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The potential merit of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been demonstrated for detection and quantification of trace pollutants trapped in snow/ice samples. In this technique, a high-power pulsed laser beam from Nd:YAG Laser (Model no. Surelite III-10, Continuum, Santa Clara, CA, USA) is focused on the surface of the target to generate plasma. The characteristic emissions from laser-generated plasma are collected and recorded by a fiber-coupled LIBS 2000+ (Ocean Optics, Santa Clara, CA, USA) spectrometer. The fingerprint of the constituents present in the sample is obtained by analyzing the spectral lines by using OOI LIBS software. Reliable detection of several elements like Zn, Al, Mg, Fe, Ca, C, N, H, and O in snow/ice samples collected from different locations (elevation) of Manali and several snow samples collected from the Greater Himalayan region (from a cold lab in Manali, India) in different months has been demonstrated. The calibration curve approach has been adopted for the quantitative analysis of these elements like Zn, Al, Fe, and Mg. Our results clearly demonstrate that the level of contamination is higher in those samples that were collected in the month of January in comparison to those collected in February and March.


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We consider wavenumbers in in vacuo and fluid-filled isotropic and orthotropic shells. Using the Donnell-Mushtari (DM) theory we find compact and elegant asymptotic expansions for the wavenumbers in the intermediate frequency range, i.e., around the ring frequency. This frequency range corresponds to the frequencies where there is a rapid change in the values of bending wavenumbers and is found to exist in isotropic and orthotropic shells (in vacua and fluid-filled) for low circumferential orders n only. The same is first identified using the n=0 mode of an orthotropic shell. Following this, using the expression for the intermediate frequency, asymptotic expansions are found for other cases. Here, in order to get compact expansions we consider slight orthotropy (epsilon << 1) and light fluid loading (mu << 1). Thus, the orthotropy parameter epsilon and the fluid loading parameter mu are used as asymptotic parameters along with the non-dimensional thickness parameter beta. The methodology can be extended to any order of epsilon, only the expansions become unwieldy. The expansions are matched with the numerical solutions of the corresponding dispersion relation. The match is found to be good.


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Neutron powder diffraction study of Ba(Ti1-xZrx)O-3 at close composition intervals has revealed coexistence of ferroelectric phases: orthorhombic (Amm2) + tetragonal (P4mm) for 0.02 <= x <= 0.05 and rhombohedral (R3m) + orthorhombic (Amm2) for 0.07 <= x < 0.09. These compositions exhibit relatively enhanced piezoelectric properties as compared to their single phase counterparts outside this composition region, confirming the polymorphic phase boundary nature of the phase coexistence regions. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We present a comprehensive study of two of the most experimentally relevant extensions of Kitaev's spinless model of a one-dimensional p-wave superconductor: those involving (i) longer-range hopping and superconductivity and (ii) inhomogeneous potentials. We commence with a pedagogical review of the spinless model and, as a means of characterizing topological phases exhibited by the systems studied here, we introduce bulk topological invariants as well as those derived from an explicit consideration of boundary modes. In time-reversal symmetric systems, we find that the longer range hopping leads to topological phases characterized by multiple Majorana modes. In particular, we investigate a spin model that respects a duality and maps to a fermionic model with multiple Majorana modes; we highlight the connection between these topological phases and the broken symmetry phases in the original spin model. In the presence of time-reversal symmetry breaking terms, we show that the topological phase diagram is characterized by an extended gapless regime. For the case of inhomogeneous potentials, we explore phase diagrams of periodic, quasiperiodic, and disordered systems. We present a detailed mapping between normal state localization properties of such systems and the topological phases of the corresponding superconducting systems. This powerful tool allows us to leverage the analyses of Hofstadter's butterfly and the vast literature on Anderson localization to the question of Majorana modes in superconducting quasiperiodic and disordered systems, respectively. We briefly touch upon the synergistic effects that can be expected in cases where long-range hopping and disorder are both present.


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We report selective optical reflectance in an aluminium (Al) coated flexible carbon nanotube (CNT) thin film over a wide range of wavelengths (500-2500 nm). Selective-wavelength surface is achieved by coating CNT surfaces with Al thin film that presented a maximum optical reflectivity of similar to 65% in the infrared region. However, CNT film alone showed a reflectance of 15-20% over a larger range of wavelengths without any structural modification, which has not been realized so far. Moreover, a tailorable reflectance in CNT is shown to be achieved by tuning various parameters, namely, the porosity of the material, angle of an incident light, and refractive index of the materials. Owing to higher infrared reflectivity and thermal diffusivity, Al coated CNT presents a potential for a high efficiency solar collector. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Ellipsometric measurements in a wide spectral range (from 0.05 to 6.5 eV) have been carried out on the organic semiconducting polymer, poly2-methoxy-5-(3',7'-dimethyloctyloxy)-1,4-phenylene-vinylene] (MDMO-PPV), in both undoped and doped states. The real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function and the refractive index are determined accurately, provided that the layer thickness is measured independently. After doping, the optical properties show the presence of new peaks, which could be well-resolved by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Also for the doped material, the complex refractive index, with respect to the dielectric function, has been determined. The broadening of the optical transitions is due to the delocalization of polarons at higher doping level. The detailed information about the dielectric function as well as refractive index function obtained by spectroscopic ellipsometry allows not only qualitative but also quantitative description of the optical properties of the undoped/doped polymer. For the direct characterization of the optical properties of MDMO-PPV, ellipsometry turns out to be advantageous compared to conventional reflection and transmission measurements.


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We discuss the computational bottlenecks in molecular dynamics (MD) and describe the challenges in parallelizing the computation-intensive tasks. We present a hybrid algorithm using MPI (Message Passing Interface) with OpenMP threads for parallelizing a generalized MD computation scheme for systems with short range interatomic interactions. The algorithm is discussed in the context of nano-indentation of Chromium films with carbon indenters using the Embedded Atom Method potential for Cr-Cr interaction and the Morse potential for Cr-C interactions. We study the performance of our algorithm for a range of MPI-thread combinations and find the performance to depend strongly on the computational task and load sharing in the multi-core processor. The algorithm scaled poorly with MPI and our hybrid schemes were observed to outperform the pure message passing scheme, despite utilizing the same number of processors or cores in the cluster. Speed-up achieved by our algorithm compared favorably with that achieved by standard MD packages. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Voltage source inverter (VSI)-fed six-phase induction motor (IM) drives have high 6n +/- 1, n = odd-order harmonic currents. This is because these currents, driven by the corresponding harmonic voltages in the inverter output, are limited only by the stator leakage impedance, as these harmonics are absent in the back electromotive force of the motor. To suppress the harmonic currents, either bulky inductive harmonic filters or complex pulsewidth modulation (PWM) techniques have to be used. This paper proposes a harmonic elimination scheme using switched capacitor filters for a VSI-fed split-phase IM drive. Two 3-phase inverters fed from capacitors are used on the open-end side of the motor to suppress 6n +/- 1, n = odd-order harmonics. A PWM scheme that can suppress the harmonics as well as balance the capacitor voltage is also proposed. The capacitor fed inverters are switched so that the fundamental voltage is not affected, and the fundamental power is always drawn from the main inverters. The proposed scheme is verified with a detailed experimental study. The effectiveness of the scheme is demonstrated by comparing the results with those obtained by disabling the capacitor fed inverters.


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The tunable optical properties of the bulk structure of carbon nanotubes (CNT) were recently revealed as a perfect black body material, optically reflective mirror and solar absorber. The present study demonstrates an enhanced optical reflectance of up to similar to 15% over a broad wavelength range in the near infrared region followed by a mechanical modification of the surface of a bulk CNT structure, which can be accounted for due to the grating-like surface abnormalities. In response to the specific arrangement of the so-formed bent tips of the CNT, a selective reflectance is achieved and results in reflecting only a dominant component of the polarized ight, which has not been realized so far. Modulation of this selective-optical reflectance can be achieved by ontrolling the degree of tip bending of the nanotubes, thus opening up avenues for the construction of novel dynamic light polarizers and absorbers.


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We present concepts and an optimization-based methodology for the design of micro-mechanical stages that have not only high precision but also an enhanced range. Joint-free distributed compliant designs provide high precision and easy manufacturability at macro and micro scales. The range of motion is enhanced by using displacement-amplifying compliant mechanisms (DaCMs). The main issue addressed in this paper is how to retain the decoupling between the X and Y motions in the stage when it is equipped with DaCMs. The natural frequency of the stage is also not compromised in enhancing the range. The optimized design has 2.5 times more range than the designs reported in the literature. Furthermore, the sensitivity improved by a factor of two when the stage is optimized for an accelerometer.


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The efficient deprotection of several acetals, dithioacetals, and tetrahydropyranyl (THP) ethers under ambient conditions, using chloral hydrate in hexane, is described. Excellent yields were realized for a wide range of both aliphatic and aromatic substrates. The method is characterized by mild conditions (room temperatures or below), simple workup, and the ready availability of chloral hydrate. High chemoselectivity was also observed in the deprotection, acetonides, esters, and amides being unaffected under the reaction conditions. Products were generally purified chromatographically and identified spectrally. These results constitute a novel addition to current methodology involving a widely employed deprotection tactic in organic synthesis. It seems likely that the mechanism of the reaction involves adsorption of the substrate on the surface of the sparingly soluble chloral hydrate.


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12 V / kilo-Farad (kF) range substrate-integrated lead-carbon hybrid ultracapacitors (HUCs) wherein the conventional positive plates of lead-acid batteries are replaced with substrate-integrated PbO2 positive plates and the negative plates are replaced with carbon-coated graphitic electrodes, providing totally non-faradaic and corrosion-free electrodes, are developed and performance tested. Constant-current discharge data at varying load-currents, constant-power discharge data at varying power values, and the capacitance data at different temperature for a 12 V / kF range substrate-integrated lead-carbon HUC are described along with its resistance, leakage current, self-discharge and cycle-life characteristics.


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Motivated by several recent experimental observations that vitamin-D could interact with antigen presenting cells (APCs) and T-lymphocyte cells (T-cells) to promote and to regulate different stages of immune response, we developed a coarse grained but general kinetic model in an attempt to capture the role of vitamin-D in immunomodulatory responses. Our kinetic model, developed using the ideas of chemical network theory, leads to a system of nine coupled equations that we solve both by direct and by stochastic (Gillespie) methods. Both the analyses consistently provide detail information on the dependence of immune response to the variation of critical rate parameters. We find that although vitamin-D plays a negligible role in the initial immune response, it exerts a profound influence in the long term, especially in helping the system to achieve a new, stable steady state. The study explores the role of vitamin-D in preserving an observed bistability in the phase diagram (spanned by system parameters) of immune regulation, thus allowing the response to tolerate a wide range of pathogenic stimulation which could help in resisting autoimmune diseases. We also study how vitamin-D affects the time dependent population of dendritic cells that connect between innate and adaptive immune responses. Variations in dose dependent response of anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory T-cell populations to vitamin-D correlate well with recent experimental results. Our kinetic model allows for an estimation of the range of optimum level of vitamin-D required for smooth functioning of the immune system and for control of both hyper-regulation and inflammation. Most importantly, the present study reveals that an overdose or toxic level of vitamin-D or any steroid analogue could give rise to too large a tolerant response, leading to an inefficacy in adaptive immune function.


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Colloidal systems with competing interactions are known to exhibit a range of dynamically arrested states because of the systems' inability to reach its underlying equilibrium state due to intrinsic frustration. Graphene oxide (GO) aqueous dispersions constitute a class of 2D-anisotropic colloids with competing interactions long-range electrostatic repulsion, originating from ionized groups located on the rim of the sheets, and weak dispersive attractive interactions originating from the unoxidized graphitic domains. We show here that aqueous dispersions of GO exhibit a range of arrested states, encompassing fluid, glass, and gels that coexist with liquid-crystalline order with increasing volume fraction. These states can be accessed by varying the relative magnitudes of the repulsive and attractive forces. This can be realized by changing the ionic strength of the medium. We observe at low salt concentrations, where long-range electrostatic repulsion dominates, the formation of a repulsive Wigner glass, while at high salt concentrations, when attractive forces dominate, the formation of gels exhibits a nematic to columnar liquid-crystalline transition. The present work highlights how the chemical structure of GO hydrophilic ionizable groups and hydrophobic graphitic domains coexisting on a single sheet gives rise to a rich and complex array of arrested states.