878 resultados para project based organisation
BACKGROUND Evidence exists that a farming environment in childhood may provide protection against atopic respiratory disease. In the GABRIEL project based in Poland and Alpine regions of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, we aimed to assess whether a farming environment in childhood is protective against allergic diseases in Poland and whether specific exposures explain any protective effect. METHODS In rural Poland, 23 331 families of schoolchildren completed a questionnaire enquiring into farming practices and allergic diseases (Phase I). A subsample (n = 2586) participated in Phase II involving a more detailed questionnaire on specific farm exposures with objective measures of atopy. RESULTS Farming differed between Poland and the Alpine centres; in the latter, cattle farming was prevalent, whereas in Poland 18% of village farms kept ≥1 cow and 34% kept ≥1 pig. Polish children in villages had lower prevalences of asthma and hay fever than children from towns, and in the Phase II population, farm children had a reduced risk of atopy measured by IgE (aOR = 0.72, 95% CI 0.57, 0.91) and skin prick test (aOR = 0.65, 95% CI 0.50, 0.86). Early-life contact with grain was inversely related to the risk of atopy measured by IgE (aOR = 0.66, 95% CI 0.47, 0.92) and appeared to explain part of the farming effect. CONCLUSION While farming in Poland differed from that in the Alpine areas as did the exposure-response associations, we found in communities engaged in small-scale, mixed farming, there was a protective farming effect against objective measures of atopy potentially related to contact with grain or associated farm activities.
This article describes a study of the outcomes of home-based family preservation services for abusive and neglectful families in Los Angeles County. It focuses on changes in family functioning during the 3 month service period and one year after case closing. Families known to the public child welfare agency were referred to the project based on caseworker judgement of the need for services rather than on the criteria of imminent risk of placement. Two hundred forty families were randomly assigned to either the service group receiving family preservation services from two non-profit agencies or to the comparison group receiving regular public agency services. Both caseworkers and families reported small but significant improvements in family functioning for the service group families, but not for the comparison group families. Study findings also suggest the aspects of family functioning most changed by services, the characteristics of families most affected by services, and variables which predicted service success.
Wolfram von Eschenbach’s novel Parzival is a courtly romance composed in German language shortly after 1200. In a project, based at the University of Bern, a new critical edition of the poem is prepared in electronic and printed form. It visualizes parallel textual versions, which, depending on particular circumstances of oral performance, have developed in the early stage of the poem’s transmission. Philological research as well as phylogenetic techniques common in the natural sciences, e.g. in molecular biology, have been used to demonstrate the existence of these early textual versions. The article shows how both methods work and how they are applied to the ongoing edition. Exemplary passages to be presented include the text of some rare fragments written in the first decades of the 13th century, which might even go back to the author’s lifetime and which allow to date the existence of the versions they belong to.
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is one of the main causes of maternal deaths even in industrialized countries. It represents an emergency situation which necessitates a rapid decision and in particular an exact diagnosis and root cause analysis in order to initiate the correct therapeutic measures in an interdisciplinary cooperation. In addition to established guidelines, the benefits of standardized therapy algorithms have been demonstrated. A therapy algorithm for the obstetric emergency of postpartum hemorrhage in the German language is not yet available. The establishment of an international (Germany, Austria and Switzerland D-A-CH) "treatment algorithm for postpartum hemorrhage" was an interdisciplinary project based on the guidelines of the corresponding specialist societies (anesthesia and intensive care medicine and obstetrics) in the three countries as well as comparable international algorithms for therapy of PPH.The obstetrics and anesthesiology personnel must possess sufficient expertise for emergency situations despite lower case numbers. The rarity of occurrence for individual patients and the life-threatening situation necessitate a structured approach according to predetermined treatment algorithms. This can then be carried out according to the established algorithm. Furthermore, this algorithm presents the opportunity to train for emergency situations in an interdisciplinary team.
The poster demonstrates the preparatory steps of a digital multi-text edition that are abstracted from the experiences made in the Parzival Project, based at the University of Bern, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the University of Erlangen. This edition of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s German Grail novel, written shortly after 1200 and transmitted during several centuries in ca. hundred witnesses, has now been completed by more than a half of the textual corpus. As the text is transmitted in medieval manuscripts the witnesses have to be transcribed according to specific encoding rules. The transcriptions then are collated following certain ideas and concepts of how the transmission process could have developed. The transcriptions and collations finally have to be transferred to a digital edition that allows the users to explore the characteristics of single witnesses as well as the history of a text, which is delivered in variants and in different versions. A dynamically organized database offering various components and adapted to the needs of diverse user-profiles is nowadays the right tool for this purpose.
The poster demonstrates the preparatory steps of a digital multi-text edition that are abstracted from the experiences made in the Parzival Project, based at the University of Bern, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and the University of Erlangen. This edition of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s German Grail novel, written shortly after 1200 and transmitted during several centuries in ca. hundred witnesses, has now been completed by more than a half of the textual corpus.
Círculo de Lectores, club del libro español, ha desarrollado –desde su creación en 1962 y, en particular, bajo la dirección de Hans Meinke entre 1981 y 1997– un proyecto cultural basado tanto en la calidad de la edición de obras de referencia como en la proyección social de su actividad a través de conferencias y exposiciones. Así, Meinke conformó en torno a él una red de artistas, escritores e intelectuales que le condujo a erigirse en uno de los mediadores culturales más relevantes en la España de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Como consecuencia de una concepción de la cultura como un permanente intercambio entre sus diversas disciplinas, la realización de ediciones ilustradas constituyó uno de los pilares de su política cultural. Dentro de este terreno, fue el pintor Antonio Saura su más estrecho colaborador, no sólo en cuanto a la realización de proyectos, sino asesorando a Meinke en posibles ediciones y recomendando a otros ilustradores. Saura ilustró para Círculo de Lectores los considerados como “libros de su vida", dentro de los cuales la figura de Ramón Gómez de la Serna es una referencia ineludible, al ser su libro Ismos (1931, 1943) una de las lecturas causantes de la vocación artística del pintor. El estudio las condiciones sociales, de circulación y apropiación en Flor nueva de greguerías (1989) servirá como ejemplo del proceso de gestación de proyectos y de interacción de estas redes entre arte y edición.
Christina Hardt lleva adelante un proyecto fílmico sobre la base de una búsqueda personal y familiar que permite abordar desde un ángulo diferente la problemática del tratamiento del testimonio oral. Muerte en El Valle, el documental de Hardt que analizaré aquí a partir de diversas teorizaciones acerca del testimonio, especialmente puestas en discusión en las dos últimas décadas, reúne una serie de procedimientos que dan cuenta de la apropiación de la palabra ajena y muestra algunos extremos amparados en la urgencia que genera la avanzada edad de los informantes, aspecto que resulta significativo en torno a la memoria de la Guerra Civil española en las producciones del último entresiglos
Christina Hardt lleva adelante un proyecto fílmico sobre la base de una búsqueda personal y familiar que permite abordar desde un ángulo diferente la problemática del tratamiento del testimonio oral. Muerte en El Valle, el documental de Hardt que analizaré aquí a partir de diversas teorizaciones acerca del testimonio, especialmente puestas en discusión en las dos últimas décadas, reúne una serie de procedimientos que dan cuenta de la apropiación de la palabra ajena y muestra algunos extremos amparados en la urgencia que genera la avanzada edad de los informantes, aspecto que resulta significativo en torno a la memoria de la Guerra Civil española en las producciones del último entresiglos
Christina Hardt lleva adelante un proyecto fílmico sobre la base de una búsqueda personal y familiar que permite abordar desde un ángulo diferente la problemática del tratamiento del testimonio oral. Muerte en El Valle, el documental de Hardt que analizaré aquí a partir de diversas teorizaciones acerca del testimonio, especialmente puestas en discusión en las dos últimas décadas, reúne una serie de procedimientos que dan cuenta de la apropiación de la palabra ajena y muestra algunos extremos amparados en la urgencia que genera la avanzada edad de los informantes, aspecto que resulta significativo en torno a la memoria de la Guerra Civil española en las producciones del último entresiglos
The thesis represents the first part of a reference book to the Tertiary flora of Saxony. All taxa based on leaves of angiosperms and on Ginkgo are included in this compendium. After an overview about the geological state of knowledge on the Tertiary in Saxony, phytostratigraphic concepts are introduced and a historical survey on the Tertiary paleobotanical research in Saxony is given. All plant macrofossils published from Saxonian Tertiary until end of 2013 and their sites of discovery (primary data) were recorded. This data were supplemented by additional attributes and unified through project-based M.Sc. theses. Subsequently, taxa of fossil leaves were selected, their data evaluated and brought to a consistent state of research. Data sheets for 187 out of 235 examined taxa were established for a determination atlas. Macro- and micromorphological attributes are described in this atlas and information are given about the systematic, synonymy, palaeoecology and spatial and temporal distribution. The describing part is illustrated by images and instructive drawings. The documented data were surveyed and discussed related to their quality within the literature in the result part. A bibliography of the extensive palaeobotanical literature for plant fossils of Saxony completes the work. The taxon and locality related data are implemented into an open source geographical information system (GIS) in order to visualize and to manage them effectively. For the first time, the results of this thesis implemented in the GIS allow the generation of distribution maps for the taxa of leaves of Tertiary angiospermes and Ginkgo in Saxony. Furthermore it enables to query topographical, geological and paleobotanical information about the fossil sites. A determination key was developed for the fossil material that allows a rough determination of the findings in the field. The compendium will be available for free use in a printed as well as in a digital version.
Se presenta una experiencia educativa en el ámbito de la adquisición de competencias relacionadas con la dirección de proyectos. Alumnos de tres universidades y tres titulaciones distintas colaboran en la realización de un proyecto conjunto como instrumento conductor del proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje. El objetivo es valorar la idoneidad de un enfoque multidisciplinar de colaboración a distancia basado en la metodología Project Based Learning en el actual contexto de cambio de paradigma educativo. La experiencia resulta innovadora y es utilizada para definir una rúbrica que permita medir un determinado número de competencias relacionadas con la ingeniería de proyectos y la dirección de proyectos de ingeniería. Un sistema software facilita la integración de las métricas definidas y simplifica los procesos de supervisión de la adquisición de competencias.
Many of the emerging telecom services make use of Outer Edge Networks, in particular Home Area Networks. The configuration and maintenance of such services may not be under full control of the telecom operator which still needs to guarantee the service quality experienced by the consumer. Diagnosing service faults in these scenarios becomes especially difficult since there may be not full visibility between different domains. This paper describes the fault diagnosis solution developed in the MAGNETO project, based on the application of Bayesian Inference to deal with the uncertainty. It also takes advantage of a distributed framework to deploy diagnosis components in the different domains and network elements involved, spanning both the telecom operator and the Outer Edge networks. In addition, MAGNETO features self-learning capabilities to automatically improve diagnosis knowledge over time and a partition mechanism that allows breaking down the overall diagnosis knowledge into smaller subsets. The MAGNETO solution has been prototyped and adapted to a particular outer edge scenario, and has been further validated on a real testbed. Evaluation of the results shows the potential of our approach to deal with fault management of outer edge networks.
The educational platform Virtual Science Hub (ViSH) has been developed as part of the GLOBAL excursion European project. ViSH (http://vishub.org/) is a portal where teachers and scientist interact to create virtual excursions to science infrastructures. The main motivation behind the project was to connect teachers - and in consequence their students - to scientific institutions and their wide amount of infrastructures and resources they are working with. Thus the idea of a hub was born that would allow the two worlds of scientists and teachers to connect and to innovate science teaching. The core of the ViSH?s concept design is based on virtual excursions, which allow for a number of pedagogical models to be applied. According to our internal definition a virtual excursion is a tour through some digital context by teachers and pupils on a given topic that is attractive and has an educational purpose. Inquiry-based learning, project-based and problem-based learning are the most prominent approaches that a virtual excursion may serve. The domain specific resources and scientific infrastructures currently available on the ViSH are focusing on life sciences, nano-technology, biotechnology, grid and volunteer computing. The virtual excursion approach allows an easy combination of these resources into interdisciplinary teaching scenarios. In addition, social networking features support the users in collaborating and communicating in relation to these excursions and thus create a community of interest for innovative science teaching. The design and development phases were performed following a participatory design approach. An important aspect in this process was to create design partnerships amongst all actors involved, researchers, developers, infrastructure providers, teachers, social scientists, and pedagogical experts early in the project. A joint sense of ownership was created and important changes during the conceptual phase were implemented in the ViSH due to early user feedback. Technology-wise the ViSH is based on the latest web technologies in order to make it cross-platform compatible so that it works on several operative systems such as Windows, Mac or Linux and multi-device accessible, such as desktop, tablet and mobile devices. The platform has been developed in HTML5, the latest standard for web development, assuring that it can run on any modern browser. In addition to social networking features a core element on the ViSH is the virtual excursions editor. It is a web tool that allows teachers and scientists to create rich mash-ups of learning resources provided by the e-Infrastructures (i.e. remote laboratories and live webcams). These rich mash-ups can be presented in either slides or flashcards format. Taking advantage of the web architecture supported, additional powerful components have been integrated like a recommendation engine to provide personalized suggestions about educational content or interesting users and a videoconference tool to enhance real-time collaboration like MashMeTV (http://www.mashme.tv/).
Area, launched in 1999 with the Bologna Declaration, has bestowed such a magnitude and unprecedented agility to the transformation process undertaken by European universities. However, the change has been more profound and drastic with regards to the use of new technologies both inside and outside the classroom. This article focuses on the study and analysis of the technology’s history within the university education and its impact on teachers, students and teaching methods. All the elements that have been significant and innovative throughout the history inside the teaching process have been analyzed, from the use of blackboard and chalk during lectures, the use of slide projectors and transparent slides, to the use of electronic whiteboards and Internet nowadays. The study is complemented with two types of surveys that have been performed among teachers and students during the school years 1999 - 2011 in the School of Civil Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. The pros and cons of each of the techniques and methodologies used in the learning process over the last decades are described, unfolding how they have affected the teacher, who has evolved from writing on a whiteboard to project onto a screen, the student, who has evolved from taking handwritten notes to download information or search the Internet, and the educational process, that has evolved from the lecture to acollaborative learning and project-based learning. It is unknown how the process of learning will evolve in the future, but we do know the consequences that some of the multimedia technologies are having on teachers, students and the learning process. It is our goal as teachers to keep ourselves up to date, in order to offer the student adequate technical content, while providing proper motivation through the use of new technologies. The study provides a forecast in the evolution of multimedia within the classroom and the renewal of the education process, which in our view, will set the basis for future learning process within the context of this new interactive era.