990 resultados para radial birefringent filter


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A new successive displacement type load flow method is developed in this paper. This algorithm differs from the conventional Y-Bus based Gauss Seidel load flow in that the voltages at each bus is updated in every iteration based on the exact solution of the power balance equation at that node instead of an approximate solution used by the Gauss Seidel method. It turns out that this modified implementation translates into only a marginal improvement in convergence behaviour for obtaining load flow solutions of interconnected systems. However it is demonstrated that the new approach can be adapted with some additional refinements in order to develop an effective load flow solution technique for radial systems. Numerical results considering a number of systems-both interconnected and radial, are provided to validate the proposed approach.


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This paper presents two methods of star camera calibration to determine camera calibrating parameters (like principal point, focal length etc) along with lens distortions (radial and decentering). First method works autonomously utilizing star coordinates in three consecutive image frames thus independent of star identification or biased attitude information. The parameters obtained in autonomous self-calibration technique helps to identify the imaged stars with the cataloged stars. Least Square based second method utilizes inertial star coordinates to determine satellite attitude and star camera parameters with lens radial distortion, both independent of each other. Camera parameters determined by the second method are more accurate than the first method of camera self calibration. Moreover, unlike most of the attitude determination algorithms where attitude of the satellite depend on the camera calibrating parameters, the second method has the advantage of computing spacecraft attitude independent of camera calibrating parameters except lens distortions (radial). Finally Kalman filter based sequential estimation scheme is employed to filter out the noise of the LS based estimation.


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Electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise is one of the major issues during design of grid-tied power converters. A novel LCL filter topology for a single-phase pulsewidth modulation (PWM) rectifier that makes use of bipolar PWM method is proposed for a single-phase to three-phase motor drive power converter. The proposed topology eliminates high dv/dt from the dc-bus common-mode (CM) voltage by making it sinusoidal. Hence, the high-frequency CM current injection to the ground and the motor-side CM current are minimized. The proposed filter configuration makes the system insensitive to circuit non-idealities such as mismatch in inductors values, unequal turn-on and turn-off delays, and dead-time mismatch between the inverter legs. Different variants of the filter topology are compared to establish the effectiveness of the proposed circuit. Experimental results based on the EMI measurement on the grid side and the CM current measurement on the motor side are presented for a 5-kW motor drive. It is shown that the proposed filter topology reduces the EMI noise level by about 35 dB.


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In this paper, we propose a H.264/AVC compressed domain human action recognition system with projection based metacognitive learning classifier (PBL-McRBFN). The features are extracted from the quantization parameters and the motion vectors of the compressed video stream for a time window and used as input to the classifier. Since compressed domain analysis is done with noisy, sparse compression parameters, it is a huge challenge to achieve performance comparable to pixel domain analysis. On the positive side, compressed domain allows rapid analysis of videos compared to pixel level analysis. The classification results are analyzed for different values of Group of Pictures (GOP) parameter, time window including full videos. The functional relationship between the features and action labels are established using PBL-McRBFN with a cognitive and meta-cognitive component. The cognitive component is a radial basis function, while the meta-cognitive component employs self-regulation to achieve better performance in subject independent action recognition task. The proposed approach is faster and shows comparable performance with respect to the state-of-the-art pixel domain counterparts. It employs partial decoding, which rules out the complexity of full decoding, and minimizes computational load and memory usage. This results in reduced hardware utilization and increased speed of classification. The results are compared with two benchmark datasets and show more than 90% accuracy using the PBL-McRBFN. The performance for various GOP parameters and group of frames are obtained with twenty random trials and compared with other well-known classifiers in machine learning literature. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aim: To develop a mesh meant to be mounted on a windowpane that will act as a barrier for dust, while allowing wind to pass freely. Materials and Methods: Two small metal meshes separated at 1 cm, connected to an electrostatic generator and holding opposite charges are used. A videographic analysis has been performed. Results: The charged bilayered mesh was able to prevent a large portion of dust from passing through. Conclusion: The device is a simple, economical, and reliable way of reducing the entry of dust into a room, easing the need for periodic cleaning, and thus creating a healthier environment for the inhabitants of the building. It also has potential space applications.


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Granular filters are provided for the safety of water retaining structure for protection against piping failure. The phenomenon of piping triggers when the base soil to be protected starts migrating in the direction of seepage flow under the influence of seepage force. To protect base soil from migration, the voids in the filter media should be small enough but it should not also be too small to block smooth passage of seeping water. Fulfilling these two contradictory design requirements at the same time is a major concern for the successful performance of granular filter media. Since Terzaghi era, conventionally, particle size distribution (PSD) of granular filters is designed based on particle size distribution characteristics of the base soil to be protected. The design approach provides a range of D15f value in which the PSD of granular filter media should fall and there exist infinite possibilities. Further, safety against the two critical design requirements cannot be ensured. Although used successfully for many decades, the existing filter design guidelines are purely empirical in nature accompanied with experience and good engineering judgment. In the present study, analytical solutions for obtaining the factor of safety with respect to base soil particle migration and soil permeability consideration as proposed by the authors are first discussed. The solution takes into consideration the basic geotechnical properties of base soil and filter media as well as existing hydraulic conditions and provides a comprehensive solution to the granular filter design with ability to assess the stability in terms of factor of safety. Considering the fact that geotechnical properties are variable in nature, probabilistic analysis is further suggested to evaluate the system reliability of the filter media that may help in risk assessment and risk management for decision making.


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Closed loop control of a grid connected VSI requires line current control and dc bus voltage control. The closed loop system comprising PR current controller and grid connected VSI with LCL filter is a higher order system. Closed loop control gain expressions are therefore difficult to obtain directly for such systems. In this work a simplified approach has been adopted to find current and voltage controller gain expressions for a 3 phase 4 wire grid connected VSI with LCL filter. The closed loop system considered here utilises PR current controller in natural reference frame and PI controller for dc bus voltage control. Asymptotic frequency response plot and gain bandwidth requirements of the system have been used for current control and voltage controller design. A simplified lower order model, derived for closed loop current control, is used for the dc bus voltage controller design. The adopted design method has been verified through experiments by comparison of the time domain response.


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Oversmoothing of speech parameter trajectories is one of the causes for quality degradation of HMM-based speech synthesis. Various methods have been proposed to overcome this effect, the most recent ones being global variance (GV) and modulation-spectrum-based post-filter (MSPF). However, there is still a significant quality gap between natural and synthesized speech. In this paper, we propose a two-fold post-filtering technique to alleviate to a certain extent the oversmoothing of spectral and excitation parameter trajectories of HMM-based speech synthesis. For the spectral parameters, we propose a sparse coding-based post-filter to match the trajectories of synthetic speech to that of natural speech, and for the excitation trajectory, we introduce a perceptually motivated post-filter. Experimental evaluations show quality improvement compared with existing methods.


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We propose a Monte Carlo filter for recursive estimation of diffusive processes that modulate the instantaneous rates of Poisson measurements. A key aspect is the additive update, through a gain-like correction term, empirically approximated from the innovation integral in the time-discretized Kushner-Stratonovich equation. The additive filter-update scheme eliminates the problem of particle collapse encountered in many conventional particle filters. Through a few numerical demonstrations, the versatility of the proposed filter is brought forth.


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Sequential Monte Carlo methods, also known as particle methods, are a widely used set of computational tools for inference in non-linear non-Gaussian state-space models. In many applications it may be necessary to compute the sensitivity, or derivative, of the optimal filter with respect to the static parameters of the state-space model; for instance, in order to obtain maximum likelihood model parameters of interest, or to compute the optimal controller in an optimal control problem. In Poyiadjis et al. [2011] an original particle algorithm to compute the filter derivative was proposed and it was shown using numerical examples that the particle estimate was numerically stable in the sense that it did not deteriorate over time. In this paper we substantiate this claim with a detailed theoretical study. Lp bounds and a central limit theorem for this particle approximation of the filter derivative are presented. It is further shown that under mixing conditions these Lp bounds and the asymptotic variance characterized by the central limit theorem are uniformly bounded with respect to the time index. We demon- strate the performance predicted by theory with several numerical examples. We also use the particle approximation of the filter derivative to perform online maximum likelihood parameter estimation for a stochastic volatility model.


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