895 resultados para power line communication


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Whilst some authors have portrayed the Internet as a powerful tool for business and political institutions, others have highlighted the potential of this technology for those vying to constrain or counter-balance the power of organizations, through e-collectivism and on-line action. What appears to be emerging is a contested space that has the potential to simultaneously enhance the power of organizations, whilst also acting as an enabling technology for the empowerment of grass-root networks. In this struggle, organizations are fighting for the retention of “old economy” positions, as well as the development of “new economy” power-bases. In realizing these positions, organizations and institutions are strategizing and manoeuvering in order to shape on-line networks and communications. For example, the on-line activities of individuals can be contained through various technological means, such as surveillance, and the structuring of the virtual world through the use of portals and “walled gardens”. However, loose groupings of individuals are also strategizing to ensure there is a liberation of their communication paths and practices, and to maintain the potential for mobilization within and across traditional boundaries. In this article, the unique nature and potential of the Internet are evaluated, and the struggle over this contested virtual space is explored.


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A method is proposed to offer privacy in computer communications, using symmetric product block ciphers. The security protocol involved a cipher negotiation stage, in which two communicating parties select privately a cipher from a public cipher space. The cipher negotiation process includes an on-line cipher evaluation stage, in which the cryptographic strength of the proposed cipher is estimated. The cryptographic strength of the ciphers is measured by confusion and diffusion. A method is proposed to describe quantitatively these two properties. For the calculation of confusion and diffusion a number of parameters are defined, such as the confusion and diffusion matrices and the marginal diffusion. These parameters involve computationally intensive calculations that are performed off-line, before any communication takes place. Once they are calculated, they are used to obtain estimation equations, which are used for on-line, fast evaluation of the confusion and diffusion of the negotiated cipher. A technique proposed in this thesis describes how to calculate the parameters and how to use the results for fast estimation of confusion and diffusion for any cipher instance within the defined cipher space.


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Summary form only given. Both dispersion management and the use of a nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) as a saturable absorber can improve the performance of a soliton-based communication system. Dispersion management gives the benefits of low average dispersion while allowing pulses with higher powers to propagate, which helps to suppress Gordon-Haus timing jitter without sacrificing the signal-to-noise ratio. The NOLM suppresses the buildup of amplifier spontaneous emission noise and background dispersive radiation which, if allowed to interact with the soliton, can lead to its breakup. We examine optical pulse propagation in dispersion-managed (DM) transmission system with periodically inserted in-line NOLMs. To describe basic features of the signal transmission in such lines, we develop a simple theory based on a variational approach involving Gaussian trial functions. It, has already been proved that the variational method is an extremely effective tool for description of DM solitons. In the work we manage to include in the variational description the point action of the NOLM on pulse parameters, assuming that the Gaussian pulse shape is inherently preserved by propagation through the NOLM. The obtained results are verified by direct numerical simulations


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Summary form only given. Both dispersion management and the use of a nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) as a saturable absorber can improve the performance of a soliton-based communication system. Dispersion management gives the benefits of low average dispersion while allowing pulses with higher powers to propagate, which helps to suppress Gordon-Haus timing jitter without sacrificing the signal-to-noise ratio. The NOLM suppresses the buildup of amplifier spontaneous emission noise and background dispersive radiation which, if allowed to interact with the soliton, can lead to its breakup. We examine optical pulse propagation in dispersion-managed (DM) transmission system with periodically inserted in-line NOLMs. To describe basic features of the signal transmission in such lines, we develop a simple theory based on a variational approach involving Gaussian trial functions. It, has already been proved that the variational method is an extremely effective tool for description of DM solitons. In the work we manage to include in the variational description the point action of the NOLM on pulse parameters, assuming that the Gaussian pulse shape is inherently preserved by propagation through the NOLM. The obtained results are verified by direct numerical simulations


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This paper contributes to the prosocial service behavior (PSB) literature by investigating the nature of the relationships between internal communication and PSBs, and whether role stress and organizational commitment mediate these relationships. According to the literature, internal communication plays an important role in influencing FLEs job attitudes and behaviors, as well as reducing role stress. Data collected from FLEs in a UK based service organization was used to test our conceptual framework. The results show that FLE perceptions of internal communication practices influence their role stress and organizational commitment, which, in turn, affect the performance of PSBs. Our findings highlight the significance of studying role stress and organizational commitment as mediators in the relationship between internal communication and PSBs, and shed light on the mechanisms by which internal communication influences PSBs. The limitations of the study are then sketched, and suggestions for future research are also made.


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Communication between power converters is vital for high performance DC micro-grids controls. However, for residential DC micro-grid applications, using external communication link would increase the system cost, and reduce the system flexibility and reliability. This paper presents a novel method to enable the conventional DC/DC converters to transmit data via the common DC Bus. With this technology, cost-effective low bandwidth communication links between power converters can be established within a DC micro-grid, and advanced distributed control algorithms can be developed. A reliable communication with 2 kbps transmission rate has been implemented between the Boost converters through the common input DC bus.


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This paper contributes to the prosocial service behavior (PSB) literature by developing and testing a conceptual framework to investigate the mediating mechanisms underlying the relationships between internal communication and PSBs. Data collected from front-line employees (FLEs) in a UK based service organization was used to test our conceptual framework. Our findings demonstrate that FLE perceptions of internal communication practices influence their role stress and organizational commitment, which, in turn, influence their PSBs. The results highlight the significance of studying role stress and organizational commitment as mediators in the relationship between internal communication and PSBs. The limitations of the study are then sketched, and suggestions for future research are also provided.


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A vállalatok társadalmi felelősségvállalásával (CSR) kapcsolatos alapelvek, kezdeményezések és tevékenységek kommunikációja a vállalati kommunikáció egyik sarkalatos pontjává vált szinte az egész világon. A cégek CSR-kezdeményezéseik bemutatásához egyre többször az internetet is igénybe veszik. Az on-line média használatával párhuzamosan az elmúlt évtizedben egyre többen kutatják a CSR-kommunikáció elektronikus formáit, jóllehet ezek a kutatások többnyire leíró jellegűek, és a CSR-kommunikáció, valamint egyes vállalati jellemzők (méret, iparág és más magyarázó változók) között keresnek kapcsolatot. A szerzők e cikkben a társadalmi felelősségvállalással foglalkozó vállalati weboldalakat kritikai szemüvegen keresztül vizsgálják. Céljuk, hogy feltárják az on-line kommunikációt jellemző belső ellentmondásokat és a vallott és követett értékek közötti különbségeket. _______ Communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles, initiatives, and activities has become a common practice of companies all around the world. It is quite apparent that firms use internet more and more often to communicate their CSR initiatives to their stakeholders. Parallel with the extensive use of the online media, more and more research has been elaborated on the field of online CSR communication in the last decade as well. However, these studies usually have a strong descriptive focus trying to reveal connections between the intensity of online communication of CSR values and activities, and company size, industrial background, and other explanatory variables. In contrast, the authors analysed corporate web pages dedicated to CSR through critical lenses. Their research was designed to explore any dissonances and contradictions within online communication and between communication and real activities of firms from construction, retail, and telecommunication industries in Hungary.


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Backscatter communication is an emerging wireless technology that recently has gained an increase in attention from both academic and industry circles. The key innovation of the technology is the ability of ultra-low power devices to utilize nearby existing radio signals to communicate. As there is no need to generate their own energetic radio signal, the devices can benefit from a simple design, are very inexpensive and are extremely energy efficient compared with traditional wireless communication. These benefits have made backscatter communication a desirable candidate for distributed wireless sensor network applications with energy constraints.

The backscatter channel presents a unique set of challenges. Unlike a conventional one-way communication (in which the information source is also the energy source), the backscatter channel experiences strong self-interference and spread Doppler clutter that mask the information-bearing (modulated) signal scattered from the device. Both of these sources of interference arise from the scattering of the transmitted signal off of objects, both stationary and moving, in the environment. Additionally, the measurement of the location of the backscatter device is negatively affected by both the clutter and the modulation of the signal return.

This work proposes a channel coding framework for the backscatter channel consisting of a bi-static transmitter/receiver pair and a quasi-cooperative transponder. It proposes to use run-length limited coding to mitigate the background self-interference and spread-Doppler clutter with only a small decrease in communication rate. The proposed method applies to both binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) and quadrature-amplitude modulation (QAM) scheme and provides an increase in rate by up to a factor of two compared with previous methods.

Additionally, this work analyzes the use of frequency modulation and bi-phase waveform coding for the transmitted (interrogating) waveform for high precision range estimation of the transponder location. Compared to previous methods, optimal lower range sidelobes are achieved. Moreover, since both the transmitted (interrogating) waveform coding and transponder communication coding result in instantaneous phase modulation of the signal, cross-interference between localization and communication tasks exists. Phase discriminating algorithm is proposed to make it possible to separate the waveform coding from the communication coding, upon reception, and achieve localization with increased signal energy by up to 3 dB compared with previous reported results.

The joint communication-localization framework also enables a low-complexity receiver design because the same radio is used both for localization and communication.

Simulations comparing the performance of different codes corroborate the theoretical results and offer possible trade-off between information rate and clutter mitigation as well as a trade-off between choice of waveform-channel coding pairs. Experimental results from a brass-board microwave system in an indoor environment are also presented and discussed.


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We consider a cooperative relaying network in which a source communicates with a group of users in the presence of one eavesdropper. We assume that there are no source-user links and the group of users receive only retransmitted signal from the relay. Whereas, the eavesdropper receives both the original and retransmitted signals. Under these assumptions, we exploit the user selection technique to enhance the secure performance. We first find the optimal power allocation strategy when the source has the full channel state information (CSI) of all links. We then evaluate the security level through: i) ergodic secrecy rate and ii) secrecy outage probability when having only the statistical knowledge of CSIs.


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This thesis investigates the effect of central banks communication on exchange rates. It is found that Bank of Canada speeches had a dampening effect on the Canadian dollar exchange rate while Reserve Bank of Australia speeches did not have an impact on the Australian dollar exchange rate.