238 resultados para radiologia


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To establish benchmarks and study some sonographic characteristics of the thyroid gland in a group of euthyroid children aged up to 5 years as compared with age-matched children with congenital hypothyroidism. Thirty-six children (17 female and 19 male) aged between 2 months and 5 years were divided into two groups - 23 euthyroid children and 13 children with congenital hypothyroidism - and were called to undergo ultrasonography. In the group of euthyroid children (n = 23), mean total volume of the thyroid gland was 1.12 mL (minimum, 0.39 mL; maximum, 2.72 mL); a homogeneous gland was found in 17 children (73.91%) and 6 children (26.08%) had a heterogeneous gland. In the group of children with congenital hypothyroidism (n = 13), mean total volume of the thyroid gland was 2.73 mL (minimum, 0.20 mL; maximum, 11.00 mL). As regards thyroid location, 3 patients (23.07%) had ectopic thyroid, and 10 (69.23%) had topic thyroid, and out of the latter, 5 had a homogeneous gland (50%) and 5, a heterogeneous gland (50%). In the group with congenital hypothyroidism, 6 (46.15%) children had etiological diagnosis of dyshormoniogenesis, 3 (23.07%), of ectopic thyroid, and 4 (30.76%), of thyroid hypoplasia. Thyroid ultrasonography is a noninvasive imaging method, widely available, easy to perform and for these reasons could, and should, be performed at any time, including at birth, with no preparation or treatment discontinuation, to aid in the early etiological definition of congenital hypothyroidism.


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The tooth eruption have been studied for many years about the knowledge of its variations. From these variations the difference between the eruption of the superior and inferior archs, and also the right and left sides have been poorly analysed. The author compared the alveolar eruption of the permanents canines, first and second premolars between the right and left sides of the superior and inferior archs, from 7 and 11 years of age, in males and females, by radiographic method. By the Discipline of Radiology of the Diagnosis and surgery Departament of the School of Dentistry of São José dos Campos - UNESP, observed that: there is early eruption in female; the alveolar eruption sequence in maxillar and mandibular was: first premolar, second premolar e canino. There wasn't statiscally significant difference of the alveolar eruption between the right and left sides of maxillar and mandibular archs


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Maxillary canine impaction is a common occurrence, especially in the palate, despite sufficient space in the arch for tooth alignment. A proper approach requires knowledge of different specialties of dentistry, such as orthodontics, surgery, radiology, and periodontology, which are generally not centered on a single professional. The causes for canine impaction may be either generalized or localized, and the diagnosis should be made through specific clinical and radiographic examination. The prognosis of surgical-orthodontic treatment depends on the position of the canine in relation to the neighboring teeth and height of the alveolar process, in addition to careful surgical technique, considering that there are risks involved, such as ankylosis, loss of tooth vitality, root resorption of the involved tooth and adjacent teeth, and damage to supporting tissues. Given the important role played by impacted maxillary canines, their traction is the treatment of choice in orthodontically treated patients. The present study reviews the literature on important factors to be considered when approaching impacted canines, such as therapeutic possibilities, their advantages and disadvantages.


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As ossificações do complexo estilo-hióideo (OCEH), os tonsilólitos e os ateromas são exemplos calcificações em tecidos moles incidentalmente encontrados em exames de imagem. Atualmente com a utilização da tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) na odontologia, há um aumento do número desses achados. Objetivo: Relatar um caso clínico com calcificações em tecidos moles e comparar esses achados entre a radiografia panorâmica e a TCFC do mesmo paciente. Paciente masculino, 77 anos, compareceu a Clínica de Radiologia para realizar radiografia panorâmica e TCFC para planejamento de implantes. Na radiografia panorâmica pode-se observar a OCEH bilateral e presença de uma área radiopaca localizada no ramo ascendente da mandíbula, que foi compatível com esclerose óssea. Na análise da TCFC constatou a presença da OCEH bilateralmente. Porém a área radiopaca primeiramente sugestiva de esclerose óssea, na TCFC foi sugerida como tonsilólito, pois não estava localizada no ramo ascendente da mandíbula, e sim nos tecidos moles da região próxima aos espaços aéreos. No exame de TCFC foi possível a visualização de outra estrutura calcificada do lado direito do paciente, na altura da vértebra C4, heterogênea que foi compatível com ateroma. O diagnóstico das calcificações pode não ser preciso quando se utiliza apenas a radiografia panorâmica, além da possibilidade de apresentar falso negativo, como no caso do ateroma. Assim sendo quando o paciente possuir o exame de TCFC esse deve ser completamente avaliado, para que sejam diagnosticadas as possíveis calcificações em tecidos moles presentes.


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Várias resoluções e leis visam minimizar e/ou adequar os resíduos gerados, dentre outros aspectos. Nesse sentido, a Disciplina de Radiologia, funcionários que trabalham no setor e docentes ligados a biossegurança e sustentabilidade ambiental estudaram as referidas normas e leis, além de artigos científicos relacionados ao descarte dos resíduos gerados em radiologia para realizar o descarte correto desses materiais e para orientar e conscientizar os acadêmicos sobre o assunto. Verificou-se que os resíduos gerados com a radiografia convencional são considerados resíduos químicos (tipo B) e devem ser descartado separadamente dos resíduos tipo A (infectantes), C (radioativos), D (comum) e dos E (perfuro-cortantes), visto que podem ser reutilizados, recuperados ou reciclados, e em última instância, podem ser dispostos em aterro de resíduos perigosos Classe I.


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Uma égua da raça Quarto-de-Milha, doadora de embriões, de vinte e três anos de idade foi atendida no Departamento de Reprodução Animal e Radiologia Veterinária da FMVZ – UNESP – Botucatu, apresentando uma massa ulcerada, de consistência firme, drenando secreção serosanguinolenta, medindo 15cm x 16cm x 14,8cm na mama direita. O exame citológico foi inconclusivo devido à baixa celularidade e predomínio de células inflamatórias. Foi realizada mastectomia unilateral e exame histopatológico e técnicas específicas que revelaram um carcinoma mamário túbulo-papilífero, com extensivo acometimento intralobular e intraductal, estroma abundante e infiltrado inflamatório polimorfonuclear acentuado e difuso. Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar os achados clínico e histopatológicos de um caso de carcinoma mamário túbulo-papilífero em uma égua, e afirmar a importância do exame citológico e histopatológico no diagnóstico diferencial de processos inflamatórios e neoplasias.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Esta pesquisa teve por finalidade avaliar a ação da vitamina E como radioprotetora no processo de reparação tecidual em ratos, após sofrerem um procedimento cirúrgico, que consistiu da produção de uma ferida na região dorsal anterior. Os animais foram divididos em cinco grupos: grupo CO (controle) - constituído de animais em que foi produzida somente a ferida; grupo VE - pré-tratamento com vitamina E (90 UI); grupo IR - irradiação três dias após a cirurgia; grupo VEIR - pré-tratamento com 90 UI de vitamina E e irradiação de suas bordas três dias após a cirurgia; grupo OIR - pré-tratamento com óleo de oliva e irradiação de suas bordas três dias após a cirurgia. A ação radioprotetora da vitamina E foi avaliada pela coloração por hematoxilina-eosina para análise morfológica do tecido de granulação, aos 4, 7, 14 e 21 dias após a cirurgia. A análise dos resultados mostrou que o retardo no processo de reparação tecidual causado por 6 Gy de radiação de elétrons com feixe de 6 MeV não ocorreu no grupo de animais que recebeu vitamina E, mostrando-se esta substância efetiva como radioprotetora.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Lima S.A.F., Wodewotzky T.I., Lima-Neto J.F., Beltrao-Braga P.C.B. & Alvarenga F.C.L. 2012. [In vitro differentiation of mesenchimal stem cells of dogs into osteogenic precursors.] Diferenciacao in vitro de celulas-tronco mesenquimais da medula ossea de caes em precursores osteogenicos. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(5):463-469. Departamento de Reproducao Animal e Radiologia Veterinaria, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Botucatu, Distrito de Rubiao Junior s/n, Botucatu, SP 18618-970, Brazil. E-mail: silviavet@usp.br The aim of our research was to evaluate the potential for osteogenic differentiation of mesenchimal stem cells (MSC) obtained from dog bone marrow. The MSC were separated using the Ficoll method and cultured under two different conditions: DMEM low glucose or DMEM/F12, both containing L-glutamine, 20% of FBS and antibiotics. MSC markers were tested, confirming CD44+ and CD34- cells with flow cytometry. For osteogenic differentiation, cells were submitted to four different conditions: Group 1, same conditions used for primary cell culture with DMEM supplemented media; Group 2, same conditions of Group 1 plus differentiation inductors Dexametazone, ascorbic acid and beta-glicerolphosphate. Group 3, Cells cultured with supplemented DMEM/F12 media, and Group 4, same conditions as in Group 3 plus differentiation inductors Dexametazone, ascorbic acid and beta-glicerolphosphate. The cellular differentiation was confirmed using alizarin red and imunostaining with SP7/Osterix antibody. We observed by alizarin staining that calcium deposit was more evident in cells cultivated in DMEM/F12. Furthermore, by SP/7Osterix antibody immunostaining we obtained 1:6 positive cells when using DMEM/F12 compared with 1:12 for low-glucose DMEM. Based on our results, we conclude that the medium DMEM/F12 is more efficient for induction of differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in canine osteogenic progenitors. This effect is probably due to the greater amount of glucose in the medium and the presence of various amino acids.


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Objective: This study aimed to assess the presence of additional foramina and canals in the anterior palate region, through cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images, describing their location, direction, and diameter. Materials & Methods: CBCT exams of 178 subjects displaying the anterior maxilla were included and the following parameters were registered: gender; age group; presence of additional foramina in the anterior palate (AFP) with at least 1 mm in diameter; location and diameter of AFP; and direction of bony canals associated with AFP. Results: Twenty-eight patients (15.7%) presented AFP and in total 34 additional foramina were registered. No statistical differences between patients with or without AFP were found for gender or age. The average diameter of AFP was 1.4 mm (range from 1 to 1.9 mm). Their location was variable, with most of the cases occurring in the alveolar process near the incisors or canines (n = 27). In 18 cases, AFP was associated with bony canals with upward or oblique direction toward the anterior nasal cavity floor. In 14 cases, the canal presented as a direct extension of the canalis sinuosus, in an upward direction laterally to the nasal cavity aperture. In two cases, the canal was observed adjacent to the incisive and joined the nasopalatine canal superiorly. Discussion: CBCT images have a crucial role in the recognition of anatomical variations by allowing detailed tridimensional evaluations. Additional foramina and canals in the anterior region of the upper jaw are relatively frequent. Practitioners should be aware and trained to identify these variations. Conclusions: Over 15% of the population studied had additional foramina in the anterior palate, between 1 mm and 1.9 mm wide, with variable locations. In most cases the canals associated with these foramina either presented as a direct extension of the canalis sinuosus, or coursed towards the nasal cavity floor.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between degenerative bone changes of the head of the mandible and the presence of joint effusion (JE). This study was based on sagittal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reports of 148 temporomandibular joints (TMJs) of 74 patients complaining of pain and/or dysfunction in the TMJ area. The mandible heads were surveyed for osteoarthritis characteristics, which were classified as osteophytosis, sclerosis or erosion. The presence of JE was checked whenever high signal intensity was observed in the articular space. The results evidenced the presence of bone changes in 30% of the sample. Osteophytes and erosions were the changes most commonly observed. JE was reported in 10% of TMJs. The results from the statistical tests revealed that bone changes in the head of the mandible are associated with the presence of JE.


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O termo gossipiboma é usado para descrever uma massa formada a partir de uma matriz de algodão cercada por uma reação inflamatória/granulomatosa. Sua incidência é estimada em 0,15% a 0,2%. O corpo estranho na cavidade abdominal pode servir de nicho para a proliferação de microrganismos e agir como foco primário para formação de abscessos e de peritonite. Vários estudos têm demonstrado a importância da correlação clínica com os diversos métodos de imagem (radiografia convencional, ultrassonografia, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética) no diagnóstico dos gossipibomas. Este ensaio tem por objetivo demonstrar uma série de casos típicos de gossipibomas abdominais e ilustrar suas diversas formas de apresentação, com ênfase nos achados dos diferentes métodos de imagem, visando a familiarizar os radiologistas com esta enfermidade e seus principais diagnósticos diferenciais.


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In imaging diagnosis, redundant nerve roots of the cauda equina are characterized by the presence of elongated, enlarged and tortuous nerve roots in close relationship with a high-grade lumbar spinal canal stenosis. This is not an independent entity, but it is believed to be a consequence of the chronic compression at the level of the lumbar canal stenosis and thus may be part of the natural history of lumbar spinal stenosis. The present paper is aimed at reviewing the histopathological, electrophysiological and imaging findings, particularly at magnetic resonance imaging, as well as the clinical meaning of this entity. As the current assessment of canal stenosis and root compression is preferably performed by means of magnetic resonance imaging, this is the imaging method by which the condition is identified. The recognition of redundant nerve roots at magnetic resonance imaging is important, particularly to avoid misdiagnosing other conditions such as intradural arteriovenous malformations. The literature approaching the clinical relevance of the presence of redundant nerve roots is controversial. There are articles suggesting that the pathological changes of the nerve roots are irreversible at the moment of diagnosis and therefore neurological symptoms are less likely to improve with surgical decompression, but such concept is not a consensus.