efter likande befogenheter åt myndigheterna att bedriva underrättelse i cyberrymden. Målet för Sveriges säkerhetisering är enligt denna analys att stärka de existerande säkerhetsstrukturerna och utveckla myndighetssamarbete. Lagstiftningsanalysen visar att båda länderna betonar medorgarnas grundläggande friheter och rättigheter, yttrandefrihet samt personlig integritet på nätet. En annan likhet är att båda strävar att lösa lagstiftningsfrågorna genom internationellt samarbete. Den största skillnaden mellan Finland och Sverige är att Sverige endast försöker anpassa den nuvarande lagstiftningen till cyberdomänen, medan Finland strävar att forma en helt ny cyberlagstiftning. Slutsatsen visar dock att staterna först måste definiera cyberterminologin juridiskt, innan de kan göra straffrättsliga tolkningar. Därtill måste länderna utveckla regelverken för överlåtelse av information myndigheterna emellan.


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This study examines a new kind of public reporting, called integrated reporting as a form of a firm’s interaction with stakeholders. The study concerned issues such as how the studied organization defined its stakeholders and how this definition evolved during the transition period from 2009 to 2013, how has the integrated reporting of the organization evolved as an instrument of interaction with stakeholders over the transition period, and how the organization reported its value creation according to the international integrated reporting framework in the final, full-featured report. In examining the theory, the study used a qualitative analysis method that allowed deriving conceptual tools necessary to carry out the study. This study is based on the material of the five integrated reports written in Russian from a subsidiary of a Russian public company. The subsidiary carried out the transition to an integrated reporting for the five years from 2009 to 2013. A comparative qualitative method was used in reviewing the empirical material. During the research, an active cooperation of the organization with key stakeholders was revealed, which occurred during the whole period of development of integrated reporting. As a result, integrated reports were produced in cooperation with various key stakeholders, allowing balancing the financial and non-financial information in the reports. The study found that during the transition period, integrated reports gradually changed in the direction of greater clarity and ease of access to perception, consistency of presentation and materiality. The integrated reporting of the organization began reflect the basic requirements of the international integrated reporting framework regarding the content elements and guiding principles. Thus, the organization’s reports began including features of financial and non-financial reporting and connecting the three aspects of the organization's activities: economic, environmental and social. This study reveals the importance of identifying key stakeholders and their influence on the creation of organizational value. The new form of reporting suits better the requirements of modern organizations to interact with their stakeholder groups. The integrated reporting, which reflects the principles of the international integrated reporting framework, is an active resource for companies to communicate with stakeholders and a platform of transmission the necessary information on the creation of value in the long term.


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The current study investigated body image differences in post-menopausal women who self-reported having (SRO) or not having (SRN) osteoporosis and the impact of a 16-week exercise program on body image in these groups. Participants completed a measure of body image, and were randomly assigned to a 16-week exercise program or control group, stratified by self-reported osteoporosis status. After 16 weeks, they completed the same body image measure. There were no differences in body image between the two osteoporosis groups. The exercise intervention had a positive impact on body image for both the SRO and SRN groups. The exercise groups showed increases in fitness and health orientation and body areas satisfaction from baseline to 16-weeks, while the non-exercise group showed decreases in appearance and health evaluation, health orientation and body areas satisfaction. The results suggest an exercise program for post-menopausal women can lead to improvements in body image, regardless of osteoporosis status.


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The Fenians were a group intent on securing Irish independence from England. The movement had its origins in Ireland in1857, under the leadership of James Stephens, with the assistance of John O'Mahony, an American who had raised funds for the cause. The American branch of this movement was especially successful, having raised $500 000 and enlisting about 10 000 American Civil War veterans. The group split into two separate factions, one desiring an invasion of Canada and the other preferring an uprising in Ireland. It soon became apparent that an uprising in Ireland was not imminent, and a decision was made to invade Canada. In April, 1866, a raid was launched against New Brunswick. It proved unsuccessful, and another raid was attempted on June 1, 1866, this time in Ridgeway, near Fort Erie, Ontario. The Canadian militiamen were defeated, but the Fenians subsequently withdrew. A third incident occurred on June 7, this time at Missisquoi Bay in Quebec, when the Fenians crossed the border, remained there for 2 days, and withdrew. A failed uprising in Ireland in 1867 signaled the demise of the movement. The Fenian threat helped to promote a sense of union among Canadians and provided an incentive for Confederation.


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The Fenians were a group intent on securing Irish independence from England. The movement had its origins in Ireland in1857, under the leadership of James Stephens, with the assistance of John O'Mahony, an American who had raised funds for the cause. The American branch of this movement was especially successful, having raised $500 000 and enlisting about 10 000 American Civil War veterans. The group split into two separate factions, one desiring an invasion of Canada and the other preferring an uprising in Ireland. It soon became apparent that an uprising in Ireland was not imminent, and a decision was made to invade Canada. In April, 1866, a raid was launched against New Brunswick. It proved unsuccessful, and another raid was attempted on June 1, 1866, this time in Ridgeway, near Fort Erie, Ontario. The Canadian militiamen were defeated, but the Fenians subsequently withdrew. A third incident occurred on June 7, this time at Missisquoi Bay in Quebec, when the Fenians crossed the border, remained there for 2 days, and withdrew. A failed uprising in Ireland in 1867 signaled the demise of the movement. The Fenian threat helped to promote a sense of union among Canadians and provided an incentive for Confederation.


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The collection consists of 6 broadsides reporting the events of the Fenian invasion of Canada on June 2 and 3, 1866. This broadside is titled Globe Extra and is from the evening of June 3rd, 1866. Some of the headings include: "Numerous Fenian Prisoners in our Hands", "All Quiet at Sarnia!" and "Further from Montreal! Troops Leaving for the Front".