994 resultados para ranking method


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This paper describes the formalization and application of a methodology to evaluate the safety benefit of countermeasures in the face of uncertainty. To illustrate the methodology, 18 countermeasures for improving safety of at grade railroad crossings (AGRXs) in the Republic of Korea are considered. Akin to “stated preference” methods in travel survey research, the methodology applies random selection and laws of large numbers to derive accident modification factor (AMF) densities from expert opinions. In a full Bayesian analysis framework, the collective opinions in the form of AMF densities (data likelihood) are combined with prior knowledge (AMF density priors) for the 18 countermeasures to obtain ‘best’ estimates of AMFs (AMF posterior credible intervals). The countermeasures are then compared and recommended based on the largest safety returns with minimum risk (uncertainty). To the author's knowledge the complete methodology is new and has not previously been applied or reported in the literature. The results demonstrate that the methodology is able to discern anticipated safety benefit differences across candidate countermeasures. For the 18 at grade railroad crossings considered in this analysis, it was found that the top three performing countermeasures for reducing crashes are in-vehicle warning systems, obstacle detection systems, and constant warning time systems.


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This paper outlines a method of constructing narratives about an individual’s self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is defined as “people’s judgments of their capabilities to organise and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performances” (Bandura, 1986, p. 391), and as such represents a useful construct for thinking about personal agency. Social cognitive theory provides the theoretical framework for understanding the sources of self-efficacy, that is, the elements that contribute to a sense of self-efficacy. The narrative approach adopted offers an alternative to traditional, positivist psychology, characterised by a preoccupation with measuring psychological constructs (like self-efficacy) by means of questionnaires and scales. It is argued that these instruments yield scores which are somewhat removed from the lived experience of the person—respondent or subject—associated with the score. The method involves a cyclical and iterative process using qualitative interviews to collect data from participants – four mature aged university students. The method builds on a three-interview procedure designed for life history research (Dolbeare & Schuman, cited in Seidman, 1998). This is achieved by introducing reflective homework tasks, as well as written data generated by research participants, as they are guided in reflecting on those experiences (including behaviours, cognitions and emotions) that constitute a sense of self-efficacy, in narrative and by narrative. The method illustrates how narrative analysis is used “to produce stories as the outcome of the research” (Polkinghorne, 1995, p.15), with detail and depth contributing to an appreciation of the ‘lived experience’ of the participants. The method is highly collaborative, with narratives co-constructed by researcher and research participants. The research outcomes suggest an enhanced understanding of self-efficacy contributes to motivation, application of effort and persistence in overcoming difficulties. The paper concludes with an evaluation of the research process by the students who participated in the author’s doctoral study.


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Proper application of sunscreen is essential as an effective public health strategy for skin cancer prevention. Insufficient application is common among sunbathers, results in decreased sun protection and may therefore lead to increased UV damage of the skin. However, no objective measure of sunscreen application thickness (SAT) is currently available for field-based use. We present a method to detect SAT on human skin for determining the amount of sunscreen applied and thus enabling comparisons to manufacturer recommendations. Using a skin swabbing method and subsequent spectrophotometric analysis, we were able to determine SAT on human skin. A swabbing method was used to derive SAT on skin (in mg sunscreen per cm2 of skin area) through the concentration–absorption relationship of sunscreen determined in laboratory experiments. Analysis differentiated SATs between 0.25 and 4 mg cm−2 and showed a small but significant decrease in concentration over time postapplication. A field study was performed, in which the heterogeneity of sunscreen application could be investigated. The proposed method is a low cost, noninvasive method for the determination of SAT on skin and it can be used as a valid tool in field- and population-based studies.


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Extensive groundwater withdrawal has resulted in a severe seawater intrusion problem in the Gooburrum aquifers at Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia. Better management strategies can be implemented by understanding the seawater intrusion processes in those aquifers. To study the seawater intrusion process in the region, a two-dimensional density-dependent, saturated and unsaturated flow and transport computational model is used. The model consists of a coupled system of two non-linear partial differential equations. The first equation describes the flow of a variable-density fluid, and the second equation describes the transport of dissolved salt. A two-dimensional control volume finite element model is developed for simulating the seawater intrusion into the heterogeneous aquifer system at Gooburrum. The simulation results provide a realistic mechanism by which to study the convoluted transport phenomena evolving in this complex heterogeneous coastal aquifer.


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This study investigates the application of local search methods on the railway junction traffic conflict-resolution problem, with the objective of attaining a quick and reasonable solution. A procedure based on local search relies on finding a better solution than the current one by a search in the neighbourhood of the current one. The structure of neighbourhood is therefore very important to an efficient local search procedure. In this paper, the formulation of the structure of the solution, which is the right-of-way sequence assignment, is first described. Two new neighbourhood definitions are then proposed and the performance of the corresponding local search procedures is evaluated by simulation. It has been shown that they provide similar results but they can be used to handle different traffic conditions and system requirements.


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The multi-criteria decision making methods, Preference METHods for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) and Graphical Analysis for Interactive Assistance (GAIA), and the two-way Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) receptor model were applied to airborne fine particle compositional data collected at three sites in Hong Kong during two monitoring campaigns held from November 2000 to October 2001 and November 2004 to October 2005. PROMETHEE/GAIA indicated that the three sites were worse during the later monitoring campaign, and that the order of the air quality at the sites during each campaign was: rural site > urban site > roadside site. The PMF analysis on the other hand, identified 6 common sources at all of the sites (diesel vehicle, fresh sea salt, secondary sulphate, soil, aged sea salt and oil combustion) which accounted for approximately 68.8 ± 8.7% of the fine particle mass at the sites. In addition, road dust, gasoline vehicle, biomass burning, secondary nitrate, and metal processing were identified at some of the sites. Secondary sulphate was found to be the highest contributor to the fine particle mass at the rural and urban sites with vehicle emission as a high contributor to the roadside site. The PMF results are broadly similar to those obtained in a previous analysis by PCA/APCS. However, the PMF analysis resolved more factors at each site than the PCA/APCS. In addition, the study demonstrated that combined results from multi-criteria decision making analysis and receptor modelling can provide more detailed information that can be used to formulate the scientific basis for mitigating air pollution in the region.


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This overview focuses on the application of chemometrics techniques for the investigation of soils contaminated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metals because these two important and very diverse groups of pollutants are ubiquitous in soils. The salient features of various studies carried out in the micro- and recreational environments of humans, are highlighted in the context of the various multivariate statistical techniques available across discipline boundaries that have been effectively used in soil studies. Particular attention is paid to techniques employed in the geosciences that may be effectively utilized for environmental soil studies; classical multivariate approaches that may be used in isolation or as complementary methods to these are also discussed. Chemometrics techniques widely applied in atmospheric studies for identifying sources of pollutants or for determining the importance of contaminant source contributions to a particular site, have seen little use in soil studies, but may be effectively employed in such investigations. Suitable programs are also available for suggesting mitigating measures in cases of soil contamination, and these are also considered. Specific techniques reviewed include pattern recognition techniques such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Fuzzy Clustering (FC) and Cluster Analysis (CA); geostatistical tools include variograms, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), contour mapping and kriging; source identification and contribution estimation methods reviewed include Positive Matrix Factorisation (PMF), and Principal Component Analysis on Absolute Principal Component Scores (PCA/APCS). Mitigating measures to limit or eliminate pollutant sources may be suggested through the use of ranking analysis and multi criteria decision making methods (MCDM). These methods are mainly represented in this review by studies employing the Preference Ranking Organisation Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) and its associated graphic output, Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid (GAIA).


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There is a need for educational frameworks for computer ethics education. This discussion paper presents an approach to developing students’ moral sensitivity, an awareness of morally relevant issues, in project-based learning (PjBL). The proposed approach is based on a study of IT professionals’ levels of awareness of ethics. These levels are labelled My world, The corporate world, A shared world, The client’s world and The wider world. We give recommendations for how instructors may stimulate students’ thinking with the levels and how the levels may be taken into account in managing a project course and in an IS department. Limitations of the recommendations are assessed and issues for discussion are raised.


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There is a renaissance of interest in public service motivation in public management research. Moynnihan and Pandey (2007) assert that public service motivation (PSM) has significant practical relevance as it deals with the relationship between motivation and the public interest. There is a need to explore employee needs generated by public service motivation in order to attract and retain a high calibre cadre of public servants (Gabris & Simo, 1995). Such exploration is particularly important beyond the American context which has dominated the literature to date (Taylor, 2007; Vandenabeele, Scheepers, & Hondeghem, 2006; Vandenabeele & Van de Walle, 2008).


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Purpose–The growing debate in the literature indicates that the initiative to implement Knowledge Based Urban Development (KBUD) approaches in urban development process is neither simple nor quick. Many research efforts has therefore, been put forward to the development of appropriate KBUD framework and KBUD practical approaches. But this has lead to a fragmented and incoherent methodological approach. This paper outlines and compares a few most popular KBUD frameworks selected from the literature. It aims to identify some key and common features in the effort to achieve a unified method of KBUD framework. Design/methodology/approach–This paper reviews, examines and identifies various popular KBUD frameworks discussed in the literature from urban planners’ viewpoint. It employs a content analysis technique i.e. a research tool used to determine the presence of certain words or concepts within texts or sets of texts. Originality/value–The paper reports on the key and common features of a few selected most popular KBUD frameworks. The synthesis of the results is based from a perspective of urban planners. The findings which encompass a new KBUD framework incorporating the key and common features will be valuable in setting a platform to achieve a unified method of KBUD. Practical implications –The discussion and results presented in this paper should be significant to researchers and practitioners and to any cities and countries that are aiming for KBUD. Keywords – Knowledge based urban development, Knowledge based urban development framework, Urban development and knowledge economy


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Aim. This paper is a report of a review conducted to identify (a) best practice in information transfer from the emergency department for multi-trauma patients; (b) conduits and barriers to information transfer in trauma care and related settings; and (c) interventions that have an impact on information communication at handover and beyond. Background. Information transfer is integral to effective trauma care, and communication breakdown results in important challenges to this. However, evidence of adequacy of structures and processes to ensure transfer of patient information through the acute phase of trauma care is limited. Data sources. Papers were sourced from a search of 12 online databases and scanning references from relevant papers for 1990–2009. Review methods. The review was conducted according to the University of York’s Centre for Reviews and Dissemination guidelines. Studies were included if they concerned issues that influenced information transfer for patients in healthcare settings. Results. Forty-five research papers, four literature reviews and one policy statement were found to be relevant to parts of the topic, but not all of it. The main issues emerging concerned the impact of communication breakdown in some form, and included communication issues within trauma team processes, lack of structure and clarity during handovers including missing, irrelevant and inaccurate information, distractions and poorly documented care. Conclusion. Many factors influence information transfer but are poorly identified in relation to trauma care. The measurement of information transfer, which is integral to patient handover, has not been the focus of research to date. Nonetheless, documented patient information is considered evidence of care and a resource that affects continuing care.


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Several key issues need to be resolved before an efficient and reproducible Agrobacterium-mediated sugarcane transformation method can be developed for a wider range of sugarcane cultivars. These include loss of morphogenetic potential in sugarcane cells after Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, effect of exposure to abiotic stresses during in vitro selection, and most importantly the hypersensitive cell death response of sugarcane (and other nonhost plants) to Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Eight sugarcane cultivars (Q117, Q151, Q177, Q200, Q208, KQ228, QS94-2329, and QS94-2174) were evaluated for loss of morphogenetic potential in response to the age of the culture, exposure to Agrobacterium strains, and exposure to abiotic stresses during selection. Corresponding changes in the polyamine profiles of these cultures were also assessed. Strategies were then designed to minimize the negative effects of these factors on the cell survival and callus proliferation following Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Some of these strategies, including the use of cell death protector genes and regulation of intracellular polyamine levels, will be discussed.


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Expenditure on R&D in the China construction industry has been relatively low in comparison with many developed countries for a number of years – a situation considered to be a major barrier to the industry’s competitiveness in general and unsatisfactory industry development of the 31 regions involved. A major problem with this is the lack of a sufficiently sophisticated method of objectively evaluating R&D activity in what are quite complex circumstances considering the size and regional differences that exist in this part of the world. A regional construction R&D evaluation system (RCRES) is presented aimed at rectifying the situation. This is based on 12 indicators drawn from the Chinese Government’s R&D Inventory of Resources in consultation with a small group of experts in the field, and further factor analysed into three groups. From this, the required evaluation is obtained by a simple formula. Examination of the results provides a ranking list of the R&D performance of each of the 31 regions, indicating a general disproportion between coastal and inland regions and highlighting regions receiving special emphasis or currently lacking in development. The understanding on this is vital for the future of China’s construction industry.


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In this paper, an enriched radial point interpolation method (e-RPIM) is developed the for the determination of crack tip fields. In e-RPIM, the conventional RBF interpolation is novelly augmented by the suitable trigonometric basis functions to reflect the properties of stresses for the crack tip fields. The performance of the enriched RBF meshfree shape functions is firstly investigated to fit different surfaces. The surface fitting results have proven that, comparing with the conventional RBF shape function, the enriched RBF shape function has: (1) a similar accuracy to fit a polynomial surface; (2) a much better accuracy to fit a trigonometric surface; and (3) a similar interpolation stability without increase of the condition number of the RBF interpolation matrix. Therefore, it has proven that the enriched RBF shape function will not only possess all advantages of the conventional RBF shape function, but also can accurately reflect the properties of stresses for the crack tip fields. The system of equations for the crack analysis is then derived based on the enriched RBF meshfree shape function and the meshfree weak-form. Several problems of linear fracture mechanics are simulated using this newlydeveloped e-RPIM method. It has demonstrated that the present e-RPIM is very accurate and stable, and it has a good potential to develop a practical simulation tool for fracture mechanics problems.


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This study investigated, validated, and applied the optimum conditions for a modified microwave assisted digestion method for subsequent ICP-MS determination of mercury, cadmium, and lead in two matrices relevant to water quality, that is, sediment and fish. Three different combinations of power, pressure, and time conditions for microwave-assisted digestion were tested, using two certified reference materials representing the two matrices, to determine the optimum set of conditions. Validation of the optimized method indicated better recovery of the studied metals compared to standard methods. The validated method was applied to sediment and fish samples collected from Agusan River and one of its tributaries, located in Eastern Mindanao, Philippines. The metal concentrations in sediment ranged from 2.85 to 341.06 mg/kg for Hg, 0.05 to 44.46 mg/kg for Cd and 2.20 to 1256.16 mg/kg for Pb. The results indicate that the concentrations of these metals in the sediments rapidly decrease with distance downstream from sites of contamination. In the selected fish species, the metals were detected but at levels that are considered safe for human consumption, with concentrations of 2.14 to 6.82 μg/kg for Hg, 0.035 to 0.068 μg/kg for Cd, and 0.019 to 0.529 μg/kg for Pb.