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Distinctive light-dark color cycles in sediment beneath the Benguela Current Upwelling System indicate repetitive alternations in sediment delivery and deposition. Geochemical proxies for paleoproductivity and for depositional conditions were employed to investigate the paleoceanographic processes involved in creating these cycles in three mid-Pleistocene intervals from ODP Sites 1082 and 1084. Concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC) vary between 3.5 and 17.1%. Concentrations of CaCO3 vary inversely to TOC and Al, which suggests that both carbonate dissolution and terrigenous dilution contribute to the light-dark cycles. Opal concentrations are independent of both TOC and CaCO3, therefore eliminating diatom production and lateral transport of shelf material as causes of the light-dark cycles. d13Corg and d15Ntot values do not vary across light-dark sediment intervals, implying that the extent of relative nutrient utilization did not change. The stable d15Ntot values represent a balanced change in nitrate supply and export production and therefore indicate that productivity was elevated during deposition of the TOC-rich layers. Parallel changes in concentrations of indicator trace elements and TOC imply that changes in organic matter delivery influenced geochemical processes on the seafloor by controlling consumption of pore water oxygen. Cu, Ni, and Zn are enriched in the darker sediment as a consequence of greater organic matter delivery. Redox-sensitive metals vary due to loss (Mn and Ba) or enrichment (Mo) under reducing conditions created by TOC oxidation. Organic matter delivery impacts subsequent geochemical changes such as carbonate dissolution, sulfate reduction and the concentration of metals. Thus, export production is considered ultimately responsible for the generation of the color cycles.
Resolving flow geometry in the mantle wedge is central to understanding the thermal and chemical structure of subduction zones, subducting plate dehydration, and melting that leads to arc volcanism, which can threaten large populations and alter climate through gas and particle emission. Here we show that isotope geochemistry and seismic velocity anisotropy provide strong evidence for trench-parallel flow in the mantle wedge beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua. This finding contradicts classical models, which predict trench-normal flow owing to the overlying wedge mantle being dragged downwards by the subducting plate. The isotopic signature of central Costa Rican volcanic rocks is not consistent with its derivation from the mantle wedge (Feigenson et al., 2004, doi:10.1029/2003GC000621; Herrstom et al., 1995, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1995)023<0617:VILCAW>2.3.CO;2; Abratis and Woerner, 2001) or eroded fore-arc complexes (Goss and Kay, 2006, doi:10.1029/2005GC001163) but instead from seamounts of the Galapagos hotspot track on the subducting Cocos plate. This isotopic signature decreases continuously from central Costa Rica to northwestern Nicaragua. As the age of the isotopic signature beneath Costa Rica can be constrained and its transport distance is known, minimum northwestward flow rates can be estimated (~63-190 mm/yr) and are comparable to the magnitude of subducting Cocos plate motion (approx85 mm/yr). Trench-parallel flow needs to be taken into account in models evaluating thermal and chemical structure and melt generation in subduction zones.
The calcium isotopic composition of porewaters and authigenic carbonates in the anoxic sediments of a convergent continental margin drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) provides first insight into the different processes that control Ca geochemistry in clastic marine, organic-rich sedimentary environments. In 4 sites drilled during Leg 204 at Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia Margin, offshore Oregon/USA), sulfate is consumed during anaerobic oxidation of methane and of organic matter via sulfate reduction within the upper meters of the sedimentary section. These reactions promote the precipitation of authigenic carbonates through the generation of bicarbonate, which is reflected in a pronounced decrease in calcium concentration. Although Ca isotope fractionation is observed during carbonate precipitation, Ca concentration in the pore fluids from ODP Leg 204 is decoupled from Ca isotopy, which seems to be mainly controlled by the release of light Ca isotopes that completely overprint the carbonate formation effect. Different processes, such as the release of organically bound Ca, ion exchange and ion pair formation may be responsible for the released light Ca. Deeper within the sedimentary section, additional processes such as ash alteration influence the Ca isotopic composition of the porewater. Two sites, drilled into the deeper core of the accretionary prism, reveal the nature of fluids which have reacted with the oceanic basement. These deep fluids are characterized by relatively high Ca concentrations and low d44/40Ca ratios.
Sediments at the southern summit of Hydrate Ridge display two distinct modes of gas hydrate occurrence. The dominant mode is associated with active venting of gas exsolved from the accretionary prism and leads to high concentrations (15%-40% of pore space) of gas hydrate in seafloor or near-surface sediments at and around the topographic summit of southern Hydrate Ridge. These near-surface gas hydrates are mainly composed of previously buried microbial methane but also contain a significant (10%-15%) component of thermogenic hydrocarbons and are overprinted with microbial methane currently being generated in shallow sediments. Focused migration pathways with high gas saturation (>65%) abutting the base of gas hydrate stability create phase equilibrium conditions that permit the flow of a gas phase through the gas hydrate stability zone. Gas seepage at the summit supports rapid growth of gas hydrates and vigorous anaerobic methane oxidation. The other mode of gas hydrate occurs in slope basins and on the saddle north of the southern summit and consists of lower average concentrations (0.5%-5%) at greater depths (30-200 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) resulting from the buildup of in situ-generated dissolved microbial methane that reaches saturation levels with respect to gas hydrate stability at 30-50 mbsf. Net rates of sulfate reduction in the slope basin and ridge saddle sites estimated from curve fitting of concentration gradients are 2-4 mmol/m**3/yr, and integrated net rates are 20-50 mmol/m**2/yr. Modeled microbial methane production rates are initially 1.5 mmol/m**3/yr in sediments just beneath the sulfate reduction zone but rapidly decrease to rates of <0.1 mmol/m**3/yr at depths >100 mbsf. Integrated net rates of methane production in sediments away from the southern summit of Hydrate Ridge are 25-80 mmol/m**2/yr. Anaerobic methane oxidation is minor or absent in cored sediments away from the summit of southern Hydrate Ridge. Ethane-enriched Structure I gas hydrate solids are buried more rapidly than ethane-depleted dissolved gas in the pore water because of advection from compaction. With subsidence beneath the gas hydrate stability zone, the ethane (mainly of low-temperature thermogenic origin) is released back to the dissolved gas-free gas phases and produces a discontinuous decrease in the C1/C2 vs. depth trend. These ethane fractionation effects may be useful to recognize and estimate levels of gas hydrate occurrence in marine sediments.
The 50 km-long West Valley segment of the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge is a young, extension-dominated spreading centre, with volcanic activity concentrated in its southern half. A suite of basalts dredged from the West Valley floor, the adjacent Heck Seamount chain, and a small near-axis cone here named Southwest Seamount, includes a spectrum of geochemical compositions ranging from highly depleted normal (N-) MORB to enriched (E-) MORB. Heck Seamount lavas have chondrite-normalized La/Sm en -0.3, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70235 - 0.70242, and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.22 - 18.44, requiring a source which is highly depleted in trace elements both at the time of melt generation and over geologic time. The E-MORB from Southwest Seamount have La/Sm en -1.8, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70245 - 0.70260, and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.73 - 19.15, indicating a more enriched source. Basalts from the West Valley floor have chemical compositions intermediate between these two end-members. As a group, West Valley basalts from a two-component mixing array in element-element and element-isotope plots which is best explained by magma mixing. Evidence for crustal-level magma mixing in some basalts includes mineral-melt chemical and isotopic disequilibrium, but mixing of melts at depth (within the mantle) may also occur. The mantle beneath the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge is modelled as a plum-pudding, with "plums" of enriched, amphibole-bearing peridotite floating in a depleted matrix (DM). Low degrees of melting preferentially melt the "plums", initially removing only the amphibole component and producing alkaline to transitional E-MORB. Higher degrees of melting tap both the "plums" and the depleted matrix to yield N-MORB. The subtly different isotopic compositions of the E-MORBs compared to the N-MORBs require that any enriched component in the upper mantle was derived from a depleted source. If the enriched component crystallized from fluids with a DM source, the "plums" could evolve to their more evolved isotopic composition after a period of 1.5-2.0 Ga. Alternatively, the enriched component could have formed recently from fluids with a lessdepleted source than DM, such as subducted oceanic crust. A third possibility is that enriched material might be dispersed as "plums" throughout the upper mantle, transported from depth by mantle plumes.
The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility documents the generation of tectonically produced fabrics in sediments that macroscopically show no evidence of this disruption. The fabric observed in initial accretion is largely produced by overprinting of the original sedimentary susceptibility anisotropy by an E-W horizontal tectonic shortening and vertical extension. The response of the sediments to stress during initial accretion is variable, particularly near the sediment surface, and appears to reflect the inhomogeneous distribution of strain rate in the overthrust sequence. The susceptibility anisotropy of sediments possessing scaly fabric is consistent with the strong orientation of Phyllosilicates seen in thin section, producing a Kmin normal to the scalyness. The slope sediments deposited on the accreted sequence are also affected by tectonic shortening. The accreted sequences at Sites 673 and 674 show a complex history of fabric modification, with previous tectonic fabrics overprinted by later fabric modifications, pointing to continued tectonic shortening during the accretion process. The form of the susceptibility anisotropy axes at Sites 673 and 674 is consistent with NESW shortening, probably reflected in the NW-SE surface expression of the out-of-sequence thrusts. The susceptibility anisotropy appears to document a downhole change in the trend of shortening from E to W at the surface to more NESW at depth, probably as a result of the obliquely trending basement ridge, the Tiburon Rise.
A brief (~150 kyr) period of widespread global average surface warming marks the transition between the Paleocene and Eocene epochs, ~56 million years ago. This so-called "Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum" (PETM) is associated with the massive injection of 13C-depleted carbon, reflected in a negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE). Biotic responses include a global abundance peak (acme) of the subtropical dinoflagellate Apectodinium. Here we identify the PETM in a marine sedimentary sequence deposited on the East Tasman Plateau at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1172 and show, based on the organic paleothermometer TEX86, that southwest Pacific sea surface temperatures increased from ~26 °C to ~33°C during the PETM. Such temperatures before, during and after the PETM are >10 °C warmer than predicted by paleoclimate model simulations for this latitude. In part, this discrepancy may be explained by potential seasonal biases in the TEX86 proxy in polar oceans. Additionally, the data suggest that not only Arctic, but also Antarctic temperatures may be underestimated in simulations of ancient greenhouse climates by current generation fully coupled climate models. An early influx of abundant Apectodinium confirms that environmental change preceded the CIE on a global scale. Organic dinoflagellate cyst assemblages suggest a local decrease in the amount of river run off reaching the core site during the PETM, possibly in concert with eustatic rise. Moreover, the assemblages suggest changes in seasonality of the regional hydrological system and storm activity. Finally, significant variation in dinoflagellate cyst assemblages during the PETM indicates that southwest Pacific climates varied significantly over time scales of 103 - 104 years during this event, a finding comparable to similar studies of PETM successions from the New Jersey Shelf.
The "Ko'olau" component of the Hawaiian mantle plume represents an extreme (EM1-type) end member of Hawaiian shield lavas in radiogenic isotope space, and was defined on the basis of the composition of subaerial lavas exposed in the Makapu'u section of Ko'olau Volcano. The 679 m-deep Ko'olau Scientific Drilling Project (KSDP) allows the long-term evolution of Ko'olau Volcano to be reconstructed and the longevity of the "Ko'olau" component in the Hawaiian plume to be tested. Here, we report triple spike Pb isotope and Sr and Nd isotope data on KSDP core samples, and rejuvenation stage Honolulu Volcanics (HV) (together spanning ~2.8 m.y.), and from ~110 Ma basalts from ODP Site 843, thought to be representative of the Pacific lithosphere under Hawai'i. Despite overlapping ranges in Pb isotope ratios, KSDP and HV lavas form two distinct linear arrays in 208Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb isotope space. These arrays intersect at the radiogenic end indicating they share a common component. This "Kalihi" component has more radiogenic Pb, Nd, Hf, but less radiogenic Sr isotope ratios than the "Makapu'u" component. The mixing proportions of these two components in the lavas oscillated through time with a net increase in the "Makapu'u" component upsection. Thus, the "Makapu'u" enriched component is a long-lived feature of the Hawaiian plume, since it is present in the main shield-building stage KSDP lavas. We interpret the changes in mixing proportions of the Makapu'u and Kalihi components as related to changes in both the extent of melting as well as the lithology (eclogite vs. peridotite) of the material melting as the volcano moves away from the plume center. The long-term Nd isotope trend and short-term Pb isotope fluctuations seen in the KSDP record cannot be ascribed to a radial zonation of the Hawaiian plume: rather, they reflect the short length-scale heterogeneities in the Hawaiian mantle plume. Linear Pb isotope regressions through the HV, recent East Pacific Rise MORB and ODP Site 843 datasets are clearly distinct, implying that no simple genetic relationship exists between the HV and the Pacific lithosphere. This observation provides strong evidence against generation of HV as melts derived from the Pacific lithosphere, whether this be recent or old (100 Ma). The depleted component present in the HV is unlike any MORB-type mantle and most likely represents material thermally entrained by the upwelling Hawaiian plume and sampled only during the rejuvenated stage. The "Kalihi" component is predominant in the main shield building stage lavas but is also present in the rejuvenated HV. Thus this material is sampled throughout the evolution of the volcano as it moves from the center (main shield-building stage) to the periphery (rejuvenated stage) of the plume. The presence of a plume-derived material in the rejuvenated stage has significant implications for Hawaiian mantle plume melting models.
At subduction zones, the permeability of major fault zones influences pore pressure generation, controls fluid flow pathways and rates, and affects fault slip behavior and mechanical strength by mediating effective normal stress. Therefore, there is a need for detailed and systematic permeability measurements of natural materials from fault systems, particularly measurements that allow direct comparison between the permeability of sheared and unsheared samples from the same host rock or sediment. We conducted laboratory experiments to compare the permeability of sheared and uniaxially consolidated (unsheared) marine sediments sampled during IODP Expedition 316 and ODP Leg 190 to the Nankai Trough offshore Japan. These samples were retrieved from: (1) The décollement zone and incoming trench fill offshore Shikoku Island (the Muroto transect); (2) Slope sediments sampled offshore SW Honshu (the Kumano transect) ~ 25 km landward of the trench, including material overriden by a major out-of-sequence thrust fault, termed the "megasplay"; and (3) A region of diffuse thrust faulting near the toe of the accretionary prism along the Kumano transect. Our results show that shearing reduces fault-normal permeability by up to 1 order of magnitude, and this reduction is largest for shallow (< 500 mbsf) samples. Shearing-induced permeability reduction is smaller in samples from greater depth, where pre-existing fabric from compaction and lithification may be better developed. Our results indicate that localized shearing in fault zones should result in heterogeneous permeability in the uppermost few kilometers in accretionary prisms, which favors both the trapping of fluids beneath and within major faults, and the channeling of flow parallel to fault structure. These low permeabilities promote the development of elevated pore fluid pressures during accretion and underthrusting, and will also facilitate dynamic hydrologic processes within shear zones including dilatancy hardening and thermal pressurization.
New petrographic and compositional data were reported for 143 samples of core recovered from Sites 832 and 833 during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134. Site 832 is located in the center and Site 833 is on the eastern edge of the North Aoba Basin, in the central part of the New Hebrides Island Arc. This basin is bounded on the east (Espiritu Santo and Malakula islands) and west (Pentecost and Maewo islands) by uplifted volcano-sedimentary ridges associated with collision of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone west of the arc. The currently active Central Belt volcanic front extends through the center of this basin and includes the shield volcanoes of Aoba, Ambrym, and Santa Maria islands. The oldest rocks recovered by drilling are the lithostratigraphic Unit VII Middle Miocene volcanic breccias in Hole 832B. Lava clasts are basaltic to andesitic, and the dominant phenocryst assemblage is plagioclase + augite + orthopyroxene + olivine. These clasts characteristically contain orthopyroxene, and show a low to medium K calc-alkaline differentiation trend. They are tentatively correlated with poorly documented Miocene calc-alkaline lavas and intrusives on adjacent Espiritu Santo Island, although this correlation demands that the measured K-Ar of 5.66 Ma for one clast is too young, due to alteration and Ar loss. Lava clasts in the Hole 832B Pliocene-Pleistocene sequence are mainly ankaramite or augite-rich basalt and basaltic andesite; two of the most evolved andesites have hornblende phenocrysts. These lavas vary from medium- to high-K compositions and are derived from a spectrum of parental magmas for which their LILE and HFSE contents show a broad inverse correlation with SiO2 contents. We hypothesize that this spectrum results from partial melting of an essentially similar mantle source, with the low-SiO2 high HFSE melts derived by lower degrees of partial melting probably at higher pressures than the high SiO2, low HFSE magmas. This same spectrum of compositions occurs on the adjacent Central Chain volcanoes of Aoba and Santa Maria, although the relatively high-HFSE series is known only from Aoba. Late Pliocene to Pleistocene lava breccias in Hole 833B contain volcanic clasts including ankaramite and augite + olivine + plagioclase-phyric basalt and rare hornblende andesite. These clasts are low-K compositions with flat REE patterns and have geochemical affinities quite different from those recovered from the central part of the basin (Hole 832B). Compositionally very similar lavas occur on Merelava volcano, 80 km north of Site 833, which sits on the edge of the juvenile Northern (Jean Charcot) Trough backarc basin that has been rifting the northern part of the New Hebrides Island Arc since 2-3 Ma. The basal sedimentary rocks in Hole 833B are intruded by a series of Middle Pliocene plagioclase + augite +/- olivine-phyric sills with characteristically high-K evolved basalt to andesite compositions, transitional to shoshonite. These are compositionally correlated with, though ~3 m.y. older than, the high-HFSE series described from Aoba. The calc-alkaline clasts in Unit VII of Hole 832B, correlated with similar lavas of Espiritu Santo Island further west, presumably were erupted before subduction polarity reversal perhaps 6-10 Ma. All other samples are younger than subduction reversal and were generated above the currently subduction slab. The preponderance in the North Aoba Basin and adjacent Central Chain islands of relatively high-K basaltic samples, some with transitional alkaline compositions, may reflect a response to collision of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone with the arc some 2-4 Ma. This may have modified the thermal structure of the subduction zone, driving magma generation processes to deeper levels than are present normally along the reminder of the New Hebrides Island Arc.
Geochemical investigations on gases and interstitial waters from ODP Site 768 (Sulu Trench/Philippines) demonstrate the application of molecular gas composition in combination with stable isotope analyses to the genetic classification of light hydrocarbons. 13C/12C and D/H ratios of methane from gas pockets in cores and gases desorbed from frozen sediments by a vacuum/acid treatment suggest a microbial generation of methane by a CO2 reducing process in sediments with low sulfate concentrations. Isotope data and molecular composition of sediment gases liberated by the vacuum/acid treatment seem to be affected by a secondary desorption process during sampling. A comparison between the D/H ratios of methane from gas pockets and interstitial H2O points to an in-situ generation of methane down to a sub-bottom depth of approx. 720 m. Below this depth hydrogen isotope data indicate a migration of light hydrocarbons into pyroclastic sediments at this site. The occurrence of higher hydrocarbons (propane to pentane) in gases from gas pockets coincides with the vertical distribution of mature organic matter. Gases within the zone of mature organic matter are gases of a mixed microbial and thermal origin.
A two year record of downward particle flux was obtained with moored sediment traps at several depths of the water column in two regions characterized by different primary production levels (mesotrophic and oligotrophic) of the eastern subtropical North Atlantic Ocean in the framework of the EUMELI program. Settling particles were collected with multisample conical sediment-traps moored at 1000 and 2500 depths in the water column. Time-series samples were obtained between February 1991 and November 1992. During this time, sampling intervals varied from 8 to 10 d and were synchronized at all depths and also between the oligotrophic and mesotrophic moorings. Sediment-trap sampling procedures were consistent with JGOF and described elsewhere. The data shown here are mass, particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate inorganic carbon (PIC), coccolithophore, opal, and lithogenic downward fluxes obtained during the entire sediment-trap deployments at both sites.
The source rock potential of Cretaceous organic rich whole rock samples from deep sea drilling project (DSDP) wells offshore southwestern Africa was investigated using bulk and quantitative pyrolysis techniques. The sample material was taken from organic rich intervals of Aptian, Albian and Turonian aged core samples from DSDP site 364 offshore Angola, DSDP well 530A north of the Walvis Ridge offshore Namibia, and DSDP well 361 offshore South Africa. The analytical program included TOC, Rock-Eval, pyrolysis GC, bulk kinetics and micro-scale sealed vessel pyrolysis (MSSV) experiments. The results were used to determine differences in the source rock petroleum type organofacies, petroleum composition, gas/oil ratio (GOR) and pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) behavior of hydrocarbons generated from these black shales for petroleum system modeling purposes. The investigated Aptian and Albian organic rich shales proved to contain excellent quality marine kerogens. The highest source rock potential was identified in sapropelic shales in DSDP well 364, containing very homogeneous Type II and organic sulfur rich Type IIS kerogen. They generate P-N-A low wax oils and low GOR sulfur rich oils, whereas Type III kerogen rich silty sandstones of DSDP well 361 show a potential for gas/condensate generation. Bulk kinetic experiments on these samples indicate that the organic sulfur contents influence kerogen transformation rates, Type IIS kerogen being the least stable. South of the Walvis Ridge, the Turonian contains predominantly a Type III kerogen. North of the Walvis Ridge, the Turonian black shales contain Type II kerogen and have the potential to generate P-N-A low and high wax oils, the latter with a high GOR at high maturity. Our results provide the first compositional kinetic description of Cretaceous organic rich black shales, and demonstrate the excellent source rock potential, especially of the Aptian-aged source rock, that has been recognized in a number of the South Atlantic offshore basins.
The results of laboratory consolidation tests and undrained shear strength determinations of sediments from the Oki Ridge and the Kita Yamato Trough show that the sediments are overconsolidated to normally consolidated to a depth of about 20 m below the seafloor. Below that depth, the sediments are highly underconsolidated, implying high excess pore-water pressures. The most probable mechanism for the generation of the excess pore-water pressure is gas in sediments.
The fluorescence of porewaters from marine sediment cores from six different areas was measured. In most cases, fluorescence was affected primarily by the diagenesis of organic carbon first through sulfate reduction and subsequently by methane generation. Typically, fluorescence, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), absorbance, alkalinity, and ammonium ion concentrations correlate quite well, increasing in the upper sections of anoxic sediments and co-varying in deeper sections of these cores. The good correlation of DOC with fluorescence in the three cores in which DOC was measured indicates that fluorescence can be used to make a first order estimate of DOC concentration in anoxic porewaters. Data are consistent with a model in which labile organic matter in the sediments is broken down by sulfur reducing bacteria to low molecular weight monomers. These monomers are either remineralized to CO2 or polymerize to form dissolved, fluorescent, high molecular weight molecules. The few exceptions to this model involve hydrothermally generated hydrocarbons that are formed in situ in the Guaymas Basin or are horizontally advected along the decollement in the Nankai Trench.