1000 resultados para professores do ensino fundamental


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This paper aims to investigate the formative needs of Elementary School Arts teachers at municipal public schools in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, working in the initial grades. The research was developed using the qualitative approach and the investigation can be classified as an action research-inspired collaborative, distinguished by mutual collaboration among all participants, as well as a reflection upon their practice. Conducted with four Arts teachers of Municipal Education de Natal/RN, this work triggered a (re)thinking of teaching practice in Arts, discussing the teachers' formation and encouraging a group reflection about their academic and professional path. Their motivation towards teaching was also discussed, as well as the way their progress as Arts teachers and the contributions and limits of college education, also including experiential knowledge as a possibility of formation. The main formative needs suggested by the research were knowledge on child development and child learning, and the need of an Arts curriculum proposal for the initial grades of Elementary School. From those data, a reflexive context was built with the participant teachers to give a new meaning to Arts teaching practice in the first years of Elementary School. Finally, it was shown that the Arts teacher formation must be broad and involve not only specific knowledge on Arts, but also knowledge about childhood. It was also clearly shown that a curriculum review in education undergraduate courses must be considered, besides the offering of a continual formation to teachers already giving classes. Concerning the Arts curriculum proposal, it should be done based on a work joining officials of Municipal Education, research and formation institutions and teachers working in the first years of Elementary School. Finally, the work highlights the Arts are essential in all levels of Elementary School, since its first years, and it must be taught and learnt since childhood


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This article is about a study about the training needs for teachers of elementary school in the field of Geography. It is our objective to grasp their conceptions of training needs and reflect about their formative needs to teach geography. We consider the training as reflective process that involves the movement of changes and improvement beyond of formal learning, considering its numerous dimensions. We reflected about formative needs in light of the readings of Rodrigues Esteves (1993), Silva (2000), Roberts (2006), Vieira (2010). The discussions about conceptions were based on Ferreira (2007). The empirical reference constitutes to a private school in the city of Ceará-Mirim/RN, SECAT Centro de Ensino. The social subjects of our research are five teachers who work in the initial years of elementary school. We resorted a survey (auto) biographical, based on the studies of Passeggi (2011), Delory (2008), Bertaux (2010) e Josso (2010), since it is our intention to turn to the historicity of the subject and the learning, recognizing the links between him and the world and the experiences based on for learning and adult training. As technical and methodological procedure we will use the Training Narratives, whose application allows the understanding of memories and stories of schooling teachers, since are reported events occurred during the development of the individual through seminars Biographical. We observed on the narratives constructed by the teachers the absence assignments of meanings to a reworking of the theoretical formative needs and questions of its organizing principles. However, we notice the teachers were able to develop senses and means to conceive the phenomenon in study, in a descriptive way, through articulated enunciations, including aspects and opportunities linked to their teaching practices and future formative prospects. Regarding School Geography, we based our studies in the reflections of Smith Junior (1994, 2000), Tonini (2003), Vesentini (2004) and Vlach (1991), among others. We verified that the needs evidenced by the teachers to teach geography were constructed from the contexts of their teaching practices present in their school and professional trajectories. Therefore, we noticed the need for formal pedagogical qualification so that we can conceive the phenomenon in study beyond its descriptive character, understanding that it is necessary to point out reflections and questions about the dynamics of production of global capital, which conveys its interests in the contexts that often emerge formative needs of the educational system.


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Since the enactment of LDBEN 9.9394/96, Physical Education began to be understood as a curricular component in school. Thus, we see the need for systematization of content. We observed that the physical education classes at the public schools in Natal/RN from the game content, teachers did not use the existing proposals for systematization. And it was on this reality that the study occurred, aiming to present and discuss a proposal to systematization the game content in physical education classes in elementary and secondary education. Accordingly, we departed of following question: What possibilities of systematization of the game content in school physical education classes?. The methodology used was the action research, which allowed us to structure the intervention plan for the game content, directed to a reflective didactic process. The dialogue with action research provided an opportunity to understand of the proposal of systematization, the knowledge of game content, the planning and process of teaching and learning in physical education lessons developed. We use the proposed systematization the book Educação Física Escolar e Organização Curricular , to direct and organize the lesson plans. As research technique, we use the participant observation, filming, photographic records and field diary, guiding us in the debates and discussions about the field of research. The applications of the lesson plans were carried out in three schools, all located in Natal / RN: Escola Municipal Professora Ivonete Maciel, Escola Municipal Professor Ulisses de Góis e Professor Escola Estadual Josino Macedo. The members of this study were students PIBID-EF-UFRN, teachers, supervisors and school. They made the bridge between research and action, theoretical foundation and pedagogical practice, university and school. The results were advanced for beyond the propositions submitted by the above-mentioned book. For the Elementary School 1, the proposed systematization broadened experiences and learning of knowledge of the game and of playful and body manifestations. Provided an opportunity to know and learn about game of make account, rules, popular games, cooperative games, among others. For Elementary Schools 2 and Middle education, systematized lessons allowed the practical, the incorporation of knowledge of the game and its features: such as rules, origin, meaning of the name, different denominations, among others. The students experienced and learned, popular games, pre-sport games, cooperative games, with recycled material, among others. The treatment from three dimensions of contents: procedural, conceptual and attitudinal, occurred parallel to approach the game content, and in conjunction with our interventions, not being done separately during practice, but an ongoing process during class. This new perspective of work the game, in a systematized way, with applying, description and discussion the activities, allowed elaborate a summary framework of thematizations for game content, by year of teaching


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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In the historical-cultural perspective, the drawing is processed by means of a shared and complex way, under diverse relations with the other and with the immersed signs of the culture. That is, something constituted by the social interactions and that can modify the structure of the psychological functions, therefore as socialized sign, propitiates the incorporation of the functions socially. In this way, the figuration carrier sensitive and established meanings historically disclosing the shared experiences and the ways of the subject to think and perceive the world. Such reflections gave shape to the main problem of this research: how to think over about the drawing at the school to incide in the reconstruction of the childs imaginative language? Under such perspective, this work deals with the interactions in the production process of the drawing of the children in a context of teach-Iearning of the elementary school having as goal to analyze the interactions established in the cIassroom in the process of production of the drawings; to propose situations of learnings that favor the advance graphical expression of the students; and to identify in the interactive games some relations between body expression and drawing. For its accomplishment, it was opted for the construction process based in the collaborative investigation by the fact to propitiate negotiations, sharing and confrontation of ideas, becoming possible a joint construction of the knowledge. For this research, the researcher and the collaborating teacher, as well as the involved children, become themselves into co-authors of the context studied. As locus of the research, it was chosen a first cycle class, with 30 students, from Municipal School Profª. Emília Ramos (Natal/RN - Brazil), whose election took in account the fact of this school to constitute in a promotional space of reflections and professional development of teachers in service and, at the same time, for presentinglimitations theoretic- methodological in the field of teaching for Arts. In the process of the research, it was perceived that the children with the support of the verbal language formulates meanings on the seen and imagined object, printing lines and forms that if overlap to the physiological aspects of the visual perception. That is, the drawing discloses a reality appraised, enriched for the picked up vision of the image, but the meanings established for the author, or observer who becomes it perceivable and identified. In the systemizing situations, it was observed that the teaching-Iearning process of the drawing, implies a co-construction between teachers and learners. And, moreover, the necessity to interlace emotion and cognition by means of plastic-corporal interactions that foment drawing experiences, whose process concurs for the imagenative reconstruct of the apprentices


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Es extensa, de parte de los docentes, la discusión sobre la articulación de actividades y estrategias de enseñanza que vengan a proporcionar una participación más activa del alumnado. Sin embargo tal tarea constituye un desafío para muchos profesores ya que, muchas veces, la formación inicial no siempre los prepara para esta perspectiva. Nosotros entendemos que es necesario desarrollar en los maestros una autonomía crítica, tomando la escuela como espacio formativo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue él de incentivar un espacio de discusión y reflexión para profesores en ejercicio de los 4° y 5° años de la Enseñanza Fundamental I. Ese espacio que era orientado para que ellos estudiasen y articulasen, entre otras cosas, el conocimiento disciplinar de Ciencias y la organización y sistematización de actividades de enseñanza que lleven a una participación más activa de los estudiantes. La investigación se realizó en una escuela privada de Natal/RN, que atiende a estudiantes desde la educación infantil hasta la enseñanza secundaria. Se desarrolló en cuatro fases: la 1ª, de familiarización, cuyo objeto de estudio se dio a través de la observación del salón de clase y del análisis de la planificación anual: la 2ª, de identificación de las dificultades de los maestros, teniendo como instrumentos encuestas con preguntas abiertas y elaboración de textos. La 3ª, en la perspectiva de proporcionar una intervención, se usó como instrumentos de investigación, el diario de clase y otras actividades como talleres, cursos y la elaboración de material didáctico. En la 4ª fase, para reconocer los posibles cambios en la práctica docente, ocurrieron nuevas observaciones en el salón de clase, el análisis de las planificaciones. Los datos obtenidos fueron organizados en tablas y clasificados. Los resultados señalan cambios en la práctica de esos profesionales, la introducción de la disciplina de Ciencias en el espacio formativo y el material didáctico elaborado ha sido un subsidio importante para ayudarlos en las clases


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This study aims to include topics related to Space Science in elementary education from an experiment that aims to rescue the science teachers in public schools of São Tomé, RN, a taste for experimentation and exploration of advanced technologies. During this research with teachers found that they knew enough about the subject, but this knowledge was restricted to the events disclosed by the media. Regarding scientific knowledge, that same surface, they had many conceptual difficulties which hindered the approach of these topics in their classes. To overcome this difficulty, a workshop was held where teachers had the opportunity to discuss the historical aspect of Space Science, some physical concepts related to it, and the conduct of experiments with PET bottle rockets that recover from the curiosity typical of how the science. The results were outlined in the form of Planning Didactic built by teachers and using themes related to space science, from there, discussing content already provided in the composition of the schools curriculum. Therefore, this work allowed the teachers a minimum training required for them to not only reproduce, but readjusted and build, from this, their own paths in the classroom at the fundamental level


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This paper presents results concerning studies conducted during the master's research in the area of Applied Linguistics of the Graduate Program in Language Studies - PPgEL, linked to the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. We approached this study the question of authorship, which has gained ground increasingly important in academic research, because the act of authoring, in view of the amount of circulating discourses socially, becomes increasingly questionable. We understand authorship as related to a positioning of the subject than to take responsibility, in the Bakhtinian sense, by its text, it makes their views, ideologies, beliefs and values, from ownership and restructuring of the speech of others. This research is methodologically inserted in a qualitative, interpretive in nature and has a corpus analysis of the ten productions written memoir genre of readings produced by students in 9th grade in elementary school. Research aimed to analyze the students' written productions held in the school environment, to identify these texts marks or evidence of authorship and investigate how the restructuring of ownership and voices of others in the process of authoring. We adopt a concept of language from bakhitinianas concepts and understand the text in a vision Geraldiana. The analyzes in this study showed that in most texts there is the strong presence of voices of others, either implicitly and/or explicit. That is, students, to build their sayings, if embraced the voices of others in various formats, in particular styles, namely, by what Bakhtin names as linear style and pictorial style. Some proved his statement highlighting their positions through direct quotes from authors of books, family, teachers, showing us that their voices are filled with voices of others with whom they approve, deny, analyze, think and reflect. We therefore conclude that students were constituted as subjects of their texts, authors, since they leave marked the voices of others so presentified and restructured voices of others who do not actually sounded like voices of others, but as present voices from a discursive restructuring producer


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In this dissertation, based on two theoretical frameworks, American functionalism and variationist sociolinguistics, I take as subject the sequence connectors E and AÍ, which has the grammatical function of indicating retroactive-propeller sequenciation of information. I analyze the variable use of these connectors in texts written by students from two public schools in the city of Natal, RN, attending at the time of data collection (the year 2012), two distinct levels of basic education: the sixth and the ninth year. The students who contributed to this research wrote, as part of their activities in the classroom, texts of two narrative genres: narrative of personal experience (non-fictional) and short story (fictional). In addition, these students and their Portuguese teachers answered a test of linguistic attitude in which they gave their opinions regarding the appropriateness of the use of connectors E and AÍ in contexts of speech and writing marked by distinct degrees of formality. The results obtained by means of quantitative analysis showed different tendencies of linguistic, social and stylistic distribution of connectors E and AÍ in the narrative texts written by the students. I related these results to the action of two principles: the principle of persistence, linked to the process of change by grammaticalization, and the principle of stylistic markedness. Besides, I took into account the answers provided by students and teachers to the test of linguistic attitude for refine the interpretation of the results


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O artigo relata pesquisa que visou, entre outros objetivos, identificar a presença do estresse, a sintomatologia e as fases apresentadas pelos professores de 1ª a 4ª série do Ensino Fundamental atuantes em escolas públicas estaduais de uma cidade do Interior de São Paulo. Participaram do estudo 175 professores, perfazendo, aproximadamente, 70% dos profissionais de Ensino Básico I (PEB-I) em atuação no município. Para obtenção dos objetivos foram utilizados dois instrumentos de coleta de dados: o ISSL (Inventário de Sintomas de Estresse) e um questionário para caracterizar a população pesquisada. A pesquisa revelou que 56,6% dos professores estão experimentando estresse, cujos principais sintomas presentes são: sensação de desgaste físico constante, cansaço constante, tensão muscular, problemas com a memória, irritabilidade excessiva, cansaço excessivo, angústia/ansiedade diária, pensar constantemente em um só assunto e irritabilidade sem causa aparente.


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In the school environment is fundamental the knowledge about the sleep-wake cycle (SWC), because we find children and adolescents with excessive sleepiness and learning difficulties. Furthermore, teachers with high demand and with different work schedule, which may contribute to changes in SWC. The aim of this study was to describe the SWC of high school teachers in Natal/RN. Habits and knowledge about sleep, chronotype, SWC, daytime sleepiness, sleep quality and job satisfaction were described in 98 high school teachers from public and private school. These parameters were compared according to the characteristics of work, family structure and gender. Data collection was performed with the use of questionnaires in two stages: 1) "health and sleep" (general characterization of sleep habits), Horne & Ostberg questionnaire (characterization of chronotype), Epworth Sleepiness Scale and the Index of Pittsburg Sleep Quality, 2) The sleep diary for 14 days. From the results, we observe that the teachers woke up and went to bed earlier in the week and showed a reduction of time in bed around 42min comparing to weekend. This reduction in time in bed during the week was accompanied by an increase in nap duration on weekend. In addition the teachers woke up earlier on Saturdays than on Sundays, probably due to housework and leisure. The teachers' knowledge about sleep was low in relation to individual differences and effect of alcoholic beverages on sleep, and high in the consequences of sleep deprivation. The differences found in comparisons on the characteristics of work, family structure and gender were punctual, except concerning the work schedule. The teacher who started work in the morning and finished in the night, woke up earlier, went to bed later and had less time in bed, when compared to teachers who work only in two shifts. In addition, teachers with late chronotypes who begin the work in the morning had a greater irregularity in the wake up time compared to teachers with earlier and intermediate chronotypes. Half of teachers have excessive sleepiness, which was positive correlated with work dissatisfaction. In general, teachers showed IPSQ averages equivalent to poor sleep quality and the women showed worst averages. From the results, it is suggested that the SWC of teachers varies according to work schedule, leading to irregularity and partial sleep deprivation in the week, although these responses vary according to chronotype. These changes are accompanied by excessive daytime sleepiness and poor sleep quality. However, it is necessary to expand the sample to clarify the influence of variables related to work, family structure and gender together


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A revisão da história do desenvolvimento da educação brasileira ao longo do séc. XX permite-nos observar que grande parte das alternativas implantadas com o intuito de resolver os problemas de democratização, acesso e permanência do aluno em uma escola de qualidade foram suplantadas por políticas de caráter econômico e financeiro que acabavam preterindo os aspectos pedagógicos. Com base nesta constatação, entendemos que a atual proposição de ampliação do Ensino Fundamental de 8 para 9 anos representa uma nova oportunidade para a revisão deste procedimento histórico no âmbito da sociedade brasileira. Tendo em vista que o prazo proposto para adequação de todas as escolas à lei é 2010, realizou-se uma investigação junto a 2 (dois) Núcleos Regionais de Ensino, 8 (oito) Secretarias Municipais de Educação e 12 (doze) escolas vinculadas a estes órgãos, localizadas em diferentes cidades e regiões do estado do Paraná-Brasil, com o objetivo de investigar como a referida proposta chegou às escolas, bem como de que forma as mesmas estão se preparando para este processo. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas junto a representantes dos núcleos e secretarias e também, junto aos diretores e professores das escolas. Pode-se constatar que muito pouco se sabe acerca da proposta de Implantação do Ensino Fundamental de 9 anos e que pairam muitas dúvidas e preocupações sobre se a proposta não consiste somente em mais uma mudança política e estrutural, se não significa, apenas, uma antecipação da alfabetização que poderá prejudicar as crianças. Assim sendo, parece ficar evidente a precocidade da implantação de forma ampla e generalizada, antes que sejam garantidas as condições de preparação das respectivas escolas e professores.


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Com o movimento da Matemática Moderna, a partir de 1950, o ensino da matemática passou a enfatizar o simbolismo e a exigir dos alunos grandes abstrações, distanciando a matemática da vida real. O que se percebe é que o aluno formado por este currículo aprendeu muito pouco de geometria e não consegue perceber a relação deste conteúdo com sua realidade. Por outro lado, o professor que não conhece geometria não consegue perceber a beleza e a importância que a mesma possui para a formação do cidadão. A geometria estimula a criança a observar, perceber semelhanças, diferenças e a identificar regularidades. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar o nível de conhecimento dos alunos do Centro Específico de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento ao Magistério (CEFAM), futuros professores da 1ª a 4ª séries do Ensino Fundamental do Estado de São Paulo, quanto aos conceitos de ponto, reta, plano, ângulos, polígonos e circunferências e também verificar as contribuições do computador para a construção de conceitos geométricos. Para atingir esses objetivos, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa com 30 alunos do CEFAM de Presidente Prudente-SP, na qual, com base no diagnóstico das dificuldades de aprendizagem, organizaram e desenvolveram-se os momentos de formação, que utilizaram o computador como ferramenta de aprendizagem e projetos de trabalho tendo como aporte teórico a abordagem construcionista. O futuro professor que não dominar a geometria e não perceber sua relação com a natureza não conseguirá contribuir para o desenvolvimento do pensamento geométrico da criança. Esse pensamento é que permite a criança observar, compreender, descrever e representar, de forma organizada, o mundo em que vive.


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As concepções dos professores podem determinar as atitudes sociais em relação à inclusão do aluno com deficiência na sala de aula. Dentre dessa temática, pode-se questionar: a concepção de inclusão do professor do ensino regular muda no decorrer do ano letivo após a entrada de alunos com deficiência? Assim, objetivou-se identificar a existência de mudanças de concepções do professor do ensino regular em relação à inclusão. Participaram do estudo cinco professores do ensino regular que atuavam em sala de aula com pelo menos um aluno com deficiência, em três escolas de Município do interior Paulista. Os dados foram coletados durante um ano letivo por meio de três procedimentos: entrevista não-estruturada; segmento bimestral das informações por meio de cadernos de conteúdo e entrevista semi-estruturada, ao final do ano. Os dados foram tratados por meio da técnica designada como análise da enunciação. Dessa análise, foram estabelecidas classes e subclasses, aferidas por juízes para verificar o grau de concordância da análise. Os resultados mostraram mudanças de concepções nas subclasses: expectativa em relação à inclusão do aluno com deficiência no ensino regular, experiência em relação à inclusão, perfil do aluno para ser matriculado no ensino regular; ritmo de aprendizagem do aluno com deficiência na sala de aula regular, avaliação da aprendizagem do aluno com deficiência, dificuldades em lidar com a diversidade, dificuldade em lidar com a disciplina/comportamento do aluno com deficiência e dificuldade para ensinar o aluno com deficiência. Conclui-se que a entrada, por si só, do aluno com deficiência no ensino regular não garantiu a mudança de concepção dos professores.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)